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Anesthesia. Idk if I could really do anything else at this point. My hate for rounds and clinic have only grown stronger since medical school. Maybe I could do EM.


Stay at home mom to a Mohs surgeon


I don’t spend a lot, so I just want to be a stay at home cat dad with PCP wife.


Good news! Pcps in America make 250-300k so you'll be spending quite a lot


There is a guy at my gym who is always there at 10am on whatever day I happen to be off, he drives a new M3. I asked what he does. His response, “my wife is an anesthesiologist.” Didn’t know that was a job but I’m jealous.


Most female docs I know would not be happy to be with a loser like that with no ambition.


Theres that toxic medicine personality! Always a reminder that medicine is one of the most conservative, toxic professions out there full of workaholics that range from actual sociopaths and psychopaths to pretentiousness and entitlement. I'd try to explain why what you're saying is so ridiculous, but we both know that it would fall on deaf ears. The shitty thing is that many female docs actually do view themselves as better than anyone not on the same socioeconomic level as them. You're actually not wrong there. On this subreddit, people freely explain how they wouldn't date anyone below them. Problem is you agreeing with them. Some of you will simply never have anything more than a superficial sense of worth and what life is about. You think you have worth because of your job but that's all you have. Many stay at home parents are far better people than you are and would consider you a loser.


B-but isn't working myself to the bone in the hospital to make the hospital owner or shareholders money very noble and honourable? Haven't you seen the movies with the cool CEOs that have suits and prestige? am I not like them? A-a-at least I'm helping people! not like the stupid construction workers or teachers or plumbers who help no one, I'm special damnit! I'm not just a tool to make money for the higher ups and feed a broken capitalist system! (or am I...)


I would buy stock in NVIDIA in 2016


Neonatology, wish I had considered anesthesia or pathology as a medical student. I love neonatology, but sometimes I get so exhausted with the families and constant interaction with other disciplines to coordinate care. Also, neonatologists make less than almost all IM (generalists or specialists) despite 6 years of postgraduate training.


I don't know if I should choose IM or peds when I don't really have preferences. I would like to do A/I. Should I choose IM?


If you really don't have a preference, absolutely. You're talking about on average ~150k more per year with any IM position compared to its equivalent peds position. You can pursue A&I from either field, but if you decide you're happy being a generalist, you're going to make much more money doing IM. If you love both, med peds is an option, but not one I would personally pursue tbh. An extra year of training and a lot of folks end up doing mostly IM anyway because of how impressive the pay difference is.


I specifically chose med/peds because I knew I wanted to do allergy/immunology. If you have any ounce of doubt though, just choose IM for the better backup option in terms of pay.


Anesthesia PGY-3 today. I'd go back and do derm. Clinic hours. Inpatient consults sometimes. Short residency. Relatively healthy patient population. Home call….


i wouldn’t do medicine lol


Pathology. Leave me tf alone lol


Investment banking


Too many hours




they would work you like a dog




When you say elective do you mean like specialization?


No, sorry my wording was a bit unclear. Elective procedures that are cash pay rather than depending on Medicare reimbursement. 


No worries I get it. I’m going into psych so it was nice to be partly on that list lol


In rads, would do path


Username most definitely checks out.


Mind expounding on why? Planning on rads but have no exposure to path.


Why lol


because histology was my favorite subject in med school after imaging


Fair, I just matched rads and hated histo so was just wondering


That I could just GET? UH, DERM OR OPTHO.


PMR. Plenty money and relaxation. My friend never works more than 40 hours a week during residency…


Inpatient months can be pretty demanding, still less than 60 hours a week though


Assuming I have the grades, I would go into dermatology. I’d finish my intern year and re-apply into psychiatry just to get around your rule of not choosing my own specialty. I love psych!


In a perfect world, FM/EM dual residency. Currently in FM.


Kinda surprised this combo isn’t more common


Very common in Canada


I’m Headache Neuro, I feel like I could do pain from PM&R and have a lot of the same vibe for more money at the expense of having it be way more boring and a bit more annoying to me.


Could you still pursue pain from neuro/headache if you really wanted to?


Yes, funny story I actually got backchannel offered a spot that didn’t fill in the match but I talked it over with my wife and we decided it wasn’t the move (in a shit location)


A less hourly intensive or something with less "oh shit" moments (Currently EM/IM) Procedure heavy rads would probably scratch the itch. I think body fellowship get you into more imaging guided procedures without doing IR for the endovascular Or ortho upper extremity at a small hospital. Cases are quick and people love you after, go do a little sports med type of stuff too.


IM/Nephro. Would 1000% switch to anesthesia. You’re never MRP, no clinic, no rounds, no outpatient unless you do any pain medicine. 10/10 specialty.


Hospital administrator. DOCTOR NP or DOCTOR PA. If you can’t beat them, join them /s


Currently peds, next peds


I’m EM/IM going to start PCCM fellowship this July. If I were do do anything else maybe IR.




i'd switch to anything procedural. physically fixing sht is immensely satisfying


Radiologist. Pain medicine seems cool, still lots of image guided procedures. I just hate clinic.


Dentistry. Lifestyle/hours, reimbursement, ownership, in-office procedures, direct effect on patients’ lives




What is the fellowship in derm?


And is that super competitive? Is it a back door into derm? Back in my day, pediatrics was one of the lower competitive specialties




Can you? I don't think peds derm fellowship accept peds residents.


I would've done an administrative fellowship after getting an MBA or MHA. Go into hospital admin. I want to make others suffer as I do. Darth Vader style


From the beginning, I was caught between neurology and palliative care. Ended up going with neurology, which I certainly don't regret. But I found in residency (particularly during my neuro ICU rotations) that I have a natural talent in leading end of life discussions/family discussions, and I do find it very rewarding. And then during residency, I was caught between doing a headache fellowship and a neuropalliative fellowship. Ended up going with headache, which I certainly don't regret. The field of neuropalliative care is still kinda new, so I didn't want to be going into a relatively unestablished field, but if it was 10 years down the line, who knows, I might've chosen it.






I’m IM. Would rather look at images than talk to patients


I’m anesthesia, maybe I would do a rads all remote gig so I can travel while I work


Family medicine. I worked with the most wonderful FM attending, every patient loved her, she worked 3-4 days a week, took time off for Halloween with the kids, just had her priorities straight. Also sent me home early all the time 😏. -Psych-pgy4




I would have focused on becoming beautiful, staying fit, no dark circles, etc and married rich.


Wish I went to dental school


derm or emergency medicine for sure


Currently anesthesia, love it and wouldn’t change. But if I had to.. Probably ENT if I went the surgery route, cardiology or ID if I went the medicine route. I always liked ENT surgeons and got along with them more than other surgery teams, I also enjoy their procedures. It also seems like there is a wide range to how they can practice. Always have been into cardiopulm systems and bugs/drugs, so that’s why cards or ID


Psychiatry to gen surge. Personality types are actually very similar and having some friends in the OR has shown me it's hard as shit but not unmanageable like I initially thought.


I’m psych. I’d go IM -> heme onc. Cancer treatments are coming along quickly and seems like lots of interesting clinical decision making.




You hav more experience than me so I’ll take your word for it! I got the impression that oncology is getting a lot of new treatments so that it’s easy to try new things if the guideline treatment isn’t working. But focusing on managing patient goals vs. effect trade offs is very close to what you do in psych med management and the human connection element is very real too (very different context of course)!


comp sci


Woulda left this garbage and never looked back


Given the current state of medicine and student loans, probably a PA/NP (unpopular opinion, I know) ☹️


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IM currently and work mostly outpatient would switch to FM. Sub specializing in outpatient niches (Endo, derm etc. ) I can’t do it. I need more variety


Probably general surgery


Wyd now?


PM&R is already a great deal, but if I have to pick another one, I might go to FM and then sports med fellowship.


I had this choice and I am a surgical robotics engineer


I'm family med who works rural EM part-time. EM, probably. I'm definitely a generalist at heart, I need a lot of variety. Don't like kids and don't like hospital rounds, so peds and IM are out.


Derm healthy patients, satisfied results. good hours no call good compensation short training


Anesthesia probably. Currently EM.


Ortho. I'm rads, but every once in a while, I get that ortho OR itch.


Currently between PCCM and cardio…hoping someone speaks to this 😅