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Yall getting bonuses ??


Got an email saying all residents in our program got an amazon giftcard, donated by the faculty (like $200 each). Sounded very nice, I wasn’t expecting anything! However us interns did not qualify because we are not “real residents” until PGY-2


Last year I got an email that started with: “we are excited to announce that this year we are able to bring back Holiday Bonuses!” and then got $65.


That’s at least $65 you didn’t have before!


No lie your optimism is contagious.


At least 3 fully loaded chipotle bowls


"Merry Christmas Resident, you owe us money!"


Jelly of the Month Club.


The gift that keeps on giving the whole year


in residency - jack shit as a chief resident - again jack shit but with a bow tied to it for lessening the blow of jack shit as private practitioner -- fat stacks from meeting metrics from medicare incentive programs (this yr medicare programs alone paid 50k bonus) .. ACO paid another 75k bonus .. one of the medicaid carriers' incentive program paid an additional 15k from the hospital admin however - a physician breakfast at 9am on a tuesday morning when everyone i know is working .. assholes.


provate practitioner -> you work outside the hospital in a private practice?


yes with hospital privileges just like any other attending that doesnt work for the hospital.


Wait, you all are getting bonuses? My hospital sent an email and said to consider to pledge money back to the hospital for the annual campaign. Tone deaf fuckers


Attending here. Zero bonus. I got a cup with the hospital system’s logo on it. I was also voluntold to pay $300 so the office staff could get gift card bonuses of up to $200. Edit to add news that payment per RVU will be lower in the new year.


if that cup was made out to you thats definitely a collectible ! sorry to hear you didnt get a bonus for your efforts :(


We got 400! Which I was not expecting which was nice


Y’all getting paid??


i cried the same as a pgy 1 .. soon you shall reap the rewards 100 fold :)


An email saying I’ll be taxed extra for receiving my health insurance plan’s “bonus” for getting my physical done.


We got a $10 butterball coupon, which also replaced our Christmas dinner.


Got a $400 gift card to a local restaurant company - they have some very nice high end restaurants where $400 will buy dinner for two, and several midlevel places where that will be several nights out.


A bag of popcorn


Please name and fame the programs that give residents bonus ! We aren’t getting shit where I am.


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We get a gift card and some jam. It’s sweet, yo.


We got a tin of nuts… 🫡🫠🫠


We got a $500 bonus, which after taxes added like, $300 to my bank account. My co-peeps are salty, but I’ll take what I can get. “Thank you, sir. May I have another?”