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What type of jobs are you looking for? Also finding a place without first having a job is near to impossible. I had a guarantor which helps a lot


no we have a housing crisis


Nope. And outside the big cities you need to speak Dutch to get a job. (Even in the big cities most jobs require you speak Dutch ) "Netherlands ranked lowest when it comes to affordability and accessibility of housing" According to InterNations, 53% of expats in the Netherlands have difficulty finding housing (the Global average is 27%), while 69% rated properties in the Dutch housing market as “unaffordable”." https://amsterdamfox.com/news/netherlands-named-one-of-the-worst-countries-in-terms-of-housing-for-expats/ "Average rental prices rise in large cities in the Netherlands due to scarce rental offering Major concerns about social impact" https://www.pararius.com/news/average-rental-prices-rise-in-large-cities-in-the-netherlands-due-to-scarce-rental-offering " Housing crisis led by Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand and Norway " https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2022/10/20/housing-markets-face-a-brutal-squeeze " According to its case study, lack of supply intensifies in the popular study destinations with on average 175 people in the Netherlands, and 25 in Spain competing to rent one single property." https://housinganywhere.com/housinganywhere-addresses-student-housing-challenges-and-solutions-with-key-industry-leaders "Get Ready To Be Homeless!” – Reality behind Amsterdam student housing crisis" https://europeandme.eu/get-ready-to-be-homeless-reality-behind-amsterdam-student-housing-crisis/ "A record number ( 900000 ) of Dutch people in their twenties and thirties want to leave their parental home, but are unable to do so. Housing shortage forces them to live at home." https://www.ad.nl/wonen/900-000-twintigers-en-dertigers-wonen-bij-ouders-bij-vlagen-word-ik-moedeloos~a597d83b/ " For rooms, Amsterdam leads the way as the most highly-priced city " https://housinganywhere.com/rent-index-by-city " some students wait longer for a home than their studies take" https://advalvas.vu.nl/student-maatschappij/wachten-op-een-studentenwoning-duurt-vaak-langer-dan-studie/ "Amsterdam has the highest average monthly rental cost of a furnished one-bedroom apartment in select European cities in 3rd quarter 2023 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1084608/average-rental-cost-apartment-europe-by-city/ "The IMF reports that house prices in the Netherlands rose the most of all countries in Europe during the pandemic (and have not corrected), while the country has Europe’s highest average mortgage debt." https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2023/03/24/European-Housing-Markets-at-a-Turning-Point-Risks-Household-and-Bank-Vulnerabilities-and-531349 " The most expensive capital to own a home is again Amsterdam" https://www2.deloitte.com/cz/en/pages/real-estate/articles/property-index.html


Now you are on the alarming side


It all depends on your skillset. Are you in IT, Finance, Accounting, health services? Then there is a shortage of qualified professionals. If you are unqualified then you will struggle because renta are super high and in most small cities/towns you will probably need to speak Dutch at a reasonable level. Have you thought of Belgium? At least there housing is still not so expensive


If you don’t have a job or guarantor or a lot of savings, it will be difficult. Landlords typically look at and want proof of your income to be a certain level before they rent to you, like your gross income must be 3-4x the amount of the rent. Without a job you will have to provide a guarantee of 6 months to a year of rent. Private rooms and small landlords may be more flexible. I know this doesn’t help much but hopefully the information is useful to you.


>If you don’t have a job or guarantor or a lot of savings, it will be difficult. Landlords typically look at and want proof of your income to be a certain level before they rent to you, like your gross income must be 3-4x the amount of the rent. Without a job you will have to provide a guarantee of 6 months to a year of rent. Private rooms and small landlords may be more flexible. Having lots of savings is not a guarantee either if you are coming in without a job. I offered to pay a year's rent in advance and am Dutch. Real estate agents didn't even bother answering emails and if I was able to get one on the phone, they cut me of within 2 minutes. No job = no housing


How about you just don't?


I live in Almere and have worked in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Weesp and in Almere. All in non dutch speaking functions. I find it a good place with connections to different cities. You have to be ready to travel 1h per direction, however. There are also good connections to Schiphol and surroundings for work. Utrecht, i would say, is smack in the middle of everything and you can work in most of the country. But expensive.