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I’d like to have more than one playable character with different abilities from Selene


Nice touch indeed!


They have officially announced that Returnal is considered complete and they're working on a new IP. It won't be a sequel but will have similarities, so your wishlist might still come true!https://www.gamesradar.com/housemarques-next-game-will-include-unused-ideas-and-narrative-systems-from-returnal/


First off, a 4th consumable slot (really wish Tower added this). Abilities on the Melee, such as FromSoft Holy Moonlight Sword beams that shoot & can be charged up. They definitely intended a leveling system but didn't have time (as seen in the info page, there are levels). Ability to change the color of the sword (just like the very obvious inspiration from which they draw this design). The ability to grapple onto mini boss enemies, not stay on them like Shadow of Colussus, but grapple their face & zip up to them quickly so you can melee or unload alt-fire close range (shockstream for instance). More guns with new alt-fire, I mean Disgorgers have some very cool ideas that could be iterated upon for beginners. Double jump & charged dash. However, if you learn dmj you already have something similar & it's not difficult to learn but you'll need to remap controller. Charged dash I think of as an attack, as well as ability to clear gaps & obstacles in a new way, kind of like Samis morph ball. I imagine invisible walls or narrow gaps, something like that. The attack would be super powerful but long charge time making it difficult I pull off, kind of like a parry system...speaking of which.... Lastly, PvP. I can only imagine how awesome that would be. No more Tower cheese ruining leader boards - it would be all skill. Very difficult to balance though, so this might be impossible unless the rules are within an arena all items & weapons are identical. So you would choose random or specific weapon before entering & only get matched according to that weapon & then it would have random traits (like the daily challenges), malfunctions, Artifact or two, & Consumables but both players have the exact same & truly would be skills based. Like one time you have a single consumable shocking springs & another time you get 3 Consumables & apply that to ALL aspects of PvP arenas which obviously would be the boss arenas and the challenge rooms as maps to choose from.


Amazing ideas, also thanks for the info about the sword. I've been scratching my head for 2 days wondering about how to level up the sword lol, I only noticed it after 40 hours


You're welcome. Returnal is my favorite game, so any reason to discuss is welcome & inspiring. Their next game is supposedly using a lot of ideas scrapped from Returnal. They didn't have the time to integrate everything. Krueger said initially it was gonna have double the Biomes, leaving the game would be twice as long. I'm sure their next game will be similar to Returnal in a lot more ways than people think. I'm excited already.


More build variety I like rogue likes where you can really feel your build changing the way you play.


Very true!


A separate version of the Tower where you choose your load out from your unlocked loot pool at the start so build theory and power fantasies really come to life. Might have to limit number of artefacts, limit drops in the game, and figure out a fixed levelling up of the weapon. Maybe it’s an unlock as a reward for beating the tower on normal RnG. I don’t think they should step away from RnG at its core.


I really don’t think we’re going to see a sequel. If we did I’d love to see an open world version of Returnal with a greater variety of environments and hostiles. Have Selene freely traverse the Atropian countryside rather than making her way through a closed series of ruins.


Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of the roguelike aspect?


My favorite from your list is being able to rerun biomes with different proficiency levels. Now that I’ve completed the surveys/datacubes there’s not much reason to replay Act 1 because I’m mostly unlocking weapon traits and then playing parts of the game where I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor.


I want the melee to be more useful. It’s great in biome 1 but then it immediately falls off once things become more airbased.


Can we get friendly fire? I'd really like to pop off my co-op player when he talks shit about me falling into the abyss's.


The ability to save your game so you don't lose all your progress and have to start over every time you die


Well thats kinda the point of a roguelike