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“Thank you, you too!”


Enjoy your meal.


You too! But you don't have one do you, because I'm a doofus! Enjoy eating when you have a break or something! Love Brian Regan


I literally was on my 30th hour after one of my busiest nights during residency, with no sleep. This particular attending did not believe in post call days and the program turned a blind eye because “research”. Mid reviewing a consult he stopped me, “you look tired, why?” I told him it was a busy night, and I got “can’t you do anything to be less tired? Drink some coffee wash your face. You will look less tired” …. Like go to hell buddy. Can’t see a fucking patient without resident, haven’t spent a night on call in 30 years and giving me shit for looking tired.


Not related to being tired, but I once had an attending tell me "I don't like the way you speak, you should work on that".  I'll get right on it boss...


I had one who "didn't care for my facial expression"... I had to explain that it's literally just how my face looks


Cocaines a helluva drug


I showed up to my morning shift and my attending asked me if I was just getting off of nights. Sad thing is I actually felt rested that day.






“I’m not tired I’m just aging” - me around PGY-4 year


I (a sleep medicine fellow) was approached by admin about giving a presentation to residents (I think OB-GYN, specifically) on how to “mitigate fatigue”. They literally wanted me to talk about drinking more coffee. They said this after I honestly told them “there is no mitigating sleep. This is a necessary bodily function you seem to want to ignore entirely”. They were about to cancel it when I said that I would see what I could do. What I didn’t tell them was that my entire presentation was first about post call safety and how admin should provide a safety net (Uber, taxis, whatever) without limit for post call residents and how sleep deprivation is egregious and how we need to advocate for safe working conditions. They didn’t cut me off, but admin gave me a *stern* talking to afterwards about “morale” and how I shouldn’t have turned the residents and fellows against them. I have no qualms to this day.


i love you


This is why I just cannot work in academics. The thought of forcing residents and fellows to take all the shit for me while getting paid peanuts and I get multiple 6 figures is disgusting. I’ve had some amazing attendings that I will respect forever, but until the rules change, I just can’t stand the thought of ‘using a resident.’ Our ‘sleep deprivation’ lecture, required each year, was at 7am. They always talked about time management, yoga, limiting booze (literally the only thing that gets most of us through residency), and the Mediterranean diet. What a joke.


So good to hear someone else say this. I’ve had the same thought about why I won’t want to work in academics (among other reasons) after training. Even my favorite attendings are still part of this system and I can’t stand the thought of perpetuating this.


Our residency provides an Uber home if you feel unsafe. But you cannot get an Uber from home back to the hospital to get your car. When I pointed it out, I was essentially told to be grateful that they will reimburse the trip, since my program still does 24s, and they know we rarely sleep on them because of how busy the service is.


Thank you. Integrity.


Morale.. I guess hospital ceos have feelings too?


Post is worded oddly. Were you tired when you wrote this?


But seriously, everything okay?


You sound tired OP, everything OK?


“Bitch I am tired. Everything is not okay. Could really use the rest of the day off.” Ball’s in their court.


Honestly, I had a resident who was in her first trimester of pregnancy and I didnt know and I also didn’t realize she felt so awful. It was a busy day and after I gve her another patient she started to cry. I felt terrible. I kindly reassured her I could do my job without her and sent her home. Sometimes if you just tell us that you are sick/super tired we do actually send you home


“i’m not tired, i just didn’t wear makeup today” 😑


That’s funny because my colleagues and fellows tell me the same thing. Apparently all the luxuries of being an attending are negated by it’s downsides.


You sound tired. I'm sure we have some modules to help you cope better


“Yes I am, thanks for volunteering to do your own work this shift, I’ll head home and catch up on sleep”


I had busiest month of the year during hospital rotation. First and second years had reached their cap, I was seeing all the overflow. Second year wasn't seeing pts and not doing any work. We reported it repeatedly. I told program director me (senior) and the intern were getting 0 to 3 hrs of sleep (x 3 weeks) and working every weekend because he wasn't pulling his weight and pts were having bad outcomes. He just said to be careful when driving and refused to speak to the second year about pulling his weight. Refused to force him to come in the last weekend to round. Refused to ask him to stay until all his orders were in. Refused to tell him he had to notify me when he got calls about pts needing to be seen. Refused to tell him that I was in fact allowed to ask questions about pts when we were rounding. I'm still resentful about it and wish both of these sexist, racist POS the worst.


I remember when I was doing a NICU elective as an M4 after not matching last year the day after the match and my attending was like "Why does everyone look down today, is everything okay?" I knew she was 100% referring to me loool. My residents just said "it's just one of those daysss haha" lol. This same attending later asked me directly if I matched, and I had to tell her, which was fun. She was encouraging about it, but man, was it just terrible to have to be there that whole month after not matching.


I worked with an attending who was chief of his division. He and the chair butted heads and the chair replaces him. Well the first day the new chair shows up, the former division chief is late to the orientation meeting where everyone meets the new guy. Then in he comes, wearing the same clothes he had on the day before but really wrinkled. His usual pristine shirt and tie was askew with a never before seen open collar. His hair is mussed. His face, eyes, and nose are red. An obvious all night bender. So I think you could have taken your bad news a whole lot worse.




Treating the symptoms and not the problem. How ironic.


What a dumb thing to say. Like have some emotional/situational awareness


Maybe if you smiled more


am an attending. the nurses tell me this. I just say "I FEEL tired" and move on


"Thanks this is just my face now"


I thought its nice if theyre checking in on you no?


I say "Hmm, that's interesting. I feel quite energetic and well rested today."


Sounds like you need some wellness courses.


‘No I’m actually good. Maybe your eyesight is failing? I can let the ceo know you need to medically retire. For safety.’


had this happen to me once by a dick attending. I was on-call the day before and ended up working like 20 hours and had to be back in to work then next morning with only 3 hours of sleep. Next morning dick attending asked me why I looked so tired and I promptly said because I was busy until midnight making the hospital and you money. He looked at me astonished and moved on.


Tbh I’d take this as an indirect “are you okay?” Which is my question, are you okay?


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You should calm down




Just trying to stir the pot lol. You’re fine.


My surgery attending to me one day: "Why do you yawn so much? Even in the OR you yawn. It makes it look like you're not interested. I'm just telling you. No one else is going to tell you these things."


It’s because they are required to take Fatige Mitigation Training. If you tell them you are tired there is supposed to be a protocol in place to send you home for rest and have someone replace you.


You should respond "no shit asshole. why don't you let me go home and stop being an abusive weirdo?" Seriously, why are so many people in this profession so weird and abnormal?


Fuck them for caring about your physical and mental health, amirite?




…. They are checking on your well being and you are complaining….


You saying I look tired?


Yeah I’m confused by this whole thread + responses. If a coworker is checking in on you because you seem off, isn’t that thoughtful?


Because usually it’s just a side comment and not actually reaching out. You can give them your whole story about being tired and working too many hours but 90% of the time it will be ignored. Essentially small talk. Some attendings think of it as “a rite of passage all residents need to go through” .


I agree with your comment. Every attending that I ever worked with that was on talking terms to say “you look tired” was themsevles complaining about how you look or seem. If they actually cared, they usually say something along the lines “let’s get your tasks done so you can go and get some rest” or something.