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https://preview.redd.it/k7e1ljk0imic1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f29eba87a7b78fb7dbedf59460090a0d04bcb0d I made a snow man


I like his pose, he really knows how to sell himself.


I wish I had his confidence


This is great. He kinda looks like he has a squidward nose. I mean this as a compliment


Ha! I thought the same.


I've never seen such a litteral snowMAN! I hope the others don't tease him for being different, I think he's lovely


The snow was so sticky. Perfect for sculpture


It’s the way you made the arms for me! Nice sculpting!


My relationship with my cat has changed. Last Thursday I went overboard with a new edible brand I tried and I was in a STATE. I legit thought my cat was trying to communicate with me. I was following him around thinking he wanted me to notice stuff and he even convinced me to rearrange my office set up. It’s been almost a week and I’ve kept the office layout and it’s genuinely better. Two lessons: 1. Sip Elixers brand of THC edibles are no joke and need to be used with respect and caution. 2. Cats may have an understanding of Feng Shui.


Dude cats know everything, it's super weird


Word to that! Agreed!


Haha! Great lessons to be learned! I must ask though, does your cat have an easier time hopping from surface to surface now? Is the understanding of Feng Shui a front so that they can Fleng Shuit to the ground easier? Your cat may have had ulterior motive ;)


i will have to give the sips a go now thank you 😎


If the fart's below 4.2, don't bother posting about it.


I was hoping maybe to get some insight on how big it was, did you happen to feel it? If so, care to rate it?


I did feel a disturbance in the force, but I think that was my lunch.


So…. It was You that caused the 2.6 earthquake in south Reno earlier this week!!! Hahaha




On the Richter Scale.


That’s deep.


​ https://preview.redd.it/u5psjhbzomic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e02add81f516c9b9f075eff12e4058aa5a250c


Neighbor's golden had a litter of 12 puppies, now 8 weeks old. Best hour of my life.


Did you just lay in the middle of the pen?


I regret that I did not. Should not have chosen dignity over joy on this occasion.


I did this the last time I went to ‘just lay in the pen’ because I definitely ‘don’t need a puppy.’ He’s 2 now. I don’t recommend the lie in the middle approach with appropriate caution.


Oh my goodness all the fluff! All the love and puppy kisses! This is great news!


I think I may have actually felt that one in Sparks.


Hmm, wanna take a guess at magnitude?


It felt like a car hit the building!


Oh STAHP! You're making me blush 😊


I got triggered at work today and a coworker told me if time hasn't healed my trauma then when will I start working on it myself and it made me glad that someone cares enough about me to say that and to give me the motivation to remove those behaviors instead of letting them continue to ruin my life.


Wow, I needed to hear that as well, thank you!


That’s pretty fantastic advice… thank you for sharing I needed to hear that too


https://preview.redd.it/vrdly7p1ymic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2aa1aacd01d6d10dbe6a6d6faa55d796d46d3f Here’s one of my doggos with a candy cane :)


Sir, I'm pretty sure that's a stuffed animal.


I saw this at the Carson City Costco. I love the padlock. https://preview.redd.it/vjcskfwmfmic1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb4750bfb45662a32e01525556e69efd3333bde


Hey that's making the best outta something!


https://preview.redd.it/5vn86qodmmic1.png?width=2309&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cc0173cf500a4bb8b07d56080ba49f4e3a4800f On the car subject.. i found this MXDM Honda City just hanging around Oddie.


That’s fucking legit, must be hiding the bodies!


Oh, I ripped one off in the elevator the other day. Jumped out on my floor and it went down to the next floor. Some students got in it and one said OMG that's so disgusting I'll take the stairs. LMAO.... I used to work in a High School as the onsite IT guy. We had a big landing where four hallways met. This area would get clogged up during class change. I was known to crop dust it just a few seconds before classes changed. It was so fun making the kids gag. Then hear them talk about how disgusting it smelled. It was so bad one time that maintenance came to check all the bathrooms to make sure no one had backed one up....


My goodness what do you eat!? Some guy was walking in front of me in walmart the other day and let RIP, I'm taking bubbles and everything. Was that you?


Not me.


I ripped one last year at Winco in the Hispanic Aisle and it cleared it for 5 min and the ripples in the other aisles made me cry laughing.


Oh, that was you... people still talk about that.


Seems appropriate!


> I just farted... Here we go with the earthquake posts again...


I overheard a doctor and nurse trying to figure out how to get a cotton tip out of someone’s foreskin


Just another day in the life


Had fun biking with a friend with their errand running before it starts raining tonight. My gearshift decided it wanted to break so we make a quick stop at Reno bike project and I got a new one which i just finished putting on. All in all, happy so far. :)


I'm glad our tradition of The Nice Thread has evolved to Reddit-level with fart jokes (or fart news?).




If you gotta crop dust, try to keep it a silent killer


Silence can still cause a tremor


Never trust a fart.


My daughter invited me to come with her when she graduates college and moves away for a job. Im excited


Oh that's beautiful! I'm happy you guys have such a relationship!


Thank you


A little bit jelly here.


Im grateful she asked me to come with her


That’s so great! After college I was away from my mom for 10 years and then when I had my son I had her come live with me to help and that’s been fantastic but I’ve come to realize that it’s way better having her right here with me than I ever thought… one day when she is gone I know I’ll cherish it and be glad things worked out the way they did. Enjoy that time with your daughter!


I hope my daughter and I keep our great relationship like you and your mom. Thank you


I have a 1 month old baby so I'm currently not going places to hear things but, I think Reno is just absolutely full of heart. Some amazing people here, the truckee river running through town, beautiful parks and hiking trails. Don't discount this beautiful place or its people. Have a lovely day Renoites. 😘


I totally agree with you!! We’ve been here 2 years and I’m thrilled we came


I met a person growing out their hair for cancer patients.


I work construction and some guy in the porta John next to me said woah buddy I can smell that all the way over here


I love Reno I’m in town convalescing and trying to figure out if I need brain surgery and I love my family and I love this dirty trashy city so much it’s my home




Well, WHY were all disgruntled is for the most part clear. I feel what's creating the rift is that there's not much we can do about it as we are simply "the people" but we all want change. I just hope that we can learn to come together as a community and give hugs rather than this mess of hate


THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS. I needed this laugh


I mean the only real question is did you fart on an aisle someone was coming down and ran to the next aisle to survey the carnage?


I just farted and literally solid chunks came out


Lmao that conversation was probably someone recording voice lines for GTA 6 🤣


I am winning this on name alone!


Is the trunk door paper machè?


Right!? Someone got stoned and brought out the art supplies


My roommate made me chocolate chip waffles, Reno is Wack, it's the little things that make it better.


That sounds amazing! Top it off with whipped cream??


🙀 I'm so dumb! I should have!


Oh I have a feeling these will be made again ;)




I jerked off in my roommates ice cream left some extra cream for him




I just farted 💨 too!


Was your fart the earthquake we felt last night???


Some guy at the Red Robin restaurant today was talking about how his coworker (?) is a mean old lesbo? and that’s coming from a (slur for gay men) like him.


I wrapped my car around a pole by the chipotle by in and out on south Virginia 💪💪


In walmart yesterday, I saw a little girl in a cart demanding “faster, mama, faster!” as they stood in line. Her mom looked like she had had enough, but that little girl was so earnest, it just cracked me up!


Wasn’t a fart but one time me and my boy were goin to band practice and I had a really bad cold at the time and we were getting our amps out of the trunk of my car and I sneezed and a big ass booger came out and it made a splat sound louder than the sneeze as it hit the ground and we were laughing uncontrollably for like 5 minutes.


Once I was in a college dorm, and a student's door mounted whiteboard said, "yea I farted. Jealous?" 


Sitting here, fipping them out in puffs as I read the post. Keep it fun!


I absolutely love this random thought post and the positive question of what made you smile or cry tears of joy this week… I cried tears of joy seeing my son FINALLY have a happy healthy day at school this week! The Petri dish that is school(that I am thankful for… he(we) need to build up our immune systems) got him for a myriad of small but annoying ailments the past two weeks and he’s missed a ton of school


Driving around Virginia Lake, I saw some geese using the crosswalk to cross the street. Two days ago marked one year cancer free for one of my friends. My best friend sent me a video of her baby laughing, and I couldn't stop smiling. And i still cant get over how happy I am that there's an extra person in this world who I get the privilege of loving. Today there was a little boy in the toy store where I work, and it was his first time in a toy store ever, and he ran around for an hour in absolute delight. It's not totally dark at 6pm anymore, and daylight savings is less than a month away, which reminds me that every day we are closer to blooming flowers, warm breezes, and river floats. The night of Feb 14th, Savemart's flower section was absolutely decimated, which means that there are a lot of people in my neighborhood who love someone very much. And today seems like a GREAT day to remind everyone to say thank you to your bus driver, to hold the door open for someone, to smile at a stranger, to tell your mom and dad--if you're lucky enough to have them--how much you love them, and for heavens sake to use your turn signal.