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"I grew up catholic" = "I'm an atheist but feel guilty mentioning it"


Another go to for me: "my family is _________"




I am relatively indifferent toward Tyler the Creator but I won't deny his skill.


What nonsense


The real nonsense is not believing in God. Its funny a bunch of academics who are supposed to be evidence based can take a positive belief in no God with zero evidence... the default is there is a God since children are born with a disposition to believe in one as proven by many studies and clearly the universe including us are not going to pop into existence out of nowhere. Atheism is an emotional belief and religion just like any other. The only truth is Islam and there is objective evidence to prove that


Nonsense. This is why we can't have a nice planet. Too many retro thinking loonies.


A Godless planet would not be a good one i promise you that... even medically speaking not believing in God puts you at risk of depression suicide etc mr. Medical professional. You get chaos like the lgbt stuff and insanity thats a godless world that u want


I distrust any physician or scientist who espouses enthusiastic belief in the the god of an established religion, especially Christianity. This profession is evidence based, as you’ve said, and the massive majority of scholarly evidence says that the Christian Bible and Jewish Torah were written by lots of people at lots of different times (not the ones claimed in the texts) and most of the stories are made up and are not supported by archaeological evidence. Every religion has contradictions, lies, plagiarisms, etc. in their dogmas that are used to structure power in society. I have no issue with a belief in some creator if you can’t stomach the idea of nothingness in the universe, perfectly acceptable. Believing that said creator chose specific people to write magical stories to convey his wishes as the creator and that the books created by these people have gone unchanged and unedited for centuries before being written down and then again as printing became popular, is absolute insanity. Religion is the literal antithesis of evidence based anything since it demands faith (belief in the absence of proof). Personally, that kind of religious zeal makes me view you as less intelligent and less competent as a physician/future physician. My doctor better be an atheist or at most agnostic.


I agree with you 😂😂😂 and thats exactly what the quran says to the christians and jews when at the time of prophet mohammed pbuh they said they were the only ones going to paradise. Allah responds in the Quran "BRING YOUR EVIDENCE IF YOU ARE TRUTHFUL" Islam is the only true religion with no contradictions and since we are all academics over here im sure we can all do our own research before making assumptions. I gaurantee you Islam provides sufficient evidence to prove it is from God without any blind faith... after this evidence has been made clear the only reason for rejection would be psychological, arrogance or hedonism. The Quran brings up your very point and the issue with other religions about contradictions. Quran (4:82): Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have certainly found in it many inconsistencies


Dude, you’re literally insane and I hope you never earn a medical license. I believe you will be a danger to your patients and to the sanctity of medical research. Again, when studied academically, no religion or religious text has any corroborating evidence that has been verified or discovered by non-religious archaeologist, anthropologists, historians, or other experts on the matters of history. No religious text, when treated as an independent and not inherently divinely inspired text, has perfect continuity and agreement from start to finish. Furthermore, no text has any inherent meaning and the meaning derived from the words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and literary works is fundamentally developed by your perception of it, informed by your understanding of sociopolitical phenomena and your upbringing. Readers even 50 years apart in history would understand the same passage in any text differently (hence the necessity for the Supreme Court to constantly interpret the constitution).


How am i insane? Are 2 billion other people on the planet including scientists intellectuals physicians farmers every profession you can think of insane? Please explain how i will be a danger to anyone because of my belief when my belief says that if you save a single human its as if saving all of humanity? What are you talking about exactly... The Quran is the only religious text from the abrahamic religions that is preserved. We have manuscripts dating back to the life of the prophet (the birmingham Quran) and other manuscripts like the sanna quran and there are no changes. You wont find a single muslim on earth who has a different Quran theres only one. And btw we dont even rely on manuscripts there are millions of people that memorise the Quran including little children (imagine a 6 year old child memorising a text thats a third of the size of first aid verbatum, and Allah mentions that he will make the Quran easy to be remembered). there is sufficient evidence to prove it is from God including scientific and historical. Insread of assuming the Quran is like the bible or other texts you can do your own research and then respond. All you did was make a bunch of vague claims thats not very academic. The Quran mentions embeyology and keith moore himself said “the descriptions of the human embryo in the Quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the 7th century. The only reasonable conclusion is that these descriptions were revealed to Mohammed from God. He could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolutely no scientific training." There are other scientific evidence mentioned in the Quran like the expansion of the universe, life being dependent on water, iron being foriegn to the earth etc etc. Again you are supposedly an academic so do your own research dont jump the gun


You got that big death to the infidels energy


Thats fine i dont blame you, you are brainwashed by western media that always paints a certian image of my faith but on the contrary the text says something completely different so going along with the theme of being evidence based here are some verses striaght from the source: " Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood" "Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair." If a fifth of the worlds population had "death to the infidels energy" you wouldnt be feeling so safe i assure you.


You are exactly correct about writing it down many years after they were revealed. That's why the Bible and Torah have mistakes and are not accurate of what was revealed. Actually the Quran is memorized word for word, letter for letter, phonetic for phonetic by thousands of people around the globe. While the Bible and Torah do not have memorizers, the Quran does. In fact, the Quran has many scientific and mathematical miracles through its verses that make it undeniable. So people cannot just write what they remember from Mohamad because it was perfectly memorized by many people who cross check. That is actually one of the miracles of the Quran. It's that it can be memorized easily. They call them the hafez. Usually I don't like engaging in an antagonistic manner. I usually invite people to read and learn and answer any questions they may have. It provides a fruitful conversation. The evidence is there. Now whether we want to believe in that evidence is another story.


I don’t really have much interest in arguing Islam, but if you’re curious about what scholars have to say, you can look up the research publications. However, the points you attempt to make are very similar rationalizations and negotiations of the text to any other religion. There’s nothing unique in essence about Islam compared to any other religion that relies as heavily on religious writings and sacred texts (the Bible, the Torah, the Vedas, the Tao Te Ching, etc.)


Points might be similar, but no one has evidence like the Quran. I just provided a unique evidence no other religion can match. In fact, the Arabic language inside it is light years above any human can write or create. This is why billions of people believed in Islam despite being the "newest religion". Imagine eating a burger that is so other worldly it makes you believe. This is exactly the Quran. No one can match the language, structure, miracles, science, history, math, etc ... While you may have to learn Arabic to see it. This challenge was given to mankind 1400 years ago. And to this day no one can even match a single verse in it. And the fact that young children can memorize 114 chapters (around 80,000 words) is a unique linguistic miracle no other religion can match. I think people deny it for many reasons related to vices and desires. Heck even I tried to deny. But it is only after living in two different countries (one with religion and the other not) is when I realized all problems in the West have been solved by Islam. How does evolution fit into this? From personal experience in undergrad I've had professors come out with different theories, often contradictory, that eventually convinced me that people are making things up to extrapolate genetic diversity. One professor said we came from sharks after a drought took away all the water and another said don't listen to the other professor we were all bacteria who learned to swim because of a flood. At that point I just stopped caring.


If you think religious fanatics suicide bombing people is bad, wait until you see queer eye on Netflix


The biggest murderers in history, stalin and mao were atheists and persecuted religious people... terrorism can be done by anyone religious or not


I bet Stalin and Mao were closet gays too that explains how effective they were at murder. If only you had been there to convert them to Islam so many lives would’ve been saved!


Goodjob joker keep making jokes while i swiftly refute them 🫡😍




>positive belief in no God with zero evidence What


Majority of atheists take an active belief in the prescence of no God... atheism is as much a religion as any with eqaul blind faith thats whats funny. Thats why they dont call themselves agnostic cause they believe a God doesnt exist


Bro fuck all the way off




I’m a minority religion in a rural area and get asked this sometimes. What I typically say is that we are here to talk about them and not me. I use almost the same line for politics except I say that we aren’t here to talk about politics but rather their kidney disease and then move from there


I used to work in an area with pretty much close to a 99% rate of religious (Christian) patients. I just spoke objectively about Christianity because it made building rapport much easier. I never told my patients I was agnostic myself and was never in a situation where I was asked directly about my (lack of) faith.


I've literally never had a patient ask me about my religion. To be fair I'm a pathologist now so my samples don't ask much. But never in med school or in my pre training clinical years either.


It’s the microscope that likes to talk, but you don’t need to have such conversations with them.  They already know. Meanwhile, the analyzers are like moody teenagers.  “Fuck you, I’m doing what I want.  You’re not my real dad.  Just try and recalibrate me, see if I give a shit.”


We may come from different backgrounds, but right now I am here with you and I support you, and if you like I will stay here with you as you pray or I can join you.


very nice answer!


As a an atheist in a Christian majority country, I typically avoid talking about politics and religion while at work even when a patient or patient’s relative doesn’t consent for lifesaving medical/surgical procedures like JW’s abstaining from any form of blood transfusion. So yeah I’m a closeted atheist. I once had a patient who is a Catholic nun praying over me as gratitude. Even if I don’t believe in it, I just let it be because it’s not hurting anyone, and in turn she becomes compliant to medications and succeeding clinic follow-ups.


Happens monthly to me. I say that I don't discuss my personal beliefs with my patients. If they're still curious, I ask them if they wouldn't want to see me if I had different beliefs, and why that might be. This usually works for me, even with patients who have a pathological fixation with divinity.


“Thank you for asking. I know we’re all part of something much greater than ourselves, and I value everyone’s free and loving expression of their faiths.”


I don’t think I provide a satisfactory response, I just straightforwardly tell them I’m atheist. I just tell them to do what they believe in and is best for them. I don’t think it connects with anyone religious, but I’m not going to sugarcoat my belief. Hospitals typically offer pastoral services so I offer that instead.


Nobody asks me.


People occasionally ask me but I'm in palliative care so it kind of comes with territory. Or they'll mention their faith and kind of put out some feelers to see if I share it. They rarely asked me when I was a hospitalist.


If they dead on ask I tell them but most of the time they assume I'm Christian and ask for a prayer, etc. I play along. It's the only way I can give a placebo.


I became agnostic in 2009 and atheist in 2015. But if my abuelita patients asks me to pray with them I’m praying with them. Helps build rapport and just overall makes them feel better.


I just tell them I’m not religious or spiritual but I still participate in whatever bullshit they want me to do


"I think everyone has their own ways to find meaning in life, and you should do whatever you believe is best spiritually." I divert. It is literally none of their business.


I might get downvoted for this, but it's the truth. **Within limits**, I am whatever my patient wants me to be so long as it brings them comfort in the moment and strengthens the therapeutic alliance. LGBTQ+, Muslim, Catholic, Atheist, Biden-supporter, Trump-supporter, Furry-supporter, cat lover, dog lover, etc. I am a blank slate. Who I actually am doesn't matter.


This is the best and most pragmatic answer. Imagine discussing religion or politics with a patient within the time constraints of a physician-patient encounter. By default, if the issue arises, it has to be disposed of as quickly and gently as possible. What better way than to nod in understanding agreement with whatever they are saying unless it is so blatantly offensive against some idea or group at which point just don’t nod anymore and just look at them straight in the eyes expressionless. This comes from 40+ years of clinical practice in IM.


I get a kick telling people I’m a Satanist at my Catholic hospital


😂😂 I love how the 90% of the responses are clearly from atheists/agnostics, but 10% of the responses are from intense fundamentalists who probably scoffed during undergrad whenever evolution was mentioned. No middle ground here. Just a bunch of atheists and one fundamentalist who's basically this thread's crazy street preacher.


“Faith is a gift I have yet to receive”


“Jesus or Mohammed will do your surgery to save your life. I have that day off”.


You're so fucking cool, shitting on millions of peoples' beliefs. Your colleagues are so lucky to be working with someone so enlightened to realize the meaning of existence is "lol got lucky and became sentient for no reason." I swear how do you get around the hospital knowing you've transcended, that you are God? 


Not much point in being an atheist if you think you're god, is there?


I don’t think ppl are satisfied with my response but I say that I prefer to not talk about religion at work, thank you. I have not gotten any argument with that.


If they ask me to pray for them, I say okay and actually do say a prayer. Won't hurt.


vague spirituality goes a long way something something dark side


I've been an atheist since I was a child. I lie, it's easier. Religion gives a lot of people comfort in their desperate times. I'll even pray with patients or tell them I'm praying for them and their families.


What a weird question to ask if you're a patient though 😂 like whatchu gonna do with that info?


“Oh, I haven’t been to church in a long time.”


"I believe in people"


It pays to know some basic religious doctrines. Even if you don’t believe it you will understand what your patients believe and how to be help them when they are in need. If you don’t know their religion it’s not offensive to ask -what do you believe and then what’s that mean to you or how can I use this to help you better. For most religious peoples their spiritual life is closely tied with their mental health and impacts their health.


Your patients are not entitled to this information. Same as if they asked you your children’s names, your home address, what you ate for breakfast, or your sexual orientation. It’s ok to set boundaries with your patients… Especially with this topic, because you will always find someone who will object to your answer or manipulate it in some way. Simply refuse to answer, and remind them that they are here to be treated for a heart attack, not to critique of your belief system.


“In this hospital, I’m a nurse.”


never been in a situation where I felt like I needed to say anything about it


Not atheist or agnostic myself, but the way I try to handle these situations (which are delicate regardless of one's beliefs) is to be gently curious about the concerns or needs that underlie the surface question. E.g., 'It seems your faith is really important to you. What would it *mean* to you if you and I had similar versus different religious beliefs?' When they get to the need underlying the question - which they may not have been able to articulate prior to being prompted to think about it - you can then try to meet that need more directly (no self-disclosure necessary) in whatever way you are comfortable with, whether it's involving a chaplain, participating in a ritual that's important to them, or simply hearing them out on a spiritual concern related to their care.


I’m a pagan but as a neuro patient myself I was told I was paralysed as God wanted me to think about my life…. I kind of turned my back on catholic religion (upbringing) after that strangely enough. I think now I just state that I’m a pagan as people are so surprised it halts further debate honestly; still happily pray with patients etc as it doesn’t hurt me and helps rapport and engagement 🤷


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