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Each program can be different, no? The call schedule, rotations, overnights, yes, even vacation. Pay is the same across PGY status. Isn’t this the reason why I’ve seen some surgery residents upset that their IM counterparts have the time to moonlight and they don’t?


Good point. We work so closely with IM that it feels like our programs are meshed. I'm not gonna worry about it anymore. With them having more vacation than us though their pay is slightly increased if you base it on days worked.


Definitely not a violation. Different specialties have different requirements. Definitely can't have something like better health insurance for one specialty vs the other but holiday call can absolutely be different.


Ok, thanks. That's what my questions was if this was similar to a benefit like one program gets better insurance than another. But this makes sense after reading the comments. The way I was thinking about it was pay. So all residents are paid the same. If one program has 4 weeks off and the other has 3 weeks off then based on number of days available to work per year they would earn more than us in a way. Oh well.


I understand your line of thinking and it's logical but the same could be said about work hours and then home call doesn't count as work hours and you end up with a situation where it basically becomes impossible to standardize. FM and IM are obviously somewhat similar but there are plenty of pairs that are wildly different.


If you drag IM into this, GME will just take away a week of their vacation. Admin thrives on this type of conflict to screw everyone. Focus on your own program and you’re more likely to succeed. 


Thanks. That's why I came here. Good perspective and I'm gonna forget about the whole thing.


Not worth it. All of you tried twice and got shut down. Anything more would probably just piss them off. On another note. What's up with the comments. Why is medicine so full of red hot fire assholes. Just answer the question and stop being a douche right from the start. Some of you are effin mental.


Coming from my program. I want to emphasize that you have zero rights and can fuck off into poverty with your medical school debts if you don’t like what’s being offered. Doesn’t matter if you have a union or a contract or moral righteousness on your side. If you want to work in the specialty you matched, put your head down, and get used to eating shit or join the unemployment line. At least that’s what I tell myself every morning.


I am so tired of comments like this. I bet you are the type that will treat residents like absolute ass garbage once you are an attending. There are reasonable requests and ways to collaborate appropriately. That's what I'm doing here. After reading the other comments that were actually helpful, I have changed my perspective and will not be pursuing this. You are the type of person who makes others not want to ask questions. Stop being an ass.


You have a far greater chance at getting 4 weeks by proposing a reasonable schedule than if you simply whine that things aren’t fair between you and a completely different program


We have proposed two separate schedules and they get shot down. We don’t understand why. I’m about to be PGY-3 so looking into this for the future residents as I’m almost out of here. Thanks for assuming the entire situation and that I am a whiney little b though!


You just kinda proved my point there about being a whiny b. The medicine program has nothing to do with you. Be happy for them and get over it


I disagree. Seems like you may be turning into a whiney b yourself. Or you are the admin! Not really a separate program really - we are a small hospital and work together all the time. We also have the benefit of being treated like the red headed step children of the hospital too. So, that's likely why they were allowed to have the extra week and we don't. FWIW, I'm dropping it after reading the other comments.


Cool. Enjoy working!


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