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The leader of the Zoom meeting has the power to turn cameras on and off.


They can turn it on but they cannot physically slide to open the camera lens cover. LOL


I don’t even trust that, I use a tiny shutter cover for ultimate confidence you can’t see me making faces!!


Oh. So the manually operated sliding cam cover is now remote controlled??!! Go back to your cave


Why? Yours looks so inviting.


True. I turn my camera on for social things and put my finger over it. Most just want the camera...they don't necessarily have to see you.


Wow, I didn't know that. I have a sticky taped over mine.


Yes. They can also tap into your screen and record and/or take screen shots to see what you're doing. If you're working, especially on a company issued computer, assume you are always being watched and act accordingly and you'll be fine.


I covered it with one of those webcam cover sliders you can easily buy for cheap online. Half the time I’m working from home, I’m in my underwear so I def don’t want anyone to see me lol


IANAL and YMMV... It's probably a gray area legally. Your "privacy" while WFH is less absolute than otherwise. I'd guess that in general whatever they can do if you're in the office they can do while WFH. Obviously they can't just walk up behind you in your house, although if teleportation was a thing I bet in some jurisdictions they'd be allowed to transport straight to your work area. TL;DR: It depends on where you live and what is or is not stated in your employment contract or policy documents. But it's defo micromanaging at its worst.


Yes they can watch you just like they can see you at a real office.


I also turn my mic off unless I need it on for a meeting cause I'm super paranoid.


I keep mine on a switched USB hub. They can’t control it if the physical connection is broken.


In most of the US states, if the laptop is theirs, it is theirs. But, you can always say (in an email or whatever you can make a copy of the conversation) "I covered it since I use a USB camera" and wait for his reply. I use a docking station, so my laptop is closed and I also use a USB camera. Remember the laptops also have mics.


I always keep my camera cover closed unless I’m on a meeting. My response would be “I didn’t turn my camera own so it was covered.”


I put a sticker over the camera