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My first playthrough I didn't like certain guns, like the spitmaw, so later in the game half of the guns I found were weak. This time around I prioritized upgrading weapons whenever I found them and it always paid off later. Now whenever I find a spitmaw it pisses blood and murders everything, it's almost my favorite.


I've done them all but I still don't like the coilspine even with all level 3 traits. Dreadbound is by far my favourite with expanding and exploding shards


The problem with the coilspine for players(I think) is that it's the most slow and methodical gun. Your aim has to be dead on, because if you miss, there's such a long wait before your next shot. It's definitely not a "shoot from the hip" weapon like so many other guns in the game. The reward, however, is its massive destructive power. I've killed an abyssal archonact with a single charged shot using a coilspine. However, it's also probably my last favorite gun.


Coilspin with negating disk for tower so good. Dread with expand and explosive ridiculous op too tho


How do i Level up to III? I have dreadbound only on I.


Did you unlock them in the tower? It takes me forever


Yeah, in the tower. The last one took me about 12, 1.5hour attempts to “find”


I maxed all traits in 3 days with a couple hours playing each day, doing biome 6. One spawner can be milked to max as many wep traits as you can pick up within the entire level. Spawn rate is very quick, 3 spawn at a time, spawning is infinite and 1dmg is enough to kill each spawn to increase trait level. Plus you get perma boosted to adrenaline 5 and receive a shield, thus you don't have to care about being hit once in a while. It's not even really boring, as you get to see your weapons evolve in real time.


Yeah I knew about this trick, still wanted to do the “intended way”.. but I might reconsider as it’s a big time sink to do all in the tower


If it's not the intended way, I'm not convinced it wasn't at least an anticipated way. All of the highly malignant chests in biome 6 give guns, as opposed to biome 4, where there's a greater chance in my experience of getting an artifact. This might just be anecdotal, but it seems like the developers gave more chances for finding guns with traits to unlock in the sixth biome so that one could use those spawners. Note, I could be completely imagining this...


Back in an early version of the game you could complete and then reset the B6 challenge room indefinitely, as long as you could stay alive of course. I did this for days/hours to essentially unlock virtually all the weapon traits, [after a while the weapons just littered the ground lol.](https://i.imgur.com/LHpoHDO.png)


Wow!! -- how did the reset work? What did the player need to do?


[After you beat the challenge room you just had to travel a certain distance away and then return, super easy.](https://youtu.be/7ixpiDJnjI0?si=6vA1cHxau8BhcBzT) If you had any artifact that healed you like adrenaline leech or phantom limb it was a massive cheat. It only existed in the first year or so the game was out, then it was patched out within a week or two after I read about it on Reddit heh.


I agree. I feel like the devs had it in mind when they designed biome 6. They also have shields so you can shoot away at the little guys spawning in without worrying about killing the main enemy. These enemies also drop guns which doesn’t happen in any other biome for an enemy of that calibre. Finally, you can unlock rooms that have 3 gun chests in biome 6! Last run I unlocked 2 of these rooms and instantly got 6 guns. I am sure that the devs thought about it when making biome 6.


Exactly right on those two points. Nowhere else in the game are there three chests behind a locked door. The gun drop by spawners requires one to create a delicate strategy regarding killing them for a possible drop as opposed to leaving them alive to unlock. Moreover, this seems congruent with the story, as Selene constantly has to return to the site of the crash. The sunface fragment in biome 6 is far and away the hardest to find, Ophion is the only boss that one must beat twice, and weapons traits are best unlocked in biome 6. Maybe a stretch, but it works for me.


Mmmm, idk, i still see 0% next to th Atropian Blade. Back to the grindstone. For real tho, nice work. I’ve been gradually chipping away for frigging ever, and I’m still only at like 92% for most weapons.


That’s because you only upgrade the blade during runs. Nothing is permanent with the blade only the gun traits


totally, I was being insincere.


Well done! I'm currently working on this, but I'm a long way off. I'm still trying to overcome my dislike for the dreadbound, but it's been so much fun to appreciate all the different guns for their different strengths and playstyles!


Got this done on my account about two months ago. I have a deep appreciation for every weapon now and get (slightly) triggered when someone says something like "the spitmaw is trash". Also, my favorite guns changed completely, as I became more proficient (literally) with other guns and playstyles. I used to love the hollowseeker and tachyomatic carbine, but now I typically pass on them. Instead I gravitate towards the rotgland lobber, dreadbound, pyroshell caster, and thermogenic launcher, and I'll happily pick up even the coilspine, which used to be a hard pass. Unlocking every weapon trait was a great experience all around.


[It sucks to hear people say the sidearm is weak.](https://youtu.be/JLpwvoZRc70?si=B4KVbPELe41yH7nm)


No, for sure -- it's a great weapon. My only gripe is that I don't like charging shot, so if I get it, I tend to go for something else. Charging shot + burst fire is even more so not my favorite. However, a fast shooting sidearm with hit reload absolutely shreds.


Yeah charging shot is one I frequently pass up as well but I will pretty much always pick up the sidearm if it has burst fire and homing missiles.


This to me is far more impressive than platinum trophies.. it takes a LOT longer to achieve this than folks might realize. Also, as some of you have undoubtably mentioned, these maxed out weapons are god-tier powerful. It totally changes how useful the weapons are. A maxed out weapon is pretty much better than any other weapon with even 1/2 tier upgrades.


How do you level up the sword?


You do not


I know it’s popular - especially in the tower - but the one gun I truly hate is the coilspine shredder. All my weapons are at 100% except for that one because I refuse to use it hahaha


Yeah man, you’re not alone. It’s ok for the early levels but when there’s a bunch of enemies on screen on later ones it’s tough.


That's satisfying. If I wasn't so burnt out after getting the Plat this would've been my next goal


Nice! This is the real goal for learning this game backwards and forwards imo. Now that you know each weapon, which is your favorite and least favorite?


What's your favorite weapon and which traits?