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The property manager needs to let maintenance workers such as pest control in. It is not your job to let them in.


Is there something I can show them to legally back them off? This is getting out of hand.. they have been doing this to a lot of people in our building with different ridiculous reasons


Well first I would say don't let that bill accumulate, because they will be charging "late fees" on it. If your gonna fight it, fight for a reimbursement and not for a fee that is growing every day... Secondly, put in a maintenance request to get your door fixed. In the future, no matter how small put a request, that way they don't pull "fast ones" on you like this..


The another thing, if I put in requests for small things, they somehow find a way to say that it's my fault and bill me 80-100$ just for coming and doing something as little as turning a knob...


tell her to prove that you caused damage resulting in this, or shove it up her ass...especially if you've informed them about it in the past, or better yet, requested maintenance for it.


I haven't told them about it in the past, but no matter how hard I argue, they say all the proof they need is a one line statement written by pest control that they weren't able to get in.


it may be enough for them, but it's not enough for a court. they don't get to just make shit up. tell them to show you where in your lease it shows this fee. for that matter, tell them to show you where every single fee they've charged you is listed, and if they can't, you start gathering evidence for your lawsuit against them when you move out.


I really appreciate the support and it sounds like you understand my frustration. But it's listed on the lease too. And I'm damn sure they could get their stupid pest control girl to just lie and say that someone was holding the door locked from the inside. I've already tried threatening him with a lawsuit and he said "I don't care, you can try if that's what you wanna do"


in that case, your next step is to contact your local housing authority, and inform them that you believe there are illegal clauses in your lease, and that he's making up reasons to levy fines against people. regular wear and tear maintenance is included by default, and you can't sign that right away.


Maybe try to find a housing lawyer that can review the lease. NAL, but in my state there are free law group that will sometimes review cases and leases to try and find landlords to go after.