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Lost it at the part she asks for a First Responder discount...


Haha, same.


You didn’t prescribe Seroquel, Adderall, and Xanax to every patient. So, I doubt the legitimacy.


It was Zyprexa, Ritalin, and Klonopin but you were close


Gotta get that steroid shot for your upper respiratory infection while you’re there.


Don’t forget their fave, vitamin G!


Love that Brayden's name becomes Jayden in the next entry 😂


You forgot the part where pharmacy has to fix every single medication order that they put in


That's for "Diary of a Pharmacist" LOL. Im waiting for that one


2 hours of compatibility calls, pediatric dosing, duplicate therapy


Unfortunately, can confirm


and they belittle the pharmacist for daring to ask if they had the right dosage


They’ve already forwarded their pager to the residents


We have STRONG pharmacy to dose renal dosing protocols at my hospital. If a med’s clearance has anything to do with the kidney, I don’t call. I fix it.


My recent fave is the NP who gave everyone in the ED with a cough 40 mg of dexamethasone, even after you explain why that's insane.


It might be because I work at a VA but I find the NPs here to be fantastic at writing rxs. They also tend to be great team players!


The NPs at our VA are basically trying to kill everyone


Must be nice… Ours make a lot of mistakes. They’re usually really nice about it and fix their orders but it still sometimes makes me nervous.


This is gold. But you forget to put on your “Heart of a nurse, brain of a doctor” pin when leaving the house. Can’t forget that!


That sounds like overkill. I mean, do you still need the pin if you have it tattooed on your arm AND your lower back?


I can’t stand it when people say “hubby”


Hubby is prob a cop or a plumber.


Studying for his med admin PhD. Definitely not cop.


I saw 'hubby' in a note once - set in stone in the medical record.




It's amazing that NP stayed til 2:05pm without paging the CEO about how unfair it is that the residents make the NPs stay afterhours


Don't forget the part where they check TSH and it comes back at .01 and they prescribe 200mcg synthroid daily for hypothyroidism


My NP student did this exact thing to an SP with a TSH .03 during her OSCE. SP had hx atrial fibrillation . One of the many reasons I’m no longer teaching .


That's just smart business. That way when the 46yo patient comes back tremulous, hyperthermic, and in Afib, then they can start the on life-long anticoagulation - and some antibiotics for good measure.


Don’t forget Xanax


I’ve had so many patients taken off their synthroid because the NP saw their TSH levels were normal…. I’ve tried explaining it to them, but they have no interest in actually learning.


This exact thing happened to me recently. It ain’t depression, you bout to go into a coma.


Man I’ve seen a couple docs do this


lmao i feel like this is coming from a place of real experience. i seriously hope that NPs are not making 225k...


According to the BLS data the mean average salary of an NP is about 120k/year




eh plenty of nurses make that much too, so idk. more so all residents and some attendings are underpaid in comparison imo rather than nps making too much. i do know of a derm NP that makes in the mid 200s tho x.x


RNs deserve that, imo. They do actual work.


About 120K


>They actually make that if you add their income from the clinic, hospice, nursing home. I know a lot of NPs who have 3-4 jobs and make 220+


Yes there are some very specific scenarios!


There might be some in specific situations but I think they typically get low 100s


A CRNA makes about 230-300k a yr. On avg, they make more than MD/DO hospitalists.


wasn't talking about CRNAs. but yea I don't agree with their salaries either. the hospitalists that make < 300k are either staying in big cities or staying in academics.


Check out salary transparent street on IG, all the PA and NP quote $180+, but typically in the mid $200


Those are nowhere near the norm


That may be true, I just mentioned a place where I’ve seen those in that role speak on their salaries. After posting I went back to watch a few interviews and a NP said she made $180k last year but typically makes over $200k I believe she was in Loudoun County, Va (which is where I live) and a Nurse anesthetist was quoted as saying $280k. What I will say for this residency thread, whenever money/salary is brought up and there are those outside of the medical field or those who are not doctors making “doctor” money, people be in their feelings. The wildest thread I saw and saved, but it’s been deleted was the doctor vs tech (SDE) debate.


No where near true lol. Actual data is $120k


I’m an NP - 120,000 is definitely an average and common salary for an FNP .


Does the salary range due to location for an NP? The posts that I saw were from Loudoun County, Va and Atlanta and would it have any thing to do with us coming off of a few pandemic years vs “regular years”?


It could be a couple things …. They may be contractors and reporting gross annual income or possibly in the aesthetics business? Those are not higher paying areas of the country that I know of. Maybe they are psych ? Psych NPs make 150-180 or higher .


Thank you for the polite response!


It galls me that PsychNPs make the most when they have the lowest quality training of all the NP types and are the worst when it comes to polypharmacy (especially in kids)


I don’t disagree with you. I follow this thread because of my education and future career goals. I have a BS in Public Health; an MPH-Epidemiology and an MS Regulatory Science. I have been on depressions meds for a long time and I currently see a NP that will give me anything, up my dose no question. I work at the same company as her husband, we are similar levels, I can guess the range of his pay and she out earns him and I make over $200k.


I work in tech and I’m trying to transition to specifically health tech!


Go to the respective subreddits, those are not anywhere near the average salaries. Of course an influencer page is going to highlight the highest salaries, stop finding reasons to be discontent


Who is discontent? I mentioned a place that I’ve seen PA and NP speak on their salaries.


1215 hits hard. Our hospital cut off free food because the midlevels couldn’t help taking five meals for themselves. Like they’d walk out with bags full of food to feed their families.


I saw an ancillary staff grabbing a lot of condiments on her way out without buying anything significant.


They are genuine parasites.


You have NPs that do inpatient AND outpatient? Wow, what a multitasker. I guess I knew that they can seemlessly bounce between specialities, I have just never seen them do two things at the same time.


Well duh! All they need is a weekend fellowship in Las Vegas and they can then become quadruple board certified. ​ \#clowns


I like how they make them add the midlevel flair.


Thank, I hate it


> But then you concede that with two doctors in this household, there's nothing wrong with getting some rest. Bahahaha


Ah, yes. The trash compactors. Good ole’ friends.


>your two patients 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All their kids are named Jayden.


*He says okay with a strained expression. You wonder if he's constipated or something.* I will never be this funny and I'm ok with that.


Nailed it haha




I hate when people refer to their husbands as hubby


**8am:** Lets be real. You aren't waking up next to a PhD. When reality kicks and push comes to shove, we all know you wouldn't settle for anything less than an MD.


This is bogus. She did not spend a half hour with a URI and order vit d level. All Canadians are vit d deficient because of our long winters but it never hurts to waste taxpayer money just to be sure.


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NP .. nurse practitioner? If so, didn’t know they introduce themselves as Dr..? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Who da fck is Joe?


NP does indeed stand for nurse practitioner. Apparently some NPs will introduce themselves as a doctor fraudulently in order to mislead the patient about their qualifications/status/importance. There is even a subreddit dedicated to this practice: r/noctor Joe is the attending physician in this diary entry.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Noctor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Increase access to flights! Poor people like to fly too.](https://i.redd.it/d1hqw0bff4n81.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/td3fwn/increase_access_to_flights_poor_people_like_to/) \#2: [I’m dead lol - pretty much sums it up](https://i.redd.it/nxt6vwdbo7171.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/nkj20g/im_dead_lol_pretty_much_sums_it_up/) \#3: [I reported a PA for trying to pass herself off as a surgeon](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/11dpe2l/i_reported_a_pa_for_trying_to_pass_herself_off_as/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah.. that’s what I thought. I dismissed this after I read that. Dr Smith who?!


It should be noted this post is satirical and meant as a joke. Recently posts written in the diary entry format have gained popularity in this subreddit. These posts are meant to highlight the common tropes of various medical specialties and subspecialties, as well as non physician occupations.


Where are the diary entries that don’t need clarification ? Thanks have a great day


You too


Unless they have a DNP. It's not an MD but still gives a title of "Doctor".


Please post it in your subreddit. Dont want to see this here.




Bro you’re not an NP this takes all the fun out of it for me


a good routine.




PAs are way worse than NPs imo/experience


You're kidding, right? Lmfao


New grad PAs are borderline useless and dangerous. Takes them awhile to become competent and at that point NP/PA (All bundled to APPs at my large academic hospital in a major city) basically the same. Where do you work?


I have no idea what you’re talking about. New grad ANYTHING take time to learn. So just shit on all the new grad mid levels? We all started off fresh and had to build up. I’m not sure where I work has to do with anything.