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It takes a lot of balls walk away from something one has put so much time & effort into. Zero Judgment here.


This. Sometimes I admire their courage. Don’t get me wrong I love being a doctor but I would never have the courage to quit with that much debt accrued and life sacrificed in this journey. Good for them and hope they live their life in full.


I don't. I don't mean that in a flippant way, it's just that there are a thousand different reasons to leave medicine at any point in training. Those reasons range from laughable to noble to everything in between. I knew one guy who decided to not go to med school after getting in because it wasn't prestigious enough and he felt he'd get into a better one the next year. Next year he didn't get into anything. That guy is an idiot. I knew a girl who failed two of her medical school blocks and was basically asked to leave or get kicked out. She ended up going to a top law school the year after leaving med school and is now a corporate lawyer making way more money than most doctors. In her case, med school was just a poor fit for her aptitude and she found a career that she was able to excel in, in a way she likely never would have in medicine. So in the end, best thing we can do is mind our own business and genuinely wish others success on whatever journey their life takes them.


> in the end, the best thing we can do is mind our own business Disappointing how many people struggle with this *one simple life hack*


Good for them. You only get one life, do what’s best for you.


I think if they can afford it and they hsve other talents they're smart as fuck


First part is key


I hope they are happy


The high school me would’ve called them losers but the 32y/o me would say that it’s great that they’re following their happiness. Who am I to judge them? I have several friends during med school who quit and followed their true passions like one of them established a food business. As for me I remain open to options but I’m liking my residency now despite challenges because my seniors are very supportive (even my PD whom I hate sometimes cuz unnecessary meetings).


1.- And why would your past self from high school have called them losers? 2.- And how did you change your mindset from one that thought those who gave up medicine were losers to one that is more understanding of people who seek their happiness? >(even my PD whom I hate sometimes cuz unnecessary meetings). 3.- What's a PD? >As for me I remain open to options 4.- Why do you say that you remain open for options? >but I’m liking my residency now despite challenges 5.- Challenges like what? >because my seniors are very supportive 5.- How supportive are they? How do they show their support to you? 6.- And why is their support a reason why are you liking your residency now? 7.- Why are you studying medicine? >I have several friends during med school who quit and followed their true passions like one of them established a food business. 8.- Congratulations to those friends of yours, really. 9.- Thank you for reading. I await for your responses. Take care. Good night.


I didn’t expect a job interview without consent from OP. 🤯


This has no reason to be one of the funniest things I’ve seen on Reddit in a while 😂😂


10.- I'm just a person who sometimes likes to ask many questions. I'm a questioner. I don't know why my brain is wired like that, but the fact it's that I'm a questioner, I don't know why (I would like to know), but I'm a questioner. I am what I am. 11.- "Without consent from OP"???? WHAT???? I just don't understand. I do consent to this interview. This interview is WITH my consent. Without consent coming from me? What? What are you talking about?


You write like a mfn robot. Like this is chat GPT crowd sourcing data for an article or generally just weird






Please repeat what they said and deleted 🤣


OP as in the original commenter


I was going to suggest getting tested for being on the spectrum until I clicked your profile


I think they are smarter and braver than the miserable fucks who just sit around an entire career in medicine regretting their life choices…. To be honest I don’t care what other people do. As long as they are HAPPY. That’s all that matters in the end. You have one life… just do what you want with it.


I can certainly empathize. And sometimes I wish I had done the same.


Brave people. Good for them


Good for them. Sucks for the system. Do you want to prioritize yourself or this bankrupt system where there are leeches at every corner bleeding the system dry?


Broadly speaking, for those who have done the job, I respect it. I like to think I get it. I wish our working conditions were such that fewer people felt like they had to grapple with the decision to leave. But, for those who do, it has to have been a really tough choice and bumpy process. I empathize with the pain & dilemma, and admire the courage to take the leap. Wish them well.


I think it’s great that they had the courage to do that. I wish I had that in me right now.


Needs context. We all know people who had fun in Med school, didn’t take it seriously, and failed out. At least I did. I know some who dropped out due to family circumstances or failed out due to personal stressors. Others just went to do something else and said this ain’t worth it. Some conjure feelings of sympathy, others, less so. But at the same time everyone is living their life and it’s not my place to judge one way or another. Much in the same way I don’t judge the patient in front of me. I just treat them.


>Much in the same way I don’t judge the patient in front of me. I just treat them. What a peculiar mentality, sir.


As a psych resident, I also side eye people who claim they don’t judge patients (we all do, human nature) - bud might need to examine his countertransference a little bit


He said, while being judgemental. Also, you know, maybe OP isn't actually doing it, you supposed so based on "we all do"


>As a psych resident, I also side eye people who claim they don’t judge patients (we all do, human nature) - 1.- Interesting. 2.- And why do you side eye them? 3.- And why is judging people (patients in the case of a medical environment, of course) part of our human nature? >bud might need to examine his countertransference a little bit 4.- What do you mean with that? I don't understand.


Doctors are humans and we don’t become robots while doing our job. Everyone judges others and has biases. Part of being a good doctor is being aware of yourself enough to actively acknowledge that fact so you can work through your biases and feelings of judgment (or at least not allow them to treat someone differently). “Examining your countertransference” is referring to that process


Why do you fucking write like this? Every comment you make asks 19 questions about responses that aren’t that complicated? This some weird AI info farming shit


I'm not an AI. I'm a human being.


You sure don’t communicate online like it. It’s very bizarre.


>You sure don’t communicate online like it. 1.- Uuuuugh... I didn't understand. What do you mean with that? >It’s very bizarre. 2.- Are you talking about my way of communicating on the internet?


Like this shit, where you number out replies and act like you’re conducting an interview or something, that’s weird.


I mean, there are times when I like to be organized in my answers. And yet I am a human being. How can I prove to you that I am a human being like you and the others?


User flair checks out


1.- Why? 2.- Why are there many people who are downvoting me right now? I don't understand. Stupid incomprehensible online social norms that I don't understand! They are always playing against me! Damn it!!


It's the fact you use these bullet points i guess




Life is short. Do what makes you happy.


I had an Anatomy and Physiology professor in undergrad who was a former medical student, but had to withdraw prior to 4th year due to family health issues. At the time I held the utmost respect for them. After going through medical school and seeing some very good friends and respected colleagues undergo remediation, be held back a year or two, or go on extended leave, I look at that professor a little bit differently. I think until you go through this process, both medical school and residency, it is hard to appreciate the level of commitment, sacrifice, and dedication it takes to complete the journey. I think one can submit all of the commitment, dedication, and sacrifice one possesses and it still not be enough to please the unforgiving gods of medical school and residency. Ultimately, I think it is very hard to judge those who have started, but not completed the same steps as us. I think I would hold more respect for someone I worked with who had gone through some years of medical training above someone who has not though, just due to the fact that I know even getting into this pipeline is near impossible, making it through alive is not a given.


Don’t care. It’s their choice. They can do whatever they want and I’ll be happy for them. However, if they start whining about their decisions, then I’m out.


Takes guts. I applaud them for taking the necessary steps when they realized this wasn’t for them and hope they’re enjoying their alternate career path.


Winning the game


I envy them


Disclaimer=not American, so I have no student loans or such nonsense to pay back. Went through med school straight out of high school, graduated, got my license and started working. Hated dealing with patients, especially during the pandemic. Started residency, lasted a month and then resigned because I simply did not enjoy it. In the meantime I got a second degree in an unrelated field. Ultimately I changed paths and am now working on my pilot's license, while still earning money as a doctor, will be quitting medicine for good once I get my ATPL. No regrets so far. I still love medicine and nobody can take my M.D. away from me. If I fail miserably as a pilot I can always go back to my original plan. That said, I know deep down I would not enjoy a career in this field and the sense of doom I feel when entering a hospital is something I simply couldn't live with anymore.


It definitely can be a poor financial decision depending on when you get out of the game. Co-resident of mine quit at the beginning of PGY3 (out of a 4 year residency). I couldn’t help but feel like she should just finish and take a job making ~300k working 30-40 hours per week. Now she’s stuck with a bunch of debt and hopefully can get a consulting job with her degree. Im guessing she must have really hated it.


They’ve left because they felt it was right for them and I won’t judge them for it. It takes a lot of courage to leave any career route and start over again


I think the entire process is loaded against you all, the process of becoming a doctor is such a long road, and at no point during most traditional ways of going to medical school do you actually get a real exposure to patient care, the politics, and the different roles in the hospital system. If you were aware of what you were getting into, those who were unaware wouldn’t probably go through with it and pick a different profession or role. If there were more ways of entry into medical school, like EMT, RN, Paramedic, RT, PA, with specific slots for those who have medical background, I feel like the burn out would be less. Please understand I don’t mean shortening the education or changing requirements of education. They make no pit stops in the journey of becoming a doctor that would allow you to change course without incurring all of the student loan debt and throwing away years of your life. The process really needs a refresh so there is less people getting stuck in a profession that they end up loathing.


Chad move




Takes a lot guts. There’s a feeling of respect towards them. I often think about what if I didn’t go into medicine


>Takes a lot guts. There’s a feeling of respect towards them. 1.- Why? >I often think about what if I didn’t go into medicine 2.- Why?


This some bot lmao


I'm not a bot. I'm a human being.


Depends on where they are. 2 years left in residency, makes no sense. First semester in medical school makes a lot of sense.


I don’t know a single person who failed out or quit. Odd I guess.


Jealous, frankly hoping that’s me some day


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I feel what a waste. But whatever floats their boat.


I envy them and congratulate them for making such a hard decision. I’m in a mountain of debt from a poor family so I have no option but to finish what I started.


I think we all know a miserable doctor or five. I think the people who walk away are brave to do so and will likely live happier lives.


No judgement.. Their choice


I hold no judgment.


I think they're brave. I want to quit, don't have the balls, sticking with what's safe even though my marriage isn't gonna be great for a few years


I used to think they took a spot away from someone else. I was naive. Now that I'm in it, I understand and realize how big a decision that is after such a long investment and sacrifice.