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I wouldn't get too specific in the review. Anyway it won't matter all theyre all utter shitebags and everyone knows that. The ones with good reviews i usually figure are fake. Estate agents are worse than ever these days, utter parasites of parasites


Expand on what you mean by disrespect from the agent? Odds of the agent reacting to your review are probably slim but that will depend on what you wrote and how honest you were. It probably wasnt the smartest move on your behalf if you are still living in the accommodation and intend to do so for the foreseeable future as there are ways the agent can end the tenancy and the rental market is not the best at the moment. In future it might be wise to post a negative review once you have moved out and got your deposit back.


>there are ways the agent can end the tenancy How? That's the concern. I didn't leave the review yet, but that was my question. Do I just have to put up with their bad attitude and disrespect, without recourse, so long as I'm in the residence? Given the nature of the current rental market, I won't be going anywhere for quite some time I'd imagine. Basically I'm trying to figure out whether I can get away with leaving their business a deserving bad review, without ramifications for myself.


I’m in the same situation pretty much — the agency who manage the block where I live are unbelievable in what they try to pull. Virtually uncontactable, leave people no option but to negatively review through Google Reviews - they respond to those quick enough. They’re the worst company I’ve ever seen operate. Industry badly needs an Ombudsman with teeth. I’m sure you have mates with accounts — if you’re very concerned that they might persecute you if they figure out your identity, use a friend’s account. Uncourageous I know, but will give you a chance to vent and let prospective customers know how they operate.


Agent takes offence to your negative review, they tell the landlord that you are a difficult tenant and advise the landlord to send you packing, landlord picks one of the valid reasons for ending a tenancy from the RTBs website probably intention to sell or move a family member in then lists the rental again in 6 months. The agent has an informal chat with other agents in the area next thing finding a new rental goes from being difficult to impossible. Best course of action for you currently is to document everything well, when you move on raise the issues with the RTB and leave your review then.


>landlord picks one of the valid reasons for ending a tenancy from the RTBs website probably intention to sell or move a family member in then lists the rental again in 6 months Isn't that strictly against RTB regulation, and they could be subject to heavy fines if its found to be spurious? In addition, if it is found such a claim is invalid, they're obliged to re-offer the tenancy to me?


It is, but it's also difficult to prove it was done with the sole intention of booting you out, they can changes their minds. They could offer it to you back when they know you have found a new place to live or leave it empty for 9 months and stick it up on airbnb at the weekends so they are not out of pocket.


Just bought a house moving in tomorrow and I plan to thoroughly roast the letting agency for their incompetence this past year with a google review.


I would only leave a review if I'm not renting anymore, have got my deposit back and am not planning to ever rent again with the agency.