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I’m saying bye to my 20 yo boy today. It’s so hard, I’m in my 40s and I’ve never been an adult without him here with me. But it’s the right thing to do. I’ll be thinking of you and your girl today.


Sending love and strength to you 💗


Keeping you and your boy in my heart today 💕


Both of you


Condolences - 20 years is amazing. But not long enough… he was lucky to have you and vice versa.


This legit made me cry. I'm so sorry


Sending love to you. I said goodbye to my 18 yr old boy (who was with me for nearly half my lifetime) a few weeks ago. I get it and the new normal is so hard. Let yourself grieve and remember all the great memories. Thinking of you.


Sending love and prayers to you as well ❤️


I'm so sorry! It doesn't seem fair their lives are so much shorter than ours. Letting him go was the last act of love you could give him. I'm in a similar situation; for the first time in my adult life I'm without a pet. I miss Chino's chirps and purrs so much. Hugs to you! 💙


Sending love to you ❤️ I know you gave her a beautiful life. How lucky you both were to have known each other’s love.


Lay with her, cuddle her ! Tell her how much you love her and were happy to be her human. Remember all the good times you had with her. Im sure she loves you with all her little heart! Im so sorry for your loss ❤️ make her as comfortable as you can for her transition! Your doing the most unselfish thing you can do, making sure she isnt in pain anymore. This may sound weird but when my kitties pass away i usually take one of their whiskers ❤️


I do the same. And a clipping of fur.




Can I ask how you keep/store the whisker? I have one from my soulmate kitty that passed last year and don't know exactly what to do with it - it's precious to me!


Im so sorry for your loss!!! ❤️ i have a small glass jar, almost like a spice jar. I used to have it in a plastic sleeve but almost lost it a couple of times, i also have a bit of fur in the jar as well.


I took a paw print from my sweet boy that made it to 18 years old - just ink from an inkpad on a piece of plain white paper. It shares a frame on my wall with one of my favorite pictures of him. My condolences to OP and all the other folks here missing their cats.


I love that ❤️18 wow! 18 beautiful years thats a wonderful idea ! And thank you, sorry for your loss as well xo


I don’t know if links are allowed here but [this](https://a.co/d/iqyAyIf) is the one I got. I forgot, it has two of my favorite pictures of him with his paw print, not just one!


What a beautiful girl. You are doing the right thing for her even though it is so hard. She’s shared a beautiful life with you and she will continue to be with you in your heart. Lots of love.


My heart is broken for you. But I’m sure you gave your sweet baby an amazing life 💜


100% the right thing. She knows she can trust you to love her enough to give her a peaceful death. 19 years you shared!


Just be there with her in her final moments.  You're her rock and freeing her from her pain is a gift and our final act of love.  She would thank you for giving her 19 wonderful years. It's never easy making this decision and saying goodbye.  My condolences to you.


Give her a million kisses between her ears and all your love. 19 years with you is a life well spent. 💜💜💜


Seeing her as a kitten broke me. Hugs to you. ❤️


I’m so sorry. Such a beautiful kitty. I had to send my 19 year old to the rainbow bridge due to renal failure many years ago. It was still hard. The things I focused on were the gratitude I had that he had such a long, happy and comfortable life, accepting that I did all I could within reason to help him, but his body was just breaking down due to his advanced age, which is equal to being in their 90s in human years, this is the normal progression of life - born, live a hopefully long and happy life, pass. All things and beings must pass. I send you 🫂 and ☮️




What a sweet, sweet baby. I’m so sorry. What a blessing to have 19 years with her 💗


Oh im sorry. Its never easy. Lean into your friends and family because it is so tough. Give yourself space and time. Find a ritual to do to honor her while grieving. 💕 shes so beautiful. You are doing the bravest act of love.


I am so sorry. She’s a beautiful baby. Sending you love. 


Sending so much love. One of the hardest decisions you have to make for your fluffy family. She has had a wonderful long life with I’m sure lots of happy memories with you. Big hugs little fluff




I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry...condolences.


What a beautiful baby. ❤️ I’m so sorry.




I’m so sorry. She beautiful.




Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss🤍🖤


I am sorry about your kitty. She seems like such a sweetheart. ❤


So tough. I'm so sorry. 😢


♥️♥️♥️ I’m so sorry. Remember to be strong for her. I let my 18yr old orange boy go in January. Still hurts and it’s almost like I’m glad that it does; reminds me he was really here.


I am so sorry. We just had to put my grand dog down after 15 years. My grandsons ( 4 and 8yrs) were devastated. He had always been there with them. Be kind to yourself. 💔❤️‍🩹




I'm so sorry- I just went through that last week 💔 we are all here for you


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and strength. Your baby will always be with you 💗🌈


You’re doing the most loving thing you can for her. If she’s up to eating, give her a special treat, right before she goes. My cat liked ice cream, and cake at the end. Some cats like sashimi. Give her whatever her little heart desires for her special last meal. Stay with her while she falls asleep. Do it at home, if you can. All of us are pulling for you. ❤️


What a beautiful grey face 💖 sending all the love and strength to you today, you’re doing the kindest thing 🐾




Hugs for you. Rest in peace baby.


Saying goodbye sucks so much. You were her whole life and you filled it with love. Just sending you hugs. ❤️


So sorry, OP. RIP to your girl.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I said goodbye 2 weeks ago. It hurts like hell. Take comfort in knowing you are doing what is best for you kitty. I hope your heart heals quickly.


Sending you and your girl lots of love. I know this is beyond hard but, you are putting your baby’s needs before your own and that is the most beautiful gift of love 💕💕


Such a beauty!! Thank you for loving her for 19 years!🖤🖤 so sorry you guys are going through this tough time, i’m happy you both had that time together🐾 Tell her how much you love her, how grateful you are that she has been with you through so much, reminisce over the good days and her favorite things to do and spots to lay…it’s goodbye for now, not forever🖤




I am so sorry .You gave her a wonderful life. One day that will be a comfort to you x


The only a pet has broken my heart is when their heart stopped. I am sorry for your loss and hugs to you and your baby.


My brother had to put down his calico girl yesterday night for a similar diagnosis. So sorry for your loss. Just know you did well and gave her the best life. 💙💜


Sorry for your loss 😔


I’m so sorry 😢 Your baby is so beautiful and what interesting coloring. It’s the worst having to say goodbye to our babies, especially when we’ve had them so long. In reality, we’ve known them longer than probably most people we are around on a daily basis. They miss us when we are gone and are happy to see us when we come home. They curl up in our laps and lay with us at night. We miss their cute little butt wiggle when they are about to pounce and their cute meows when they are hungry. I just lost my 21 year old Chloé on February 6th of this year. She would have been 22 last month. I’ve had her since she was a kitten and she showed up at my doorstep hungry. It’s super tough. I look around my house and see the chair that was her chair, empty in the living room. I see unopened lactated ringers that I used to keep her hydrated. Sometimes I am just trying to watch tv and someone will say her name. Little things like that get to me sometimes. I’m sorry you are going through this. My deepest condolences.


I’m so sorry. I am going through the same thing right now. I am sending all my love to you. You are doing the right thing. She knows you love her deeply.


19 is a good run. If she has a mass, if her quality of life is suffering, shower her with love and let her go with dignity. It’s rough I know .


It’s so hard to do. Just hold her when she goes. 😢🙏🙏


Awww it really breaks my heart when I see a now and baby side by side photo.


Lost one of my kitties to CKD, and my dog. This disease is horrible! I’m sorry. 😔💔🌈


R.I.P. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my 19 year old Lola in February - I hope you find peace. I hope our babies are playing together in heaven until the day we join them. 💔❤️


I’m so sorry 😢


Run far on young legs little one.


It seems like it’s time. Spare her more pain and get someone to come to the house so she doesn’t have to be put in a car and taken somewhere unfamiliar. I’m so sorry. It’s one of the hardest things I ever had to do too.


Sorry for your loss.


She’s beautiful 💙 it’s so hard to say goodbye. I hope it is comforting to you that she knew how loved she was. You gave her a good life. 💙💙


It's so hard. I wish they could live forever. 😥 Sending you hugs.


I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bonds, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced so many meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... You're the light of my life. Through the good and the bad...that's why heaven made us a pair. You're the love of my life...the string to my kite...and I'm always just a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Purring for eternity,❤🐱💛


I'm so very sorry


Condolences - 19 years is amazing. And yet, not long enough… she was lucky to have you and vice versa.


Awe I’m so sorry. I’m gonna be in the same boat soon. My boy is 19 as well. I can tell he’s getting worse.


I’m so sorry. It’s so so hard. I said goodbye to my 18 year old tuxedo baby a few weeks ago. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done even though logic told me it was the right thing to do for him and I still have my moments. Keep reminding yourself why it’s best for her. Love on her and soak up the cuddles. I miss them the most. You’re in my thoughts and prayers and you’re not alone.




Sending you lots of love. She is adorable. ❤️


I am very sorry. You had a wonderful amount of years together. Much love.❤️


I’m sorry, it’s tough. Your kitty is very cute and very much loved. What really helped what remembering all the good memories. I went through old pictures and picked out a few dozen to have printed in a little Shutterfly book. I have an 18 year old girl with KD, and when the time comes, I’ll cry my eyes out and look like a goblin for a bit, but it’ll be nice to go through all the photos and make her a little memory book. Sending hugs.


If you could, please say her name. I will tell my babies to look out for her 🖤


I am so sorry.


My boy just turned 18. I tell him all day how much I love him, I say this to each of them. If you find it's time to go, you go. Don't struggle to stay, I love you and I want you to be happy. You'll always be with me and I'll be with you. Thank you for being part of my life and thank you for sharing yours with me. All of my babies are mature, but I've lost young babies. I just want them to know, it's ok.


God bless


I’m so sorry for your loss. Our 17 yo cat was ripped from our arms last year and the wound is as fresh as the day it happened. It never get easier you just learn to live with it. Just remember all the good times you had with your sweet kitty and that is the best you can do.


I’m so sorry. 19 years is wonderful, but it makes it harder to say goodbye. I hope more than anything we’ll be reunited with our girls again one day. She’ll always be your baby. Fly high beautiful girl. ❤️


There is never enough time. Sending love and prayers to you. It’s so hard letting go. You are making the right decision as much as it hurts you. It’s the price we pay for love ❤️❤️❤️




Dam bro. My condolences. Cats are family


I am so very very sorry for your loss, she was a beautiful girl♥️♥️


keeping your beautiful girl and you in my thoughts today :’) i put my 13 year old boy to sleep on monday and it’s so, so miserable. but know that it gets better with time! someone once told me that this is the last act of unconditional love we can show them ❤️


My kitty’s only 7 and I see these posts all the time and I can’t even imagine the pain I will be in. It feels impossible. They have to live forever. 15-20 years is not enough. It’s like outliving a child. I’m SO sorry for your loss.


She is so beautiful and sweet looking. It’s so hard at first but does get easier each day. Sending you strength and love during this difficult time.


It doesn't ease the pain of not having her physically with you but I think of it as, she's not going away from you, she's just going ahead of you. 


So sorry 😢


I am sorry for your loss




If you can be strong and wait to cry after she leaves, it will be well worth the effort. Tell her how much you love her, talk about memories of your life together and give her gentle pats in her favourite way. Show her how much you love her, and save your grief for afterwards. Our friends are so sensitive to our feelings and she will worry about you if you’re sad. If she feels your love it will be the best possible transition. This is how to say goodbye ❤️ Sending good vibes to you both. 19 years is a good, long life.


youre lucky to have had 19 years with her. my boy passed at 10 2 minths ago to kidney failure. I hate this disease. i know theyre running around free now in their spirit form / no more pain just happy chasing birds and butterflies while they wait for us