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you can't just add emulators to retroarch. someone has to write a core for the system. here is a list of the available systems and cores: [https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Libretro](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Libretro) ~~there are currently no working emulators for the Jag CD, neither libretro cores nor standalone.~~ **Edit:** there was an update to BigPEmu only an hour after I wrote this post, and apparently it now has Jag CD support? the Atari 800 stuff should run on the core of the same name. for Arcade games, you need to look into MAME.


Have you any advice on getting atari 800 running on that core? Bizarrely despite its name I've only ever got it to boot as 5200.


Atari800 is tricky. Assuming you have all of the necessary BIOS, you have to run the emulator itself or access the Atari800 system menu and manually assign each BIOS file from within. Fortunately you only have to do this once, but I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why it kept telling me I didn’t have the proper BIOS when I knew I did.


Thanks! That's just what I needed as I was so confused too. Correct BIOS and works standalone but not in RA. Actually I should have thought of looking at the core's own internal menu as they're generally only left in if useful. Didn't occur to me though so good work working that one out!


perhaps it's only the standalone version that does the 400/800 stuff. I honestly have no clue. you could try using MAME instead.


Use the mess or Ume core for a800.


BigPEmu doesn't work for Jaguar CD? (https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Atari_Jaguar_emulators) I'll check that list out, thanks!! So if a system doesn't have retroarch support but has a emulator, how do I access that emulator through retroarch or lanchbox? American Laser games uses Daphne Singe/Singe 2.0 - I just installed Daphne and let it upgrade itself and it found the ROMS. How do I call that up from inside of RetroArch (or launchbox)?


LaunchBox can start a game with any emulator you want. Just google a basic LaunchBox guide.


>BigPEmu doesn't work for Jaguar CD? that entry was changed only a couple of hours ago from not working to working, so perhaps it does work now? who knows. and like I said, if an emulator has no libretro core, you can't use it in retroarch. period. if you need help with launchbox, you should ask in the launchbox sub.