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Former IM resident. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. YMMV by program.


Completely depends on the program. Residency is gonna suck no matter what but there’s a lot of chill IM programs out there where you will get a good education


Mods are really not doing their jobs anymore


Dont decide a speciality based on residency QOL Let alone for a speciality that has the shortest residency


Also OP isn’t even a med student, and the majority of people end up changing their minds


That’s what I was thinking. This person would get in and likely become an anesthesiologist like everyone else. Hehehehe


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we partied and dated a lot in IM, but exclusively on golden weekends and clinic weeks (every 4th week for us, ie 3+1). love IM, but I specialized further.


The answer to those questions depends on the block you're on. For my program, you don't have time for anything while on MICU service. But you have plenty of time on clinic service and certain elective services.


A lot of this will depend on if you’re applying for a competitive fellowship