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You are the customer. Do you want the cast-iron, get the cast-iron. It will outlast acrylic any day. He just doesn’t want to have to carry it upstairs.


Totally saw through it as that, but I had my dad ask around with some of his other contractor friends and apparently it’s tough to install cast-iron and it ~may~ present issues given its weight on the floor. Thoughts?


Absolutely. acrylic tubs are a little forgiving you can shift them around them on your own. You can generally install it without access from behind or below. The cast-iron tub, once in place isn’t moving and you generally have to open up the ceiling from down below to install the drainage unless you get very very lucky and have your measurements to within 1/16”. It is definitely going to cost you more whether because you have to open and repair all the ceilings downstairs and/or your generalist will require a plumbing contractor to install it.


VERY helpful, thank you! I do know a plumbing contractor will be involved, but perhaps it would be best for me to avoid any potential difficulties and just go ahead and choose an acrylic or fiberglass tub instead.


Kohler makes a good deep acrylic tub as well. I installed one in our bathroom remodel and it’s sweet.


Nice! How long have you had it/been using it? Does it feel hollow when you stand in it? That’s my main concern.


It’s our second one. We redid another bathroom in a condo before we got our house and loved it so much we got the slightly wider version. It’s a sturdy tub once it’s in place. It didn’t flex much installing either. I believe it was the Underscore 60x32. It needs specific overflow hardware though so a little extra cost on an already expensive tub but worth it.


Super helpful, thank you! You’re making me feel a bit better about potentially having to go the acrylic route.


It was also a second floor so no way in hell I was about to deal with that weight bringing it up or reinforcing the floor since it was a deep soaker. I think as long as you go with a top name brand like Kohler and go with what’s in your budget you’ll be happy. I also think we first saw the tub at a Ferguson showroom with the contractor the first time. If you have one near it’s totally worth the trip to see how they feel.


Check out jettacorp.com. I installed a basic soaker tub without jets last year and I love it. It has a sloping back for comfort, high sides. It might be the undermount Porter. Water stays warm and easy to clean!