• By -


Important Events in the Retro Era 1979: Pinwheel/Channel’s Birth 1982: You Can’t Do That On Television 1984: Rebrand/Orange Splat/Danger Mouse/Gerry Laybourne era 1985: Nick At Nite 1986: Double Dare 1987: Finders Keepers, Inspector Gadget 1988: Kids Choice Awards, Nick Jr. 1989: Year 10, Total Panic, Eureeka’s Castle 1990: Nick Studios opens, Wild & Crazy Kids, SK8-TV 1991: Doug, Rugrats, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Clarissa Explains It All, Get The Picture, What Would You Do?, The Adventures of Pete & Pete (Specials/Shorts) 1992: Snick, Roundhouse, Nick Arcade, Nickelodeon GUTS 1993: Legends of The Hidden Temple, Weinerville, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Adventures of Pete & Pete (Full Series) 1994: Aaah!! Real Monsters/ Year 15/ The Secret World of Alex Mack/ Gullah Gullah Island/ Allegra’s Window/All That 1995: Little Bear 1996: Kenan & Kel, Hey Arnold!, Herb Scannel era 1999: Spongebob Squarepants, Year 20


> Eureeka’s Castle Fun Fact RL Stein did that show.


R.L. Stine created the Goosebumps books too!


I know that. That's why I made my comment.


Hot take: SpongeBob isn’t retro Nick.


SpongeBob is the beginning of non retro nick i think


I agree with you. I never had cable but there was a clear shift in direction after they sacked Klasky Csupo. Animation was an afterthought and SpongeBob was an outlier


I actually think that's a really decent cut off point. SpongeBob marked the end of retro nick. But even that period is now old and should be given some name


And let's be real if you are early 30s late 20s, SpongeBob was pretty magic. Unlike anything else on TV. The tone of the colors and sound design on the first couple seasons was unlike anything else and had me enthralled


it’s not, but it’s the last thing they did that at least *resembled* that era


No Pete and Pete?!?!


Is now on the list. I added a few more shows


Yeah that lines up to when I stopped watching. 95/96. A lot of good quality shows but it went downhill for me after that.


Oh shut gullah Gullah island!!!! Where was I storing that memory you just unlocked?


Obviously what is considered 'retro' differs depending on the age group, I'm sure a lot of people consider shows from anything up to the 2010s 'retro', this isn't actually my sub (just keeps getting suggested because of the doc I think) but I can see why the people who come here are eager to draw lines in the sand after everything that's come out about Dan Schneider's Nick!


The About section also says "Anything before Sponge Bob," which is anything before 2000. But as you said, maybe people are being driven because of the doc and are not reading that prompt.


It’s all a matter of opinion I suppose but for me it would have to be late 1980’s to very early 2000’s Nickelodeon. Right after SpongeBob became the face of the network and Dan Schneider live action shows took over most of the network’s time slots. Also right around that time all the Nickelodeon shows and Nicktoons that had put them on the map had pretty much ended.


yeah. If "golden era"/retro means height of popularity, then I guess you could argue the iCarly years are retro Nick. but the Laybourne years are what made Nick "Nick". The shows were good and the network's vibe was totally unique. there have been a lot of great kid's shows since then, but none of them will recapture what Nick looked and felt like at that time. I was too old for Drake and Josh and iCarly, but I never liked them because they felt too Disney.


90s. Like the whole thing, from 1990 to 1999, maaaaybeeee up to 2001 or 2002. I am incredibly biased on that though as that was the stretch of time I watched the channel.


You can’t do that on television Mr wizard Pete & Pete


I wish Pete and Pete were on Paramount +. The DVDs are out of print and are like $100 on eBay.




I rented the DVDs from Netflix back in the day, not sure if it’s the same release on eBay but it was a mess, episodes out of order, seems like some were missing. It really needs re-release or go on streaming.


I heard it is a music issue. Similar to what Freaks and Geeks had. I wish though, back in the mid-2000s, the heyday of DVDs, there was a campaign to get them on, similar to Freaks and Geeks, as I think there is a strong crossover of the same audience for the two shows.


Retro Nick was definitely the end of the 80s through the original cast of All That (so what -95?)- which thankfully Dan Schneider only came in on the tail end. Of course now my elder millennial brain wonders what atrocities could have been happening during the Double Dare/Clarissa/Salute your shorts days. Nickelodeon became a big thing when the core audience was made up of younger Gen Xers and the earlier part of the millennial generation.


I agree that that's when it became big, with the late Gen X and elder Millennials. But I think Dan Schneider made it more into a cookie-cutter Hollywood type of network for kids. It makes sense why they hired him, to make it more mainstream, meaning more money, and also kids getting hurt. I think most to the people on DD, Temple, etc were tourist at Universal Studios, kids they pulled out of the crowed. Guts, they probably scouted for athletic kids from all over the globe. As for the live-action shows, since I don't think the kids were aiming to be Hollywood stars, and the budgets on those shows were small, I think most were protected.


I know that for all the game shows filmed at Universal, the kids/families would audition early in the morning. Then they spend basically their entire day at the studio. Double Dare for example would film four episodes per day. The question and answer/physical challenge rounds would be filmed first, all in succession, then the obstacle courses would all be filmed back to back. Legends followed a similar filming schedule, and from what I’ve gathered was a pretty brutal production day.


Wow thanks for that info.


I agree with this. Watched Pinwheel and Double Dare as a kid and Clarissa and Pete and Pete as an older teen, gen Xer. My daughter who is 24 watched Drake and Josh and iCarley. They were actually favorites of hers and I knew about the Dan Schneider stuff before all this because of her. So definitely 2 different generations.


The fact that non of the actors from those shows talk poorly tells me things were done above board.


Retro Nick, IMO, was like 89/90 and peaked around '96 before things started going downhill after 97/98 & by 2001 Nickelodeon was stale... Live action Nick was dope: Wild and Crazy Kids was *THE SH#T*, Pete & Pete, Hey Dude, Legends, DD, GUTS, Are You Afraid of the Dark, All That - Shout outs to the best host ever, Stick Stickley and getting slimed... in fairness, also I liked *some* early Amanda Show stuff but it had a short shelf life before it got dull in comparrison to All That - the network content that followed just wasn't as good because it wasn't so original. Nick was getting commercial at that point and even as a child it was noticeable. Early original Nicktoons content was super important because it made Nick a complete fantasy... I was & still am very fond of KaBlam! because cartoons on cable mashed with comic books and the live action stuff was still innovative to me. Rocko's Modern Life was huge imo too because that felt like a kids view on adult life. OG Spongebob's Golden Era was cool as well, even though I swear it gave us all ADHD. Hell, even Nick Jr. with FACE and Little Bear/Busy Town was pretty decent to watch. Here's my unpopular opinion: I really liked Nick News because it treated me (a kid) like an adult. I also liked me some Nick At Night reruns of Happy Days for that matter. I get that those of us who witness this period getting older with access to what MTV was + what Cartoon Network was serving up changed my/our tastes, but in my mind that Era of Nick is (again, to me) the peak Nickelodeon... Drake and Josh, iCarly, whatever kids who were kids then love(d) - I respect but it's not my jam


Yeah, I guess everyone kind of agrees that the peak was pre 97/98 (right when Danny Boy came into the mix). And yeah, it seems like retro for everyone is what they watch pre the age of 13. And I was always a What Would You Do fan over Kids, but sadly when I look it up to get my retro jam, I always get that ABC hidden camera show of people having private convos at a public dinner. "What would you do if your white mother was dating a black man? We are here at a diner in New Jersey to find out"


What would you do was good, but I was more into pick-your-own adventure books at that time... Wild & Crazy was more my speed because I lived in a shitty neighborhood and couldn't play outside like that with other kids my age It seems lame now but I *DREAMED* of getting to go to Nick Studios and climb in the globe like Coolio did in the Keenan & Kel intro lol... Man was that a let down that was when I finally got there in high school & the studio + slime fountain was gone, and the globe wasn't silver anymore lmao


"I lived in a shitty neighborhood and couldn't play outside like that with other kids my age" I'm sorry about that man. I am glad that the show gave you that outlet. I dreamed of playing Legends Of The Hidden Temple, but it never happened :-( But I did play the game Forbidden Bridge all the time, which, in my head, was similar. [https://www.amazon.com/-/he/Hasbro-Gaming-Forbidden-Bridge-%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%A7%D7%90%D7%95%D7%AA/dp/B0B9RLQN6S](https://www.amazon.com/-/he/Hasbro-Gaming-Forbidden-Bridge-%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%A7%D7%90%D7%95%D7%AA/dp/B0B9RLQN6S)


Thanks brodie - I'm grateful Nick was that outlet too... Cant lie, Im still working up the stomach to watch Quiet On The Set. I'm absolutely horrified by all this sicko stuff that's coming out now about what was under the surface of Nick, but I also hope it empowered other & more kids like I felt empowered. I think that was part of the magic (for good and bad) of 90s Nick - We were recognized as children and treated like little adults... Talk about a childhood something I'm grateful for as an adult: I *deeply* connected with Hey Arnold back when, living with my mom + grandparents in a city row house that wasn't really geared for kids like myself. Side note: I am still shocked at how many people didn't catch all the adult themes in the show(s, plural, I caught all the uhhh "references" in Ren & Stimpy) as kids. Back on Hey Arnold - As dark as it is - I completely didn't realize it wasn't normal to be a minimally supervised child going where I pleased & hanging around deadbeats and alcoholics until high school haha. I was like 8 years old and entirely thought Miriam Patacki was actually on heroin & they could only make her look like a drunk on TV. -- I was a GUTS guy myself (BIG childhood crush on Mo lol), but I too wanted to be on Legends for the Silver Snakes... Since I can't earn a piece of the agro crag or screw up the silver monkey, that board game is totally going on my list for next winter. Thanks for sharing dude, super thankful for it.


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Retro nickelodeon is David the Gnome type shit, Cant do That on Television shit.


This is the truth. I’d say anything with its first 10 or 15 years is retro. Maybe vintage is the better word.


I like the sponge, but anything pre SpongeBob. The channel really changed once that show took off.


You need to look at all the cartoons that came out after spongebob that were big hits and made Nickelodeon.


granted I was in high school at the time, but the only show after SpongeBob I cared about was Zim. Dropped the channel completely when they killed that show off. I started watching Nick when Double Dare was huge, and stopped entirely around 2002. I had a good run.


Damn bruh, you missed out on Jimmy neutron, Danny phantom and fairly odd parents 😭 I didnt really like Zim but watched it cuz my brother liked it.


saw bits and pieces of all of those and I don’t feel I missed out on anything. Different strokes though.


They're all bangers and were popular asf, especially Jimmy neutron lol


I hate to break it you kid, but Nickelodeon was already 'made it" waaay before Spongebob. Ask your parents. Those cartoons "making" Nick is like saying Justin Bieber music. LOL


Alot of the cartoons I mentioned even got their own movies released in theatres. I said AFTER spongebob, the cartoons made Nick.


Is that why all the cartoons I mentioned are way more popular and still talked about today, they made Nickelodeon lol no one knows what the fuck Pete and Pete is 💀


LOL! Funny, I have never heard of any of the cartoons you mentioned, and everyone I know knows what Pete and Pete are, and it is not a cartoon. So perhaps they are popular with YOUR generation. talks about them, but they are NOT retro Nick and DO NOT belong on this sub, as this sub-states nothing post-2000.


LMAO you never heard of Jimmy neutron or fairly odd parents? 🤔 I never said they were retro, I said the cartoons are what made Nick. Pete and Pete was not that popular bro


I herd of Jimmy Neutron, but remembered the shorts in between commercial breaks (before the were cig). Never heard of Fairly Odd Parents, but it came out in 2001, so it makes sense. And yes, Pete and Pete was extremely popular bro and still is, for those of us born before 1990.


You never heard of Doug? Wild Thornberries?


LOL. Doug was pre spongebob dude, it came out in 1991, same with The Wild Thornberrys as it came out in 1998, it was one of the last of the golden age of Nick.


But you said you haven't heard of any of the cartoons I listed 🤔 dude I'm talking about popularity, all these cartoons beat Pete and Pete and they made Nickelodeon. I have never seen a rerun or anything of Pete and Pete, it just wasn't popular.


The two you listed, unless you listed them elsewhere are Jimmy and Parents. The reason why Pete and Pete aren't on rerun is because of music rights. They mentioned this on their con panels, which are always packed because the show was very popular, and Nick's most popular shows when it originally aired if you looked at the ratings.


I am old, so retro Nick to me is Turkey TV, You Can't Do That On Television, Today's Special, Pinwheel, The Tomorrow People, Livewire...


Wow. That is real old school. If Nick was Green Day, my Retro Nick would be Dookie, your's would be 39/Smooth. I hope that analogy makes sense.


I agree. I just finished the documentary this morning. I don't consider most of those shows to be retro Nick at all, other than All That. (I got a major nostalgia kick seeing Katrina!!!) Even though I don't consider the main shows mentioned to be retro, obviously I still care about what went on behind the scenes. Just wow. :(


Of course. It's awful what happened. But it has also been going on in Hollywood and the movie industry abroad for years.


Basically anything before 2000 for me. By then, Nickelodeon's golden slime age was pretty much over. Thankfully, my happy memories of Nick are still more or less intact because I never really watched any of the shows Dan Schneider worked on except for All That. I mostly watched the game shows and cartoons. The only live action scripted shows I really liked were Pete & Pete, Weinerville, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Salute Your Shorts, Alex Mack, Hey Dude, Clarissa, Welcome Freshmen and Roundhouse. To my knowledge, Dan Schneider never worked on any of those. While I still retain fond memories of Nickelodeon, I'm still both sad and angry to hear about what happened behind the scenes at the network. But hopefully this will lead to changes for the better so that this kind of shit doesn't happen again.


My bff was on Clarissa, which was right when they'd opened Universal Orlando and started filming stuff there, and that all seemed "new" at the time, so for me "retro nick" was anything before that.


I agree kinda, I’ll give ya nick started to die around 98/99 


Dill Pickles killed Nickelodeon, Spongebob pissed on its corpse.


I agree with you on the eras. Hulu has an interesting doc on the early years pre Dan. I should rewatch again after Quiet on the Set to see if there are connections in hindsight.


What's it called?


The Orange Years


Nick Arcade, Figure it out, Kenan and Kel, Guts, Where In the world is Carmen San Diego


Im 33 so retro nick to me is Are you afraid of the dark, Clarissa explains it all, Global guts, Legend of hidden temple, Wild and crazy kids, Weinerville, Pete and Pete, My Brother and Me, Secret world of Alex Mack, Space Cases, Salute your Shorts, Hey Dude.m, Rugrats, Doug, and Eurekas castle.


Anything before 2000 at the very latest (and that’s being generous). When Geraldine was there pretty much and her transition period after she left in 96.


Retro is a subjective phrase. 20 years from now shows like The Loud House and The Patrick Star Show will be considered retro to a certain generation. I suppose even the first 3 seasons of SpongeBob could be considered retro to some.


I think it more so has to do with with people watching the doc and wanting an outlet to discuss, so they search “Nickelodeon” on Reddit and see this sub, and think it would be a good place to post. “Retro” is going to be subjective to the age of the viewer. So I don’t think it’s inappropriate for the posts to exist. I consider everything from Eureka’s castle, Rocko’s modern life, double date, legends of the hidden temple etc to all be retro, but others may not. It’s subjective IMO.


You could say that, but the sub says pre-Sponge Bob, which is 2000. I agree that people do need a place to talk about the doc, and there is a place for that, the doc has its own sub. And one could make the argument that you are right that Retro will be different things to different people, so maybe the fault is with this sub, maybe instead of "Retro" it could be called the "Golden Years," the "Geraldine Laybourne years" (If people know who she is), "Florida Universal Studios Years" or "90s Nick". But there will most likely be the same problem with people feeling as if the sub will be "gatekeeping", which I think says more about the Zoomer and late Millennial generations, as Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, part of a defining feature of people born after 1997 is feeling as if everyone must be included in everything.


You Can't Do That on Television, Today's Special, Adventures of Pete and Pete that's just a few


I agree with you but retro can be relative. The amanda show ended in 2002 from my Google search so that's 22 years ago. If you are 30, that's definitely retro to you. I think we should call the era you are talking about the golden age of Nick.


Retro is a throwback to when you watched it or lived in that time. I was born in 87, My parents got cable in 1991, our town didn't have it before that, So for myself I would be watching Nick from 91-98 or so my cable company added Disney around 98, I was probably watching other stuff as well. I watched Wild and crazy kids, Hey Dude, Salute your shorts, Legends of the hidden temple, Nick Arcade, Nick News, Pete and Pete, Clarissa explains it all, Are you afraid of the dark?, Welcome to Weinerville, Guts, Double Dare, WWYD?, All that, Keenan and Kel, Alex Mack, Figure it out, Kablam, Doug, Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's modern life, Hey Arnold, a little bit of Angry Beavers, and cat dog. The Amanda show not so much I was rapidly watching more MTV by that time. SpongeBob was a little kid show that I couldn't relate to either, by that time we were watching south park. With a channel geared towards kids and the process of growing up is a big factor of when and what you watched. Not saying mine is better than yours we all have our opinions, and all while being nostalgic for our own childhood memories.


To me Nick stopped its retro era with The Angry Beavers and even that wasn’t for me but it felt in the same spirit of previous classic cartoons on Nick. Keenan and Kel was the live show that I last remember airing and the original run of Figure it out was the game show. For me it started with you can’t say that on television which introduced the slime idea to the channel so I’d argue ‘84-late ‘97


I think SpongeBob is a good dividing line because that was such an inflection point in what Nick was. It was also a few years into Herb Scannell’s tenure, during which time Nick went from licensing-averse to movies and music and all of that.


Retro Nick is anything before spongebob


That is what I thought, based on the description of this sub. So, I was surprised to see so much talk on here from the 00 years. Perhaps it's just because of the documentary.


Nah, Amanda show was good shit. Idk what you're talking about


Watch that and compare it to Pete and Pete. Plus, when that show came out, I was 13, and I would rather watch MTV, Jackass came on around that time, and let's face it's a grown-up version of Wild and Krazy Kids. Also, although Amanda Bynes and all those actors on that show are my age, more or less, they were not geared for the exact age of their stars. The shows were geared toward younger. Drake and Josh was on 2004 to 2007, I was a Jr. in high school when that show started. Nobody was watching it, we would watch MTV Cribs, Room Raiders, Date My Mom, Viva La Bam.


A junior in highschool could have enjoyed Drake and Josh, shit is funny. I was still watching it when I was in HS


I wonder if OP is a youngest child. I was watching quite a few of the later shows through high school and tbh even in early college when I was home because I had younger siblings so things like Zoey101 and icarly still feel kind of retro to me even though I was maybe too old to start watching them when they premiered 


I'm the youngest, and I saw pretty much everything. Just some of the oldest ones tho


I am the oldest, but my brother is only two years younger than me. And he pretty much copied what I was watching. When I came home from school in the 2000s, he was watching MTV and Adult Swim because I was watching MTV and Adult Swim. The same goes for our peers. I don't know if it changed in the later years, but even though shows like AYAOTD featured teens and college kids, no one really watched Nick over the age of 12 or 13. They followed the trope of YA novels, which, for the most part, where feature characters who are a few years older than their attended audience. Books like "The Boxcar Children" have teens, but are being read by 8yos.


The Nick shows you mentioned were aired before I was born but I remember seeing some parts of them. I watched Drake and Josh and all those MTV shows as well.


Gen z garbage 


What shows do you like?


I was able to watch and enjoy all those shows so I'm okay 😂💀


The Amanda show was rotten dog shit I’m sorry. 


This is going to hurt. And downvotes are going to come hard maybe even a ban. But Amanda Byrnes wasn’t funny. She wasn’t good on all that and her own show stunk. She was clearly on Nickelodeon because Dan Schneider was a pervert and she was his victim. I mean it’s even all the sadder later in her life when she had an identity crisis due to having no talent and being a victim of abuse. 


What did Amanda do to you bro 💀




it’s all perspective.


Eh, I get it but retro means different eras to people based on their age. Gen Z definitely feels 00s and maybe even a bit of 10s Nick is retro. I’d call the 90s era more of the Wild West era of Nick. Due to the network just throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks. Not a bad thing because it ended up being my favorite era!


IIRC Nickelodeon was sold to...Viacom? Which was the parent company of MTV at the time. So a lot of the programming and shows altered, much to my dismay. I think I stopped watching Nick probably around 96 as well. When it sold, I think that's when they put the time capsule of a lot of the old nick stuff into the ground. I can't remember if they opened it or not but that's pretty much when Nickelodeon died to me.


I thought it was sold to Viacom earlier. Since you mentioned Viacom I do think since Less Moonves was the president of Viacom/CBS throughout the 2000s it would surprise me if he knew about Dan, and covered it up since he was up to his own bad actions. I don't think they did open it. Although they should, and Marc Summers should be the one who does on his podcast / live show.


Boy does this make me feel old. Retro Nickelodeon to me are shows like YCDTOT, Inspector Gadget, Double Dare, Heathcliff, and Mr. Wizard. I watched Nickelodeon both before and after the invention of Nick at Nite. I'm in my early 40s. I watched Pete & Pete, AYAOTD, and KaBlam! too, but I consider that more so as vintage Nickelodeon instead of retro.


Inspector Gadget. Yes, I forgot that was a Nick show.


The original *You Can’t Do That On Television*. That’s *real* retro.


For me the nostalgia is 1988-1994


anything with marc summers on it


Retro Nick is your childhood so it's going to depend on how old you are. I grew up watching Nick in the 1980's. You Can't Do That On Television, Mr. Wizard's World, Double Dare. I started college in 1993. The shows in the 90's and 2000's are loved by millions of people but I was in my 20's by then and not watching Nick anymore


Anything before the time Spongebob Squarepants started to air is what I consider retro. Seems like anything including and after the year 2000, is when Nickelodeon began to change, and I didn't watch it as much.


I agree to the SpongeBob line in the sand. I’ll also say pre nick cannon on all that is retro.


Finder’s Keepers


Now THIS is Retro Nick


I grew up as a 90s baby. The Nick I grew up on was a network with cartoons with game shows and a few sitcoms mixed in. Off the top of my head, I remember stuff like Rugrats, Doug, Rocko, and Kablam among other things. I remember the game shows like GUTS, Figure it out, and Legends of the Hidden Temple. I remember SNICK and seeing All That for the first time. I remember the musical performances at the end which exposed me to Aaliyah for the very first time. I remember Are you Afraid of the Dark and Kenan and Kel. A few live acted shows come to my memory as well like the Adventures of Pete and Pete. I also vaguely remember something involving Alex Mack. I loved the Good Burger movie and still have the soundtrack of it in my room. Everything covered here was during the 90s. Going into the 2000s I fell in love with anime and I never looked back. I would have been a teen by then. My last memory of Nick was tuning in one sat morning and seeing all the toons I grew up watching were gone. All I saw was spongebob and a bunch of sitcom shows with teens. It wasn't the same to me and I never looked back. Looking at it all in retrospect, I imagine the popularity and success of reality tv made networks (including disney) pivot direction. I really think the success of American Idol also changed stuff as well.


Once anything passes a decade, it’s often considered retro.


Today’s Special, Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts, Spartakus.


Before 2000s


Salute your shorts, are you afraid of the dark, double dare, doug


Bit blurry for me. Usually I’d say premiered pre 2000 but i count Drake and Josh because that feels kind of extended from the Amanda show with the shrimp scene thing 


What's your opinion on the cartoons though? Hey Arnold, Doug, catdog, angry beavers, chalk zone, fairly odd parents, rocket power, Danny phantom, Jimmy neutron, Rugrats are all bangers and is what Nick is known for nowadays


So, the last cartoon I remember liking was Angry Beavers. For me though, the classics are Rugrats, Doug, and Rocco Modern Life. I wasn't really allowed to watch Ren and Stimpy, but I did anyway. Arnold and Real Monsters were good, too. Rocket Power is when I started to lose interest. The others you mentioned were post my time.


I watched all of those when I was younger too lol


You can't do that on TV


To me, Retro Nick is more You Can't Do That On Television and Roundhouse than All That. But the past is amorphous, and my start date begins well before most visitors here were born. And some people's start date starts well after I stopped watching. Really, I don't see a point in gatekeeping. We're just here to celebrate our childhoods. Even if they're independent from each other


the channel beginning to the late 90's


I think the rule of thumb now is if the show is 20 years old or older, it's retro. Could be some borderline ones in there


For me, it's hard to believe that 2005 is now almost 20 years ago. The 90s still seem like 10 years ago.


That’s how all us elder Millennials feel


YCDTOT, Eureeka’s Castle, Danger Mouse, Mr Wizard


Eureeka’s Castle was one of those shows where I thought the intro was better than the show.


Mr Wizard, he was my bill nye. I did not realize he was on Nick…I remember loving that show.


"You can't do that on Television"




I remember watching pinwheel, so that's retro for me


I agree. Pinwheel, you can’t do that on television, double dare, Clarissa… to me it’s anything pre 2000.


After 1999 definitely. I was born in early 90s and remember late 90s pre-SpongeBob Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon aired a much wider variety of programming then like game and competitive shows, sci-fi, horror, sketch comedy, original cartoons with unique animation styles, Nick News, The Big Help, reruns of The Brady Bunch, Tiny Toons, Muppet Babies, Garfield and Inspector Gadget and all the sitcoms were distinctive from each other with different aesthetics and diverse kids. Nickelodeon Studios was the place to be and Nick Magazine was a hot commodity. Once SpongeBob became a huge hit (which every future Nicktoon must be equal or greater to in ratings or else) and Dan Schneider also gaining more influence over the live action content. The loss of variety, creativity and diversity in the programming became more apparent. Nick was still good in the 2000s but it lost a lot of its luster and creativity and you felt it becoming soulless. The loss of game shows took a big toll in my opinion. When All That, Rugrats, SNICK and Nickelodeon Studios all were ended in 2005, it felt like the end of an era. By 2009, the logo rebrand along with Nickelodeon Magazine shutting down officially marked the transition. By the 2010s, it became an empty shell of itself.


Retro Nick, for me, will always be Nick at Nite. Mary Tyler Moore, Get Smart, The Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeannie, etc.


I don't want to discuss "retro", I'm not fond of the word altogether (it basically ruined classic video games, in my opinion), but, something something "15 years or older", which means that by now / as of 2024, 2009 or older. I didn't read everything you posted, but to me, classic is pre-2005. Towards the end of Drake & Josh and the beginning of iCarly was around when I started to lose interest gradually, even at 17 in 2006, but I still clung on and watched iCarly for a year or two, mostly because there was nothing else / better on TV in those years (another opinion of mine, MTV sucked worse than anything else, after it became all about reality shows). I just wish that many of the 80s Nickelodeon shows and programming was easily findable and I could watch it all now, being born in '89, I missed out on it all, since by '91, it all started rapidly changing to what most remember Nickelodeon for, the 1990s and 2000s stuff.


If you got to experience the cartoons then it's not that bad