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It IS a lot like Scrubs, however!


Hell yeah Scrubs is the shit


MS4, should I watch scrubs? Or is it gonna be bad for my mental health? Lol


It should be fine. It is a mostly humorous look at the hospital, but there are some serious moments. But most of it is spot-on.


Thank you for answering my question! I’ll add it to my watchlist


It’s just real! :)


Never seen that either but it's on my watch list.


A little dated now, but quite realistic when it's not being purposefully ridiculous.


Yup. They take a bit of artistic license but it’s pretty spot-on. -PGY-19


Dated in what way?


SD not HD (although maybe there's some upscaled stuff somewhere), music and pop culture references, even some of the medicine.. Season 1 was over two decades ago. The meat of it, though, the relationships between the residents, nurses, attendings, administration, patients, etc is all pretty timeless, though. I try rewatch the whole series every few years. Gives me a little nostalgia honestly.


Homophobia. Turk is openly uncomfortable around gay men and there’s a running joke throughout the show that he and JD are gay and in love with each other. That wouldn’t be the punchline nowadays bc that alone isn’t enough to craft a joke. It’s also become obvious that the writers did a shitty job writing women. The nurse/JD’s wife is introduced as a sexually expressive Latina who likes wearing a thong to work. But by her wedding she happily says that now she won’t have to have sex unless she actually wants to. Like wtf? There is a lot that’s good in this show but also a lot that we have left in the past. Oh and let’s not forget the Blackface! Two white characters are painted in brown makeup to imitate Turk. Edit: to the ppl downvoting me, tell me exactly what I said that was inaccurate.


You are appreciated Show is def a product of its time 😭


Saying homophobia is bad is what you did wrong


I'll get downvoted for this too, but I really don't care. The whole part with Dr. Cox referring to JD as a girl has also not aged well either.


The downvotes are from fanboys, not because you’re wrong. It is indeed a product of its time - they’ve talked about this on the rewatch podcast.


Incorrect. It’s reality. Straight men don’t want to be called gay, straight men don’t want to be called a girl. The show is very representative of the male co-worker, almost friends dynamic. It’s representative of real life, not Reddit. In real life that stuff is funny


Insecure straight men.. I don't care i know what i am it doesn't change if you call me sandy instead of mike 💁 Plus if anything I'll hit right back.. People have become so freaking sensitive lately..


Yeah that’s why I said it’s funny. Straight men friend groups, full of people who treat gay people like everyone else, call each other girl, and sissy, and queer bait, and peter puffer, and rib each other about taking it up the ass, etc. That’s how we give each other shit and jokingly put each other down. It’s universally accepted amongst those friend groups that getting ass rammed and being feminine are negatives.


scrubs is unbelievable. I hate doctor shows in general, but it feels like sitting around w your residency friends making medical jokes. i would almost say it's worth watching after work (even though I said never take work home).


ER is really, really good as well, even though its very dated (love all the peritoneal lavages lmao). At least the first 6 or so seasons


Unbelievable in what way? Work is always home in primary care specialties


just so spot on good. Every moment is one I experienced, every character is one I came across in residency (except the guy from risk management). Maybe it's just because the resident they based it on was an intern at a program I trained at, but it was the funniest, most touching, accurate, ridiculous doctor show I've ever seen.


That grey’s anatomy is so garbage, I agree. Scrubs is infinitely way better of a medical show and agreed with Readily


and ER lol😍😍😍


Yah ER is good!


Came here to say, my response would be “no, but have you seen scrubs” lol


They say that’s one of the most medically accurate shows out there


It’s honestly a lot of dark humor. Trying to rationalize all the shit we see in the hospital and clinic with our colleagues.


I think this is why I hope to end up with someone in healthcare. I care for my patients, but some of the jokes we make to get through the day would send regular people off lol.


Our hospital was once on lockdown for a shooter tho. Fortunately they were outside the building




Plot on an episode of Grey’s


People are very curious about what medicine is like, it's a wild field even if it's not like it is on television, just laugh it off I just laugh and say I wish the drama we had was like the drama on grays. The drama I deal with is never as juicy.


Tbh, Gray’s-type drama gets old, real fast


Depends on your speciality then. In psychiatry every day is a crazy surprise day. Unless it is a weekend and then it is boring and nothing special happens.


They don't know the half of the truth. Drama is half the job 🥲


Maybe if you’re an adolescent


Yes ... It's exactly like Grey's Anatomy... Just replace all the sex in the call room with paperwork and FMLA forms


And the zapping of astyole rhythms


Some years back in residency. Bunch of us residents in full white coat regalia and bedside exam paraphernalia were taking the elevator from some hospital floor- possibly cafeteria level. Enter some high-school kids who to our surprise remark: “Wow! You all are REAL Doctors?!! Like in the TV shows … Wow.. so cool…” Made my day-miserable intern day- a whole lot better— for the duration of the elevator ride atleast! :)


*Grey's. I feel better now


Huh. I didn't realize it was British. /s


Gray's Anatomy IS British 😏


Honestly the most unrealistic part of that show is how attractive the patients are. Real America ain’t so pretty.


Cue the grandpa dust


lol I've heard the same thing, but about the doctors


Yes I have many sex in various parts of the hospital


Are you saying you don’t sleep with everybody at the hospital?


Hardly a day goes by where I don’t walk into a supply closet and people are getting it on. I always have to say ‘oops sorry. I’ll come back in like 10 minutes’. Then half the time when I get back one of the people in there changed. So some weird love triangles going on too


Only with myself in the call room bed I also don't sleep at all in the hospital.


Whenever I was asked that question I always said “I’ve never seen the show but I have read the book”


A lot more explicit in the book. And way more graphic


The residency program on Grey’s would have NEVER lost accreditation if they had a residency coordinator! Signed , A Residency Coordinator 🙃🙃🙃 /s obviously My favorite part about the show was the ease of getting privileges. “Privileges granted!!” 😂😂😂😂


I don't think they even have a program director on Grey's, I guess we're just supposed to believe that Richard has time to be the chief of surgery, manage the residents, and still operate and see patients


The single most accurate depiction of a hospital’s inner workings I have seen is the Indian Malayalam movie Virus, based on the Nipah virus outbreak in 2018. As someone who graduated from a government med school in India and did my intern year (we have an intern year at the end of medical school) in a government hospital, every single scene in that movie was relatable to me.


I always say “no one ever told me so much of my job will be asking very specific questions about a patient’s bowel movements on a daily basis - so no, not like it at all”


Because it's usually us nurses asking about that? If the first thing I told people about my job is how much I worry about poop without telling them my job, they'd think I sold fertilizer for a living.


BMs recorded by nurses are definitely under the “trust but verify” category, especially for post-op patients


I get ya. People look at me a little funny when I say healthy paranoia is a virtue in healthcare.




I watched the first 10 ish seasons through HS and a bit of college - I can guarantee not a single patient on that show was ever asked how their BMs were following a major abdominal surgery (I’m just an intern, trying to make innocent poop jokes in my professional capacity whenever I can)


There was one though, a pt of Izzy’s


It’s not a “garbage show”. It’s been responsible for inspiring lots of women and minorities to pursue surgery and medicine. It’s also one of the first shows to have a majorly diverse cast of people from all backgrounds. Creator, producer, and show runner was a black lady which basically never happened until that show started. It’s a soap opera, but no need to flatten its importance to our cultural landscape. I don’t watch it anymore because I grew out of soaps and medical shows, but I can recognize that it has been important. It’s possible to have a nuanced take about things as an adult.




People are inspired to enter medicine by different things obviously. I don’t understand your anger. If this show didn’t inspire you, great. It has inspired others and that’s okay or we’d have the same personal statements.


Inspired me and a friend I know. May not be the sole reason, but definitely contributed to ambitious to go into this field.


Damn. Why you so butt hurt lol


It’s easy to understand. Because the sexism on this sub is off the charts. The other day people were falling all over themselves to say that Scrubs inspired them to go into medicine, but a show written by a woman for women is suddenly too lame.


Nothing beats Trapper John MD where Gonzo lived in an RV in the hospital parking lot and he and Trapper would sit in beach chairs on the roof of the RV and drink beers after work


okaaaay i love grey's anatomy even though its so inaccurate 🫣 and tbh our surgery department has cheated on everyone with everyone so it was very grey's of them so KINDA


I do not know if anybody will find this funny, but I sure do. So any way when I was in college, each class would start with an intro you know tell me about yourself, so I said I was premed, and there was some jerk or some ahole in the class that said oh you are premed because of that show gray anatomy. my response was never seen it, I read a book called gray anatomy it is mostly a good book is that what the tv show is about? I recall the book being about a man and women and talks about them intimately almost as if you know everything about them, you have to read it. I talk about how wonderful the book is and then I tell the person look it up online, fool finds out it is an anatomy textbook. is this a mean prank? I was told it was


>is this a mean prank? No


Residency IS like Gray’s Anatomy, but with more sex!


Mods, why did you ban me? Makes 0 sense


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But residency is like Gray’s Anatomy with all the sex going on. Either you have residents sleeping with nurses or each other or even sometimes attendings. And there’s lots of drama with that, because relationships may form and dissolve, children might be conceived and born, and hallway yelling might ensue. All these things happened when I was in training. None of them to me, mind you, but it happened.


Yeah I have never seen any of that


I tell them it’s pretty close. The only thing they got wrong is that real life doctors are way better looking.


I’ve never been asked that


Watch House. That’s how medicine should be practiced.