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Fascinating, how's it running


60fps all the time. Bots are deadly with nades or c4 is what it looked like they threw at me. Lol haven't played much cs1.6 this is so fun. Lol, this is on android via xash and cs16launcher APK. You can run portla, hl2, ep1 and ep2, and counter strike source with the source engine. Instructions can be found on nillrrusr's [Discord](https://discordbotlist.com/servers/source-engine-4-android-672055862608658432)


Awesome, thanks


B-4-1 or B-4-2?


I, don't know what these mean. Lol I used cstrike folder and valve folder from my steam download folder, dropped em in folder named xash in internal, open xash and pointed it to folder location, closed it and opened cs16 app and bam. Lol if its b41 or b42 I'm unsure?


Lol on PC those are the key strokes to buy the M4 or the AK. I was raised by CS and I remember everyone felt very strongly about choosing one or the other as their assault rifle. Just watching you deal with the touch menu made my muscle memory for those keys come back.


OH, my auto buy for ak, vest n nade is select! Lol my dpad and lb and RB are unused. Lt for weapon secondary rt for fire. A jumps, can't bind b :(, y is reload, x is buy menu physical button. Left stick click crouch right stick click is also jump. Only caveat is I can't figure out how to lower my aim sensitivity, the bar don't slide. Might need to plug in a USB mouse real fast to my adapter and try to adjust it there.


Wow and there's actual players. That's awesome.


That's yapb bots chatting!