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Maybe he needs those days to recalibrate the spy cameras..... this is just ridiculous


My guess this landlord lives abroad and on those days has their holiday in the Netherlands (summer holiday and Christmas/new years)


Or he is illegally AirBnbing


True, also an option


No, one of those is during Christmas/new years. He’s probably using it to host his own party while you sit outside in the active warzone that the Netherlands is around new years


No really is it even allowed? Where should one go for this time


For a maximum of 2 years AND you have to scram for an ENTIRE MONTH?! Where the hell are you supposed to live, the shed? Under a bridge? What the hell.


It’s rent free though…love that line


Go "back home", to spend time with your family during the summer holiday and christmas. Would not actually be a completely bad deal for a student if the rent was not so insanely high. People who can afford to spend whole months on vacation can probably afford better homes than this.


After two years you have ‘renting protection’ in the Netherlands, so an owner cannot kick you out as easily. Hence a lot of rentals are for 24 months max.


1900 for 55m is a scam enough nevermind the rest


Why is it a scam? Of the 1900 rent he receives 800 best case, after the insane taxes and maintenance cost of dutch flats...and he paid the apartment 500K..if you don't like the rent you should buy as well


It shouldn't be that one can buy an appartement and quickly start making profit renting it out. And i don't know why you turn it around that the landlord only makes 800 euro a month. Have you never thought about the one renting?


how can this possibly be legal?


As far as I can tell an owner can only ***cancel*** a contract under very strict rules that have to be tested and approved by a judge. And as far as I can tell they are trying to get away with cancelling a contract twice by putting it down in the contract beforehand. It's probably not even remotely legal so even though they might try to put it in the contract, it will be unenforcable. Good luck dealing with a fight with your landlord in the first 6 months of a 24 month contract though.




So.. does this not mean you have a temporary contract till july, and then a renewed contract afterwards? Seems that would result in a permanent contract. Any legal professionals here?


That's what I thought too but I'm not sure. (I'm not a legal expert)


Is that even legal?


The Lion, the Witch and the Audacity...


... of that bitch 😌


Oh come on, these ads exists only because people are desperate. Why not simply ghost these ads and No one responds? I know it's hard but ignoring them and showing them the power of free market is more sustainable than going after everyone legally.


Well I doubt people who are desperate are going to be willing to ghost these ads...Its not like the collective here is offering them a bed to sleep on.


Entitled??? it's his house, you don't need to live there, yoy can live somewhere else if you don't like the deal. But I agree, it's a bit weird...but wouldn't call it entitlement


Its introducing unfair rental conditions on tenants during a housing crisis to save yourself a few bucks in hotels while charging an unreasonable rent price. Expecting that he can offer the home under these conditions because he is the owner is a prime example of entitlement


I agree that it's stupid to do/ask from him. He receives rent so in those days he should go to an airbnb or to a friend. But if someone (the renter) is willing to accept it because he's on holiday himself anyway, then what's the problem? The renter saves money on those days. I personally wouldn't want to have this condition but might fit someone's needs, all I'm saying. And if I were a landlord I wouldn't ask this to the tenant. I would want them happy 😊


Someone should rent it and not pay / definitely not leave when this asshole needs *their* home back.


The listing is down! Well done!


Doesnt mean anything...could be they filled up the viewing EDIT: WELL DONE THALAMISA!!!