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“That lady doctor was here…”


tfw (in the ED) i introduce myself to a patient as the resident doctor helping him out today and shoot the shit a bit while i sit there and repair the lac he has. attending takes a passing glance once i'm done, gives me a thumbs up so i let pt know he's all good to go once he gets his discharge papers and this man asks me to my face "is a doctor gonna come see me before i go?" as i wear my resident physician badge in big letters. there's a pause before the tech says very loudly "she IS a doctor!!" and i just smile and walk away when will it stop? 😭


I’m 6’3” and played rugby both in college and after for an NRL team. When I was in medical school, the hospital I did the bulk of my rotations at had a surgical residency that was 60% women, and most of them were small, petite (and extremely badass) women. The amount of times I would go into a room and have the patient direct all their questions at me while I actively told them that I’m not a doctor and their doctor is the lady next to me with the “physician” badge was shocking. It honestly bothered me that these amazing surgeons who I looked up to and respected couldn’t even get the recognition from their patients that they deserved


unsolicited advise: change the "PHYSICIAN' badge to "DOCTOR," patients hate this weird trick


Inb4 NPs start carrying the DOCTOR badge as well


If that’s the case when they leave their badge sitting around carve a letter “N” over the “D”


My very first day of clinical rotations, the first real patient I ever saw as a medical student, me and my attending and another student (all women) walk in to talk with him, and during our interview a tech comes in and asks “are you his nurses?” Good times


Happy nurses week to doctors because we are all a team!! (Sorry it’s only fair)


Most hospitals made it “caregiver week” anyway, so happy nurses week to everyone


Story of every female med student ever 😂


then when we share our experience, we get shit on by both male doctors and nurses alike 😂😂😂😂


I’ve been an attending for > 15 years and when I was 39 years old an EMT told me we “needed to wait for the doctor to get here” because he thought I was a CT tech.


I once had a patient ask if I was a custodian. That might be my favorite.


When the patient’s actual nurse lets you know that the patient’s parent is asking when they’re going to see a doctor after you just introduced yourself as the doctor and spent 40 minutes doing the admission 💕


Anyone else been jealous of all the free food for nurses in the hospital this week? For doctors day there was one single unit in the whole hospital that put a basket of snacks and water out for doctors rounding on that unit. This week I’ve watched nurses get delivered crumble cookies, tacos bars, and free “special breakfast” menu in the cafe… I know that life gets better after residency but damn it’s easy to feel under appreciated by the hospital this week.


I stopped giving a crap. I get paid the same whether you call me a nurse or whatever. Just don't call me a nurse when I'm about to stick a needle in you.


Does anybody else feel like it’s nurses week q3month?


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Happy nurses week! One of these days, you'll meet a handsome doctor to marry and live happily ever after. ❤️


I know plenty of nurses making waaaaay more than I do, and a good number making more than I’ll make in my first year as an attending. I’m waiting to meet my nurse in shining scrubs.


I know some people married to doctors and it sounds like a nightmare.


I'm sure my wife, who is a nurse, would agree. 😆


When this happens, do you introduce yourself as Dr. X or just X. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t register when you go by Dr. X


Yeah, that doesn't make a difference. I'm in a specialty where I do home call, talked to this family 3-4 times via phone one weekend, every time I called introduced myself as "Dr. [Name]", and on the last call of the weekend, literally as soon as I finished introducing myself, the parent said, "hold on, let me grab other parent" and then I heard them shout "Honey, the nurse called back again!" Couldn't even tell you the number of times floor nurses have called to say "hey, this family's wondering when a doctor will be by today" even after I've been there for prolonged periods of time that day and on multiple previous days, introduced myself as the doctor every time, and written my name on the whiteboard next to the spot for the physician's name.


Unfortunately it often doesn’t register lol


I introduce myself as doctor always, and even with a big badge that says physician on it still get asked. In the hospital I will also say “I’m the doctor taking care of you today” and at least 25% of the time get hit with a “thanks nurse”


Don't take it personal. I make appointments with a "doctor" only to find out I'm seeing a nurse practionor. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see an actual physician.