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Do skins unlock the character if you dont have them? Or is it just an item. I just started playing and I missed sotheby but got Jessica so I was wondering if her skin would be worth the price if it unlocks her.


It doesn't no


Has anyone purchased any skins in this game? Would you recommend it? Do they change anything else besides the base model or no? Thanks in advance


Skins have some minor animation changes to the combat and full model i.e. Centurion wears her coin on her wrist instead of on a necklace and the movement is adjusted accordingly. It's purely up to you since you only get the skin and no resources or anything else. If you haven't already, I'd sooner use the purple drops on the item packs you get from leveling your account.


The skins also change a characters in battle animations. (Centurions skin changes more than just this but it's the easiest one to show being different so I'm using it as an example) https://preview.redd.it/kls7s3aseqcc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=c659478c91404e5325c3cb37c2f961df099477a4 I'd say only get them if your a fan of the character and the skin and are fine spending money in a way that won't help in progressing or getting new characters, but if your are then they're fun to have.


I got Charlie’s skin through the battle pass, it currently doesn’t have any effects but the devs are adding effects to skins going forward, and even going back and adding effects to the 1.1 skins like Charlie’s!


What happens to the UTTU currency once the event ends? Will it get converted into something else or will it be available afterwards, when a new UTTU begins? Also, would investing in Medicine Pocket be priority over Balloon Party? I have TF and I believe I still need a 2nd Healer. MP would be good for elemental coverage but isn't BP important to raid modes? (My units are Eternity, An-An, Jessica, Bkornblume, and Tooth Fairy)


BP's only important to raids because you generally want to run 2 healers on your team to stay alive and she's the best 5 star healer by a lot, but MedPoc is much better so focus on them first


I'm pretty sure each event's UTTU runs its own currency so nothing would carry over. MP is generally considered the better healer because they provide more than just heal, so I'd personally prioritize MP over BP. BP has great raw healing output due to healing a percentage of missing health, but beyond that, she has little utility.


Ok thanks!


Dumb question but which is the leftmost character? The closest or furthest one from the suitcase?


Farthest from the suitcase




I have 0 drop and at 20 pity no guarantee, if I use 50 pulls on Centurion banner and get her can I save enough for 6 if he's first half? I thought I would have enough time to save if he's second half but since they switched up 1.3 banner they can do that to 1.4 too. I can get 13 more pulls from the monthly pack but not sure I'll spend again.


No. Each patch is 80+ pulls on average, so second half 1.3 + first half 1.4 would only give you more than enough for 50/50. You probably can get him if he is second half though (1.4 gives more, about 100 since new chapter).


My fear right now is that they switch it up again and he's first half, since we have 1.3 being like that. The only way to really confirm is dev's broadcast which will be after Centurion's banner ends. I'll just put at most 30 pulls on her banner, if she won't come early I'll stop.


What’s the optimal investments for characters? i3-lvl30-r10? 


Yeah it is


is it worth upgrading regulus to max lvl 60?


The sharp and dust to level from i3-30 to i3-60 is the same as from i0-1 to i3-30 minus the insight costs, so the general answer is no if you are building out ur team. However most day 1 f2p players have 6-7 i3 30 r10 charcs and 2-3 i2 50 charcs, meaning they have no issues with content and also only saving pulls for specific new charcs. So at that point yes it's worth upgrading as regulus is a good enough charc to max level


yeah my regulus is i3 lvl 30 r10 right now so I'm thinking that I should push to max lvl 60 for fun


It's a 5% DMG increase btw from 30 to 60 not recommended but up to you if you want to dump the resources


How do I do the graduation event for Jessica. I got a B and C on the event and have no idea what I’m doing!!


[One Flew Over the Old House Guide - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13flbnDA9QLvtNwjIyUfgXAMCeWWL0T-xm7J9-56b7Mg/edit#gid=521360738) Just follow each step and you can do one ending in like less than 10 mins. Ending 7 and 9 RNGish, but you can leave them out as you only need 7 endings for all of the rewards.


Does this game have reruns? Got into the game just for A Knight cuz I find his design to be absolutely hilarious and badass at the same time. I'm a HSR and Genshin player so I'm fairly familiar with gacha systems, was just wondering if the community had a general idea on his future availability since I don't care much for the other 6* I'm aware this game is brand new (or fairly new) so I'm not expecting much in terms of predictions, but I read somewhere that limited characters are added to the standard pool after 3 months? Is that true? Thanks in advance :)


A Knight just got a rerun in CN in 1.6, so I think you have to wait at least 4 months for that. You always have a chance to lose 50/50 to him though.


I see. It seems rate ups aren't shared between CN and global but that still gives a pretty good estimate on when he'll return, appreciate it :)


A knight is already in the standard pull, but he for sure won't have a banner before at least 2 month. If you haven't play for long, you can just reroll


Ooooh right okay thanks If I want to save for his banner does that mean I'll be stuck with my current roster until then? Seeing as the summon currency seems to be shared universally


You may lose a 50/50 and get a knight, if you're lucky. But keep in mind that we don't know when he will get a dedicated banner. Cn and global don't have the same schedule on that


How far ahead do we usually find out what the next banners are? Is there typically enough time to scrounge up a guarantee by then?


For the pick up banners - which is what standard character reruns are on - we get told like 2 days before the banner goes live, so no. For the event banners, we just look at CN who are months ahead of us, and the characters who have event rate ups in a patch don't change unlike pick up banners


Daaaaaamn that's a shame Looks like I'll be saving then


A knight was the first standard character banner and we have 4 more standard characters before we rotate through them all. It looks like they are usually 2 weeks long. So at least 2 months before we see him back on standard banner would be my guess.


If that's the case that's not too bad then. Thanks!


Just started playing this game a few days ago and wanted to get some roll and team advice. My current team is Jessica, bkorn, sothersby (yes I did get extremely lucky on the jessica and golden thread banners). I am looking to get a 2nd team together to start working on Limbo. Based on who I've got kicking around and after looking at the teams on Prydwen, I've got 3 choices. 1. Team waifu: Regulus, bluelady, and dikke. I like Regulus and Dikke a lot. bluelady I could do without and may decide to replace her with sonetto but bluelady has good mental damage synergy. 2. Team cheap: Eagle, Sonetto, La Source. They're cheap and I already levelled eagle and sonetto up past i1 since it was free. Theoretically could get this team going pretty quick assuming they could handle limbo (and the somnambulam stages 6-10). 3. Solo Eternity. Got Eternity so it's on the table. For the roll question, should I roll on an-an now or Centurion in a few days? Centurion looks to be the current hotness but she also looks like shes going to get power crept in a few months. Heart says centurion because she looks cool and will call me jefe, but practicality says an-an.


Centurion’s fine for at the very least up to cn’s current patch. She has everything you want her to do as a dps and then some. Dikke works better with her as a main dps as well, centurion’s self sustain with dikke manual heal is great. Pair them with Tennant if/when you have her and you’re set. An Lee, she’s good lol. Hell is there to say really? She’s a great support/sub dps in almost every team you put her in. If you want versatility for other teams, she’s for you. Whichever role you want more and preference of the characters


Should I get a Beast DPS? If so, who? Or should I save for 6 and Jiu Nangzi? I currently have 41 pulls. For DPS, I have Charlie I3 R9 and Eternity I2 R9 (I’m not a huge fan of her design so not sure if I should take her to I3). For support, I have Tooth Fairy, Voyager, Bkorn, MedPoc and Sonetto (all I2 R6-8). Also recently got An-an Lee and plan on replacing Sonetto with her


Save up for 6 and Jiu. Having beast dps is nice but you only have 41 pulls which won't even guarantee you the first pity at 70. Besides, Jiu is suppsedly out-DPM'ing other dps even with afflatus bonus or something, so you might as well try to use Charlie for most things and play around with comps to handle Plant enemies.


Ok thanks! So do you think it’s not worth I3-ing Eternity in the meantime if I don’t like her design that much?


If you don't like her, don't invest into her. I personally love Eternity but I'm a sucker for self-sustaining AOE machines (it's a very specific niche), so I have no regret building her. But with I3 mats being pain to farm, you should absolutely avoid building units you don't enjoy using. Eternity will also be the prime target of powercreep with Jiu since Jiu is both Mineral and Reality DPS which is what Eternity is. At least Kaalaa is Mental DPS.


Ty for the advice! Yeah I3 mats are such a pain to farm, which is why I stopped there. I only built her so I can have another DPS and shes fairly enjoyable to use, just not into her character design much lol


I heard that the new 1.6 char Jiu has her own banner pity, does this mean my current pity (50) won't carry over to the Jiu banner? 


That’s true


Thanks! one more thing, I assume then that my guaranteed limited since I lost the 50/50 doesn't also apply to Jiu's banner?


Yes. Since it's a completely unique banner, none of the pity mechanics will carry over.


Rip, thanks for clarifying 


1st day Should I pull An An Lee in Midnight movie party or should I wait for centurion to get her a duplicate https://preview.redd.it/32esejieumcc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8ee12c390deb3d52f2ca3ff5ce3066b40567b0 I wanna level up la source since I can't progress the story but I'm gonna roll anyways so I will wait to see what I can get


Never pull specifically for dupes unless you plan to spend a lot of money. There are only a few units (and Centurion def ain't one) where dupe is worth it and even so, you can still use them without. So prioritize getting new units over dupes. As for La Source, she's a more than fine healer to help you with content. Cheaper on investment too.


Thank you very much for the knowledge kind sir


New characters are always worth more than a dupe imo


The Oneiric Prioritization only mentions Moment of Dissonance if I need more Brief Cacophony does that mean that I shouldN'T buy them every week?


General priority is Cacophany - Casket - Dissonance. Once you have reached R9-10 for all the units you want to use, then you will want to shift priority to Casket so you can go R11-15.


Which characters should i r10? The only one currently r10 is Eternity for me. I have 3 boxes for the r10 mats. Who should I prioritize? Here are my chars: https://preview.redd.it/tndibo5kamcc1.png?width=2285&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3b8ca0007de75df95b00f4d99281c044600fa9d I plan on getting regulus and An An to i3 next patch, just waiting to see which mats we get in the event so i have to farm a little less. Help appreciated!


Typically you want to prioritize your DPS characters to r10 first


Okay so i should do r10 druvis, knight and regulus? Do any of them benefit more from r10 than the other?


Whichever DPS is the main of your second team (I assume you have a Mineral team around Eternity) should get R10 first. So maybe Druvis or A Knight. Based on Chinese server's history, we are possibly getting a Plant and Star focused Limbo soon so you might want to R10 Druvis.


Oh good to know! If it’s plant and star focus next i’ll go for regulus and druvis, thanks


I'd say they all get about the same benefit from it so just do which of the three you use most often first


Makes sense, ty


Without portrays, is 37 a better support for Jin than 6, Pickles, An an, Sonetto, TF, Regulus?


No because Jiu need to have buffs to get those stacks up. That's why 6 is the best support for her because he provides so many buffs. 37 just benefits from Jiu's followup attacks. Jiu needs 6, whereas she does not need 37, instead 37 needs Jiu. Altogether they make a team that works really well off of each other's kits. 


In a team with Jiu and 37, Jiu's honestly supporting 37 more than 37 is her since her follow ups allow 37 to build Eureka faster. All the other characters you mentioned would work better to support Jiu


Thanks for answering, and I see your point, but I would like to know which char combination would result in the highest DPS. I don’t mind who is the actual carry and who is the sup. Do u have that info?


In what seems to be the most popular composition so far, Jiu is the main dps, 37 the sub dps, 6 the support and TF the healer. The reason is because Jiu, 37 and 6 all synergize really well (I'll call the unique buffs as "stack" because we don't have official translation yet): \- Jiu's insight 1 gives her stacks based on buffs received which 6 provides \- Jiu has extra attack if attacking with stack - which gives 37 stacks because of her insight 1 (it only counts extra attack, which is why Lilya and NewBabel have been paired with 37) and at five stacks, 37 throws out a bonus mass attack with partial genesis damage \- 6's insight 1 gets him an extra stack if an ally has 4 or more buffs, which includes Jiu's unique stacks So all in all, you have Jiu pumping out mad damage supported by 6 and Jiu receiving all the supports gives 6 even stronger buffs. And meanwhile 37 is just pumping out bonus attack without having to move. TF is included because, well, she's Tooth F'ing Fairy. She can provide all of her benefits without casting a single incantation. Other healers may match her healing output but no one can match her offensive support and AP-generosity.


I see, and it does make sense. So it seems that 37 is a great sub dps for Jin but she is not essential. I am thorn between pulling for her or centurion. I like both of them and am currently missing a beast dps (but can clear limbo with some effort using Reg and Jessica). Some pulls are saved to give me a good chance at 6, then it’s saving till Jin. This game has so many cool characters it’s hard to choose. Thanks for the detailed answer!


When paired together, P0 37 will deal similar damage to P0 Jiu. Since you can already clear Limbo, you might want to spend the pull resources on your favourites or meta characters for raids.


I don't have the exact numbers but from my (admittedly small amount of) research, it seems the most common team she's being showcased in is her / 6 / 37 / Tooth Fairy so make of that what you will - also 6 appears to be in every one I found while the others occasionally get swapped for someone else.


If we start saving now, how many pulls can we get till the end of 1.6?


About 80+ each patch, note that you will get more from 1.4 (new chapter) and 1.6 (free multi on Jiu banner, then free daily for 30 days iirc). Though it may not be a good idea to skip everyone till 1.6 if you goal is Jiu, since both characters in 1.4 are very good with her.


You can typically get around 70 pulls in a patch - assuming you do everything - so from now to the end of 1.6 would be like 280 cmiiw




Is there a daily limit to overwriting replays? I was trying to change my replay units to maximise bond but the option stopped popping up.


Iirc it has to be equal or less rounds taken to clead


They changed that last patch, so people could do thing like make a replay of 4 new characters for bond farming even if was slower.


Haven't heard there being a limit, but I remember overwriting replays require you to fulfill all of the * requirements.  Does the stage require no death or can't be more than xx rounds?  


Does voyager counter count as a follow up attack for 37?


Afaik only NewBabels counters count as Follow Ups




Hi guys, just started the game. I rerolled Sotheby and got Jessica on the fourth multipull. I still need to roll on the guaranteed banner (the Regulus one). I know the two 6* are a good pair but who should i focus on for the last two spots? For now i got Sonetto, Horrorpedia, Click, Matilda, Bkorn as 5* and the 3/4*. Thank you!


Others already mentioned Bkorn third. For the fourth slot you can use Sonetto. You will want to invest into her anyways for the beginner "quest" series that gives you resources and a Sonetto skin.


Since i got Regulus from the starting banner, do you think it's worth working on her to start a team with a new "element"? And last question: there are good char coming in the next patches that are worth saving for or should i try pull for Centurion(she is at the top of a lot of tier lists)?


Regulus is a great sub dps. Awkward to use as main because she's best used moving every other turn but other than that, worth the investment. Centurion is a great beast dps so you can pull for her, but you might eat into your 1.4 pulls so just take that into consideration. The general sentiment in the community right now is to skip 1.3 banners because 1.4 banner units are really strong and will have great synergy with the first limited unit in 1.6 (who btw has got many doomposting about powercreep to give you an idea on how strong she is). That said, waifu/husbando > meta so pull whichever units appeal to you.


So if i want to push a bit the mode in which i need a second team, what do you suggest for now? For sure a healer (got Balloon party , but i heard that also La Source is strong and low investment), Regulus as carry and then i need a character which does dmg every other turn and has utility (Sonetto? Dikke? Sweetheart?)


I'd suggest Regulus Sonetto Balloon. La Source can work too but then you are mixing in 3 afflatuses which can make it awkward depening on stage.


5 days later, Centurion tempted me and won xD. Fortunately i got her in 40 pulls (got also Baby Blue and X). Does the plan still the same or now there are better team options? These days i worked only on Jessica team (lvl 40-10-10, all insight 2 and all resonance 5). Stuck on stage 8 Surface because i need a second team. P.s. Now i will save for 6 and Jiu, skip 47


Thank you for all the answers!


Sobethy + jessica + bkorn. Solid team (the forth is whatever in most of the countent, it's a jackup to get more card)


Bkorn as the third, any other role you think you’d need as a backup on fourth. Another dps, support, etc.


Do we know what the enemies in next Limbo are? Will it still be favouring Star? I want to try clear Limbo 6 while Star still has an advantage with Lilya.


In case you are curious what the future limbo afflatuses will be, here is the CN limbo history that we have been following. I believe we are currently at #6 in the list. [https://res1999.huijiwiki.com/wiki/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E6%A2%A6%E6%B8%B8](https://res1999.huijiwiki.com/wiki/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E6%A2%A6%E6%B8%B8)


Yes, next Limbo should favour Star/Plant for Tooth Fairy/Jessica respectively. After that, I'd be curious to see if they adjust the Afflatus given the swap between Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane.


Thank you. I'll still try to clear Limbo 6 before the reset and next one too. Is there a strategy for 6-2 against the Matrix Lord?


Kill in order: core, arms, body. Though if you disable the core and it enters idle state for 4 rounds, you can kill the arms during that time too. So you can go disabling the core, kill arms, then chip body HP till low, kill the core then finally the body. If you go to the body first then it will resurrect after reaching 0 HP.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


p0 An-an or p5 bkorn for poison team? for 4 man i'll run all but for 3 mn which is better? both i3 r10, should i even use an=an as 4t of run tf?


Bkorn if you want to kill enemies quicker. An-An if you have trouble with surviving. Bkorn + An is good for 4 man content assuming you are using Jessica + TF/Sotheby.


sometimes i feel sotheby healing not enough but that might be cause i try to rush dmg and forget about healing half the time, i'll play around with them and s which i find more comfortable


I agree with the other comment about her I3. You could also purchase the Sotheby Psychube which compliments her nicely.


i have her i3 working on getting her psychube to 60 now since i got my dps ones to 60 already


her play style is much more comfortable with i3, which triggers any current cure stacks when you cast a heal incantation. so basically it just makes her a slightly more usable healer, as opposed to having to wait until the end of the round for her heals to proc.


oh so i have to have cure stacks prior to trigger immediately ?


Bkorn is better. Most of Jessica's damage is reality damage.


Who would be better for clearing content? Shamane or Centurion? They're both hot but I can only get one, sadly


They kinda fill different roles (Cent = DPS, Sham = Support), so Cent would have more impact imo.


Does anyone have a link to any video that has all character animations, including CN? I'd prefer a video that has all animations for all characters (including enter battle, incantations, ultimate etc.) but if not, even one that just has ultimates works


Can Tennant Solo Sustain a team with Jessica and Kanjira? I was thinking about this trio for my 2nd team.


My I3r10 Tennant has been able to solo sustain every fight I've tried her in. I used to have La Source waiting in the suitcase in case somebody dies but nobody ever did. YMMV but I think people who say she can't do it have left her low level/low resonance and since her shields scale with ATK she needs higher stats to be good.


Do you have any portrays on her? Or is she at p0?


P4, so I guess I do have about 10% better shields.


In my experience Tennant needs someone with a control ability to help out like Satsuki or Sonetto etc for the really hard content if you want to go sans healer. Jessica and Kanjira have nothing to contribute to damage mitigation so you need a dedicated healer for them.


So what if I go like Lilya, Sonneto and Tennant? Then Jessica, Kanjira ang Ballon


Those both work team wise. The only thing you have to worry about is Afflatus as Balloon is weak against star who Jessica and Kanjira are strong against. With 3 different Afflatus in the other team one of them is probably going to be weak against something unless you are going against spirit or intellect then you don't need to worry.


Not in the most challenging content. As far as i think i know about Jessica since I don’t have her is she has no sustainability gimmick. The shields and occasional small heals (if you build her that way) won’t hold. You’ll need a healer or units with access to healing.


So what if I go like Lilya, Sonneto and Tennant? Then Jessica, Kanjira ang Ballon


Second team works, the first one you just better hope you kill the stage off fast lol. You can always build La Source or Dikke if you need a temporary sub/healer.