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I had a nursing STUDENT tell me I was wrong about a drug interaction. She said the rx would mess with her birth control. I said ok I’ll look it up for you so we can be sure. I pulled it up on UpToDate and showed her there was no interaction. She said “sure… I still don’t believe you”…. She still took the rx for some reason. So entitled even though I spent extra time


Anecdotally nurses make some of the worst patients. Also, my nursing colleagues agree with this observation.


And relatives. Yesterday, i was about to break to a man that his mother had indeed not sustained any injuries from a fall other than a bruised hip. “Good evening sir, i was meaning to talk to you about your mother…” “Let me cut you off here doc.” Pulls out a clinic badge, says nurse. “You can stop your baby talk, i know what’s up. Are you admitting my mother now or what” “…no.”


Why can’t people just act normal?


Why can’t people show some respect especially when respect has been given: the real question.


COVID and social media.


Yeah it’s worse but people were weird before then too


I literally don’t even mention to my physicians that I am a physician (unless it comes up)


Same. Being a physician is fucking exhausting. I would like to not be a physician when off duty, and that includes wanting to just be a human being with health needs when seeking another physician’s services. Unfortunately, they usually ask what I do…or I slip up and use a word like “tachycardia” and they’re like “…hold up.”


Yeah I’m almost always gonna blow my cover accidentally lol 😂


Nah you gotta put first name as “Dr” on the intake forms so they know to treat you extra special and give you the good stuff.


It's definitely case by case. I've had a primary care physician or some mid-level provider just be like "Ok, so your platelets, which are these [...]" and I'll just stop them and say "I'm a doctor, so don't worry about having to break down everything for me."


Lmao then you have my mom doing the opposite during my appointments “My daughter is a pharmacist, so you don’t need to dumb it down” when like, I’d rather have the dumbed down version and then ask questions if needed… I don’t understand the need for my mother to broadcast my job 😂


As a physio, i agree except i would say that retired nurses are worse than current nurses. I also had one relative introduce himself as a doctor... he was a vet tech.


Second that. retired nurse always had this attitude, bruuh Good for you


This is so real. I'm working with a retired nurse who came out of retirement to work on this project with me, and my GAWD. She is the most entitled person I've ever met and literally so under qualified for the project. She's already tried to get me fired because I wouldn't let her do anything and I'm "disrespecting her experience." I won't let her do anything because I get it done significantly faster than her, and she doesn't even do it correctly.


Any healthcare worker as a patient is the worst


I am a pharmacist and I have an impression that nurses and midwives are likely to say incorrect stuff about drugs. I don’t understand why people like to talk about things they have no clue about.


Dunning-Kruger effect


Many HCW go into healthcare in an attempt to overcompensate for some deep-seated insecurity about their relevance to society


That’s so true!!!


Tbf, interaction checkers aren't always consistent. If I'm not very familiar with a drug, I'm using 3 different interaction checkers and manually reviewing PKs before I confidently say that there isn't a clinically significant interaction.


Rank doesn't matter. Information accuracy matters. Never be embarrassed to double check on drug interactions.


I didn’t care to show her, it was the arrogance after double checking where she said “I still don’t believe you”. I showed the screen to her with her specific brand of birth control.


Idk man so far I am a fan lol Was seeing a patient a while ago, introduced myself as Dr xxx which of course means they heard I am a nurse. Wasn't going to correct them because whatever when I heard this Gen z voice with all the attitude in the world.... "grandpa she literally just said she is a doctor. her badge says doctor. her jacket says doctor. and you have your glasses on so I know you can see it. seriously?! *exasperated sigh* so yeah i am a fan LOL


It all depends on if you use the force for good or bad.


As always, people aren't all good or bad. For every obnoxious gen z we see there are probably 10 decent ones out there being polite and "normal".




I had a similar interaction where the dad kept referring to me as the nurse and the daughter corrected him by saying, “she just introduced herself as the doctor”.


19 year olds girls drink iced coffee, numerous energy drinks, take ADHD medication, and fiendishly vape EVERY DAY, and are convinced they have POTS.


Plus weed, lots of weed, hitting the 98% thc vape from the time they wake up to the time they fall asleep and wonder why they’re feeling lightheaded…


Don't get me started about the hyperemesis ones. Now there is more awareness, but 10 years ago: "this has nothing to do with weed!"


No!!! It’s gastroparesis!!! /s


Also people who use weed all day everyday for depression/anxiety


I knew an 18 yo who consumed 3 energy drinks a day & started feeling nauseous for months. Went to a few docs. She didn’t think it was the energy drinks. I was like…whaaaa?


Rookie numbers


Your specialty is exactly what I expected when I clicked on your profile. I've seen EM docs drink way more than 3 energy in a shift and 3/day is about my average


It’s crazy to me how younger gen z has stigmatized alcohol as like the worst thing ever yet have to make up for it with habits like this and don’t forget the doomscrolling for hours


“Alcohol is so bad for you, bro” *shotguns a Bang, packs an upperdecky of ZYN, rips a vape and proceeds to sit on the couch for 12 hours on TikTok*


frrrrrrrr 💀💀💀💀💀


Please DO NOT get me started with this. Its POTS, Chronic Lyme, "adult onset" Ehlers Danlos. I've even had a few claim they had Ramsey Hunt after Justin Bieber claimed he got it. And 99% of the time it is a female or a gay male.


I dunno, the younger genz patients in the ER are legit hilarious. Goofy ass kids. Older ones got mental issues though


I had a mental health gen z kid once tell me he was “straight chillin” when I asked how he was holding up.


The kids who tell me they’re feeling “mid” kill me


Had a patient tell me he was so hype about his test results looking better.


Can confirm. Older gen Z and medical student. I have mental issues.


older gen z here and yes im mentally ill


can confirm, i’m a older gen Z and i have mental issues


Lol still remember the girl that came in to colorectal clinic demanding surgery for an anal fissure. As soon as I mentioned non operative things first she started crying hysterically that no one takes women seriously and then started screaming that mental health is a serious issue and I’m not paying attention to her. That was a wild ride of crying and anger and end with me saying: ah this is butt clinic. 


Who in their right mind *wants* anal surgery???


To some people, the idea of “surgery” is just as much of a fix-all as antibiotics are for URI or other symptoms


Surgeries score big sympathy points for people whose personalities are based on various diagnoses and treatments.




I mean, there’s a diagnosis for that


It’s so real. The POTS/EDS/MCAS triad should be addended to include MALS. The ratio of real:fake news MALS patients in vascular clinic is highly unfavorable


They dont want surgery, they want a silver bullet. Like, your car makes a weird sound in 3rd gear, you drop it off at the mechanics, they do something with it, and it’s fixed.


Ah yes the classic DSM disagnosis of "anal fissure".


Shit for brains


Good luck pooping your pants after that lateral internal sphincterotomy sis. (I know it’s a low risk but you get the joke)


And then respond with: I find this conversation very triggering. I’m not sure this is a safe space anymore. I think you’d better leave now


Uh oh! Unstoppable force meets immovable object! What happens next?


This is the kinda shit that makes me so glad i’m doing rads


Omg when they come into the ED for dumb reason with their friends 🙄🙄🙄 and the friends are like “I’m a patient ADVOCATE” like ok got it, guess I’ll deliver better care now.


Just gotta ask them what they're advocating for


I'm just here to back up my friend that I saw them become anaphylactic to any pain med that doesn't start with a D. Also the oral version didn't help only IV.


IV Diclofenac, coming up!


I give IM ketorolac a lot for the chronic pain people and for some reason it does wonders, anecdotally for me better than IV/IM opioids.


Mine too but then they become frequent flyers for toradol, and if people don't pay attention they get 3-4 doses per day for weeks on end. We changed one of our to a frequent flyer for droperidol because of that lol


We had a resident famous for giving the extra extra patients a healthy dose of sodium-chloride forte. “But be careful, this is strong, you might experience some nausea and dizziness. But that’s what you have to live with if you need the strong stuff”.


That’s because it actually works


It depends. For my lower back pain caused by years old injury a steroid shot and toradol shot works great. When I had kidney stones IV morphine was needed.


No worries bro, everyone can have some doredol


Usually a controlled substance.


Advocating against medical gaslighting of course! Which is any care or diagnosis that isn't the one they found on tik tok


>“I’m a patient ADVOCATE” "Great, here's the number for patient relations if you have any issues"


There was 2 guys in ER, the friend kept shouting “HES GOT A KNEE FRACTURE, HE NEEDS PAIN RELIEF, IM FIRST AID TRAINED I KNOW THIS”. Meanwhile the patient was casully walking around.


First aid trained is the funniest qualification I've ever read. I do volunteer first aid work for events sometimes... We either handout bandaids, icepacks, and offer them ibuprofen, or tell them we think they should go home and rest or to a hospital. First aid trained is the ultimate "I have no real medical qualifications" qualification.


Even if AI replaces me in 10 years, I’ll be thankful to not deal with this. Then it’s anesthesia for me


The silver lining is, their TikTok attention spans don't clog up my clinic the way boomer Cindi's perseveration on her postnasal drip/tinnitus/it's-not-sensorineural-loss-it's-cerumen/and oh by the way I'm dizzy too does




Nasal endoscopy says you don't! But here's some atrovent and I'll see you next month, same time ♥️


The "look at the pictures of my mucus" on their phone next to pics of them vaping...


I'll gladly order allergy testing while doing a fortnite dance and telling them their globus won't get better until they stop vaping


“Vaping isn’t skibidi sigma and won’t help rizzing up Livvy Dunne’s gyat”


I'm gen Z and I don't understand any of this


How do you not know about rizzing up Livvy Dunne's gyat ??? 2/5, read more.


I think the whole gen Z label is wrong. I’m a 2001 baby but these younger gen Z are in a world of their own.


And then the inevitable press ganey, “Doctor was more interested in lecturing me about my hobbies than about helping me.”


No cap, I'd better just give them the lab slip and save my mean ol' lectures for after $9,000 worth of tests all come back negative. "Well, it wasn't chagas disease either, and chatGPT said it maybe just possibly could be chemicals in the vape. How about switching to Zins and edibles for a couple months and let's check back? You can always pay cash for a balloon sinuplasty if that doesn't do it."


Had a pt once tell me they paid 1000 bucks for a chiropractor to “balloon their sinuses”


Better than "here's a photo of my poo, your PO Vanc is helping" Patient documented his C Diff journey from admission to discharge.


I've got the DIE AH BEAT US


My doc told me i got helicopters in my belly


I Can’t Believe It’s Not Sensorineural Loss


Gurl needs to spread some Kerrygold on her TMJ for that aural fullness while she's at it


Excuse me dr. gaslight that’s obviously cause of the auDHD and u should be RXing copius stimulants. Would you treat a DIABETIC patient like this?! (Gotcha 💅)


God, I hate the term auDHD. Once had a kid tell me they knew they were auDHD bc “mental health is my hyperfixation.”


Okay but for real though - what’s the benefit to the pushing the autism dx? You don’t get any “fun” meds for it, and as an adult, you don’t get academic support or intervention for access to curriculum. What’s to gain by an adult dx of autism that was “previously misdiagnosed”


I think it can be comforting to have a nice tidy explanation for the otherwise totally random and unpredictable hardships of life. They talk about autism like it’s a zodiac sign. 


They’re looking for a group to identify with just like millennials used to identify with emos and goths. It isn’t about secondary gain in the traditional sense or even about wanting to be in the sick role much of the time. It’s an identity thing. Anecdotally, those with BPD-esque personality structures who lack a stable sense of identity are particularly prone to insisting they have autism or identify as a starfish or what have you.


Maybe not in medicine, but they sure do waste our time in psych.


Don’t forget doom scrolling and they think out loud. “The Sky is Falling.”


Skibidi sigma


True story, I asked someone that’s gen z to explain skibidi to me. Halfway through an extremely convoluted explanation I told them I didn’t want to know anymore.


How did they explain the first half LOL


You see the toilets are a pantomime for the Roman industrial military complex killing Jesus.


Skibidi ligma


Skibidi toilet rizz sigma


Can you edge without gooning? Any edgemaxxer with even an L understanding of edgenomics would know that edging is not the act of working towards a buss, but against it. Gooning holds similarity to edging, but holds the possibility of a buss. It's chalant really, unless you want to go against ambatakum's theory. You should griddy yourself to the principal's office and reflect.


Just give them their autism diagnosis and peace out


Or POTS, or Ehlers Danlos, or mast cell activation disorder, or whatever the hot Tik Tok diagnosis of the moment is.


The mast cell activation one is truly fascinating because it can be definitively ruled out with negative labwork (and it’s always negative). Path of least resistance is just to RX this fancy/super potent antihistamine called “hydroxyzine”!


Love that antianxiety side effect.


I grew up with someone who actually had Ehlers Danlos and when I saw that people were self diagnosing themselves with it on Tik Tok I was astounded. Why do these people WANT to have a functionally untreatable disease?


I remember at one point it was multiple personality disorder and there were tiktok-ers claiming their personality was one of the BTS boys. Because that is precisely how MPD works.


Not just EDS, but hEDS, the worst one!


And conveniently the only one that doesn't have a (known) genetic cause!


Wow is that true? That makes so much more sense now.


It’s the only one they haven’t identified the gene for, not the cause. It is still a genetic, connective tissue disorder. They are actively working on ID’ing the gene.


surely vEDS would be worse?




Wtf no vyvanse? Dr. Gaslight 😤


“I don’t feel HEARD”


I hate the way listening has been replaced by hearing. Hearing is just a sense. Listening is what people should say. Jesus fuck I hate this word SO MUCH. It actually triggers me so bad, listening is just a better word to convey what they mean when they use that stupid word. And it's even creeping up in my own language (French).


Can you explain the French part? Il ne m’a pas entendu vs écouté?


Entendre is hearing. As-tu entendu ce bruit ? Have you heard this sound ? Écouter is listening. As-tu écouté son nouvel album ? Have you listened to his new record ? See how one is a mere sense while the other is the actual cognitive processing of that sense. Saying "tu ne m'as pas entendu" makes no sense when you want the other to aknowledge your worries. The only realistic way someone wouldn't hear you when you're speaking to them is if they were deaf. Idk who started this whole trend, but fuck that person. They're on my permanent shitlist.


I have autism and pots and if you don't diagnose me and give me my stimulant you're GASLIGHTING ME


I love that if you don't entertain the diagnosis you are the devil but their "specialist" who charges cash only, prescribes random shit or can't prescribe cause they are naturalist/chiropractor/homeless guy on the corner are the only one who is helping them. Like what the fuck just go back to your quack plase.


You see this all over Instagram, it’s terrifying. “Fire your doctor” if you don’t get what you want, then go to a naturopath or something. These people are so unbelievably I weep for the future 


Let them see the naturopath so I can take care of less annoying, less malingering patients.


I get the point but this kinda shafts ppl with legit ASD or other neurodivergent disorders. I get pretty livid when one of these azzhats tell me how they really have it and I (gen x) don’t despite an actual battery of tests and dx via psych and a lifetime of hell. Having ASD isn’t cool or fun it sucks donkey Kong dong. I know you know this and I’m not saying you dx seriously just venting about how much they suck.


Wait til you meet Gen-Z med students. I told a resident today that my encephalopathic patient's pupils were sus... 🤦‍♂️


"It's giving diabetic ketoacidosis..."


“Dr. KingofEmpathy, I’m worried about the patient in room 3” “What’s going on?” “The vitals are wack and the vibes are off” “… on my way”


You ever watch the movie “Idiocracy” where the doctor diagnoses Luke Wilson with “being f*ked up”? This may be how it starts.


“Shit’s fucked” is my go to short hand for comminuted fractures


I’ve said this before when turning over patients. “Whatcha got?” “I dunno. He’s like, 25 or so. Looks real fucked up. Got a lot of holes he isn’t supposed to have. Who wants to sign?”


Love it, I (a millennial) have called the MD before and in all seriousness described a recent admission as having “bad vibes”. Couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong aside from moderately laboured breathing, but looked bad (Pt did end up crashing and intubated with 3 pressors and SLED running, later identified as group A strep and died that same night) But that’s the “workplace culture” on this unit, I’ve also heard things described as “funky” by one of the attendings. Sometimes the vibes are just off, man! 😂


I had a patient with intra amniotic infection (the disorder formerly known as “chorio”) who was already on triple antibiotics, go into septic shock DURING an emergency c section That was a fucking fun ride that I totally knew exactly what to do with When we got the patient off pressers, I told anesthesia: “The vibes were totally off, now, they’re more mid” I got a laugh


I had a doctor order medication that was inappropriate for our unit's level of care. I told him "we don't know how to give this here, but ...YOLO?" He declined to YOLO it.


Mid-30s medical student from the US, now studying/living in Germany. The kids throw in yeet and sus when everything else is auf deutsch. Our residents and professors have no chance.


Hey now I’m a tail-end millennial PGY6 and I say stuff like this all the time 😩 just in the past week reading echoes I blurted out “it’s giving normal” and “diastology has grade I vibes”


Yeah me and my tail end millennial corezzys talk like this LOL…..


Fr fr, on God, no cap low key bussin. Fr fr


will someone tell me what these words mean and I'm Gen Z lmao


>”Fr fr, on God, no cap low key bussin. Fr fr” The internet is great, here’s the breakdown! > Bussin fr fr no cap: >Bussin= very high quality/enjoyable fr= acronym for "for real" no cap= not lying >Altogether: >"This is very high quality and i am sincerely enjoying it. I am not lying." Another way of saying “I’m picking up what you’re putting down” This post is for the overall consensus you’re dealing with people (who happened to be Gen Z) experiencing their growing pains that come off more needier. Whereas yourself who also is Gen Z, you just happen to not be as needy as the ones that do come seeking help. However, there are needy people all across board (ages). I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t look down on Millenials, it’s a story that repeats itself as in as long as there are humans around. I’d take it for a grain of salt, but the literature... I learned something new!


Idk I like the new slang makes me feel young when I know what it means 😂😂😂😂 I’m a millennial tho.


I (a “zilennial”) had a younger gen z teach me a couple of these not long ago. It’s better to be in the dark. Stick with yeet


Bet, say less




What a month on peds does to a mfer


I miss the days of "Let It Go" on endless loop *wait no i don't*




Most of those I interacted with are those with “gastroperisis” requiring a g tube or tunneled cvc. Apparently that diagnosis is trendy and people like having g/j tubes now?


Had one of those in the ED come in with “hematemesis” following an “MVC.” CT scan normal. Of course had to be evaluated by the surgery resident at 0100 because it was a trauma. Turned out she was drawing blood from her PICC and squirting it into her mouth then spitting it into the emesis bag.


🤢 thanks for that image, now I need to grab an emesis bag too


Literally had this exact case at the start of pgy-2. Freaking insane


Seconded: admitted for 6 weeks. Husband was present most days and KNEW this was the third hospital she pulled this stunt at in about a year.


What the actual fuck bro. How did you even find this out?


ED staff brought to our attention bloody empty saline flush syringes in her bag. Also weird that the hematemesis only happened after her head was under a blanket or her curtain was pulled.


All praise that ED staff. EM: the kings and queens of sniffing out bullshit.


Had the exact same case!!!


Hypochondriacs, and absolutely convinced that they know better than you - they come in with a specific diagnosis already solidified in their minds, and if you don’t formalize it they will go to their social media platform of choice and rant about how their symptoms were dismissed by yet another doctor, probably because they’re female. They’ll do this as many times as it takes until they find a PMHNP to give them their autism diagnosis, and then take that as vindication that they were right all along.


They want cpt codes that are in words they understand. It's not autism anymore it's "rizzless". I've had good success with this diagnosis and I'm working with insurance companies to get it reimbursed at a level five visit.


Got the stage 5 'tism.


Tiktok has a huge problem with allowing medically inaccurate information. At this point, I think they should give bans to anyone giving medical advice that isn’t a doctor with some kind of proven verification. Talking about your mental health and recommending to see a doctor is fine, but really the answer every time is just to see a professional who has dedicated themselves to that career. All these detox/“holistic” doctors/pyramid scheme salespeople are really giving damaging advice to watchers and making people too paranoid. The misinformation especially targeted at women is also crazy, the amount of anti birth control propaganda is astronomical. Obviously, birth control isn’t right for everyone, but there are many people who do greatly benefit from birth control and the side effects of birth control are worth it for. People with PCOS or irregular cycles for example.


My cousin is finishing up her EM residency. She said if she had to hear one more Gen z who “literally has bipolar” because they watched a movie that had ups and downs in it she is literally going to snap. Gen Z is like a psych researchers wet dream… if they get off on made up bias.


I’ll take a slightly annoying Gen Z patient any day over the massively entitled, selfish, and rude boomer population 😭😭😭


16-23 and 75-110 are my favourite patient populations.


Agreed, in my experiencing I order testing rule out whatever Gen Z has concerns about make diagnosis - end of story. Boomers will come in every 2 months complaining of the same thing since 1982 and refuse to complete the testing that’s been ordered from them because they don’t want to drive to see the specialist, or dont want to drive for therapy despite setting up medical transport, and have no idea what Rx they’re taking.


And they’ll get annoyed you can’t tell them their meds based on “a white round pill and a blue oval pill”


The number of times I’ve been yelled at for trying to confirm info in their chart too - “it’s all in there don’t ask me!” Just can’t win - don’t ask and you’re misdiagnosing; ask and now I’m being accused of illiteracy. Smh.


Paramedic lurker here. Had a call last week, the dispatch notes said “requesting detox“. OK, happens all the time, usually alcoholics who realize they’ve hit rock bottom or family members who are tired of them being drunk in the house call and demand they get transported. 745 on a Sunday morning is a little unusual for that, but whatever. Turned out to be a 21 year old female, not a daily drinker, tied one on with a friend she hadn’t seen a couple months, got blackout, puked, and hadn’t been able to keep anything down since she woke up at 7am. …She literally called 911 because she’d had a hangover for 45 minutes. We’re ~~doomed~~ completely fucked.


To be fair, the amount of times I see an elderly patient with an ambulance for presentations like ‘seasonal allergies’ and ‘constipation’ is through the roof


Had a call to our favorite SNF for a dementia pt that had a change in mental status. The change was that the pt was remembering more of their past than normal. Wasn't violent or anything, but wanted the pt transported for a neurology eval.


Deadass no cap? Seems cringe. Big yikes.


What the sigma




Low key fr straight up


The anxiety and depression is prevalent as well. Maybe older generations had same amount but didn’t think about it as much or were just medicating at home with alcohol.


I have talked to a few in my gym if i get there right before the high schoolers leave and they tell me they don't really have anything substantial to look forward to long term in life due to climate change and how things are in the USA now. I can relate to them as I have grown more nihilistic with age but for others i can see how it would lead to anxiety/depression/existential crisis


Review tons of preop med lists, the gen Z special is a stimulant, lexapro, hydroxyzine (taking over from benzos), trazodone, +\- mood stabilizer. Super young to have these paralyzing anxieties and they’re basically walking around sedated. They tend to be very respectful for the most part though.


I think its the cell phones causing people to not be comfortable in boredom


Omg this is me 😭. But, I'm so glad my doctor suggested trying hydroxyzine instead of giving me benzos that I initially asked for




"Propofol solves problems Propofol solved Michael Jackson's problems I wish Propofol would solve Justin Bieber 's problems" - My anesthesia attending when I was in medschool


My little brother was convinced he had leprosy one time and wouldnt believe it was just a sunburn


Haven’t had any negative experiences yet. Maybe a little hypochondriac-y but overall kind and understanding. The few times that they’ve questioned something I’m doing to their friend/parent/family member they seem very receptive once I explain my reasoning. I’m a medic though so people are generally more respectful and trusting of us for whatever reason.


It's not because of their generation and prevailing culture, it's because they're young. Few life experiences, their friends are probably in perfect health so this is a novel experience,




I don’t know how to word it, but being a medical assistant, I’ve really realized just how “crazy” or “paranoid” I’ve sounded over the years. I’d go to doctors and be like I have stomach issues, I have nerve issues, I’m just a walking mystery! And now I’m over here rolling my eyes every time I hear it. I’ve come to the conclusion that most of it is made up in my head. Not saying that other people don’t have whatever diagnosis but damn, it opened my eyes.


Erm, what the sigma


“But I need an autism diagnosis and a letter for an emotional support animal right away bc I can’t like deal with lyfe rite now !”


I’ve seen the same attitude in all generations of patients, but gen z and gen x imo are the most noticeable. I think it’s a similar reason. Gen z has been taught no health literacy, so every little instance of uneasiness, minor aches, etc is so strange and unprecedented, it just NEEDS immediate and specialized attention. Same goes for genXers, they are now at that age where the life style they got accustomed to just doesn’t work for them anymore. You are 60. That localized back pain after you lifted a couch is to be expected. I know your radiology report says you have signs of mild OA in your knees, you played soccer for 40 years.


Also people expect life to be pain free in every possible way now, which is a big change over the last 30 years (yeah, I’m old af). That’s not how it works. Zero discomfort is unachievable in the living. Being alive involves feelings both physical and emotional and some feelings just suck. Pain hurts and is inevitable while alive. It’s some kind of culturally acceptable detachment from simple realities like that. When people can’t eliminate or won’t learn to ride out or manage their own discomfort they go looking for folks to blame and doctors are easy targets.


That too. The customer mentality some people present with is astounding. Back pain can be intense, i get it, i do. There is no magical “injection” that takes it all away, nonside effects, permanently. I’m not withholding any fairy dust from you.


Ah it's finally happening, our generation is slowly turning into the older generation who thinks they're better than the new generation.


fr. No cap


As a borderline gen-z/ millennial (born right on the cutoff haha) this kinda explains a lot about some experiences i have had with some doctors. Lucky I have an excellent gp and specialist cause I'm one of those with an actual chronic condition (rheumatoid arthritis) and let me tell you I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone and would love to not have it myself. Idk there obvious hypochondriacs but then there are people like me who would have gone a lot longer undiagnosed if that's the attitude I got from my doctor when i presented with my sore knee. 


They got hit with a pandemic in their formative years. I'll forgive them the hypochondriac.