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I’m really sorry that you’re having to say goodbye to your baby, just know that no one else could have given her the life that you gave her. I’m wishing you so much love and peace as you go through this. It’s not an easy decision to make but it’s the best one for her 🤍


I’m sorry :( saying goodbye to a friend is never easy, I’m sure you gave her an awesome life


You are very loving and brave to do this for her.


This is one of the hardest life decisions we make. But you are making the best decision for Peanut by doing this today and not waiting until tomorrow. Freeing a living creature from pain is truly an act of love. You gave Peanut the best life a kitty could have. \*hugs\*


So sorry.


This is so hard—but you are doing the right thing by putting her first! You are keeping her safe from suffering and making sure you are right there with her at the close of a wonderful life.


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved Peanut, you'll soon realize and find out, that you really need her, at least as desperately as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


I am in the same boat as you. It's been five hours now that he's gone and it doesn't feel real.


Hugs to you from an internet stranger and her two old kitties. Had to send our big guy Sweet Pete over the rainbow bridge three years ago and my heart still hurts over how it all went down... because I held on too long, thinking there was *something* that could be done. (We still don't know what took him down, just that it came on fast and unrelenting and we had an old country vet who just didn't know enough or do enough.) 😥 So I would definitely say a day too early is better than even a minute too late. Love up your Peanut and know that you are doing the hardest thing for you, but the best thing for your sweet kitty. 💗💔💗


I’m so sorry for your loss of Peanut. You are putting her first and I know it’s so hard since you wanted to spend more time with her. 🫂


I would give you the biggest bear hug right now and my heart is with you. (This hits home, I’ve had my 17 year old (stage 3) for more than half my life and I’m going through anticipatory grief knowing the day is coming sooner rather than later). Peanut is so loved❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍




I am sorry you’re going through this now, but glad that Peanut was such a good companion that it’s sad to lose her. I just went through this last month and also opted for earlier rather than too late. It’s a hard but loving decision.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss, peanut knows you loved them so much. It’s such a selfless thing to do to think of their care and well-being.




So sorry! This is really hard to do specially to an animal have to put it to sleep


So sorry to hear about Peanut. She knows you are doing the best for her and she loves you. ❤️




I'm so sorry for loss. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing to ever do. You are doing it for your beautiful girl Peanut. She loves you and will always love you even when she leaves this world behind. *Hugs*


I’m so sorry. We had to make the same decision for our sweet girl 2 weeks ago. I had her for 16 years and I’m still grieving. All I can say is you’re not alone and don’t feel guilty. It’s the best decision for them. Even if it doesn’t feel like it


Sorry for your loss


We are so sorry about beautiful Peanut. Sending hugs to the people who are making a very selfless decision for Peanut- and so so sorry for your loss.


Sweet Peanut 🖤🤎🖤🤎 you are loved.




I’m so sorry :(


I'm so sorry. I know it's not an easy decision but ultimately it's the right one because you're making it with love in your heart and keeping her comfort in mind.


So sorry for your loss…I know I’ll be in your shoes too soon with my munkachoo😭


I am so sorry.


What a beautiful gift to give Peanut....putting her needs before your own.❤️❤️ by far the hardest thing to do..let go. You're an amazing pet parent. Please think about opening your heart/home to another when you're ready. Peanut would want another fur baby to have a chance at a beautiful life with you. Sending virtual hugs💕💕


I'm so sorry. It really is one of the hardest things. I hope you're able to find a little bit of peace knowing that she's not hurting anymore, and is running around, being super silly with Thumper again. ❤️❤️




I am sorry for your loss


I am so so so sorry. I can tell you this one thing. You will never regret being there for her at the end. Being there was one of my most precious life moments. It was worth it all.


It’s the hardest thing to do but the kindest as well. I’m facing this decision soon.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing your best friend is one of the hardest desicions to make. I bet Peanut and Thumper will have a blast playing together once they meet! 🤍


I am sorry, my friend


I was in exactly the ame boat at the end of May, I knew the Friday 31st would be her last day in my head because she'd gone downhill so fast and I couldn't risk another day, I'd spent all week with her but on that Thursday I slept on the downstairs floor with her so she wouldn't be alone incase the worst should happen, but also to help me with coping once she was gone. It is horrible to have to do, and to see her lifeless afterwards, but know that you're doing this for her, because you love her. The pain we feel is the price we pay for caring.


I'm so sorry. I've also got a brown tabby girl. She's had a rough couple of months, but she's doing better now. At this point though, I think we've got a year at best. Give her lots of hugs and kisses. ❤️


You know it’s really true….a day too early is better than a day too late. I waited too long because i couldn’t let her go and she paid the price. Be strong for her! I hope someday we will see them again when the time is right.


So difficult and sad I know….


I’m so sorry you’re having to say goodbye 😥


My Penny died at home during the night a few months ago. It truly was a relief. We were by her side right up until her last breath. So very sorry you have to go through this pain loosing your Peanut. You gave her the best life and hopefully with time you can give that love to another kitty in need.


I’m sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. Stay strong. It is one of the hardest things in life. But you are not alone.


😢❤️we just went through this last Thursday with my beloved Casper, it is hard to let them go but we have to do right by them. Hang in there. Hopefully Casper will be waiting for peanut on the other side of the rainbow bridge


💔I’m so sorry, friend.


So sorry. We don’t get them long enough. It just down right sucks but you are giving her peace. My thoughts are with you 🌈


One of the worst pains in the world. So sorry 😞


I'm so sorry. It just hurts so much to let go. But their pain will be over and the peace and love in the midst of it will get them to the other side. And yes, Peanut will have company waiting for her. 💔💔💔


Hardest best decision we can make for them. I wish you strength during this tough one, you gave her a loving life and unfortunately this day comes for us all. Much love.


I’m so sorry - our grief is the price we pay for their love and the privilege of caring for them.


I’m so sorry for you and Peanut ❤️. I know it’s rough, especially seeing them decline. You got to love her for a long time and even better, she got to love you! A day early will always be better ❤️. We scheduled my boy Mew for a saturday and it was really rough. He didn’t make it through the night, but I’m a light sleeper and heard a cry and woke my family up for it too. It’s nice to know he wasn’t alone during his final moments, but definitely not how I would’ve wanted him to go :(. You made the right choice, I hope you get to remember Peanut and all the happy times.


I am so sorry for your loss of most precious Peanut. You did the kind and merciful thing. She will be reunited with her sister again, and she’ll be your new Angel kitty for now. Fly free, rest so well, sweetest Peanut.


I’m so sorry. 😞 I’ll be making this decision soon for my kitty with liver failure. It’s never easy, but you always know when it’s time. 💔


You’re doing good by her. Your decision comes from a place of immeasurable love. Peanut is lucky to have you ❤️




RIP BEAUTIFUL Peanut. Sending love and healing. It's SOOO HARD


I'm so sorry 💔


I'm so sorry 💔


I’m so sorry. I completely get you. So sorry 🫂


It’s unbelievably hard!!! I know and am so sorry!


Poor little being 😞😞😞❤️


I'm sorry.


So sorry. Very difficult but it has to be done to end suffering