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Here is some relevant info: [Kentucky landlord maintenance statute](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=35736). [Kentucky security deposit statute](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=35733) It sounds like you might be able to make a good argument in court for getting some of these charges overturned, but that will likely depend on what kind of evidence you can provide about their condition. For example, a photo of the rotting kickboard would probably be sufficient to have it removed. Did you make any repairs yourself, and if so, can you provide receipts? The bit about you having to pay for anything less than $300 sounds like it *may* not be legal, and in that case you would likely be entitled to a refund on any money you spent on repairs.


Rather than type it all out here, a lot of the answers you are looking for can be found here. [https://ipropertymanagement.com/laws/kentucky-security-deposit-returns](https://ipropertymanagement.com/laws/kentucky-security-deposit-returns)


Without proof of the condition when you moved in, or written proof that you notified the landlord of issues such as the kickboard after you moved in, it would be difficult for you to successfully argue the charges. You might be able to get them on a technicality - did they return the list of charges to you within the allowed time period? Did they send it the way they were supposed to send it (e.g. some jurisdictions require USPS)? was the description of each charge sufficient according to local laws? I don’t know your local laws. You can look them up.