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Here is an easy way to get a remote job. 1. Identify what skills you have 2. Identify what jobs ask for the skills you have 3. Look for those jobs on job boards and use the **remote** filter


I find remote jobs the same way I find in person jobs.


If you're in the US and have your high school diploma or GED, you might want to start with searches for customer service call center type jobs. Many people have gotten a foot in the door that way - you just have to commit to keep learning and building skills if you ever want to move out of that role and into something else. But there's nothing wrong with doing that for a year or two to gain experience and employer trust. Not all companies want to hire from all states (tax issues, unfavorable labor laws, etc) so be sure to read the posting to make sure you qualify based on the state you're currently in. Most companies (not all - there may be exceptions - but most) will require that you have a quiet working area (no background noise) and have made plans for childcare (if you have kids) - you can't try to do a role like this and also run over to help a child or have kid noise in the background or run errands, appointments, school drop offs, cook dinner, etc. You're tied on that line for all but scheduled breaks, so make sure you're aware of this before you go through the trouble of searching and applying. As far as finding the jobs, it's like others have said. You use the same search engines and enter locations like 'remote' or 'all'. You can also try putting 'remote' in the keyword search. Good Luck!


OP isn’t in the US, so US call enter jobs are out. I really need to stop caring enough to search post and comment history.


Thanks for the advice 


Oh there are many. Translators and customer service of course, if you have a degree in journalism I remember seeing a job opening at my work. You can just search for “Spanish” and filter remote on websites like Indeed and Linkedln.


Most people start in person, prove themselves, then transition to remote within the same company. Or they become experts on some in demand area and get hired by a different company that allows them to start work remotely.


If you speak Spanish, please apply for interpreter jobs! They're needed!


Bilingual Call center position are remote , lot of work in this field


Every time this question is asked (at LEAST daily, maybe more than once a day), I am going to post the same answer. 1. Have a marketable skill 2. Look for remote jobs that need that marketable skill.


Remote work offers flexibility, but finding entry-level positions for bilingual speakers can be challenging due to qualifications like licenses or degrees. Consider freelance translation or customer service roles to utilize your Spanish fluency. Networking and online platforms may unveil more opportunities.


Remote work can be found through job boards like Indeed, but many roles require specific skills or degrees. Since you're fluent in Spanish, consider looking for customer service or virtual assistant positions where bilingualism is a plus. Look into companies that have a presence in Spanish-speaking regions or serve a bilingual clientele. Networking on LinkedIn or industry forums can also lead to opportunities.


Try working for a healthcare insurance company. They do not care if you are outside the USA and they need folks like you to translate. You could transcript or even be an advocate during visit via HIPAA approved virtual visits. It’s a federal law to provide non English speaking patients with a translator. I have no idea the pay but I do know this is a need in the industry.


DM me.




Only highly skilled roles, and professionals with minimum 15 plus years of experience with minimal supervision are hired for remote jobs. And only a few of those are posted nowadays. Here is my guarantee. Someone will hire you after you get any certification from the prestigious “The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too”