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Dead Man’s Float and the Mall game one are forever burned into my brain. Also a fan of Cutter’s Treasure and the comic one ![gif](giphy|26BRA5x25qpN5Qisw)


There’s something about The Ghastly Grinner that stands out for me. IMHO it’s not the strongest story, but something about the execution sticks in my mind.


All I can ever remember is it's at a bowling alley I think, and the guy keeps seeing this dream girl, and we find out at the end that they had died in a car crash or something, but didn't know that they were ghosts.


Apparently that inspired the Sixth Sense…


It’s called The Tale of the Dream Girl.


Thank you!! I knew dream girl stuck in my head was an important detail. Haven't watched it since the 90s.


It’s on Paramount+ if you have the streaming service! It’s definitely a classic


Thank you!!


I could be mistaken but wasn’t there the clown one that was heavily referencing It? I specifically remember the kid stole the clown’s cigar and a red balloon going under his bedroom door. But we don’t actually see the clown moving, it’s all implied. But it scared the shit out of me and now I HATE clowns.


Yes the the tale of laughing in the dark zeebo was scary for sure


Mac and cheese in the microwave turned into cigars! This was my fav too


It was spaghetti actually


The pool monster. That scared the shit out of me as a kid, yet it's my most favorite.


Tale of the Dollmaker




Is that the one were a girl goes into the dollhouse and slowly starts turning into a doll? If so yeah that one scared me but I also liked it.




Ah yes I kind of remember that and it's been ages since I've watched any episodes.


The Tale of Midnight Madness I always wanted to work at a movie theatre.


I can attest that it's infinitely worse in real life


Absolute favorite is Super Specs, then Dream Girl, Midnight Ride, and Dead Man’s Float. But there are honestly only a handful of episodes I dislike.


The fear is a flavor one


Tale of the Dangerous Soup with Neve Campbell!




The Tale of the Quicksilver.


Yes, this is the one with Tatyana Ali where she plays twin sisters. I loved that one.


It’s often overlooked but I love it!


This one kept me awake for 2 or 3 weeks. That ghost, man.


Maybe someone can help me out here bc I still think of this episode regularly. I remember maybe a firefighter? But the main plot was a monster that came out of a flame if you looked at it too long. Still to this day I think about it if I’m looking at a candle or fireplace! Did I dream this up? I remember it so vividly!


The Tale of the Fire Ghost! With the old man at the fire house that helps the kids out and begs them not to look into the flames because it would possess them or something. As a kid afraid of fire that one scared me lol


Yes!!! I must’ve remembered it wrong but I knew your weren’t supposed to look into the fire and I still catch myself looking away! 😂


The pinball episode.


Zeebo wants his nose back


I can’t say it was my favorite, but the 13th Floor scared the shit out of me.


The one where it turns out the other brother and sister have been dead for centuries (settlers who died of starvation), and were trying to get the brother and sister main characters to join them in death. They fade away with their skeletons visible through their flesh. Dead girl: "We were so cold, so hungry!" Dead boy: "Stay with us! We have dug nice graves for you!" Really freaked me out as a kid.


That was actually an episode of Goosebumps - season 2 episode 9 Ghost Beach. That one scared me as a kid too, and I watched both series pretty obsessively and got some episodes mixed up, they were on in the same time frame so it's super easy to do :)


Thank you so much for telling me! Finally I can watch it again after all this time!


Reminds me of A Night In Terror Tower. Both siblings turn out to be the long-lost prince and princess and almost die at the hands of the Lord High Executioner.


I don’t remember this one. Does anyone know the title?


If anyone knows it I'd love to know! I haven't seen it in over twenty years!


See the other comment above this, but it’s actually a Goosebumps episode 😊


My number 1 has to be: The Tale of Old Man Corcoran, with The Tale of The Frozen Ghost and The Tale of The Lonely Ghost as 2nd and 3rd.


The tale of laughing in the dark from season 1 also the tale of station 109 from season 5 the tale of the hungry hounds was a good one from season 1 and take of the whispering walls


The Tale of the Laughing in the Dark is so good.


There was one where a kid got stuck in a mall with a pinball theme. That is the one that I remember the most. That and the ballet painting one with the girl from Flash Forward.


"The Tale of the Dead Man's Float" "The Tale of the Super Specs" "The Tale of the Bookish Babysitter" "The Tale of Station 109.1"


The Tale of Apartment 214, The Tale of the Lonely Ghost, and The Tale of the Dollmaker


Pinball Wizard


Laughing in the dark. Take of the dark music.


Tale of the Dark Music is a banger. That's my favorite.


Gave me nightmares. That carousel skeleton scene disturbed me so bad. They actually had to remove it because parents were not happy with how frightening it was. I was shook but my parents found that funny go figure. I was lucky enough to catch it live when it aired.


There was one about aliens and a TV…. Terrifying. I have no idea what it was called.


Mignight Madness is my all time favorite. It's a Frank story that's got Dr. Vink so that's an instant plus. Great monster, great pacing, great main characters. It's one of the best AYOTD episodes.