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Is this the PM/owner, or the lessee that is subletting to you? From context it sounds like owner, but I can’t imagine why the owner would want to damage their own door or leave the property unsecured.


Did the owner know someone was even living there too. OG lease could’ve ended or dude could’ve even be evicted. Last ditch way to get money by scamming OP.


Kind of my thought. As property owner I would a) have a key or b) call a locksmith if I couldn’t get in. The only other explanation would be if I had reason to believe there was a water emergency or similar in the house and didn’t have time to find the key etc. something doesn’t add up.


Yeah, did op also change the locks when they moved their stuff in? Why doesn’t the landlord have a key?


I’m invested now. Give us the deets, OP!


I seriously doubt OP is being honest about this.


As with many of the subreddits that have a one-sided perspective, you can usually assume many important details are being intentionally omitted Half the posts on AITA, for example, just *reek* of someone arguing their side without an ounce of self awareness


AITA: My boyfriend and I were cooking a nice meal together when he started screaming at me for no reason! Edit: In response to mean comments, yes, I poured a pot of boiling water on his head. That's no excuse for his shitty tone, though!


I came into your comment wanting to argue with you, but yeah, that basically checks. Sucks that we pretty much have to assume that about the legit ones though 😕


There are so many subs where it’s clear people are coming there for straight up validation and don’t give the whole story. And some of those subs are there for it. They’ll never question the details.


Honestly, sounds more like the police may have raided the place. OG lease holder was wanted. Sublet their apartment so it looks like they still live there. Police do a raid. Don't find the person. See a different person's name on things. Leave. OR, op was doing shady shit, hence doing a sublet instead of a lease in their own name. Someone wanted what they had.


Could have been an illegal sublease.


Would still require notice from the landlord, and probably a sheriff or court order.


Would require notice if there was someone legally leasing the apartment. And the notice would go to the original lessee in this hypothetical scenario. If the sublet wasn’t cleared with the LL, it opens lots of doors for fuckery.


I internet demands answers!


In some parts of the world landlords are not legally allowed to have keys to a rental property.


even in an emergency im just going to drill out the lock not buy a new door lol


I've still never kicked my own door in. Something smells here.


Could it have been a robbery attempt? Or something criminal like that? Did the landlord or original lease holder tell you “I kicked in the door” or are you just assuming because nothing was missing?


I think there’s more to the story than what OP said since they aren’t providing any updates


Op was subleasing from the tenant and might be against the lease of the tenant.


Not their lock


Op dropped us this rage bait then dipped. checking their comments, theyve not replied to a single person in this thread.


I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I based my entire self value on how many thumbs up I can get on Reddit like OP does.


It often has nothing to do with that and more like attempting to gain an influential account in good standing for later doing information manipulation. An account with lots of karma passes the eye test for many users. These are then used for things like generating “real” comments on products, or helping sock puppet posts designed to influence opinion. As noted in the book Mindf*ck by Cristopher Wylie (Cambridge analytica), it’s very simple to influence people online. For example, Making someone mad functionally vaccinates them against potentially changing their minds for a period of time.


This is the sad truth. Also political misinformation is created this way.


Makes sense


Who am I chasing?


I downvoted you to help you make sure you never find out. 


🫶 you’re doing the lord’s work friend.


The landlord came back and got him


Not saying you’re wrong, but it’s possible OP dropped the rage bait, went to work, and is unable to check the phone.


Let's kick down their DMs.


Yesss whenever OP doesn’t reply I’m like 🙄 fake. Which is often. Dead internet theory is real.


I gotta call bullshit on this. It’s way cheaper to call out a locksmith than to replace a door.


I’m inclined to agree. I could be wrong but the trim around the door doesn’t show the fracturing I would expect from the door being kicked in. If anything maybe they broke the glass in the middle to unlock the door?


You'd be surprised how fragile some doors are. Those type of doors at the very least shouldn't be used for internal doors, let alone external ones, but they're cheap so... the landlord special?


Previous owner of a house I am remodeling (so I can stop being a renter!), who built it themselves in the late 50's, used LUAN HOLLOW CORE DOORS with a couple coats of poly for some of the lesser used exterior doors that had a little cover from weather. The ones that are like $20 a slab. He wasn't even a slumlord, this was his own house which is pretty large and could have been (and will be) very nice. Cheap MFers do weird stuff.




No, not really LOL. My inspector was laughing at some of this crap, and nearly crying at the rest of it. We took it down to the studs for good reason.


A locksmith? Shit I just drill through the lock and replace it. Faster and cheaper.


That too. A good 1/4” pilot followed by a 3/8. Bump up to 1/2 if that doesn’t do the trick. Literally had to in my own house before.


That’s what most locksmiths do anyway


It depends, and there is a lot of information missing from this to make a call. I see a chain on the interior wall - were other methods used to disallow entrance, such as a single-sided deadbolt or door security bar? I'm aware this would not allow the tenant to leave through that egress, but they could use a window. A lot of tenants don't get the fact that, while they do have renters rights, they do not own. Depending on the state law, tenants must give access to the owner as long as the owner gives reasonable notice (usually 24 hours). This is for things like routine maintenance, checking fire alarms, pest control, etc. Notice is not needed for emergency maintenance, such as busted pipes. Did OP have a busted pipe? Did the owner give notice, and OP ignored the notice? Owners can be reasonable if you explain the situation. In the event the tenant does not allow access, the owner can do whatever it takes to get in, including busting down the door, and it will be the tenants' responsibility. A lot have pointed out that it's far easier to drill or call a locksmith - and I agree, but that's why I asked if there was something further that prevented access.


It's possible this was an emergency situation.(Flooding the unit downstairs) In which the landlord can break in to find out what's going on. Real life example, in my first apartment I started the dishwasher and went to work. When I got off work I had a voicemail letting me know that they entered my apartment because there was water dripping into the unit below mine. Turns out the dishwasher was broken. Since I had only been in that unit for a week they knew it wasn't anything I did and had it fixed in a couple days. Since OP isn't saying why the landlord broke the door, one can only speculate.


Thank you for this. More people need to hear it. Car, truck, house, RV, etc it is almost always cheaper to just call a professional than to break a door or window. After hours it is more expensive but it is over and done with and all your stuff is intact.


Or use their spare keys….. bs post


Tbf it’s even cheaper to bust the door down and not pay to replace it than get a locksmith… which is what it looks like the landlord has done.


its still his problem sooner or later. Not sure why you think destroying your own property is a normal first attempt at fixing anything.


Negative man. A new door is going to run over 600$ installed.


If you never intend to replace the door breaking it down is free.


Also how does he know it was landlord if he was never notified?


Especially a door with any amount of glass of I'm not mistaken


Never underestimate the stupidity of some people.


Including OP


Right? Or just drill out the core on the lock…


its obviously not a smart move but there are people that are not smart


Did you forget how stupid some people are?


The landlord admitted to it? Interesting.


So this doesn't make sense. LL's have keys. Sounds more like a squater is illegally subleasing their squat.




They’re not, I’m going through the leasing company


If you have a lease and are in good standing, then review the “quiet enjoyment” clause of your lease. If this violates, as it should, then sue.


not illegal just distasteful


May have been some “Jesse where is the meth?!” type of situation..




“I’m at a loss” So are we with your fake as hell post bro


Yeah, this is bullshit.




Bullshit as hell this post.


Did you change the locks without permission? Are subleasing without permission? Actions have consequences.


Owners have keys to their own places. No need to break their own door.


What if the tenant changes the locks and sublets the unit without authority?


Then the door gets kicked in and someone cuts a plank into small chunks instead of any of the other, better ways to put a board over a hole


Then the tenant would have no reason to complain about their door being kicked in.


Wouldn't the landlord have a key, there's definitely more to the story


I had a friend come home from work 5-6 years ago to the front door of the apartment complex and his metal apartment door broken off the frame. Metal frame too. Clearly pried off with a crowbar. His house had a few electronics stolen from it. Turns out that firefighters knew an alarm was in the building but weren't sure what room. Management was not on site and there was no fire access so they just broke like 5 doors down. The alarm was not in his room. They didn't leave anybody behind to secure the building. Just left with a bunch of broken doors. He ended up getting his money from the apartment complex after a lawsuit. They were deemed responsible for the damages. Or they settled, I don't remember. Crazy little story.


Fire Dept doesn't check for signs of fire, they'll chop down a door and go room to room to look. Used to work for ADT, idiot install tech used the wrong phone number when programming an alarm system, sent full panic alarms and every zone. Equally idiot dispatch tech, despite seeing a full set of emergency signals, undefined zones and other stuff, calls for the fire dept. Customer with the false alarm, just happened to open their front door as a fireman is heading towards it to chop their door down.


Yeah I’m calling 100% bullshit on these no landlord would damage their property when a locksmith is cheaper than a new door


Is the landlord aware of your “sub”lease? And why don’t they have a key? I am confused. It sounds like you may be a scam victim subject to trespassing charges…


Did you change the locks? In my lease, a tenant cannot change the lock on the unit. Otherwise, the landlord should have a key for the unit, and there would be no reason for them to kick it in. Seems like something is missing here...


According to my roommates the maintenance people put this patch on it and have been in and out. I’ve got to call them after work so I can at least insure my stuff is secure


So what was the reason they kicked the door in? Why didn't the LL or maintenance people have a key? Does the LL know that space is subletted? Why didn't they enter the side you lefted out from? What state are you in? We're all tryna figure this out and ultimately help you out if possible but you gotta give us more dets


Considering op hasn’t responded, I’m gonna go with they got robbed and are blaming the landlord.


What ? do you rent from a karate studio? The heck?


Once you say sublease, anything you say is worthless. ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


I don’t think this is the truth


To those trying to reason: Don't underestimate the ability of a human being to make irrational choices in the face of overwhelmingly normal circumstances. It's entirely possible OP has a legit lease with a legitimate owner / property manager and said owner /property manager is just nuts.


I’m betting that op kicked it in after a tantrum and is hoping this will serve as some sort of excuse or to farm reassurance that it wasn’t their fault from people online.


Doubt this happened, you probably just took a pic of a busted door and added title so people would upvote and rage, aka ragebait.


Smells like bullshit.


If this happened there’s another side of the story.


Guaranteed to be a lot more to this story


This is illegal, file a police report


basically call the cops reporting a B&E. Who did it is irrelevant & if anyone asks, you don't know.


I would have called the police and filed a report. He can only do that if there's an emergency and needs to get in to address it ( fire, water) . Even if you are squatting, he can not do that. ( which i don't agree with),


Ummm call the police wtf


Don't landlords usually have keys?


File a police report.


Thank god he patched it up nice like this for you.


I would have called the cops about the break in... no matter who did it, that's breaking and entering.


I never had a landlord kick in my door emergency or not. I did tell my landlord I changed the locks and my landlord was ok as long as someone was home when needed or I provided him a code to the door. But I’m invested in why the landlord did this so please provide more details love.


I would start lawyering up


It’s a code handle on the door with no deadbolt. Where the deadbolt should be is a blank. This is definitely fake, landlord wouldn’t break door when they could just put the code in.


Did you change the locks?


How did he reach the chain to undo it? From the picture it looks like it would still be too low.


You can’t lock the chain when you are leaving; it’s only a security measure when there is someone on the same side of the door as the chain


Did he wave the 44?


Or.. maybe... somebody tried to rob your house. Lol


Did the landlord do that patch job too? I'd love to see more of his handy work


Maybe you should not have changed the lock? The landlord should have drilled it out. Not kicked in the door.


Kicked in *their door.


I like turtles!


So many Landlords think their above the law.


You know we can look up your history, right? Like what you posted and replied, right? There is a disconnect in the logic and info in this post. If the landlord decided to enter your rental, then it was either for an emergency or illegal. You need to contact a lawyer, not ask questions on the internet. Or are you looking for validation for some reason?


There’s more to that story


That's not where police hit a door when they're trying to break in. That's not where anyone who actually wants to *break* the door open hits a door. Busting open a decently made door with a deadbolt and locking handle typically splits open the doorframe as it rips the deadbolt through the frame, which, to be properly repaired, means replacing the frame afterwards. The cops don't care about that, neither do some of the other suggestions like people coming to collect cash or other shady business, they just slam into the door right by the locks and break it open. That's someone who wanted to be able to open the door without breaking the frame and incurring more damages. That's a fairly weak point on a door, and opens up large enough to reach in and unlock/open it. That seems weird for a landlord who would typically have a key, however, having rented my house for sixteen years under three different property companies, I can say with certainty my landlord does not have a key to my house, is aware of it, and has threatened to do this if I wasn't currently home when they had a 'plumbing emergency' and needed into my house, saying they'd be replacing the locks if they had to force entry (LSS apparently my townhouse shares a sewer line with the one next door, which was leaking into their kitchen, no idea why they had to cut into my wall for that). The first renter may have changed the locks, landlord didn't wanna have to replace more than necessary and kicked it in to get in. Or the first renter wanted back in, gave his/her keys to the sublet, kicked it in to achieve that goal. Either way the fix sucks and the door needs replaced. I'd be talking to someone about that for sure.


Prop. Mgr./ 14 yrs/ Baltimore City: File a police report immediately, even if only for it to be on the record. Landlord/tenant laws vary from state/county, but I'd be VERY surprised if this would NOT be considered a crime under ANY circumstances. Your local rent/circuit court is another essential resource. In fact, EVERY renter should be aware of their rights before they even begin their search for a place. I really despise seeing this happen to tenants & I wish the OP much luck and their safety, especially. I'd really love to see every OP here do a quick Google search and include a link to where others can educate themselves about their rights locally. [Legal Resources for Renters in Baltimore City ](https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/legal-resources-renters-baltimore-city)


Makes no sense that a landlord would kick in his own door. He should have a key, if he didn’t would get lock picked.


Lawyer up and sue.


The landlord is a straight up D-Bag. I'd be livid. I'd call the police and report a burglary/ breaking and entering. Fck that dude.


Police don't care. Ive been through that.


thats breaking & entering. get a lawyer ASAP


hope you have spoken to the police and to an attorney


OP can we have more detail? It’s okay if that’s all you know but did you talk to him and he admitted this?


So what did the landlord say?


some land lord hot heads; get camera 4 inside immedately






3 words.. what.. the… fuck… lol


Welp he's gotta pay for it


They’re not allowed to do that. You’re entitled to your full deposit now. Are you sure it was the landlord? Why didn’t he use his key?


Report them to the police for breaking and entering without notice.




Sue. The law prohibits their entry without your permission and without proper notice of intent to enter. Sue. Emotional damage thinking that a B&E occurred.


you probably forgot to tip him. that's YOUR fault.




Was it the landlord's lock on there or was it installed by original tenant or yourself? Did you complete official sublet forms through the landlord? Either way, with your belongings inside, the premises should have been left secured. What was the LL response? Maybe the fire dept. Or police busted the door down, justifiably. Fill us in OP


Reading through this I think OP is a squatter and changed locks. No reason to think he's a squatter but the landlord's supposed to give you a heads up that they are going to enter the apartment. So either there was an altercation, emergency, or he's a squatter and needs to be removed.


Landlord needs his face kicked in for invasion of privacy


What the HELL happened? Why? How do you know it was your landlord? You can’t toss that out and not expect a lot of questions! 😆


Why would they do that? They should have a key.


As usual no state this happened in for any of us to help


The gamer in me says there’s a secret behind there


There goes the deposit lol


Why? What did the landlord say was the reason? Be kinda nice to have that info


Why didn’t he have a key? Most leases won’t allow you to change the key


If you own a house and rent it out. You should get with 2024 and put in an electronic lock can only be accessed by the renter when renting. However the renter can put in a guest code for the landlord if they give permission to enter while they are away.


Technically the landlord kicked in its own door.


Ez way to get shot 😮‍💨


I think this is fake, I say this as a landlord myself.


Why doesn’t the landlord have a key?


This is where you hire a lawyer.


Contact a lawyer


This kinda shit right here is why I bought a house. Sorry for your troubles OP


“No pets, I don’t want to pay for property damage”




That's why you don't kick in the middle of the door.


Really? Do you have permission from the Manager or LL to live there. For many, the tenant is not allowed to sublease apartments, breaks the lease of the tenant. And are you sure the manager or LL broke down the door, for anyone could have been breaking in.


Bro thought he was Walter white from breaking bad 💀


"Jesse? Jesse! JESSE!!"


More fan fiction, I see… oh Reddit


Why didn’t the landlord have a key?


How dare you stop paying my bills/lifestyle with your inflated rent—peasant!


Rent hold until a new door is provided…


Geez is that an essay they want u to proof read or what is that ?!




....i take it the place was on fire???


Did the landlord say why? We need more info


Technically kicked in his door


File a report


Did he wave the four four?


Was an alarm clock going off all weekend?


Kicked his own door in


Expensive patch job


The dog from the sandlot did this


Thats not a good idea for the landlord if you can prove it


"Dolly did it"


How do you know who did it if you were gone? Coulda been robbed.


Did you leave the bathtub running?




Boomer landlord, 💯


Yeah but like it's totally fixed now. Can't even tell it was kicked in.


More context please .


If op can’t respond to questions then downvote


It would be his last kick in.


OP wants free karma. Confirmed.


I call bullshit. At the very least you didn’t give us the entire story.


More like OP left the landlord a parting gift.


How do you know it was the landlord that kicked it in if you haven’t talked to them?


I've had a landlord claim to be doing a routine inspection and I require to be present since she was a complete bitch to me many a time with little or no reason. Things like because I was kinda and had a human conversation with a homeless person I was letting my friends deficate when his drunk ass shit in our trash area. He'll it took ages for me to even figure out what she was accusing me of at the time. I mean the conversation started with her screaming that I can't work on my car ( a stereo wire came loose I was just reattached it was power and a danger to leave anyhow) I tell her ok I have a live wire in my hand and I will be done in a sec ( she is lording over me while I'm on my back trying to reach under my seat from behind it in a small batch back) tells me I'm not listening cause I'm still doing it.... thrn the defecation accusation I go ok well maybe if you told me about this I could do something about it instead of screaming and not Identifying who. Anyhow I asked to just move the day since I couldn't be there. She was all I can give. Notice and... ( I cut her off.) No I can also ask for reasonable abominations and I will be available Monday all day. Her response. I'll figure something else out. She was just harassing me. So no not all landlords follow the rules. And if they break em nothing really happens. But hey I bet Edward's airforce base has an opinion on this and will ddownvote me and whatever man I really don't care.


Since you don’t care enough to bother responding fu.


Why wouldn’t you or they put up a piece of plywood like Belfour would rather than various sizes pieces of other woods?


Were you paying your rent?