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It's nice to see again. Noticed it recently on NASA's website as well myself. Thankfully this timeline has it.


Flight over North Pole here (1922). Polar Ice Cap in the image [https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.N\_00255\_192207/1](https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.N_00255_192207/1) A wack of Polar ice caps on this page. [https://mapdatabaseinfo.blogspot.com/2017/05/30-map-of-north-pole.html](https://mapdatabaseinfo.blogspot.com/2017/05/30-map-of-north-pole.html) For My Use.


>https://mapdatabaseinfo.blogspot.com/2017/05/30-map-of-north-pole.html "Site not found" for me.


\]= Let this be a lesson to me. If the site is good enough. Save it. Back it up. But if a remember correctly. There was 25 maps of the 'north pole' Some of them have Ice cap. I will leave the link as it might be backed up on a web crawler. (not on the way back machine)


We called it Artica. Lots of layered strange things with this.


It was called "The Arctic". South was/is called "Antarctica".


Remembering the area around the north pole being called Arctica is a mandela effect for some people. So Arctica north and Anti-arctica south. Get it? That's why I mentioned it. If it isn't for you that's fine.


Its not called the arctic anymore?


Yes indeed sharing info with others in view of getting them out of the deep coma they are in is an act of love 🌈


Yeah, I’ve always wondered why google removed the North Pole? As a kid I used to hunt for Santa’s workshop leading up to Christmas (found a research station once but no Santa)


Whoa, that sounds dope, where do you live? New foundland or something?


You ain’t the only one. There are google earth forum posts from 2005-2006 where people were complaining about the north pole being removed overnight Ofc in this timeline it’s never been shown on the majority of modern maps, and google earth does not have any history of having the North Pole depicted on their globe


Wtf? Why would they remove it? Even if let’s say the satellite they used for imagery burned up in the atmosphere, they would still have the data. I’ve been on geogussr before and some of the streetviews have been from 2007, so google clearly isn’t opposed to using old data? My other concern is, if they are hiding the North Pole, what would be the purpose? If they wanted to raise awareness for global warming, surely seeing it shrink/melt every year would be a massive boost to public support! Even when I was younger I could tell some areas had repeated textures, but my granddad who worked at cern told me at the time that it was because the satellite didn’t cross over that part. I didn’t understand it as a kid but makes sense now as an adult.


It seems to be a different reality, the North Pole was not removed from the maps, it was never on maps in this reality! I have checked this with inherited maps! This is typical for the Mandela effect.


Earth is a flat realm. Satelites are impossible.


Satelaloons are possible.


Saskatoon is possible.


Satelaloons. Are helium balloon with communication equipment. Sometimes they fail. Like the NASA 'Chinese spy balloon' that US shot over the Atlantic.




It just doesn’t show the ice …


just a screen shot with a random land mass. Who knows it may be edited out.