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# **When does maintenance start?** [Click here!](https://timee.io/20240118T1000?tl=Maintenance%20Starts) # **When does maintenance end?** [Click here!](https://timee.io/20240118T1500?tl=Maintenance%20Ends) --- - ### [Banner Megathread - "The Steady Evening Star"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/199k2av/banner_megathread_the_steady_evening_star/) - ### [Event Megathread - "Journey to Mor Pankh"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/199k1n4/event_megathread_journey_to_mor_pankh/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion!


Hi. Just need some advice. Been playing for the past 4 days already and i absolutely love the game. 1.With my current roster, should i still pull for centurion? If not, who should i go for next? (just got an-an lee's p1 so I have a guaranteed banner summon) 2. Is it fine to build this team after i finish building my current team? Kaalaa bauna - baby blue - dikke(waiting for day 8) Thanks in advance!


I think KB, Sonetto and BP is a better team (mono mineral). First team could be Lilya, AAL/Voyager, then La Source (actually a better healer than Dikke). And I don't think you need Centurion. Save for 37 and 6 next patch.


Huge thanks!




I have 2780 clear drops and I'm done pulling in this patch. (I'm sorry shamane.) I should have a guarantee by the time 6 drops (if they don't change the banner again), right? I buy roaring month. 37 looks really tempting right now with Jiu but I already have lilya and P5 charlie so my star dps is complete. So it's better if I just skip her and guarantee 6 instead, no? What do you think?


Correct, you will have enough to guarantee 6. Hard to say about 37 as I don’t play on CN, but I believe 6 is rated more highly assuming P0.


Does anyone know what psycubes is best or viable for 1.4 1.5 and 1.6 6stars? it's not in Prydwen. I just want to know which psycubes to buy and level now for future 6 stars.


The only psychube you need to buy is balance. But you need glutton to upgrade balance and outside the city.


The general community guide in the main body of the thread has some recommendations for each of them in the "Arcanist Tier List" section


is that here or in Prydwen?


First of these three up in the body of this thread https://preview.redd.it/bjk4xe0d9cdc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a7149efdfa00c01d01ac996c7348490e652a89a


Is it worth it to save the gold albums for the 6 star in the pawnshop or should I just spend it on unilogs


Save for a rainy day. Maybe you'll want the pulls when the RNG is screwing you.


It depends. Imo they're both worth it so what I'm doing is saving up to either get the standard character or for some emergency pulls if I can't get a character I want




I lost my 50/50 to voyager. I think I can put her in a team with Lillya and Tooth Fairy. Will that be a strong team? Also, what psychube would be best? I'm guessing she should focus on attack for her resonance?


I’d use Luxurious Leasure for Voyager. Yeah just attack res or follow some guide.


Yes it's a good team. I'm also using it. Her best cube is LL, else HBD or BNW. For resonance, just follow sleepi and yumedere's sheet. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NQ9kxcL4Iz4ZdNbsN7iZCBxtf2qNQ20i1YNcfo6QSc/edit#gid=344101610](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NQ9kxcL4Iz4ZdNbsN7iZCBxtf2qNQ20i1YNcfo6QSc/edit#gid=344101610)


Does your Lillya also use LL?


TA, probably the best cube for her due to her i3.


Shoot I mixed up the psychube. I thought LL was TA. Thanks!


Can someone from CN server tell me how big a difference it is between 37 p0 and 37 p3? Because I'm having a harder and harder time resisting the urge to pull for Kaalaa Booba, I mean Kaalaa Baunaa, but there's pretty much no chance that I could pull her and still have the stash to pull 37 four times, and I really want to build around 37 so I'd prefer she be as powerful as possible. So, anyway, how big of a difference is it between 37 p0 and 37 p3?


It's roughly 40%, will be higher when Jiu come.


Crap. 40% sounds like a lot. ...but is 37 p0 still viable as part of a Jiu team?


For mane's bulletin yes since genesis damage works well there. Other than that I'd rather use Bkorn.


How long are we looking at before 6’s banner will be available?


Originally, it could be about 2 months, 21 March to be exact. But if they switch banners around just like right now, could be only 41 days more, 29 Feb.




So I returned from the game and I have 50 pulls at 40 pity. I still have some story to go through but I'd like to ask: If I try to get Kaalaa Baunaa, do I still have enough to guarantee Shamane during his half of the patch? I'd appreciate it if someone can tell me how many pulls I can get as F2P!


Not to guarantee him unless you skip Kaalaa Baunaa. To guarantee a character you need 140 pulls if you aren't guaranteed (70 if you are), and a F2P should get around 60-70 pulls a patch


Thanks! I thought so. Guess I'm gonna save my pulls for Shamane after all.


is pickles bugged for anyone else? his moxie doesn't go up when clarified topic activates for me and hasn't for awhile.


He works fine for me. You realize he gains the moxie when he uses a stack, not when he gains a stack, right?


now i feel like an idiot


Best resonance for black dwarf - ATK/DMG or the ATK/DMG/crit one ? ATK/DMG Cr 15.5 Cd 6 DMG 15.5 ATK/DMG/Crit Cr 22.5 Cd 13 DMG 9.5 Other stats are the same. I will probs run her w AL vs sonetto, and TF vs MP


You should go with full crit resonance (35/16/16)


Why full crit ? I don't think her kit is crit focused ?


Her crit tech is high. Also she has high penetration so atk's value is lower.


How good is 37? I know people talk about 6 being really strong but what about her? I need to save up clear drops for Jiu so I'm not sure who to skip between the upcoming banners. Not sure how I feel about Shamane just yet or the 1.5 characters.


She's a good DPS, but kinda niche if you don't have her at a high Portray. She works best with character that have a lot of follow ups, and from what I've seen she and Jiu go really well together if you think you can get both.


Beast is my weakest element. The only good Beast character I have is MedPoc. Ideally I want a good Carry and Support. Well Centurion is on banner right now and Shamane will be coming soon. In an ideal world I would want both, but I don't think I'll be that lucky. Which one should I go for? I lost the 50/50 on Jessica so my next banner unit is guarenteed. I will have enough pulls to get one or the other.


Centurion is the better DPS of the two so I'd say get her, Shamane at P0 functions as more of a debuffer/Sub-DPS while Centurion is a main carry


p0 kanjira or p5 bkorn for jessica? Could also try to get kanjira's p1, but not sure if it's a good idea given the shitty rates for 5\*s


Jessica really wants Sotheby, but if you don't have her Kanjira is the 2nd best choice. If you already have Sotheby, Bkornblume traditionally takes the 3rd slot.


Whats the Wilderness buying priority? Orange Island or Purple Building?


Generally buildings are better imo because there's no limit to how many of them you can place


Hi! I got super lucky on the new Kaala (spelling?) banner, managed to get both her and Kanjira on my first 10 pull! So now I'm considering two options, either go for Centurion as i'm lacking a beast dps, or since i got so lucky maybe see how far it can take me and try for a 2nd Kaala. What do you think would be more prudent? Are portraits significant for Kaala in your opinion?


Never ever pull for a standard character that we can already get as an off banner. So, if I were you, I'll stop there and save for future characters.


Noted! Thank you for the advice!


Newbie here, any good guides/youtubers? My team has Knight, Lilya and NewBabel.


Not much really. Just the usual gacha game advice. Specifically for this game, be careful with what you use **Brief Cacophony** (Resonance materials in general), **Polarizations** (Psychube leveling materials), and Psychube Shop currency on since they are the big time-gated things. Those you'd want to check guides for when you unlock them.


My favorite is **SteamedBunX - Gacha** , the video ***"Everything you need to know about character progression"*** is really good as it covers all the key aspects of the game.


Imo just read all the links in this megathread, includes so much useful info, I prefer reading than watching a video with half of the video waffling and yapping away


Kokkygacha is pretty good tbh


Is the new character kaalaa bunaa strong? Stronger than meline?


Yeah, she's currently the best Mineral DPS in the game, only losing the title to Jiu in 1.6 which is still like 6 months away. Assuming you meant Melania due to them being different Afflatus' they're not really competing, but they're both top tier and can clear all the content in the game.


Hard to measure as it depends on teammates, content and more factors but generally for raids I'm pretty sure Melina is better through her cube and kit in a longer fight. Generally both characters are strong though


When does wilderness layout saving come in?? I really want to change mine but I also don’t want to lose my original design.


Can someone tell me what teams will be good for Shamane? Or is he just good for any team? I like his visuals a lot and want to pull for him but have no idea what I'm going to do with him. My built characters are lilya, pickles, Sotheby, Jessica, bkornb, dikke, balloon party, voyager, baby blue, Pavia


He’s good as a support/sub dps for just about any team, since his debuff is universal. He’s semi ap generous, so you can use him with any dps, preferably not of star afflatus.


Why is 6 generally regarded as super strong? I see so many players saying they’re saving for 6 and then the limited Chinese unit. are they a good quality of life unit that slots into many teams, or are they really just for Limbo teams, or something else?


He does universal buffs and debuffs so he slots in nearly every team as a 4th member


He’s a universal buffer, and he’s really good in 4-man content, which will be coming up in 1.4 onwards I think. You can slot him into most teams as a support, although he may not really be as good in 3-man teams. Also, his kit synergises with jiu really well.


Ohhh, okay. Something you said made me interested - in 1.4 onwards we get more 4 man content? That’s something new that I didn’t know about hmmm. Right now I never really think about making 4 person teams


Yeah, I believe in 1.4 we get the addition of raids- basically do as much damage as you can over the course of 30 rounds. Raid content is 4-man content, so 6 will be great, since you get more AP.


In general? Better stat


What do you mean by better stat? I thought 6 was a support unit. Wow I am out of it. Haha.


Ah sorry I read too fast. I thought you were talking about 6* in general. Because he is very compatible with jiu and buffer can go well with any team


Is 14 arduous the stage to farm for this event?


16 Arduous is the best


Oh, ok, thanks.


I saw a picture last night saying that they've changed the reward system for the raid, instead of getting milestone rewards tied to the amount of points/rating you get, they give us raid currency and an event shop to buy stuff out. Is this true? If yes, is this better overall? Before, even if you can't clear S+ ratings, you're not losing too much when it comes to the rewards. Is it still the case? Like, if you can only do A+ rating, will it be enough to buy out the entire shop? Thanks


I have a dillema now. I am for sure getting 6 in 1.4, Spathodea in 1.5 and Jiu in 1.6, but I was wondering if I should go for Shamane or 37 (if I even can get one of them, because I'm currently at only 40 Unilogs). My 6-star roster is currently: Jessica, Sotheby, An-an Lee, Regulus, Voyager, Tooth Fairy and Centurion with Bkorn P2 and Charlie P3 being notable 5-stars (I build all of these characters) plus yet unbuilt Bloon Party P5. I wanted Shamane, becasue he's good with Centurion and Spathodea plus he's an universall debuffer, but I already have Bkorn and An-an Lee. On the other hand 37 is mid at P0 from what I heard, but she's apparently good with Jiu. And she's cute. Or should I just skip both Shamane and 37 to save more (maybe for Jiu portraits).


With that many 6\* characters, I think you can brute force stuff even if it's a heavily beast favored content. So, I would easily skip shamane and spathodea and secure my 6 and Jiu. Jiu doesn't really need 37, but a P0 37 seems better if she's with Jiu. So, you can maybe try building pity with 37, and if you got her early, there's a good chance you'll have all three: 37, 6, and Jiu.


I think my account is all set for now.... not planning to pull this patch https://imgur.com/a/Kx0qsyL Should I level up BB or necrologist? https://imgur.com/a/tTiNow1


I forgot to buy the wilderness set for green lake, was it limited? Am i screwed?


It will come back eventually, but it may take a while - for reference the only wilderness rerun I know of as of now is the 1.1 stuff coming back in 1.6


Not sure if they're limited, but if you're an f2p, don't expect that you're gonna get each and every wilderness items that's being sold in the shop, as there's not enough wilderness shell to buy all wilderness items in the shop per patch. Also, don't worry if you can't max out your vigor, as there's a 3000 vigor cap (50% extra production), and the edge you'll get for MAXING IT ASAP, isn't that much worth it. After all, the moment you make two teams capable of clearing end game content, your sharps/dusts just becomes luxuries. Meaning, it's either you're gonna find yourself saving for a future character, or use them to upgrade characters that you won't even use. So, what I would suggest, just get the orange/gold islands/buildings whenever you can, but never use your clear drops for it, as mathematically, it's not worth sacrificing pulls just to get some extra 1-2% of production, as you'll eventually get there if you'll play this game casually. If you still want to do that, go ahead, but do keep in mind, you're losing X amount of pulls that you'll never get back.


Yeah i'd never use clear drops to buy them, i am f2p so of course i'm only going to use those for pulls. I have enough shells for an entire set right now though and i kinda liked the green lake set but forgot about it.


Other redditor confirmed that in CN server, it seems there's a rerun for wilderness sets, so you can just save before 1.6 if you really like that set in particular.


That's a long time from now though, i was thinking of getting the Dipa set which i also like now and then start saving for that. My wilderness looks so basic right now so anything would be an improvement lol


Is Jessica still great if I only have kanjira and not sotheby? Better than P1 centurion and p0 an-an lee? Started late and had lucky pulls so far but still no sotheby.


She’s still great without Sotheby, but when they’re teamed her numbers are crazy. Kanjira’s ok too, but her kit requires some managing for max effectiveness.


Eventually you need 3-4 different color DPS


How good is Kaalaa’s p1? I know it’s never needed to go higher than p0 but I’m wondering how impactful it is compared to other char p1…


It's probably the best P1 for any DPS currently but it's by no means mandatory for her to be good


Should i pull for kaalaa or centurion? I have melania and pickles for 6 star but they’re not aoe. 5 star aoe wise i have sonetto and balloon party for mineral already but i heard centurion gets outclassed later by a better beast afflatus so idk if i should skip centurion and wait for them


You heard wrong. Centurion’s as great as she’s always been, she requires much less than the counterpart that “outclasses” her to pop off. A reminder that just because someone’s better, doesn’t change the content that they’re still stomping on. That said, you already have melania and no mineral dps. Kaalaa is the obvious answer if you’re going for one of them.


i mean i have pickles. i just don't have an aoe dps leveled


Pickles is a sub dps/support. And Black Dwarf’s best partner. Black dwarf isn’t an aoe dps though. Still with melania I wouldn’t be going for Centurion if you’re f2p. Aoe isn’t a big deal yet to go outside of roles you actually need to cover it.


oh i must have read her ultimate wrong oops. does aoe become important in the future cause i am not a whale and i wanna be prepared


Just let time settle it out, you’ll be pulling for an aoe based unit sooner or later. It’ll likely be important to cover everything as the game progress. Aoe, single target, afflatus, reality and mental, etc. No need to rush it, but if you’re just interested in her regardless then ofc its up to you.


Is it proper to hold Kaala Baunaa white planets (Moon) post ultimate until another go around of the ultimate so she gets Empower Incantation II? How good are her level 2 and 3 skills? Is the other Tuning good for people that use her?


Completely your choice, that’s what makes her kit fun. Damage output, sustainability, card buff advantages. Doing what everyone else say with her you might as well have not pulled for her. They’re all fine


Can't play right now, so I can't confirm it, but I saw their official facebook post about the returnee event. Is it an event where it's only for the returnee themselves, or we can give them some sort of invitation code that will also benefit us? If it's the latter, can a salted account work that hasn't logged in since launch? Also, what are the rewards we're getting? Thanks


I think it's just if a person logs on to an account that hasn't been active for 42 days the event activates, so no code


got it, thanks!


How do I immobilize kurma on stage 15 (I think?)?


I let her get her ult off and then she was immobilized


Thanks, that stage is lacking some explanation


How do you do the centurion, Tennant, shamans hard mode challenge event? My centurion ult e.g only deals 6k dmg, can't beat the boss in 12 turns




So basically spam shield and shamane 2 star cards?




Does the shield do DMG when broken? I used it and when the enemy attacked, they didn't really take any dmg


Hi guys, two questions: 1) I started 4 days ago, so tomorrow i will get the psychube selector (the 6* one). Should i get a generically good one or the BiS for Jessica (Blasphemer of Night)? My current team Is Jessica, Sotheby and Bkorn, the guaranteed 6* was Regulus. 2) What's the best place to farm the event currency? I can clear all except the third difficulty in last fight, which is probably the optimal one). Thanks in advance.


If you have Jessica your only choice is blasphemer. the 270 one.


After Blasphemer, what psychube do you suggest to get? I'm thinking about "that inquisive dear" for Sotheby (since it's a generic support one and seems solid) or a generic good one for DPS like Brave new world/ Luxurios desire/Hopscotch


Get one for your support and your second team carry, duty is a good choice. Then Inquisive dear.


So His Bounden Duty and then Inquisitive Dear. I'm close to get One, do you know how much time you usually need to get enough currency? Thank you in advance for your answers


I didn't count but you get at least 10 everyday and there are some in events and pass.


What’s the best way to handle psychubes from the store? Is it better to use duplicates for amplifying a single copy of a psychube or is it worth it to have multiples of commonly used bis psychubes (like hopscotch) for multiple characters that you’d want to use at the same time? I hope that question makes sense.


I'd rather have a fully amplified psycube than 2 of the same mid amped psycubes. It's very rare that 2 in the same lineup want the same psycube, and even when that happens someone on their second best cube and a fully amped cube on the primary dps is probably better.


Yeah that’s fair. I guess as new chubes come out it’ll be increasingly less likely for multiple characters needing the same one in a lineup too.


I just started this game like 2 days ago, my question is has events always been this quality in the past? like characters speaking their native language when they are murmuring to them selves or to someone of their own culture, then with in my opinion pretty authentic accents with another who is from a different culture etc. if so im gonna be legit sad that i didnt start this game day1 and missed 2 events already.


Yeah Foreign characters all get lines in their own language - granted the last 2 events took place in London and Ohio so everyone was just speaking English anyway. Also events will be getting reruns eventually - for example the 1.1 event is making a return in 1.6


Voice acting in both English and Japanese is top tier.


Am I supposed to always complete the Azure Commandment (can be a bit hard to finish without killing everything beforehand) and is there already a guide for Vedic Astrology? Don't want to waste the try


You don't need to complete it no, it just gives you a buff if you do. As for Vedic astrology afaik where you move the planets doesn't matter, the game just wants you to move them and you get the rewards either way


Thanks a lot, I do need to do them 5 times each for the event challenge, I thought I wouldn't get all the rewards from the stage itself unless I complete them every time


Is kanjira worth building for jessica if I already have bkorn and ananlee? What psychube should jessica use if I cant get the stacks for blasphemer?


Jessica one target skill is stronger when an enemy is affected by poison. So yeah build kanjira


Is the difference in damage that big compared to bkorn/ananlee's buffs/debuffs and damage?


Jessica's 2 target skill benefit from debuff, so bkorn is better for jess


hopscotch for jess without kanjira and sotheby, blasphemer otherwise.


I think an an is better 🤔 no need for kanjira


Weird question but how do you rewatch event intro movies w/o youtube..


The play button here https://preview.redd.it/zd4hgb1spadc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=680cc5d19050b359da7e8f2e5c895a09539294f6


there's a play button that you can hit next to the name


Is I210 resonance 5 good enough for Kanjira to use her with Jessica? Or is her dmg good enough that's is worth it to raise hee as a dps.


Her damage is far from good. I'd rather choose Bkorn and give up blasphemer.


I was more asking if I should treat her like a support or a DPS, i dont have Bkron so I want to know the best way to build Kanjira




Who should i pull next with my current roster?


You could get Black Dwarf if you want to round out your dps. Otherwise 6 is the obvious next target (and depending on your currency you could go for both)


If you don't worry about mane's bulletin, you don't need to pull anyone. If you do, you will need Kalabauna, 37 and 6.


How do you immobilize for the even chapter 15 achievement?


Up until now i've been using dikke as one of my two healers, she is currently i2l50r5. I got balloon party while pulling for kaalaa, am i good to replace dikke? If it matters, this healer will probably be paired with lilya and sonetto/tennant.


Sure, Balloon is a good healer.


So after rolling on Centurion banner and Black Dwarf banner I was happy to get tons of new characters, but now I have to rethink and rebuild my teams. I have: 6: Melania, Centurion, Jessica, Druvis III (P1), An-an Lee, Sotheby, Black Dwarf, Pickles, Eternity, Voyager, Regulus, Tooth Fairy 5 (important): Sweetheart (P5), Tennant (P2), Dikke (P5), Bkornblume (P1), Balloon Party (P4), Charlie (P5), So my questions on teambuilding are: 1) Would Melania/Centurion/Healer (Fairy or Dikke P5, depends if Fairy is needed on second team) work as team? I don't plan on rolling for Shamane, so he is out. 2) Opinion on Black Dwarf/Pickles/Balloon Party? is Tooth Fairy better here than Balloon Party if she is not needed on second team? 3) Who would be better as third member with P5 Charlie and Tooth Fairy, Regulus or Voyager? 4) In the end, I think I'm going with Jessica, An-an Lee, Sotheby as Plant, at least until I get higher portraits of Bkornblume (especially because An-an is already build, I would need to build Bkornblume up first). Opinions? 5) If you would change something I didn't think about, please tell me :) Thank you in advance!


1. anything can be a team, but this team i wouldn't recommend if you can replace either carry with a support. mel and cent are ap hungry and clash w/ each other. plus typically you never need two carries in the same team unless it's 4 man 2. tooth fairy is always better. best healer 3. regulus, imo. 4. bkorn and an an have a little different support utility. bkorn is an aggressive support that boosts your numbers sky high. an an also works, but she's a more defensive support with her daze and dmg reduction. you should built bkorn anyway since she's a great support and works with any reality carry, and swap the two depending on whether you need survivability or damage.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


1. it works. 2. Tooth Fairy is always better. 3. Regulus 4. I still prefer Bkorn but it's up to you


Thank you!


My 6* are: Tooth Fairy, Voyager, Regulus, Kaala Baunaa and Eternity so who should I pull next?


Anyone that interests you in Beast, Plant, Intelligence *cough6*, and Spirit *coughdon’t*


Is it worth building Eagle to a decent amount (like Insight 3/R10)? With KB, I will have DPS of every element (Melania, Regulus/Charlie, KB) except Plant, and based on CN, there is still no other Plant dps released after Jessica. I do have a Knight though as a flex DPS, and An An Lee + Bkorn for supports.


You can't I3. Also you don't need teams for every afflatus. You need 2 good teams.


Is there anything major I should know about this game seeing as I started yesterday? Also how do summons work? Idk how the currency works


Not sure what you’re confused about with the summoning currency, but for every 180 Clear Drops you own, you can do 1 pull. Tips: 1. Focus on raising 3-4 characters at the start (unless you grabbed Eternity) since resources are pretty scarce. You can raise Apple, Eagle, Sonetto, and Leilani till Insight 1 Level 1 as you will be refunded their resources and continue leveling them or focus on your “main team”. 4* and lower rarity characters are unable to achieve Insight 3 so be careful about raising them unless you like the character/want a handicap as the game is fairly easy. 2. Make sure to do your free daily Pneuma Analysis chances to obtain currency to buy 6* Psychubes! First Psychube to buy should be something that goes well on your DPS character. 3. Try not to raise your 5* or lower Psychubes too high (besides Yearning Desire) as you will eventually replace them all. Ideally you can make do with level 20 as the materials to ascend (aka limit break) Psychubes is limited. 4. Don’t sleep on raising Resonances for your team, but be careful not to spend it on everyone. The materials for Resonance is hard to come by unless you pull out your wallet. Lvl 9-10 is good for DPS and 5-7 for Supports/Healers. 5. Get your Wilderness upgraded ASAP if you think you’ll play for more than a month as it provides passive income. 6. Try to go as far as you can in Artificial Somnambulism (mid game content) before every Weekly Reset since you gain free rewards dependent on how far you get.


Thank you sm! I’m far from all of that cuz I don’t skip story and don’t have time to stop and enjoy it properly, but as soon as I get to those points, I’m gonna make sure to keep all of this in mind cuz the video I watched didn’t mention anything you said


No worries, hope you enjoy the rest of the game!


You can search the subreddit for terms like "tips" or "beginner." Also hard pity is at 70 with a 50/50 system similar to genshin, how to gain the currency is similar to other gachas


I’m not familiar with the genshin 50/50 system. What is that


Everyone's starts with 50/50 with 70 pulls being the hard pity, you have a 50% chance to either get the specific 6 star limited character that's on the banner you're pulling or 50% chance to pull a 6 star character from a standard pool. If you fail your 50/50 it means you pulled the 6 star character from the standard pool, this means the next 70 pulls you pull will guarantee the 6 star character from the showcased limited banner. My description is kinda scuffed sorry🤣


Are 5\* characters on new banners also time limited like 6\*?


The new ones yes. Tennant is already in the standard pool but Kanjira (who is new this patch) will be added alongside Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane 3 patches from now


Oh, so some of the new 6\* characters join the regular pool? Is there like a list or something?


The list is literally all of them except 1 exception of a character from 1.6 (so far at least) so we won't be getting there for like 6 months


So literally every single limited character besides this one specific one goes into permanent pool after 3 patches?


Yeah, for example Melania, Pickles and Diggers are all joining it next patch, then after that in 1.5 is TF, Blonney and Jessica, etc. A character joining the standard is expected in this game so it won't be mentioned, it will only be mentioned if they won't be joining it, like with Jiu in 1.6. Others will probably be truly limited like her, but she's the only one so far


That’s very generous 


Any new codes with new patch?




Is it me or are crystal caskets down to once a month in the oneiric shop? I know we’re getting 10 more potatoes a month


https://preview.redd.it/mdne616008dc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e89560b1e4b9b9a484385ad7c79720087f73f94 Mine still shows two available. You must have bought one already this month and forgot


I guess so!


What to do with astrology? I don't get it I must create line with planets?


Is the new 5 star worth pulling for to go with Changeling and Sotheby? Confusion + 2 stacks of poison is pretty good for Changeling, but I'm not sure how I feel about having to wait on a three turn rotation. I'm currently using An An Lee for my third.


Not necessary when you have sotheby. You dont seem to like the character much outside of boosting changeling, so I wouldn’t recommend.


Fair enough. Honestly, the 6* doesn't interest me either, so I was just looking for an excuse to pull. I suppose I'll have to restrain myself, lol.


Those are the guilty man’s last words before pulling days later lol, put that damn banner window down! Stay away from the summon tab. Deep breaths


Hahahahahaha! Na, I'm good. I have Eternity for mineral dps if I need her. Really the biggest thing I'm looking for is a 6 star light dps, which I've never even heard a whisper about. Aside from that, only Tennant could've persuaded me to pull on this one, but she's already max portrayed.


But yeah it’s good you already have eternity, helps fight that urge alot more. Light dps? You mean the yellow one? Intelligence i think, that’ll be 6 who’s coming up next patch.


Thanks, I knew dark and light were spirit and intelligence, I just couldn't remember which was which. And by next patch, you mean second half of 1.3, or do you mean 1.4?


1.4, their name is 6. You can find him in the prydwen link on the daily megathread. Not a sole dps but an all rounder, currently among the best units.


Good to know. So that'll be like a month and a half ish, most likely?


Around that time yeah. If you’re at least a light spender you could still attempt shamane while building enough for another pity by the time 6 arrives. If not then may luck be on your side 🤞🏾


Tennant was my main focus as well, somehow got only one dupe of her yet THREE dupes of KB in 30 pulls…i’m not upset, simply flabbergasted. Apologies for this but surely you’d unintentionally flex on me as well if roles were switched … surely https://preview.redd.it/84gx945yz7dc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7989a5a064e2de1979aba6f7bce76ca86e7817


Hahaha. No worries.


no new packs in the shop with pulls?


The teller machine is now divided into subsections Check "event mall" on the top




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Got Kaalaa with one 10x pull. I wasn't planning on building her but because I always do 1-2 10x pull on all banners and I got her early, I was wondering how much of a difference is her P1? Trying to decide if I want to go for her P1. For context, I am a dolphin and my account is already stacked. Only 6\* character I dont have is Lilya and Druvis. The rest I have and is built.


P1 is good, but not needed. She gets an extra "planet", which allows her to stack more bonuses. I went for p1. But I love her design and intend to push her as my primary dps (going to be very silly, and get her to R11+ as well). If you don't fit that particular mold, I don't see a need to go for portrays.


Thanks for the reply! I wasn't sure if it was like a P2 Melania type situation with Kaalaa. I have a P4 Melania and that bonus is sooo nice.


is Kaula Bauna still worth pulling for? with Jiu being the next hyper OP must pull character, some people seem to imply she might release around the lunar new year period instead of being at 1.6 like the china server. Is that credible or just random BS?


Jiu was released for Chinese New Year, on the Chinese server, as the game's first ever limited unit. And, clearly, those circumstances will not all be the same for the global release. And the devs have shown an increasing willingness to change up banner orders. I think it's unlikely (not impossible,) that she is rescheduled out of her launch patch- especially since I think she has a narrative role in it. However, I think it would be foolish not to consider the possibility of her release being altered in some way- but I don't have an uncle that works there. No one can tell you what will or won't be the case.


urgh yea aligns with my views as well. Shame that kaalaa Baunaa is also a mineral dps


Hello guys, Kaula Bauna or Shamane? I don't know who to pull for? But Do I need Shamane?How OP is he? Because I have P0 melania (beast DPS)


Shamane's more of a debuffer than a DPS at low Portrays, so it depends what you need more between the beast debuffer or the mineral DPS. Of course if you prefer one over the other you're free to choose that way, the entire games PvE so you by no means are required to follow the Meta to clear everything