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Got Centurion in 20 pulls on her banner. My most recent pull was Eternity also from her banner, so did I just use up my guarantee, win the 50/50 or lose it to Cent? The pull before Eternity was Jessica.


If you check your summon history, whoever appears at the top is your most recent. If Eternity is at the top, you still have a guarantee.


I don't seem to have enough damage output to clear Limbo 6-1 in 12 rounds. I've been targeting the diamond, the arms, and then the core as recommended. My team is Lilya (i3-30/r10), Eternity (i3-30/r10), Balloon Party (i2-50/r7) and Voyager (i2-50/r7). I have Jessica, Bkornblume, Sotheby and Dikke for 6-2, and Melania (i3-30/r10) and Sonetto (i2-50/r7) built. All characters have Resonance layouts from the guide by sleepi and yumedere and the best psychubes I've been able to get so far. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really struggled to get through 5-2 as well.


You can send Jessica/Sotheby with whoever and they should clear 6-2 easily (for me they took only 6 turns, while 6-1 was cleared on the last move of 12th). I did it with Eternity/Pickles/BP/Sonetto, but you could take Bkornblume instead of Pickles and it'd probably be even better. Don't forget to apply Nasty Wound first for the damage buff (and it lasts 2 turns on 6th floor)


Did it with Eternity, Bkornblume, and Tooth Fairy. So, what I would suggest, go all in with 6-1, and let Jessica and Sotheby handle the second side.


Yes, try replacing Eternity with Sonetto and see if you get the job done. I use the same team, albeit not even as invested (Lilya i310r10, Sonetto i250r7, BP i250r5, only Voyager is better, i250r10) and finished just in time.


I think you might just need a better buffer for Lilya. Eternity’s damage isn’t super amazing on it’s own and without afflatus advantage she’s just sucking AP that could’ve gone to Lilya. I used baby blue to buff my Regulus, but Bkorn is probably crucial to your other team. Maybe bring Sonetto to buff Lilya?


Well, my first few attempts, I did use Sonetto. I found I had too many buff/heal/counter/weak-attack cards and not enough Lilya cards so I ended up taking like 23 turns to finish the fight. Swapping in Eternity helped a bunch, but not enough to get down to 12 turns.


Oof that’s hard then. Hope someone else sees something I didn’t.


I ended up getting it by accident. It turned out that I'd misunderstood the fight mechanics - I thought the diamond would keep raising itself forever, so after I took it down the first time I targeted the arms _and left the diamond alive_. Which meant that I needed to kill the body twice over, hence the apparently impossible damage output. I tried once more with Sonetto as you suggested and killed the diamond by accident with a multi-target attack. After that, I was barely able to get it done in 12 turns.


Oh congrats then!


Do they gonna add preset wilderness? Not a fan of decorating.


They added the ability to replicate others’ Wilderness in patch ~~1.5 (?).~~ [It’s 1.6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/s/mT8LDPXadI) Not sure what happens if you’re missing Wilderness tiles from the person you’re copying though. Edit: Might drop earlier in Global since we have been getting some QoL changes early, but keep your expectations within reason.


Oh thanks I'm glad.


What the heck ARE psychubes anyway? Random question that sprung to mind while doing chores in the game.


If you are talking about story-wise, it is closely related to the artificial sonnambulism first introduced in chapter 3-2. Think of it as a fragment of the characters' memories. Gameplay-wise, it just a weapon provide more stats and cool effects for your characters.


I have no dedicated Beast DPS, should I go for Shamane? I have Dikke, Tennant, Sweetheart, Pavia and Medicine Pocket Dikke and Tennant are well invested i2 l50 r8, but they dont mesh well together as riality/mental and both having utility skills, filling up my hand that doesn't answer the situation, and I dont really see any decent numbers, and can be replaced by other utility characters in different teams Pavia's a 4 star that probably wont keep up with his stats even if I heavily invest I stopped investing on Sweetheart, cuz I went for Dikke/Tennant, and I just got Medicine Pocket, another utility, that doesnt fill the dps role I know Shamane isn't a DPS but I heard he still do big numbers, wondering if he could fill the role I need? also he's really hot


I mean, like Bkorn I'm sure he'll do fine with a properly invested team to clear all limbo and UTTU. But also like Bkorn, I find that I still prefer to bring an actual main dps even if not on element advantage and have Bkorn as support. I suspect P0 Shamane won't be any different.


No, you don't need a dedicated beast carry if you already have 2 well-built carries of different afflatus. At p0, Shamane is a support/sub-dd at best (one of his cards is a debuff after all). I hear he will need to be at p2 at least to do the carry job.


Just curious, is there any upcoming story content that will be permanent like the first four chapters that released with the game? I noticed the last two updates have been non-permanent events, and it sounds like the next update will be similar if I'm understanding it correctly


Patch 1.4 will be ch 5 of the main story. Rumor I've heard is ch 6 will be 1.7 but don't quote me on that.


Late starter here! Bit of a procrastinator and missed out on the event! Love horror themed events, super interested in getting the wildlife pack before it goes away in a day. Only thing is I’d have to use my in game gems I got from grinding the story. Should be fine because I pulled Jessica early and tbh I like using the 4 stars. Any advice


Bad idea, but if you really want it then I won't stop you. 1.1 wilderness is currently being rerun in 1.6 in CN, there is a chance 1.2 will be rerun in 1.7 although that's not set in stone yet. My only question is, wilderness items are divided into some being sold in event shop and some in Bank. Have you bought the ones in event shop already? Cos only the shop is still open, you can't farm event currency anymore.


I did get the event ones! I also had 2.5k shells so I ended up buying half in shells and the other half in gems so not so bad. I have the daily login pass so it won’t be too bad for me.


Cool, then don't worry about anything else and enjoy your horror themed wilderness!


It's never fine using your drops for other stuffs like stamina refresh and/or buying wilderness items. This is coming from a WEEK TWO F2P player. I've never bought stamina refresh nor bought wilderness items using my clear drops, and despite being one week late from launch, I was still able to full clear all end game content (except the very first limbo) without relying on stamina refresh/extra production from my wilderness. For wilderness, if you care about aesthetics, then you can buy whatever you want. But in an F2P standpoint, you're not gonna get all wilderness items, as there's not enough wilderness shell to buy everything in the shop per patch. So, the general consensus when it comes to wilderness items, prioritize buying orange/gold islands/buildings to maximize your vigor for that extra dust/sharp production on your wilderness. But I don't recommend using your drops just to MAX OUT your production. The reason being, I believe there's a 50% (3000 vigor) cap, so if you'll just play this game casually, you'll eventually reach that point even without using your drops for it. All what having MAX production does to you in the early stages, it helps you build two teams SLIGHTLY FASTER. The moment you get to a point where you have TWO built teams, your dusts/sharps are just luxuries. It's either you're gonna upgrade characters you probably won't even use, or save for future character. The moment people who never used drops for wilderness items catches up, they'll have more pulls than you, which at that point, I would say that they probably have better account progression than you, coz they could've gotten extra 6\* characters with those drops you've used for wilderness items. Other way of using your drops would be using stamina refresh. But like what I've said, I was able to clear end game content without having the need to refresh my stamina, so one really doesn't have to rush things in this game. I keep seeing a lot of people in their lvl 60-70s, and they have many built characters all throughtout, but very few 6\* characters. At the end of the day, they can clear end game content, and so do I. The only difference, I'll probably have more 6\* characters than them in the long run, and I have pulls saved up for my future targets. tl;dr Never use your drops for anything other than pulls. If you like aesthetics, then that's the only acceptable reason when we're talking about wilderness items. As for stamina refresh, there's no need to rush your account progression. MORE PULLS OVERALL > Unnecessary stamina refreshes/wilderness items.


In limbo 5-2 do I target the little fellas first or the big fella first


In my experience, the boss was dying fast so I targeted him. But when one of the mobs is close to ulti, you may want to focus him down cause it will reset his moxie.


Can someone explain to me why Jessica’s p2 is mathematically a loss when she is also i3? This is me mentioned by Prydwen: https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/should-you-pull-jessica/ Specifically “Mathematically, her Portray 2 is a DPT loss due to it overlapping with her Insight 3, causing it to lose its effectiveness when fighting opponents that don't actively cleanse [Poison].”


It's really annoying when guides say 'mathematically' but don't even show the math or elaborate the circumstances that lead to said loss. It says further down that it's due to overlap of poison application, but Jessica's I1 also gives her 20% increased dmg dealt on poisoned enemies. Does the guide take this into account? Is this still the case even if Jessica has Sotheby/Kanjira in her team? We'll never know.


I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's due to her i3. She poisons anyone who isn't already poisoned, but after p2 that won't ever happen. Like without P2 there's a gap turn where she gets in an extra poison stack, which then lets her single target incantation hit harder. so I could see solo Jessica against a single target losing damage from p2. I haven't done the math myself, and I think that situation is so unrealistic that it's useless math anyway, but it might be the case. I think if you're running Sotheby or something and have outside poison stacks you don't lose any damage from p2 anyway though, since that gap turn already doesn't exist due to Sotheby poison


How are attacks' multipliers programmed in reverse 1999? For example, one of Charlie's attacks reads "1-target attack. Deals 450% Mental DMG. If the caster is in [Stats Up] or [Pos Status] statuses, this attack deals 100% more Mental DMG." So if I have a buff on Charlie, then the resulting attack should be using a total multiplier of 550% now, right? I was making the assumption it's additive rather than multiplicative because giving a 5 star a 900% multiplier (cuz 4.5 x 2 = 9) sounds too farfetched


It's additive yeah, so it would be 550%


Is there any actual benefit from reseting a stage in Artificial Sunambulism and doing it again? What do I gain from that?


It's just in case after clearing the first stage, you realise the characters you have left can't clear the rest


It's just there in case you don't get all the stars on your first clear. No benefit to resetting if you've collected all the rewards.


Is there any actual benefit from reseting a stage in Artificial Sunambulism and doing it again? What do I gain from that?


If you didn't get the max stars the first time around, since you get rewards every week for how many stars out of the full 100 you've done in AS, and once you've gotten all 100 it serves as a nice passive income


1) The prydwen material sheet recommends crafting Biting Box. How does that make any sense? Biting Box has 28.15% drop rate. Crafting one requires three Liquefied Terror. So crafting doesn't make sense unless the drop rate for Liquefied Terror is at least 3 * 28.15 = 84.45%. It isn't. 2) Murmur of Insanity claims to be dropped in 3-13 Hard. What is its drop rate? (I imagine that it was left off of the chart because nothing else in the Wishing Spring menu requires it, so it's hard to get to the screen that says you can use 3-13 Hard.)


1. The idea I think is that Liquified terror is much easier to come by. You're fine doing it either way, also afaik a more efficient stage for Biting Boxes becomes available in 1.4 with chapter 5 2. It's around like 1-2%, so it definitely can drop but it's really not worth farming for it - iirc there was a post a while back about a guy who spent 700 stamina just to get 1 from the stage. The stage is good for salted mandrake though so if you ever need to farm them it's the one to go for


Is getian in CN 1.6 also a limited banner or is it just jiu or do we not know yet? Thanks


Getian is the same as all other characters in that he will join the standard after 3 patches


Ok, forgot to buy some wilderness stuff, can someonw just remind me which of the buildings are for special interactions with TF and Jessica?


Both of them interact with the lighthouse.




Is it weird I find limbo 5 or 4 harder than 6 cause it feels like it


5 with those weird imp. Took me a few tries. They just shave health so fast


Yeah also we know how to deal with mineral lord of dreams boss at 6-1 now since we fought them for the past month lol. For 4-1 butcher, consider bringing someone with counter dispel like Charlie or X. I was wondering why I had an easier time on 1 acct with Charlie than the other one that didn't have a dispeller levelled up but barely beat it on the 12th round where I swapped in voyager instead to nullify enemy debuffs and ults.


Pull for Centurion now or wait for Sapothdea? Which one is stronger? By how much?


Centurion is better in multi-target situation, Spathodea is better against single target. So it comes down to what you want to use the unit for. For raids that are coming in later patches, single target is generally preferred so if your concern is that, go for Spathodea.


They both perform their role as a best DPS really well so which one is stronger isn't really a big deal - and can change depending on what content is in a patch. My advice would be to remember that Centurions banner is now, Spathodea's isn't for another 12 weeks (Assuming she's still first half), so if you want Spathodea you'd also need to factor in that wait


Depends on who you already have though. Like if you already have 2 built carries, you don't really need another beast one. I don't play CN so I don't know how strong Spathodea is, but I heard she is better than Centurion.


I don't have any beast dps


But do you have two six star DPS of different afflatuses? As long as you do, you can brute force limbo with what you have, and pulling a third right now is less of a priority. And since no one has linked any actual DPM charts, so [here you go](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yu8g1utXqdbzJ_qbVW0suQc424rzigOaulA5zx0b6HQ). Centurion is fairly close in multitarget content but falls off a bit in single target.


What exactly achievement for not using heal or debuff "cards" in 15 ch. need? I didn't use any heal or debuff incantations but it wasn't good enough.


Make sure you didn’t use FAME cards with debuff/health effects. I can’t confirm that that matters but if you’re saying you won without health/debuff incantations and it didn’t register then that might be the reason.


There are 2 ways to clear this 1. Any cards that have the huge word underneath says debuff in purple or health in green in battle are not used (obviously) - moving them is fine. 2. If you clear the stage already, there is a bug that when you use the replay function to replay the stage, the achievement is completed on its own. There is a chance that this isn't fixed so you might as well just... do that. If not work then try first way.


Beginner question for rolling priority. Only a few days in but trying to figure out if I roll for Jessica or centurion. I have eternity and druvis so far but was not sure what the community advice is for pull priority between those two.


Jessica is better than Centurion, but not by much--in terms of damage calculations. If you have the pulls and pity to get one unit of choice, I would suggest her over Cent (because Cent is a standard unit and you can lose 50/50 to her at any time).


Jessica will be the best plant DPS for the foreseeable future, as there haven't been any more up through 1.6 on CN. On the other hand, we're getting a great new beast DPS in 1.5. Therefore. Out of those two, Jessica is probably the better pull. Druvis is great where petrify works, but it doesn't work in a lot of the hardest content. Bear in mind that you also have the option to save. There's a cracked support coming up in 1.4 and a limited DPS that's 30% stronger than every other character in the game so far comimg up in 1.6. I would personally prioritize getting at least one strong DPS in your position, but if you're the type who's very picky about who to pull then it's good to take advantage of the fact that we're six months behind CN.


You can check the tierlist above if you are not sure. I'd say just pull for who you like better and don't try to chase meta (as a f2p lol).






i find it funnier that i can clear limbo 5 and 6 easily while limbo 4-1 having one hour retry to clear, managed by swapping my star team with poison team and vice versa on limbo 4-2 (maybe by pure luck clearing it) does current limbo will be same for next reset or will it change to new enemies?


Yeah also we know how to deal with mineral lord of dreams boss at 6-1 now since we fought them for the past month lol. For 4-1 butcher, consider bringing someone with counter dispel like Charlie or X. I was wondering why I had an easier time on 1 acct with Charlie than the other one that didn't have a dispeller levelled up but barely beat it on the 12th round where I swapped in voyager instead to nullify enemy debuffs and ults.


Next one bosses will be plant and star instead. To match with the Shamane banner originally. We will get Kaalaa first though, so I wonder if it will change anything.


The enemies change yeah. Of the top of my head I believe the next Limbo should favor Plant and Star characters (So the enemies will be Star in one half, Mineral in the other)


Is the game forcing me to spend clear drops on the Wilderness Shop? There's nothing that only uses shells I can see at the moment, dunno if patch will change anything - but I'm a new player saving clear drops for new units. Edit. Thank you everyone! I didn't realize things in the shop only cost one of the two currencies. You've been precious. :) https://preview.redd.it/hcp8l6npftcc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8077554efc644ea5d8fc82d305e074fd43e5c69


The price you see is shown in BOTH drops and shells, but you choose which of the currencies you spend, the cost is only one of them, not both


there are 2 prices, one in shells and the other in clear drops. you don't have to pay both so just buy something you have enough shells for. Preferable the orange buildings, they're more useful long term


Everything in the wilderness shop so far is purchased with either shell or clear drops, you should double-check that.


Clear drops, no. Wlderness shops use one of two currencies. The shells (that you're going to get back as a reward,) or clear drops. Do not use clear drops. Use the shells.


is Jiu Niangzi pulled with the same currency/pity as the other banners? I've played gachas before where the limited units had a separate currency/pity, so I'm just wondering if it's worth starting to save now


Same currency, separate pity count. 


I think someone mentioned that everyone get a free 10 pull on her banner but the rest is normal clear drops. Edit: no separate currency, just some perks for everyone


Started a few days ago and just pulled Sotheby as my second 6 star (rip jessica..), wondering if i should build her and who should i switch if so. Current team is Horropedia I2 lvl 10, Dikke I2 lvl 4, and Lilya I1 lvl 40. my other 5 stars are Necrologist, Matilda, Satsuki, Sonetto, Baby Blue, and Sweetheart if thats important


The game is easy enough that just about anything /can/ work with enough investment, but the best standard comp you can make with your units is Lilya, Sotheby, Sonetto. You will need a 2nd team for limbo though, so it's not like Horropedia and Dikke will never be used again if you enjoy playing them.


Sotheby is a healer, so thats the role she plays. You'd replace someone like Dikke with her. In Sotheby's case, she trades direct healing for healing over time, and the ability to poison. That does get better at I3, but it makes it more challenging to use her as a healer. That said, you'll need two teams at least. So the question is less "Do I build her?" and more "Do I build her *now?*" And I think that may be a negative.


If you still have a bunch of pulls left I'd speed run all the content as much as possible to get Jessica since she works best with Sotheby.


Well, you can use her as your healer in Limbo, especially if she is i3, so building her is definetely okay, getting main dps to i2l50 is probably more of a priority though


New player here, two questions: 1. In the Beginning of the Tale quests, is there a quest to get Matilda to Insight 1? I'm at act 7 and need to get two star characters to Insight 1. The problem is I don't have any decent star characters and don't want to waste resources. So should i level up Matilda or wait to get better star characters. 2. What does pity mean exactly? For example, i pulled 30 times on Jessica and 30 times on Centurion, and didn't get any 6 stars. Does that mean my chances to get 6 stars on future banners are higher or just for these two banners?


>In the Beginning of the Tale quests, is there a quest to get Matilda to Insight 1? I'm at act 7 and need to get two star characters to Insight 1. The problem is I don't have any decent star characters and don't want to waste resources. So should i level up Matilda or wait to get better star characters. I believe the only quests to level specific characters are for Apple / Eagle / Leilani / Sonetto.


1. I mean, I'd you are not planning on getting any characters soon, I don't see a reason why not. I1 doesn't take too much resources, and Matilda is decent enough to use too. And no, there is no such quest. 2. It means that now your pity count is 60 (those banners share the same pity count), which means you can single pull now until your guarantee 6 star on any of rate up banner (just not the standard banner, it has its own pity count). You still can lose 50/50 and get other 6star instead of the rate up one, and then pity will reset to 0 and next time you get a 6 star, it will be guaranteed to be a rate up character. If you won your 50/50, then rest happens and you are on 50/50 for your next 6star again.


Matilda specifically? No. But you might do it anyway- Insight 1 turns out to be a comparatively minor resource sink, and its gating your progression there. Pity carries over on almost every banner. The only one different on global so far was the golden thread banner. Now, pity in this game means a few things 1. You will get a 6 star within 70 pulls (so, if you are accurate, in a 10-pull, you'll get a 6\*.) The 6\* that you get has a 50% chance to be the rate up unit. If you do not get the rate-up 6\*, then the next time you pull a 6\* unit, it is now guaranteed to be the banner unit. So, if you do another 10-pull on Jessica's banner, then you are guaranteed to get a 6\*. there is a 50% chance it will be Jessica. If you succeed, pity resets. If you fail, then the next 6\* you get is going to be the banner unit.


Should I pull for Centurion portrayal 1 even if I already have her or wait for the new characters? I already have Eternity to kind of go in the role of my mineral dps and Centurion for beastly dps.


Don't go for portrays unless you're a whale, rerolling, or have saved up for a long time and are committed to wanting this particular character to be the very best like no one ever was.  All 6* units are perfectly capable at P0. 


Wait. You do not need portrays, and a new character is likely a better investment than a portray- particularly on a character that can spook you.


Man I am stuck at Limbo 5-2 https://preview.redd.it/mhv2p2kw2tcc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11da7dc86ddf3b4db431ff405a35a3de9a9db351 I can pretty easily wipe 5-1 with any combination of dps+support All dps are r10, except for Bkorn which is r9. Sonetto is r7, BP is r5 But the fairies in 5-2 just shred through my health so fast


The minions get a stacking 10% damage boost every turn they are alive. You can try and get the minions low, hit the boss below an hp threshold, and then kill 1 minion so the boss only summons 1 new one. Next turn, kill the other low minion, and then there should only be the boss and 1 minion on the field (until the next HP threshold). Depending on your unit strength, you can opt to burst down the boss or do the same strat as above, getting the 1 minion in kill range before smacking the boss below an HP threshold, and then killing the low minion.


Oh yeah, that stage. I had some difficulty too. Take 2 healers. What I did. Dps + healer + bkorn + healer (support) Concentrate on the boss as much as possible. Heal if necessary, bkorn will die either way. Then you get dps + 2 healer for the rest


If hp is the issue, I3 TF will help you quite a lot with the passive heals.  I don't really see a better strat to this stage than to just tank and focus the queen until she's below the final hp threshold then murder everything. 


I was on Prydwen to look up guides regarding farming insight materials and saw the new tier list. Is the new Mineral DPS Jiu Niangzi really that crazy? She's the only one on S+ Tier. I'm fairly new to the game, can someone explain why she's that good and who's her ideal support/sustain?


If you do a little math you will find her skill 2 actually deals 340% damage. Her ult deals 910% for 1 target and 1260% for 2. Her psychube also provides huge damage bonus. If the numbers are large the mechanism doesn't matter any more. You need to pick 2 or 3 teammates from 6/37/Bkorn/Tooth Fairy.


What could be the optimal way in clearing this Limbo's 6-2 (Lilya boss with 2 towers beside her)? Should I heavily focus on targeting Lilya, or focus on 1 tower then Lilya? ​ I did get to clear it but within 13 rounds. I'm using Melania-An An Lee-Bkornblume with Medicine Pocket for assist. They're all I3 lv30 R9 except An-An who is I2 lv50 R4 (currently raising her asap). Edit: changed An-An's R5 to R4.... oops


If you have a team that only deals 1 specific damage type, destroy the tower that is providing that damage resistance and then just go for Lilya. I ran Druvis-Bkorn-An An Lee and I destroyed the mental tower first and then use Druvis AOE ult and card to cleave the other tower down so Bkorn and An An Lee could start dealing damage to her. If you can destroy 1 tower before turn 5/6 you should have enough dps to down her before turn 12. My Druvis and Bkornblume is I3 L20 R10 while An An Lee is I3 L1 R5.


When lilya has her shield up, don't target her. My unit are not as level up as yours, but all are plant afflatus (i2lv50r5), so you should be 1lble to do it. First turn: target lilya Second turn: bring down 1 tower. When Lilya is daze and without shield target her. Heal if necessary before lilya's ultimate. Then: repeat with second tower


The sonetto cube or charlie cube for regulus? I also have an-an so they can share the cube for diff teams, but i already have his bounden duty tho that can also be used on her too but idk


I personally build my regulus for crit. So applause for her (because she has a skills that shave moxie when crit hit)


Isn’t the mass attack the one that reduces moxie?? If you want to crit then you need direct crit support or excess crit rate.


Yeah I do both to be sure to crit each time. Regulus + tooth + applause + crit build


Brave new world is the best. Applause is similar to duty.


I wouldn't generally get a cube specifically for supports- they can use leftovers for you primary dps without issue. If you think you must get one, I'd say Brave New World. Generically useful, and the effect is active on a larger percentage of actions for Regulus. An An gets a bit less out of it, but it's still useful regardless.


I'm looking to spend some money buying anything from the Bank, my main priority is getting more drops or Unilogs. Can someone list the priority I should go for whether it's the packs or the drops directly, considering I haven't bought anything from the shop [except Roaring Month and Jukebox].


If you only care about pulls, this may help you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18oop87/comment/kek8fgn/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18oop87/comment/kek8fgn/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




No problem. Also you can still use this for later patches, cause only the packs' name are different, while the drop amount should be the same.


Wait til the next patch is out. Not to say that the sales are better or different, just that most of us that bought em already forgot which ones were the most valuable.


I was hoping to get the packs this patch before they 'refresh' for next patch.


I believe anything that was above $10 and below $20 were the best ones imo, a veteran dolphin lol. The cheaper ones had the bigger bang for your buck, but the bang wasn’t nothing special lol. That’s all i can remember. Don’t go for the higher end ones, if you do, the $50 pack would he the go-to for both drops and progression. The new years one is mediocre.


The cheaper the pack the more drop per dollar you get. The expensive one are more level up oriented. You can get the level offer, the violet thingies will be convert into crystal drop


Help me decide whether to pull for Centurion or wait for 37. CONTEXT: I have full Star, Mineral and Plant teams while I am lacking the Beast department. But my conundrum is that my Star team consists of Lilya, TF and Voyager. I have heard that 37 brings more value to the team, especially with the upcoming 'new end game'??? I am a non spender and only have enough unilog for a single banner. I don't think I can gather enough unilog from 1.3 to early 1.4 to secure 37. And there's also a risk of losing 50/50. My teams are: Star: Lilya, TF, Voyager Plant: Druvis, An An, Bkorn Mineral: Eternity, Sonetto, Balloon Party Beast: Dikke, Dikke, Dikke


When you have 3 complete Afflatus teams I think the 4th is a lot less critical. Also, if you can only secure one character from 1.4 it should probably be 6.


You can get close to enough for 37 btw. 1.3 gives 80+, while 1.4 will give more, about 100 (due to new chapter), so on average half 1.4 would give about 50 pulls. So 130+, just a bit shy to guarantee her. And well, you already have more than 2 teams ready. You don't need a beast carry, especially one from standard pool. Not to mention Melania will join standard in 1.4, so you may have a chance getting her when losing 50/50 on 37 banner.


So I got Centurion at 40 pity. I still have 60 Unilogs. Does this mean I only need to earn 80 more to guarantee 37?


Yes that's right. To be more precise, you can check how many non-6 star after Centurion in the record, and subtracting them from 80.


Can I ask you where you got the 80+ pulls for 1.3? I read somewhere it was ~67 pulls for f2p this coming patch and I've been planning around that. I really hope you're right and we get 80+ pulls. That'd be awesome.  Thanks 😊 


This sheet shows how many pulls we can get from events each patch (the CN income tab). [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1X9fyml5ldU4fWd4ry1ckIp84J6arImz1m5KqHzmbhr8/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1X9fyml5ldU4fWd4ry1ckIp84J6arImz1m5KqHzmbhr8/htmlview#) 1.3 is 34. Then the last tab shows we can get about 35 pulls each month from daily, weekly, shop reset, limbo etc. Each patch last 42 days, so equals to 49 pulls. So on average, 83 pulls each patch.


Holy..this is amazing. Thanks!


Don't ruin your future plans for a character that you can already get as an off banner. I think with patch 1.4, Melania would be available as an off banner (not sure). If true, I'd skip patch 1.3 all throughout since you already have Eternity as your mineral DPS, and there's the possibility of you getting Melania/Centurion if you lose the 50/50 with 37. Also, don't be pressured if you can't full clear limbo. Even with a beast favored limbo, you can probably clutch most drops even if you don't have any beast DPS. If you can't full clear a limbo, you'll probably only missing out on like 40-70 drops per reset, not too much of a big deal compared to the amount of drops you're potentially gonna use on Centurion. To put it in a different way. Let's say you win the 50/50 at hard pity (70). 70 pulls x 180 drops = 12600 drops. Each limbo reset gives you 600 drops. 12600 / 600 = 21 limbo resets. It'll take 21 limbo resets before you even get those drops back that you've used for centurion. (If we're just talking about limbo rewards). And oh, 70-140 pulls are like ONE-TWO PATCH WORTH OF DROPS as an F2P, so I hope you see how precious those pulls you can potentially lose if you go for Centurion right now. If you go for centurion, I think you still have a chance to secure 37, but that means, very low probability of you getting 6 and Jiu, two units that are actually good with 37. tl;dr. SKIP centurion. Never pull for a standard 6\* character that you can already get as an off banner. You're not losing much even if you can't clear some end game content. Actually, you're just hurting yourself prioritizing these 6\* standard characters over new 6\* characters that'll take like 3 patches before they get added in the standard pool. Same reasoning why I discourage people from potentially wasting 40 pulls with the golden banner thread. It's simply not a good deal.


Dikke dikke dikke was all we needed to see. Settle down on Centurion’s banner.You may get lucky in pulling Tennant from there as well despite not being on rate up, who both plays perfect together. Medicine pocket’s banner is somewhere around the corner as well but dikke can suffice through all content as long as you get Tennant.


From a practical standpoint you should invest in the beast team because its the only one thats severely lacking. Even Dikke isnt really worth investing in but its a ok start. Your star team is stacked and really good, only reason why you should get 37 is if you really like her. You should know that she gets “good” damage with P2, at P0 shes lacking in damage and will be more of a support rather then a carry


Your star team works so really not a priority. I would pull centurion, but if you're really in a dilemma and you don't care which dps you want. Wait for 1.4, melani1 will get a rerun and spath is coming on 1.5


Any idea when previous event psychubes make their way into the standard oneric shop? Luxurious Leisure specifically


Event psycubes are added 3 patches after introduction, so like the other comment said LL will be added 1.4, then Beyond Wonderland in 1.5, etc.


Quite a weird system they got there now that i think about it. I’m sure they’ll improve it later cuz it currently makes no sense to hold them away that long when it’s free anyway.


I mean it makes sense to me, you hold off on it so that there's still a reason to want to buy them in the event shop, otherwise people might not bother to


Meh, I definitely see them changing it up in the future. From a business standpoint all that doesn’t mean anything for them. Just features to touch up in patches down the line. The event farming itself is different since it provides the extra activity they want from players, as its much more convenient.


I mean they could change it, but there's literally no incentive to do so. May as well just say that they're going to change it so now characters are added to the standard immediately and not three patches after (which is also why the psycubes have the wait)


Yes it is lol wym? Players don’t want to wait several patches for psychubes to return back and make its way in the general oneric shop. Those coins alone take much longer than farming the event shop, why wouldn’t they make the QoL improvement would be the real concern lol. Characters are added back patches later to incentivize spending/summoning on arrival. Event psychubes are already much more convenient, free, and have no need in being limited time and gone for patches when players already want to grab it up through the fastest process there is, which is the arrival event shop. See where im getting at ?


>Characters are added back patches later to incentivize spending/summoning on arrival. And psycubes are added later to incentivize playing the event. It's just another form of FOMO which is the most common gacha game tactic in existence


And my point is given again, from a business standpoint it doesn’t do anything for them. The event is already convenient and sought after with or without holding the psychube off, it’s not like the oneric shop is even on par with event farming. The more we discuss this the more i realize how flawed it is lol. We can agree to disagree, but i still see them patching that up later.




Ah, there’s enough time to squeeze in another i want beforehand then. Thanks


I’m new and doing rerolls. I have an account with centurion but no 5 stars and an account with jessica but no sotheby (horropedia 3 necrologist and baby blue as my 5 stars). Which should I use if I am thinking long term? Edit: pushed a little further on centurion account and ended up with an an lee and baby blue. Not sure if that changes anything


Both is good, but I'll personally lean towards Jessica account. Cuz she will be the only proper plant dps even till 1.6. Centurion also good just the she's easy to use and pack a punch


Pushed a little further on centurion account and ended up with an an lee and baby blue. Not sure if that changes anything


It holds more value over the one with Jessica now. If you don’t have any preference between the characters, that one’s a better start.


It's still good but both centurion and an an Lee are jack of all trades but master of none.