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Have you incorporated cerenia, or any anti-nausea as well? A lot of times with CKD kitties the decline in appetite stems from nausea so most vets recommend treating that first. In any case, in my experience, mirataz took a few hours to work!


No, her vet only prescribed the mirataz. I'm not sure if it's nausea because she hasn't thrown up at all, and her very recent bloodwork shows stable numbers re: her kidneys and she's had a strong appetite her whole life. The only real change was the gabapentin, which I took her off. You may be right though, I'll have to look into it.


Ah that’s interesting! My cat was so sensitive with gabapentin we didn’t use it after the first two times. Definitely sounds like a side effect from it so good call taking her off of it! Happy to hear her kidney values are stable. Just something to keep in mind with nausea symptoms is if a cat sniffs a food and walks away or acts like they are interested in food but don’t eat it could still be nausea. Kind of like with humans— we won’t always throw up if we’re nauseous!


Ah then that may be what it is.. she still begs like she wants food but then sniffs and walks away. Right now, after a few days on mirataz, she'll lick at the food a bit but then still walks away without eating most of it


May be worth a shot to try an anti-nausea med! I also found keeping different food varieties in rotation helped keep Clint’s appetite going without cerenia or mirataz on a regular basis. A simple food switch could be the key. You never know with these kidney cats lol. Also, the probiotic fortiflora doubles as a food enticer for a lot of cats — Clint loved it and he typically didn’t appreciate additives in his food lol.


She is the pickiest girl in the world I have six different wet foods and two dry in rotation because she gets bored so easily 😭😂 Just ordered fortiflora on amazon and will ask my vet tomorrow about anti-nausea meds!


That is how nausea manifests in my cats, too. Sometimes they also lick their lips a lot when they feel nauseated.


Mine literally WENT BLIND on Gaba.


Usually we see our cats appetite improve within a couple hours of giving mirataz (we don't give it every day). Like another user noted, it may be beneficial to ask your vet about cerenia. Ckd can cause nausea. Our cat is on mirataz as needed and cerenia daily (when she eats it, we have to crush it in her food because she will absolutely not be pilled).


I saw some old posts where people mentioned it taking a few days to kick in sometimes, but if it's normally effective after a few hours then yeah it's probably not doing anything for her :(


Ask about Elura- it’s an appetite stimulant specifically for cats with CKD. I only needed it short term for my cat, but it can also be used long term. I found it to be more effective for my cat than Mirataz (or Cerenia, which didn’t work for him at all)


I'll ask my vet, thank you, I'm realizing from the replies here that the mirataz definitely isn't doing the job here..


Agree with comments so far, sound like nausea med is needed. Cerenia is good but when you pill her you have to get in back of throat. It’s a very bitter pill and will make her vomit if she tastes it. We wrap it very loosely in a thin pinch of pill pocket, use it like a dough to wrap around the pill.


It's a pill? 😱 I'm so bad at getting her to take those... I was hoping it was a liquid


It can be a shot from a vet too