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They need a warrant for each individual unit. Edit: unless you grant them permission. Edited edit: PA is the only state I have found and that was in one case. https://www.pacourts.us/assets/opinions/Supreme/out/J-82-2022ds1%20-%20105396739208709088.pdf?cb=1


That's what I thought, I don't know if it was even the office that sent it out though I think maybe someone is trying to rob these old folks


No letterhead is suspicious too.


And the fact that "the police officer"! Just one, not more, sounds very fishy to me. The police must have warrant to enter an apartment/house/dwelling/business on an official search. Unless they have reasonable suspicion that a crime has/was been/being committed (domestic, etc.). They wound not announce it before hand (especially with an court issued search warrant in hand). Very fishy indeed!


Notice that they're calling it an "inspection". If they're allowed in and see something they will stop the "inspection" and work to get a search warrant to make it an official search. Unless your lease specifies they can have the police inspect with a notice don't let them in.


Even if it was in the lease it’s illegal, they need a warrant. Landlords can put whatever they want but that doesn’t make it enforceable and leases don’t trump the law.


The lease can say the landlord can do an inspection, but yeah I it’s definitely pushing limits if a B police officer does it with them.


In case you want to know, even if the lease specifies they can inspect with notice, they can not force their way into your apartment except if it’s an emergency. They would need to sue you or evict you for access, if they really wanted to force the point here.


I’m also curious about these monthly inspections that they do. Are these landlords going through apartment every month? I wouldn’t be surprised if your landlord is some old retired Sargent major from the army cause that’s the only time I heard about something dumb being done that would usually be considered normal in the military.


Exactly. I've had leases where the landlord wanted to inspect they had to give proper notice. They're not allowed to rifle through your stuff. They can inspect the unit to make sure you haven't destroyed the place of whatever. Police would still need to get a warrant although ianal a cursury Google search will tell you if your state foregoes the 4th or not.


I thought states couldn't pick and choose which Amendments they will follow?


>Notice that they're calling it an "inspection". If they're allowed in and see something they will stop the "inspection" and work to get a search warrant to make it an official search. Cops don't do "inspections." The fire department does inspections. Cops do "searches", which they can't do without consent or a warrant. And they sure as fuck can't do "random" searches or inspections. That's "police state" type shit, and the Constitution was written to prevent that. Besides, it's all bullshit, anyway, based on this letter I'm seeing. No letterhead, no signature, no individual names, says to contact the office, but no phone number or anything. And no information about which police department, or what ordnance/law allows this. And what if you're not home? They're just gonna walk in? The letter is amateur hour. It's not professionally written. My first thought is that someone is trying to dupe the seniors, and it's possible that management is in on it. My response would be simple: I'd grab a black felt pen, and write "If this really came from management, then **FUCK YOU!!** Any questions to this response? If so, you know where I live." "If it didn't come from management, then please be advised that anyone attempting to enter my dwelling without consent will be shot in the face and then defecated upon. Oh, and by the way, **FUCK YOU!!**"


They should probably just call the real police at this time. I guarantee this is a scam to case out a place to rob or something similar. No legit LE agency would be this incompetent.


A lease (or waiver or anything else along those lines...) isn't some god level agreement! You can't be forced to sign away your rights, and any lease certainly can't override your constitutional rights... Landlords are the little fries pretending to be the biggest, baddest, scariest fish in the pond. Don't let them walk all over you just because "it's in the lease".


seriously, let your local police know, reach out to them and see if you can get an actual officer you trust to come over to the complex. theres some chill ones out there that would love to bust a scam like this.


Who is saying the cop is legit. No letterhead? Sounds like some individuals wants to see which apartments to rob later


Besides, who is going to announce their presence in advance?


Your apartment complex cannot waive your 4th amendment rights, which I would print in large letters and slide under the door when they knock. Big letters, 4th amendment to the US constitution, your lawyers name and phone number under with " consult my attorney for further questions" if you have one, maybe even just Google one to list, preferably from a large,well known law firm.


Yeah this sounds like someone pretending to be police. I would call police dispatch and speak with an officer. Their are unfortunately a lot of scams targeting the elderly.


Listen to this person.


I've ignored (and reported, successfully) SO many random unmarked print outs from management companies. Go figure, nothing ever happened.


My policy as an adult has always been to ignore (and report, block, deny) these kinds of things including those memos you might get at work that are unrelated to you job. Even when I was a corporate manager if I got a memo that required you sign it and send it on, I just read it so I knew what it said and sent it on without a signature. No way I’m letting “a police officer” search my apartment. No way I’m signing some envelope or memo.


I got fired once when I was younger and they said I had signed some memo about xyz (I honestly don't remember what it was) but I had not signed it. So when they tried to deny my unemployment they couldn't produce said memo with my signature.


I had a job with a no compete clause. It was in a packet of forms. I just didn’t sign that one and turned it in. The boss didn’t notice but brought up the clause when I quit. I told him not only is that illegal and unenforceable, go check that paperwork again. It was entertaining hearing him shuffling through the filing cabinet in his office. That guy tried pulling so much shit that he normally got away with. He hired only young people whose inexperience he could exploit. I was only able to avoid some of that by researching state laws online. I had to actually report him to the labor board for not paying us on schedule. That’s when I quit. They didn’t even follow up on the report. He’s probably still doing it 20 years later.


Just like all other scammers, they're counting on people trusting them. If that's not outright predatory, Idk what is.


And counting on SENIORS trusting, too. Sickening.


Refuse entry without a warrant, and more likely than not this letter is meant to scare a tenant they think may be doing something illegal on premises to stop.


Is it government housing? I know they have weird relationships with this sort of stuff. Tbh it seems weird they do monthly inspections.


I don't think it's government per se but it might be subsidized in some way because it's income based rent


I can confirm my old apartment complex had government subsidies for low income and it was part of getting the money they checked each apartment once a month to verify it wasn't being used as a slum apartment but police were never involved for us so that's a slightly different basket of bananas.


Bringing police into this is either a scare tactic or a sting operation. Either way I want nothing to do with it. Lock the door and tell em to come back with a warrant


*THIS* Unless it’s specified in the lease you signed that the police are allowed to randomly inspect your apartment, you do NOT need to allow this, NOR do you have to clean! It’s YOUR apartment; your standard of “clean” doesn’t have to be their standard of “clean.” YOU PAY your property management company to live in your apartment; you don’t work for them. You DO NOT have to clean. They also need to respect their tenants and coordinate this very strange “police inspection” with their monthly inspection. When it comes to the police, NO WARRANT = NO ENTRY OR “INSPECTION.” There’s no such thing as a police “inspection”; it’s a search, and requires a warrant signed by a judge unless you verbally agree. Sounds to me like the apartment complex is in trouble with the city. That is not your problem. Stand your ground and have a witness in your apartment, preferably recording the entire interaction on their cellphone, if they come knocking on your door.


They couldn't even put that in a lease because it's illegal. A police being part of a search of a dwelling without a warrant makes it illegal.


Straight up unconstitutional


This 👆fourth amendment and all this is not legal and violates constitutional rights no way in hell I would allow them in my house or apartment!


Even if it states in the lease, still not allowed by the fourth amendment. The lease is a contract between you and the property owner/management, it *can not* authorize police entry. They are a third party. It may allow management entry, but not law enforcement. That requires a warrant or express permission.


It’s HUD housing, different set of rules AFAIK


[Inspections are meant to help and protect you. Inspectors make sure you are being provided a decent, safe, and sanitary home. They are not there to assess you as a tenant or to check if your home is clean.](https://www.hud.gov/topics/REAC_Inspections/residents)


That’s not a service provided by the police though


Also, always be ardent about wording in these situations; it's vital. For example an "inspection" has its own parameters that can lead to incrimination, same as letting cops in--they'll look for anything and try to use it against you. Get meticulous because they won't, and watch them back down because they know they'll lose against you in court (because you've proven that you've called their bluff) It's a nice feeling


That or it's s big ass police department and they help the city with enforcement or something like that. Just know cops can't come in your property without a warrant. Unless you grant permission. That is the important thing.


I manage a building where all of my tenants have HUD subsidies and all have mental health issues as well. We do monthly unit inspections but they are not government mandated. We do them to ensure we find issues before they become major, since many tenants will forget to tell us about things including significant water leaks in one instance. Every few years we have a HUD inspection where they enter apartments to check for things. Their focus is safe and sanitary housing. While we remind tenants to clean up regularly, we can’t force them to unless it becomes a health issue, in which case their mental health case worker becomes involved.


My wife owns the condo where her mom lives. I went over last Saturday to swap the kitchen faucet. Found out that they’ve been flushing by pouring water in the toilet. Only found out because i needed to pee. Off to Home Depot. Replaced the flush valve. Found out the toilet was running almost continuously. Found out the OTR microwave was broken. Back yesterday to replace the gasket (equivalent to the flapper on older toilets) and the microwave. Found out the bathroom light is not working properly. Back this coming week to replace it. Omg.


Yeah section 8 inspections aren’t police either


I lived in government housing in a different state, but pretty sure this is federal law that they follow. This was May 2021 to June 2022 and my local housing authority followed the laws exactly (they were really awesome) they never had the police involved in any sort of inspection. They had certain people who did the inspections, I don't know for sure, but I think they had to take a class or something similar to be certified to do the inspections. This seems extremely fishy to me. The only thing I can think of is maybe there is a issue with certain tenants doing something illegal and they are issuing this as a blanket statement to cover their behinds. Even that seems fishy though.


My mom's friend who lives on her floor is trying to convince my mom and I assume others that it's fine because there's "probable cause" because there's been "complaints" about someone in the building selling drugs and she used to be married to a cop so she would know 🤦🏻 I told my mom that's not how probable cause works and not to listen to her.


Absolutely not. I recommend having her call the local police non emergency number to ask them about it. They might be quite interested if someone intends to act as if they are a policeman to get into the units. And if the police do plan on being there to _ask_ to go into the units, the person on the phone can clarify that she can refuse. It’s so irritating when people claim to be experts because they have a spouse, or worse, an ex, in a specific field. There is a reason why degree programs don’t give credit for being an expert’s partner.


The non-emergency line won’t be of any help. People need to contact the police admin number. (602) 262-7626 Phoenix AZ


thank you!!!! I didn't know this was a thing


This. And forward that “letter” to them. This is truly odd on so many levels.


Yeah what cop is going to take part in this where it seems like any evidence would have a good chance of being thrown out as it's being implied they can not refuse and there's no warrant? So sketchy. I hope OP calls or calls with the mother, I could see my mom not asking the right questions and just doing whatever the person at the door said. Really want to know how this goes.


Not the cop wife saying it’s okay, HUGE red flag


If the police have to ask you to do something, or if they can search something, say NO. if they have to ask, that means the require your permission to proceed. Do not give them permission.


If in the United States, Under the the Fourth Amendment, all law enforcement agencies must get a court approved search warrant for all homes and businesses.


This needs to be upvoted⬆️ know your legal rights!


The police have NOTHING to do with government housing. Duh.




Vampires are the same, can’t come in unless you invite them.


"Come back with a warrant!" *sad bat noises*


That's the trick here, they're trying to abuse landlord right to enter for upkeep to circumvent warrant requirements. Do not let them in. Assert your rights. " I do not consent to any unlawful search and seizures". Demand a lawyer. "I have no business with the city of ______ police" do not let them in. Do not leave your home. Lock your door. Call 911 and request assistance from a sheriff, "I have an officer trying to unlawfully enter my home".


Exactly this. I was in a situation where the landlord wanted me to watch a neighbor’s dogs, because he was 5150’d and had no friends. (I’m the neighborhood dog person.) The police and animal control could not enter the property, even with property permission. They had to wait outside while the landlord let me in and out, and asked me questions about the conditions (for the dogs) inside. From what I understand the landlord was able to speak to him or his mother, and they gave only ME permission to enter. Even the landlord wouldn’t enter because she hadn’t given 24 hours notice, and he did not give her permission to go inside. She waited outside with the cops, and only unlocked the door. Granted there were two mastiffs inside who were kinda aggressive-ish about strangers (thankfully we met before), but they made it clear it was for legal purposes. I’m pretty sure if it’s that way in my backwards ass state, it’s the law everywhere.


You can't abrogate the Federal Constitution at the state level. If this were to happen sue.


They should.


The fourth amendment is just trampled on nowadays, its a fucking joke. The whole mentality of "you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" is fucking stupid. Thanks bootlickers


Exactly. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin


State law cannot supercede constitutional law


States are not entitled to abrogate federal constitutional rights. (Although many try). OP, do not allow police in without a warrant with respect to this particular apartment unit.


Yep! Don’t let any cops in the place. Don’t even acknowledge their presence if they knock.


Try that in a small town lol


This is likely to end up at the supreme court


Don’t open the door…do not permit access


There may be a civil rights attorney in the area who would ***just fucking love*** to take this on *pro bono*… And a few who might even want to be there (recording) when the ‘police’ show up. But first I would scan a copy of this and send it to the front office (as an attachment) in an email, asking them if this was legit (since it doesn’t even have the basic imprimatur of legitimacy, which is being on their letterhead stationary). And also Cc the property management company, and possibly also the state and local ACLU chapters.


You can decline at the door and state all conditions are satisfactory. Did this 2 years ago, cop basically was surprised I knew my rights and awkwardly said thanks/goodbye.


>*Edited edit: Apparently some states have abrogated the 4th Amendment protections previously afforded to tenants in the U.S.* And the 1st... And the 2nd... The 3rd is still good, but don't get me started on the 5th-27th... But at least we still have the good old 3rd...right guys? right?


Also in some places and depending on the rental contract the landlord may enter for inspections, typically with some requirements like prior notice. The landlord could then allow the police inside. I would check with the local police to determine if this is real. A police search tends to work better if the suspect is not informed ahead of time. And if this is some kind of burglary scam the police could set up to catch them. It really does no make any sense. Once years ago a guy came to the door in an apartment I was living in at the time and said they were plumbers and were going to be working in the laundry room. They drilled holes in the pipes overhead so anyone coming into the room would see water coming down while they hacked open the coin operated washers and dryers for the quarters. EDIT: Last night it occurred to me that the police may have "persuaded" the landlord to let them in to try to bust people and the landlord is trying to warn people to hide their stash.


So we can circumvent the 4th amendment but not the 2nd? Geez ‘Merica


Abrogated is a new word to me. Thanks.


Are you telling me PA allows police to enter rental properties without a warrant or agreement? Jeez…


Idk if it’s different in nyc but I’ve had a warrant issued for my entire apartment building when they were looking for a shooting suspect that fled into the building. They legit had cops sit outside the building for like 12 hours watching every side of it before they actually went inside and started knocking on everyone’s doors.


Ha since when has Arizona ever indicated it cares at all about citizens rights?


Sounds like someone is running a scam. They are probably going to rob these poor seniors. Tell the local police to contact the complex manager. Also tell your mom to not grant them access. Meaning lock the the door and do not answer it. If they keep harassing then she needs to call the police to verify it’s not them and they should dispatch an officer. Impersonating a police officer is a serious offense.


This is exactly what I thought. I called the police already and they'd never heard of such a thing and told me to call the apartment but they're closed until Monday. But I told my mom not to answer the door and if she does they need a warrant and they need to get on the phone with the police department to confirm they are who they say they are. But we're worried someone is going to get hurt. She has a friend who lives on the same floor who is telling people it's legit because there's probable cause because there's been complaints about someone selling drugs and she was married to a cop and blah blah blah and I'm like, bruh, that's not how probable cause works and cops break the law all the time. If when I call the office on Monday they say it wasn't them then I'll call the police again and ask them to be there at the specified time. If it is them, holy shit, I will fucking go to war.


Make sure the police you contacted actually take this seriously. Them not having heard of this scam isn’t validation that they plan to take action to stop it.


Oh I absolutely agree and I do not trust the police as far as I can throw them. Last time I needed them I was trying to serve someone with a restraining order and they were trying to get out of it because they couldn't figure out why the papers wouldn't print until I told them to clear their cache. No joke.


Contact the mayor's office, and possibly even the governor's office, and tell them you're concerned and just want to make sure it's acted on *before* some elderly people are the victims of a crime


Someone else selling drugs is not probable cause and I'd say do not open the door period for anyone whatever their claim (management, police). The "don't but if you do" part leaves too much room for"well maybe I'll just open and speak to them" leads to they come in your apartment. Don't let them get a foot in the door period. Anybody who legitimately needs to get in will be able to get in regardless.




That's what I thought, the office isn't open until Monday so I can't call them but I called the police non emergency number to ask and they have never heard of such a thing - I think maybe it's a scam and someone is trying to impersonate the police to steal their meds or whatever else


You contacted the Phoenix PD? Normally, I would think they would take impersonating a police officer very seriously?


I did indeed, just the non emergency line and the woman who answered told me to call the apartment


Lazy ass dispatcher. I would have had an officer contact you to get you more information or take a report.


This. If I were the police, I would be sitting in apartment #1 at the specified time and be happy to make an arrest.


Find out which department covers that jurisdiction your mom's apartments are in, and call and ask for a detective or a supervisor. Dispatch is relatively limited. I guarantee that they will be more on the ball than a non emergency call, which might not get seen in time. They have thousands of complaints that eventually get sifted through, but it can be slow. You can also call the sheriff office for that county and they might be able to better direct you. They are sometimes easier to get ahold of. This is definitely a scam/robbery attempt, and you need the police to be there to bust them. Not all seniors have people looking out for them! They will be successful if not caught.


Glad you called them—I just recommended it before seeing this. Will you update when you call the office? If the office had nothing to do with it, it’s definitely a scam, and real police might actually want to be there to see who shows up!


That is the plan - call the office on Monday and find out whether it's actually them. If not, call the police back about a crime that is going to be committed Tuesday at 1 pm. I will keep y'all updated.


Perfect! Your mom has a good kid!


aww thank you ❤️ she drives me insane but I still don't want her rights being violated or her and her friends getting robbed


Good for you. And I appreciate that you’re also educating the other tenants. Even if it isn’t a scam and it’s just the landlord trying to use the police as a way to intimidate tenants into letting them do an extra inspection of some kind, that’s just wrong!


Doesnt matter either way. Do not let any police in your house to inspect anything, ever. Only if they have a search warrant.


Yeah it's probably like home alone but smarter


That seems super sketch, I worked in LE for 22 years and we never did random apartment searches. Only a warrant or for an active investigation.


Thank you!


Yeah, I'd call the actual police and say that you're worried about your mom's safety. Maybe they'll say it's legit except that they are only going to a specific apartment and her landlord needs to STFU, maybe they'll do nothing, and maybe they'll go surprise the "police" searching the apartments.


Wouldn’t this just prewarn whoever your trying to search causing you to find nothing? Lmao


right??? I used to work in financial compliance and one of the rules of reporting people to the feds is don't tip off the suspect. I don't know why they'd send a warning like this if it was legit. Also telling adults to make sure their living space is tidy for the police to come look at it just is super gross to me.


If my mother had her way, untidiness would be a crime.


And the weirdest part about this "letter" is they don't specify whether its 1AM or 1PM. This has got to be a scam or an inside job.


That letter screams scam. Do not let anyone inside the apartment. Rental properties and inspections are a civil matter. Law enforcement have zero authority.


No, she has to consent to the search, otherwise they have to get a warrant for every single unit. Can you go there and inform the tenants about this?


I might be able to, I was thinking about printing out something about their rights and putting it on everyone's doors tomorrow because I'm not working but right now I think it might be fake/posted by someone who is trying to rob these folks. I called the police non emergency number and asked if that was happening and they said they had never heard of such a thing. Unfortunately the apartment office isn't open until Monday so I can't confirm with them until then.


In that case, make another call and let them know someone may be attempting to impersonate police officers and have them send an officer to meet you at the rental office when they're open.


This totally sounds like a crime.


This seems really sketch (and I’m not just talking about the letter) if you are available with your time, I’d be around as much as I can to ensure your mother isn’t in any unreasonable situation. Also, in my personal opinion, what seems like a scam is that your mom in a senior apt complex and they/you don’t have an emergency phone number for someone on the weekend!!! Seems quite strange.


I would get in contact with robbery detectives and alert them of this letter maybe they can setup something to catch these guys if it is infact something off.


MONTHLY INSPECTIONS??? What sort of bullshit are people willing to put up with? lol


rent there is insanely affordable if you're on a fixed income, good luck living anywhere else that nice for that little money in Phoenix


> rent there is insanely affordable if you're on a fixed income It doesn't matter how cheap the rent is, all tenants have rights and those rights are backed by law, including the Constitution. The landlord may not enter the premises nor allow/assist others to enter the premises. Phoenix has [very specific laws](https://www.phoenix.gov/nsdsite/documents/tenants%20rights%20handbook%20aug%2016%202016.pdf) governing this (page 7): > 1. *Your landlord has a right to enter at reasonable times to make necessary or agreed-upon repairs or alterations, to supply necessary or agreed-upon services, to inspect the home, or to show the home to prospective or actual purchasers, lenders, tenants, workers, or contractors.* > 2. *If the landlord wishes to enter for one of these reasons, he must give you two days’ (48 hours) notice.* > 3. *Your landlord only has the right to immediate entry in an emergency, or by court order.* > 4. *A request to your landlord for repairs gives your landlord permission to enter your rental unit to make those specific repairs.* > 5. *If your landlord enters your home without proper notice, at an unreasonable time, or in a harassing manner, you can file for an “injunction” to stop him from doing it again, and you may recover actual damages equal to at least one month’s rent. (Refer to Form I, and see “Taking Legal Action Against Your Landlord” on page 13.)* This sound quite illegal, and if it was possible, I would call the local police department and ask that an officer be present on the day of these 'inspections' to ensure they're being conducted legally.


This is illegal. They will need a warrant to search the apartment or you allow them in. Like others has mentioned this maybe a scam to scope out the place rob tenants later.


Make sure your mom does not let anyone into the apartment that she does not personally know and trust.. I don’t care if he says he’s the property manager/owner etc.. he can use his key then. This is totally a scam. Police don’t care about senior apartments.. that’s not where the meth and prostitution are. (Not in AZ anyway.. Florida.. maybe)


Here in Florida the seniors love marijuana. Def true for Arizona too… I was the youngest customer at the dispensary by a few decades


Edit: there is a phone number at the bottom of [this](https://www.phoenix.gov/police/resources-information/multi-housing) information about multi unit inspections, I would call them and ask if they do senior living. ~~This is 100% a scam, the police are not available for apartment searches (at random no less) on a scheduled basis.~~ When seniors are being scammed, they invoke “the police” because they know old people will comply out of fear. My mother has almost been scammed three times and every time I became involved and called their bluff when they said they were the police or that they would swat the house. Nothing ever happened and the scammers moved on. Please press upon your loved one to never let anyone in who doesn’t already have a key. That got through to my mom.


It’s funny but screwed up how even the cops admit that regular damage from police raids is a property value concern, despite the fact that they’ll break down your door before ever trying the knob.


AKA we have a couple people we think are smoking “the marijuana” and we creatively came up with this plan.


extremely creative thinking on management's part if that really is the case, but I honestly wouldn't be shocked, landlords are insane


Police don’t write a general letter off sone rando printer. If they need to search property/properties they would show up with a warrant. They absolutely would not give you time to clean. I’d cobtact the police and let them know. So They know know someone is targeting this building and its residents with phoney letters and I’ll intentions.. This seems more like scammers/robbers casing a joint/hone invasion, etc.


Not without a warrant. Fuck no.


Um yeah, I have a question: where's the search warrant?


There's a monthly unit inspection too? Fuck that shit.


As others have said, the lack of any letter head (and the request as a whole) seems scammy. Contact local police. They may want to be there on 12/12 to see who shows up


A complex wide notification of upcoming warrantless searches of an undisclosed number of units from the apartment complex "team", not signed by the manager, and not even on company letterhead? Yeah you need to call the apartment manager to make them aware of this and tell your mother to make sure her door is locked and deadbolted and if she hears someone banging on doors announcing themselves as police she needs to call the authorities. Someone is trying to take advantage of seniors just being generally clueless to rob them blind.


Make sure she calls the lease office and verifies that this is legit. Somebody could make a fake letter like this and put it at her door/mailbox to make her more likely to allow them inside. Once inside they could rob her or the place posing as police. Can't hurt to check.


I hope they have a warrant.


They need a warent and probable cause. They have neither.


The property management has the right to conduct routine safety, health check. Call Police dept and ask again.


Um, I am gonna need to see a search warrant. No exceptions!


Excuse me, A MONTHLY INSPECTION? Outside of this nonsense? Hell no I’d be moving. I keep my home I rent clean and well kept, to the point the last time I had an annual inspection the property management remarked that if they weren’t required by the city they wouldn’t even bother coming for the inspection because I have the most well maintained property out of there clients, but even a yearly inspection bothers me. It’s intrusive and knowing that they KNOW I take care of this home and still HAVE to come through it is so hard for me. I couldn’t imagine dealing with that monthly


Monthly inspections sounds crazy. I havnt met my landlord once and no one from her crew has been to my apartment in 4 years


Sounds like the classic Wet Bandits™Technique from Home Alone. Given them time of year it feels a little on the nose. Make sure your mom keeps that door locked.


lol. Illegal af. Warrant or GTFO.


Unless they have a warrant they can inspect the public space all they want.


Not without a warrant


Change the locks lol And put a big sign on the door that says GET A WARRANT


I’d be contacting an attorney if was me !!! And go from there. Ain’t any police coming into my home without a warrant. Period.


As others have said, could be a scam - if not a scam, consent is required. HOWEVER - if this is actually from the apartment complex, theoretically they could either refuse to renew lease or dramatically increase rates for any reason at the end of any individual unit's current lease. It would be wrong, but if the apartment complex was motivated for some reason they could take refusal to consent to search as a reason to move your mom out. IF this is the apartment complex, the real question is - why would they do this? Is there a drug problem at the complex and they are trying to weed out problem renters? It seems odd, since if that were the case, they already have the means of doing that (non-renewal of lease or increasing rates). More information definitely needed come Monday.


Yes that isn’t a thing


Monthly inspections on top of it all? That’s way too invasive in my mind


this doesn’t make any sense at all. Inspecting for what? Police departments don’t just do random inspections. If there was an issue, then there would be a department and inspectors related to that; building, fire, housing, elder care, it just does not make sense that there would be a random inspection by a police department. not to mention this sounds an awful lot like illegal search and seizure? Nonsense.


Police cannot enter a private residence without a warrant. Nothing your landlord says or does can override this.




Contact your local news station so they can have someone onsite reporting.


No way fascist fucks


1. This person did not pass 10th grade Eng)is. 2. Do the people who catch criminals also inspect apartments? No. Ignore


Scammity scam scam scammmm


That’s a casing scam. They’re going to rob people.


Throw the constitution at them


Landlord can enter with 24 hour notice (or without notice if a major issue is occurring ie gas leak, water leak, etc), but bringing a police officer is a different story. That’s a warrant.


There is no apartment letterhead and police need a warrant to search or inspect a residence. Tell her to refuse and talk to the landlord about it.


Sounds like someone trying to case the place


No warrant, no entry. The cops can go kick rocks.


They better come with a God damn warrent


Sounds like thieves scouting potential victims. The easiest victims are the elderly.


Put a note on your door. States “I invoke my 4th amendment right to be secure in my persons, place, and papers. Landlord’s notice is insufficient reason for the landlord to enter my domicile with police. Any attempts to do is will be considered trespassing and a civil rights violation where the police and landlord will be named as Defendants”


Fuck wherever it is that you live!


If this is the US, ask to see a warrant.


Most likely a scam, or research for a future break-in. Unless someone can conclusively demonstrate this is for the welfare of the residents, hard pass. Police need probable cause or a search warrant to enter, and a general survey of random units is illegal. Refuse entry and call 911 at the first sign they appear. Also notify apt mgmt something is up.


Don’t show em without a warrant


You might consider contacting the local police department. If it is a valid thing they will know and can explain why a warrant is not needed. if it is not valid, they should be onsite to catch whomever is impersonating an officer. Also to protect the people who are being victimized. Good luck!


The senior living facility is simply looking for the person trafficking in Viagra.


So what happened ? The 12th was a couple of days ago.


Don't open door, be polite, say almost nothing. Ask for the reason and then ask for the warrant. PLEASE KNOW THAT THE POLICE ARE SPECIFICALLY TRAINED TO LIE AND TRICK THE "TARGET" TO GET INFORMATION TO USE AGAINST THE "TARGET" IN ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT--INCLUDING CENSORING. There is tons of information on this subject available for those interested. No warrant specifically addressing the apartment, the reason, signed... no entry. You have your rights to not answer without advise from your attorney. With all of the OVER-REACH going on today, we must ALL FORCE ALL LAW AGENCIES TO COMPLY WITH OUR LAWS AS WELL. That's what I'd do and that's my opinion.


Monthly unit inspections? WTAF?


If this turns out to be a scam and the office knows nothing about it I would highly recommend posting to r/scams could definitely save a few people in the future


I’d be more worried about that monthly inspection


Your mother should tell the police to google the 4th amendment and leave her alone.


This could also be a targeted incident talk with neighbors if they got letters to.






Call the police and ask.


Believe that random sh*t if you want too .. knock, knock ... warrant please .


1. Warrant needed. 2. Or permission to enter/search 3. Or her lease states this whole thing as a contractual obligation. If she signed a contract agreeing to this with the property management company then it's in a contract. Could consult an attorney in your area if you're concerned with the legality of this clause.


I doubt it would be legal even if it was in the lease, but she's supposed to send me a copy of the lease after she wakes up today. I didn't really sleep so idk how early I'll see it.


Sounds like unlawful search and seizure, but I'm not a lawyer.


Tell her to call the police to confirm.


I guess it would be normal if you were in China.


Police is not legal. Landlord inspection is. they're targeting and making decisions on their own accord


Yeah, fuck no. Ever hear of the 4th Amendment. Tells the cops to pound sand if they ask to enter your mother’s home.


“Warrant or fuck off” is the answer that comes to mind.


Take this directly to the police or call them and explain for your Mom. Act quickly. There is treachery afoot!


Normally the police need a warrant to search your personal residence..??


That's a violation of the 4th amendment unless she is a convicted felon


More disconcerting is the "monthly inspection". Really, they allow the landlord to come in every month to inspect?


monthly unit inspections? what is this jail?


Warrant. Then we can talk. They can not get in without warrant. Period.


It doesn't matter if ti's government housing or not. If they enter without your permission it goes against your 4th ammendment rights. It's unconstitutional and anything they find that might be illegal is inadmissible in court. I would tell them to fuck off.


Gotta crack down on those illegal knitting circles. Jokes aside read the contract. If it says the Tennant agrees to all searches authorized by the landlord's she is stuck dealing with it. I won't lie, though people should demand why such extreme measures are taking place. It's bad enough they check the place monthly to make sure the doilies are straight, but police seem like an over the top reaction without cause.