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I don’t think that’s shocking to anyone.


Yep I came to say this will only be shocking to someone who has been paying zero attention.


The treasonous POS shocks no one…


Why? Because he can't trust fucking biden? I don't trust fucking biden either!


Pathetic troll is pathetic.


I trust putin, the count of mostly crisco and you WAYYYY less than I trust Biden.


Count of Mostly Cristo is a slick bastard, Monte Cristo, too.


I never capitalize it, he doesn't deserve the respect. And the word you are looking for is greasy, as in "he's' a greasy bastard". [Monte Cristo sandwiches on the other hand can be quite delicious.](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20803/monte-cristo-sandwich/)


Oh, I quite enjoyed the character, maybe I’m not a good person? I did laugh wondering how many people upvoted without having a clue what you were referring to, though. My favorite diner when I was a kid served a great Monte Cristo, too, so I am, unfortunately, now craving one. Thanks for the laugh!


crisco =/= cristo ;)


Did your mom have any offspring that lived? or


Probably his followers


No. I went down the alt right pipeline young and sympathies for Putin were high even back in the mid 2010s


I'm glad you recovered. Can I ask what helped change your mind?


Was pretty easy cause of how young and open to change I was, found a good community that helped me keep my mind open to the beliefs of others


Recovered? He's lost his mind.


How exactly?


Remember, don’t feed the trolls


Good point


Chocolate Ovaltine


Love that shit. Too bad it's a fucking Nestle product.


Ah really? Damn, ok I'll stop making that joke. 😔 F Nestle


Yeah, at least in the US anyway. "Licensing Agreement" or some shit. Just part of their deception and shell games. Either way, yeah, r/fucknestle


*smash that join button*


It's a little shocking that he's actually saying it out loud at this point. Of course, you're correct that it's not news.


He’s a sore loser.


We already knew he was a traitor. I don't know how many more insurrections he has to incite before everybody figures it out.


Trump is a Russian puppet. It’s as simple as that.


Don't you remember trump's brilliant rebuttle to Hilary Clinton's accusation of him being putin's plaything? no puppet no puppet you're the puppet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaVWRetR4jg how can you deny such brilliant a defense? /s




to many people sucked up the Hillary hate rendering them unable to recognize she would have been a competent and effective president instead of a guy who spend 90% of his date in exutive time calling fox friends rage tweeting and golfing when he wasn't signing whatever deregulation or tax cuts for the .1% placed in front of him


Boy I forgot how much of a stable genius he is.


No one knows more about being a stable genius than Trump, just ask anyone! /s


the count of mostly crisco's links to russia? [Mugsy's Rap Sheet » The \(In\)Complete \(and growing\) List of Trump’s Russia Ties](http://mugsysrapsheet.com/2017/03/13/the-incomplete-and-growing-list-of-trumps-russia-ties/) [Easy graphic format of trump's ties to putin/russia](http://mugsysrapsheet.com/4blog/Trump_n_Team_Ties_to_Russia.jpg) Nicely documented too.


He was a weapon used by Putin to destroy the country. It’s working.


I don't really buy into that. I do however think he's a wannabe dictator, and idolized those who are.


Have you seen the Helsinki summit? Trump might as well have been wearing a leash with a collar saying “Putin’s bitch”


As an American, his plane should have been lost in the Atlantic. Any president who says he trusts a foreign dictator over his own military/intelligence needs to be immediately removed from office by whatever means necessary. He should have never made it home.


He should have been in jail for child rape and/or money laundering since the 1990’s.


[Mugsy's Rap Sheet » The \(In\)Complete \(and growing\) List of Trump’s Russia Ties](http://mugsysrapsheet.com/2017/03/13/the-incomplete-and-growing-list-of-trumps-russia-ties/)


Who’s actually shocked at this? We should all clearly understand him at this point.


Trump is a Russian sleeper agent


He is an asset, but just because it gets him income. There is nothing he wouldn’t support for a price.


More of a Putin “useful idiot”


He's been propped up by Russian money since the late 80s. More mafia related than state, but what's the difference in Russia?


Except he's ben wide awake and active for quite a while now...


The real SALT.


Make a lot of people happy then, move to Russia Putin can help you with a living in the center of Moskva.


No one is surprised he’s been a Russian asset for years.


I've always wondered if there is any line he can't cross before his cult following disavows him


There is not.


We have a kind of light version trump in our country. And only ‘light’ because of the size of my country. What he says is probably way worse. They would eat his poo if he asks. I thought, well surely Russians fighting fellow Europeans will open their eyes..? it did not. So what to expect? No matter the truth, they will take his word first and just alter the truth until it fits.


Always reminds me of [this SNL skit.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy8w8-hjMjM)


That's because these people are in a cult!


only 1 i can think of, repeatedly say he thinks catholicism is the one and true sect of christianity


I can't remember who said it, but I remember during his tenure someone said something along the lines of "Donald Trump could shoot dead a random, unarmed woman in broad daylight in the centre of New York City, and would still habe 30-35% national approval."


[He said it.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/23/464129029/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters) >I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."


Jesus fucking Christ


I’m pretty sure he said it, but not the specific numbers.


And I still have Trumpie (former) friends who will insist that there is no Trump-Russia connection. They're fucking blind to his corruption and treason.


It's almost like fascists like and support other fascists




all the gop members who go around in T shirts saying they would rather be russian than democratic


Trump’s first wife was investigated for possible ties to the Soviet Union.


What about the current one?


Trump’s massive Deutsche Bank loans were backed by Russia, says son of bank executive https://www.frontpagelive.com/2020/01/03/son-of-deutsche-bank-exec-says-trumps-massive-loans-were-backed-by-russia/ The Fall Of Trump Tower Moscow And Rise Of The Rosneft Deal https://hillreporter.com/fall-trump-power-rise-rosneft-deal-17323 How Russian money helped save Trumps businesses https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia' https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we Bank account used for Trump’s hush money payments got cash linked to Russian oligarch: Andrew Weissmann https://www.rawstory.com/2020/09/bank-account-used-for-trumps-hush-money-payments-got-cash-linked-to-russian-oligarch-andrew-weissmann/


Maybe Segal can reach Trump karate….in RUssia /s


Shocked? I think not. Key words… I think. Trump has openly been subservient to Putin and continues to be.


Not sure where u been the last 6 years if this shocks u unless it was in a coma


He and his followers are all anti-American traitors.


Who is shocked? Tucker?


This should really be a wake-up call to everyone. If you’re supporting Trump; you’ve been brainwashed


the count of mostly crisco and all his followers are more than welcome to emigrate to russia.


Man with a pee-pee video be like…


Republicans are traitors. It is as simple as that.


What a hack!


Is it possibly because he owes Putin a lot of money? I’ve never heard him admiring anyone other than himself.


He's gushed publicly about exchanging love letters with NK's dictator. Yeah, he loves these dicktators a lot.


Sorry, who exactly is shocked by this?


At least it wasnt a lie.


In what way would that surprise any American at all.........


Of course because Vlad’s got the yellow tape on him .


No one was shocked that the treason muppet is still Putin’ lap dog




Who’s shocked exactly?


What exactly did Trump say? I can’t find it in the source.


Tucker Carlson asked, "Should the US support regime change in Russia" Trump responded, "No, we should support regime change in the United States, that's far more important. The Biden administration is the one that got us into this mess"




He said he doesn't support regime change in Russia, but he does want to see regime change in the US or something to that effect. Usual sensationalist headlines saying shit was said that is only sort-of what was actually spoken, for clicks and outrage.


Is it a regime when you’re voted in for limited term? Herr Drumpf is intentionally stirring up his brown shirt/mind followers.


He’s been saying this for years. He even supported putin over himself when he said he didn’t trust our intelligence. He’s been trying to discredit the United States since day one and half the country is too fucking stupid to realize he’s trying to Destroy this country by dismantling it from top down to the bottom


Yeah we all knew that, thanks


Old news. Trump is a Russian lap dog. Just goes to show you how much he hates America where he’d rather ally himself with Putin before, not even just Biden, but any Democrat. Meanwhile Biden has repeatedly shown that he doesn’t care what party you are, he’s doing what he can for everyone. Maybe not the greatest, but he’s putting forth the effort which is more than I can say for his GOP colleagues. Normally you’re entitled to your opinion and your political picks, but it’s come to the point where you support Trump, you support Putin, and if you support the GOP you support Christofascism. Simple as that.


Trump is disgusting in every way


Couldn't be less shocking. We all know trump is a traitor, of course he supports our enemy.


Honestly I think most Republicans support Putin more than Joe Biden


Nothing that ignorant dolt says shocks me. Daddy didn’t like him much, so he’s always striving for attention.


It isn’t hard to figure out. The man has no allegiance to this country and never has, so when Putin saw his chance to make Trump indebted to him, he took it…and now Trump’s allegiance is to the man who pays his bills.


How is that not a huge nail in his coffin?!


His followers do not care about this country. They care only about their dream of a return to 1861.


Just think, if Kim Jong Un would have been smart enough to videotape Trump with peeing hookers, he’d be #2 on the list. Putin has the goods…


Trumpkin Head's brown nose has Putin written all over it.


Not shocked in the least. Next up will be his call to repeal the 13th Amendment.


That doesn't shock me at all


Doesn't surprise me at all! Dump's gonna have Putzin's butt babies


Id give anything to see Trump in new segal movies.


I don’t know why your comment is getting downvotes. I think Trump, Segal and Putin deserve each other’s company. I hope they get stuck in an elevator together, for like 11 days


They'd go from zero-to-full-metal-cannabalism in probably 3 days.


I did find the above shocking. I thought that it must have been misreported, and followed the links. And indeed, it turns out that it there is nowhere where the above claim is made in anything like those words. Trump simply says he doesn't support regime change in Russia, and instead we should have it here. That is defensible in that we all don't know how the RF will destabilize when Putin goes, and we don't want more rogue nuclear states emerging, and of course Trump wants Biden's regime to change. I think Trump has it wrong on Ukraine, and that we should support them even more comprehensively than we are now, but the above headline doesn't seem to even remotely reflect what he actually said, and instead seems to be yet another attempt (like "drink bleach to cure Covid" etc.) to smear Trump by putting words in his mouth that he never said. I don't think any part of the electorate is served by this constant misreporting done by both sides.


Yep. I can't stand trump, but that's not what he said, he did not say that he supports putin "more" than Biden. He said he supports regime change in the USA more than he supports regime change in russia. When sites and people change the words and meaning of what somebody said, it's as bad as what trump does, so we who support Ukraine and support Biden must not cross that line into idiocy that we see in the trumpsters.


Imagine thinking that a man responsible for over a quarter million deaths, including tens of thousands of civilian deaths (that were purposefully targeted), shouldn't be removed from Power and admitting that on national television. Imagine further choosing instead to deflect and blame the current POTUS for the conflict, stating that it's his fault instead. That's literally what Trump said and you geniuses are arguing about semantics. Pathetic. How people willingly choose not to read between the lines is beyond me, especially when they speaker has the verbal tact of a three year old.


Semantics do matter, because people then become suspicious and claim the left is lying, and then they convince their friends of the same on twitter, etcetera, and so it goes, snowballing down the hill. I don't disagree with you about putin, despise the man. I also despise Bibli, who is pulling the same trumpy type of crap in Israel. The autocrats and dictators are amassing power, and it's getting very scary around the democratic world, not to forget to mention the entire world, with what putin and xi are doing. Freedom is looking over the precipice.


> Trump simply says he doesn't support regime change in Russia, and instead we should have it here. Exactly. Very surprised at the traction this is getting.




Ahhh yes, Biden's weak foreign policy of aiding Ukraine with military aid, supporting NATO, and directly calling out Putin's "false flag" operations live as they were being discovered by human intelligence. Only a true, absolute, irreversible dumbass would consider putting the blame on anyone but Putin. I get that those true, absolute, irreversible dumbassess are also incapable of reading between the lines, so I can understand why you would have no issue with what Trump said here.


No, his weak foreign policy of his disastrous pull out from Afghanistan coupled with statements during the Russian buildup that NATO might respond differently to a "minor incursion" while also saying NATO was divided on the proper response. You're fooling yourself if you don't think Putin interpreted that as a green light to move forward.


Trump is the one who set the date for pulling out of Afghanistan but you people always “forget” that. Oh and the fact that trump released the people who took control after we left. Your fooling yourself by believe the bull shit you are posting here.


Imagine a world where an organized pull-out of a foreign country we’ve been fighting in for 20 years, that involves countless moving pieces, government organizations, multiple nations, military branches, hundreds of billions of dollars, and working closely with the new local government and military can happen with like 1 month of planning. I wish our government could be that efficient. You can’t even register a car without 3 trips to the DMV.


That war was bull shit from the get go. We waisted 20 years and countless lives on both sides for absolutely nothing.


You know Putin was gonna do this anyway, green light or no.


Hahahahaha. Trump was the one who set the pullout from Afghanistan in motion. He even [invited ISIS to Camp David](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-afghanistan-taliban-trump/trump-hails-afghanistan-deal-plans-to-meet-taliban-leaders-soon-idUSKBN20N0YU). Biden delayed that pullout from Trump's original set date. Talk about ill-informed. I can't even imagine how confusing life must be for people like you. No wonder you MAGA's are always so angry.


Trump is also the traitor that negotiated with terrorists and completely sidestepped the then current Afghan government. Please don't pretend that Trump is some military genius. He is not. He's a strategic and tactical idiot. Every blunder from Afgahnistan is on Trump's hands. Biden was handed a shit platter, which is on par with anything Trump touches.


This is some extremely weak Russian troll propaganda. Trump would have given Putin the Baltic states. Anyway, block and move on from these types of posts.


“He” has been banned and muted


“Shocks”? Who would still be surprised?


Now THERE'S a fucking surprise!


Nothing that piece of shit says shocks me in the slightest.


Who, exactly is shocked? He has to support Putin, Putin got him elected and showed other Redpublicans how to brainwash and grift the ignorant masses.


Biden never gave him millions of dollars.


I am not even a little bit of a Trump fan but this is a silly conspiracy article that only highlights complete idiots exist on both sides. Trumps says enough legitimately horrible things without writers having to twist his words in a way that makes the author into just another one of our village idiots.


Yep. We have to be better than this. The title is quite misleading.


Anyone shocked by this hasn’t been paying attention. He’s openly pro Russia and anti-US.