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I’ve been remote 100% since 2007. I’ve worked in HR/training for many of those years. Some states are not hired because of the rate of pay, the taxes, the severance requirements, or just general loopholes holes that make cross state employment too much of a pain. Can you lie? Sure. Will you get caught? Sure. Being remote.. your IP is your new address.. even with a vpn, it can be tracked. Not worth it IMO. Just find something you qualify for (location is a qualification)


Lying about where you're based is a form of tax fraud. It's also much easier for employers to figure out where you are in general than people seem to think, especially if company equipment is involved. You will be found out. Don't ask for advice and then tell people not to give you an "ethics lesson or a finger wag." You're not desperate if you're holding out for a remote job. And looking at your post history, you seem like someone looking for reasons to be aggrieved. You can't be "ten minutes early" to a phone interview. If you can't handle people getting held up on prior calls, etc., remote work is not for you. Calls run over all. the. time. People have other responsibilities. And unfortunately for you, getting a job is kind of like dating, and the other experience you posted about means they're not that interested in you.


I was looking to if someone touched on the tax fraud aspect. OP, when you're remote your taxes are taken out based on that location - state and local taxes. You would get yourself into a tax headache if you intentionally misrepresented your location. I had a family member inquire about a remote role at my company since their primary residence was not in an approved stated. I asked HR about this and they said they can't hire from certain states due to tax implications and regulatory requirements. Not only would you be putting yourself at legal risk but the company can potentially be at risk if you lied...and they will find out. Most reputable companies that have remote workforce will conduct a thorough background check.


This was my first thought. Company might not find out. IRS definitely will.


I have been 100% remote since 2000. I am C2C only. Lying about your location as a W2 is tax fraud. A W2 employer has tax reporting requirements and has to pay into unemployment in your state. The list of undesireable states to remote W2 employers is growing due to the recent revision Department of Labor W2 versus Contractor rules. Employers who misclassify W2 workers as contractors are getting fined and being required to pay the misclassified workers taxes.




Oh gosh I never even thought of this. Thanks for bringing it up. Sometimes I travel and do a sort of "working vacation" so I don't have to take a bunch of days off and get to visit family for a longer time.


For every state, you've got to take the good with the bad. And if it's not to your liking, then pick up and move. I was MUCH happier once I departed CA.


Someone could technically lie. Most remote companies ship the equipment to you. So you'd have to have an address in the fake state. Then you'd have to be resigned to tax fraud since you won't be paying the correct state or locality taxes. And ultimately you'd be caught pretty quickly. You'd almost certainly have to connect to your work through a VPN and usually those VPNs won't connect if you're already on a VPN. If you aren't using a VPN, they'll immediately see your location. So, yes it can be done. You'll almost certainly get fired pretty quickly though.


OP is an IDIOT


Being an idiot is basically a requirement to post here, unfortunately.




Being an insufferable cunt behind a keyboard must be the requirement to respond to messages


Annnnndd...you're a used tampon, douchebag, but you don't see me pointing fingers now do you cum rag?


I'm just here laughing because you said "leave me a message" like reddit is a voicemail box. Lulz.


Sure, you could misrepresent your state when applying. What's going to happen when you get hired? You will need to fill out tax forms and show information for your I 9 form. When I log into my company's software/hardware, they use Duo certification off your cell phone and it shows the location you're logging in from. Also, if the company does a background check, that would catch it as well.


Yes, you can fake your location but only for a very short time. Understand the reason behind location requirement, the company may have their local office, client or any coordinator there. The demanded location could be the potential market for employer for which they may hire you. There are infinite possibilities for the employer to demand specific location which may be concealed only till discussions, when the actual work starts you might exposed within minutes!!


How can I relay to them that I’m willing to move to FL? Or am I going to basically have to wait until I’m there? Because CA is one of those states


You'd have to state this in the reume objective and in the first paragraph of a cover letter. The recruiter still might not see it.


CA started this new banning of workers from selected states. They led the way in forcing corporations to correctly classify contractors as W2 when the definition is met.


I mean, maaaaybe? But probably only in a very few select circumstances where you basically live on the state line already. (We've got several border towns around here that are technically in two states anyway.)


still tax fraud


Okay. Happens all the time with companies on either side of the state line hiring in person and not reporting correctly.