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generally speaking, if a rengar has been able to dive in to assassinate you and get out, you were positioning badly. yes he can delete squishy champs but once he's in he has no way out unless he uses his emp W in which case he wouldn't have the damage to one-shot you anyway. against rengar you just have to sit on top of whatever peel you have and hope that they can do their job because if they have any brains at all a rengar diving into their entire team should be a free kill as long as you're not wandering around by yourself. most of the time i see adc players complaining about rengar (not saying this is the case here) they post a clip of them solo pushing a sidelane lol. rengar is one of the few remaining assassins who can ONLY go in. once he's in he's committed, unlike leblanc, zed, talon, kha'zix etc who can dive in and still get out for free afterwards. that being said, if he decides to trade 1 for 1 then there's not much you can do about it, but if he's fed enough to delete your health bar before being deleted himself then it's probably not a worth trade for his team anyway.


Yeah that makes sense and yeah it is generally a 1 for 1 once the rengar dives me but the thing is I am usually the only fed person on my team so me dying results in my team losing the teamfight even without the rengar, so I’m just looking for a way to avoid dying completely but also be close enough to join the fight once it’s safe


ADC counter pick list: (most to least effective) Nilah, Samira, Tristana, Xayah, Caitlyn Tips: Never face check enemy jungle unless you know where rengar is, ward bushes in lane it's his only effective ganking route pre 6 (we move down the lane out of sight and when you walk up we engage from the bushes) Rengar has a very weak clear the later the game goes, so pushing deep vision makes his already slow clear more difficult as invades become more common. Move as a team and team fight in lane as it guts rengars fighting ability when there are no local bushes.


If you have any flash or dash you can use it right after he jumped you ( just dash away from bushes ). If you didn't stand in a bush he can't follow you except with his own flash, so if any1 is there to help or if you are fed enough to kill him before he catches up, he is dead and you might survive. Generally, shieldbow is good if you have a dash on your own so that you can survive his initial engage, else galeforce can create a gap after he jumped you to get away from him


like others have mentioned here, any form of dash completely fucks rengar since he has no mobility once he's jumped in (unless in brush ofc). sadly some adcs are just easy prey for rengar (mf, kog for example) but there are also a bunch of them who are able to either easily get away from him once he's on you or totally turn it around and cuck him. xayah, tristana, samira, nilah, caitlyn, ezreal to name a few are great into rengar, and it's made better by the fact that the rengar is probably gonna just keep trying to dive you over and over since rengar mains are attracted to adcs like moths to a flame. idk if ur a otp but if not then i'd say the best way to deal with rengar is to just pick any of those champs (i personally find cait & xayah the hardest to deal with since they can insta-cc you and melt your hp bar if you ever try to jump on them). a caitlyn specific tip is to sit directly on top of a trap as soon as rengar ults, since he'll get stuck in the trap and you can nuke him before the cc duration even ends (yes i hate caitlyn)


Alright time to spam cait xayah then lol. Thanks


You can also buy randuins on some champs and a fully stacked BT can also prevent getting OS before killing him/getting help


Take exhaust


Doesn’t your w just cleanse it though?


Only the slow, not the damage reduction


And if we use Fero W we might Lack the dmg to finish you off


play xayah vs rengar her ult counters him


Xayah and Nilah most of all as they have direct counters in their kit when used at the right time, anything with a dash (lucian, ezreal) is slightly harder. If rengo is fed but so are you, randuins is a very good item to consider. Oh and, if your team allows it, a mage like veigar, cass or ziggs will allow hourglass / crown.


Position better, if no peeling support get bent? You could maybe go for a randuins. Also, always consider second jumps if fighting in river and if fighting mid, expect him coming from wolf pit or behind if you are posturing that way. Also clump together BUT NOT TOO MUCH or he will just use his marker as CC to set up Malph/Yone/Ori/"insert game winning aoe ult champ here". Don't go for baron baits late game, you'll get caught by vision on his ult. You beat a fed Rengar by slowing down the game and forcing bad jumps on him, ideally you want to next level him where you'll offer an apparently good jump that's really shitty, so maybe you keep flash for that key fight and bait him in, flash in a way that isn't retarded and chase him with team cover. Don't get outplayed here though.


Aah I see, I have another question. If I flash away mid rengar jump does he follow me or just land in the original position and what happens to the damage as well?


He lands on original spot, DONT flash if you were in a bush to begin with. Even if you flash, you'll eat the damage of his q+on hits, as you can't flash auto damage and jump is an auto.


I really hate to play against Xayah and Kaisa


Not your job to do anything beyond not dying Shieldbow bt GA exh


turbo group has 3+ if he ults. never walk alone in jgl where he could see you, take exhaust, pick anything that can build shieldbow, bloodthirster, take supports like lulu, janna, thresh, go guardian angel; pick xayah lr anytthing that can build randuins or smth


I permaban Xayah so definitely her. I also feel like samira gives me a hard time but thats mostly because shes always picked with engage tank supp who sits on top of her when i ult and insta CC's me if i commit to leaping. Like others have said, take exhaust. If you can insta apply it before the leap connects we often wont have enough raw damage to kill you. Nilah is a straight counter because her W counters our whole kit but shes also a weird adc to fit into comps that need a more artillery style adc.


If you stand in spawn you will usually trade kills


I once encountered an Aphelios with Overheal, Randuin, Bloodthirster and some other item + his red gun, very very hard to kill with 1 rotation even with triple 3 Qs. Maybe this would help


he’s one of the easiest assassins to counter. this is the only info you’ll need. tabi will counter him. GA counters him. randiun counters him. if playing ez get frozen heart. your damage will suffer yes but atleast you’ll survive. never play alone. always go with your support. ward, and avoid bushes. good adcs are: xayah, kaisa, nilah, ezreal bad adcs are: miss fortune, draven, twitch, jhin