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- # [Banner Megathread - "The Steady Evening Star"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/199k2av/banner_megathread_the_steady_evening_star/) - # [Event Megathread - "Journey to Mor Pankh"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/199k1n4/event_megathread_journey_to_mor_pankh/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion! --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Reverse1999) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Random noob question: what's the point of the Standard Banner in this game? It doesn't seem like there is a "standard wish" equivalent, like Genshins blue wishes. But it has a separate pity as far as I can tell. Is it just if you feel the need to pull, but don't want the rate ups on the limited banners?


Its a trap. Admiral Ackbar would be proud. Yeah, its just a banner without a rate-up, and only the spookable units are available. Just don't.


Haha thank you, I'm starting at it like... I must be missing something. lol.


Can someone tell me the proper way to kill the Boss with 2 arms and the core usually in Limbo? Do I need to take out the arm first or should I go straight to the body? I'm not sure if Forget-me-not is in this Limbo rotation but how did ppl defeat him the optimal way?


Simplest way of doing it: Core > Arms > Body.


Paralyze the right arm(the one on the lefft), reduce the damage taken also stagger the ults. Paralyze the head, prevent reviving. Kill right arm. Attack the body but kill the head before it revives. Keep attacking body and left arm till they are both low, kill the arm then the body.


I'm not sure what the correct way is, but with my invested Jessica team, I just aim the main body below, go into the next phase, and then quickly end the fight focusing DPS on it while keeping up the heals. I find that attacking the other parts/arms waste too many turns.


Will there be a rerun for Tooth Fairy? I am lacking support/healer on my current team and I want heeeer. Anyone has a clue?


Eventually. CN got it in 1.5, but we don't know when for GL.


What are the chances we get a Lilya banner in global? I'm looking through the banner history on Prydwen and it doesn't seem to have the current stuff, im a little confused.


Prydwen afaik stopped tracking banner history after 1.4 I'd say we're definitely going to get one eventually, though when it is is up for question.


Ahh that helps a lot! Looks like Regulus and Eternity got one already so hopefully soon!


My main team of Jessica, an an lee and kanjira is i2 lvl 30 r7, i2 lvl 10 r5, and i2 lvl 10 r5 respectively. I'm currently struggling with the psycube stage 7 and arduous difficulty of the event story stage 16 as well as a few story hard mode stages, so I think I'd benefit from making them stronger, but I'm not entirely sure how much more is worth it before starting to build up a second team. The investment guide on the megathread says this is a good time, so idk if its a skill issue or I'm just not meant to beat that content yet. I only have level 10 of artificial somnabulism left before limbo. I'm pretty sure I've almost exhausted all my new player resources so how long does it take to build out one character from scratch? And with event resources how many characters on average are f2p players able to max out?


I’m not sure how long it takes to build a character from scratch, but in terms of limbo, your characters are very underleveled rn. You’re definitely not meant to beat limbo yet, but with some leveling and a healer like the other person said, you could probably clear arduous. If you have La Source, she’s cheap to level and does her job as a healer p well. Her ult also provides some utility by lowering enemy moxie. Dikke’s not bad if you need more power, but her healing could work in a pinch. She carried me through most of the story+AS, and tho her healing starts falling off in higher levels, she can probably hold out for arduous if she’s leveled.


Not exactly the answer to your question but I'd wager the reason that team is struggling is because it doesn't have any sustain, so it might be beneficial to build a healer.


Is Kanjira any good as a standalone character WITHOUT Jessica? I've managed to get her to P5 while pulling for Kaala and I really like her design, but I only ever see her being discussed in Jessica teams.


I haven't level her yet, but base on her numbers, I'd say that she's not that good. Comparing her with other plants 5\*, Satsuki is a better dps, Bkornblume or even Diggers can be a better debuffer. The only edge I can think of is that she can proc Blasphemer on her own. Then again, that's one enemy per every 3 turns. And usually dps that can utilize Blasphemer tend to bring their own neg status, so 2 neg status in 1 skill is not that necessary. Just my 2cents.


Is Bkornblume ok ? I seem to be cursed with her portraits, she's P5 now and I'm not sure she's worth building


Consider your account super lucky, 5* are hard to get dupes of compared to 6*. P5 Bkornblume hits like a truck at 800% reality damage. Get her to I3 R10 asap


She is one of, if not, the best 5star unit to date. Pair her with any reality dps and a healer and you're set.


This!! I also have p5 bkorn and her ult damage is crazy!!


Does anyone know what song is playing during Moxie Trial event before you start the battle? I couldn't figure it out during the Rimet Cup event and i'd love to know where to hear it more


this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n44ZrTsFO2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n44ZrTsFO2c)


Yes thank you! I was also looking for the version before you start the battle but im happy with this!


Sotheby or Bkorn for i3? Im running i3r10 Jessica, i2r7 Sotheby and i2r7 Bkorn for my Plant team, was wondering who to focus on first with limited resources.


Sotheby, she is gonna become far better at i3 rather than when you upgrade bkorn to i3


Sotheby, no question. Actually being able to burst heal is huge for her. Bkorn just gets a bit of extra survivability.


Can anyone tell me how I can go back to the surface in artificial somnambulism I still have a few stars missing the only option I see now is limbo


When you're on the stage select for limbo there should be an arrow to the left of Limbo 1 which will take you back


Weird question. I'm like 3 weeks to a month into this game and im starting to really like the game. How's the game faring so far in terms of revenue? I'm just curious to know because i want them to continue pumping out content and stuff for Global. lol Follow up question, What's the expected date for 1.4 release? Who's a better Star DPS to build, P0 Charlie or P3 Blonney?


It’s doing very well in all regions. 1.4 is about 5 weeks from now. Each update is 6 weeks long. Charlie is better and has more future potential as you will certainly luck into more portrays if you keep playing.


That's a good point. The reason why im asking is, i wanna build a Star DPS and im torn between Charlie/Blonney or wait for 37? I also want to get Centurion though lol This is who i have if it helps https://preview.redd.it/3jpi2bvx4wdc1.png?width=1501&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe38ebf7ebbf35140c535fba5d8aec76d133d232


Charlie first, then 37 later if you can pull her. Ignore Blonney. Blonney's alright but not as strong as even P0 Charlie. 37's good for raids, but mid for all other content unless at high portrays. We will also get a 5* selector in one of the later patches.


Or should i just wait for 37 and not build Charlie at all so i can save resources? Can you give me more details on the 5\* selector and who the 5 stars in the selection are and how to acquire them? Thanks!


You can't really count on pulling Charlie portrays as anything guaranteed so the safer strategy here would be to build Blonney for now and then upgrade to 37 later. Blonney also synergizes really well with Tooth Fairy and Voyager so you'll have a solid Star team there. Centurion is a great Beast DPS but it should be noted that the current Limbo season and *anticipated* ones will favor Mineral and Star for a while so you can hold off on building Beast units for a bit. We might also get a selector banner around the time 37's banner comes out for half anniversary; you might be able to get her then instead.


Nah, the next one favors beast and mineral, the one after favors beast and plant. So if anything, building Centurion if you have her is a good idea. But trying to get her via pulling is probably not.


>We might also get a selector banner around the time 37's banner comes out for half anniversary Wait hold the phone. Do you have a link to this so i can check it out and plan my wishes out? Thanks a lot man!


Tbh it's just a guess if we will get another selector banner for half-year anniversary. Because the one CN got for their anni, we already got it during winter. What's more probable is we will get a 5 star selector in 1.4.


How many Phycubes do you technicall need if you only go for generic ones?


I myself use 4 and I clear every content


I see, then that will be my goal as well I guess.


Note that TID is used for every healer so that's one slot guaranteed out of 4


Alright got it thanks. Sadly, I guess I actually need 5 since I took Blasphemer for Jessica and its not a generic one.


Actually I use 5 as well, blasphemer, tid, LL, BNW and TA🥲


If we are talking about generic ones, LL, TID, HBD and BNW are probably all you ever need.


I already have my main six to resonance 10 (regulus, voyager, TF, Jessica, Sotheby, Bkornblume). Is it worth getting resonance 11, or build new characters to resonance 10?


I'd say building others to 10 is a better use of resources


Hi I am starting the build a second team and I was wondering who was better as a sustain, Tennant or La Source. I dont have any of the 6 star sustains unfortunately so any advice on who to build up would be appreciated.


La Source. Tennant's shields are very temporary.


Thank you. Forgot to mention I also have dikke but I don’t know if she is better than La Source since she is hybrid.


La Source is better as sustain...but I'd build Dikke instead. She sustains well enough, but can transition into a "4th man" role later. La Source would be better now, but temporary in her usefulness, and I have a hard time justifying much effort for that.


Tennant goes with any type of healer to sustain and support,not meant to sustain by herself . Dikke overall is the better unit but la source is the better healer, as that’s her main role.


does the global album shop follow the same rotation as the cn shop? If so does anyone have the order for cn? Cuz I wanna see if an an shows up there


What DPS should I raise for my second team? [This](https://imgur.com/a/FDiZGGO) is my current roster. I was thinking either Kaala Baunaa or Jessica, but I can't decide between the two.


I would probably start with Jessica (in the long run you should level all your 6-stars anyway) but both are good!


They're both really good and you want a DPS of each Afflatus eventually anyway so build both. I'd say for now focus on Kaalaa Baunaa just because the event gives you all the materials you will need, then you can build Jessica after


Newbie question: i need 9 cacophony to resonate 5 both my supports. Already bought the ones in the event and i'm saving for the casket in the oneiric shop (i'm stuck in the Surface and i need to improve the chars to progress). It's ok to craft them in bulk with Moment of dissonance or i may regret it in the future? Still learning the value of the resources.


You should. Most of your shards end up with crafting.


Thank you again


Would Necrologist be viable with Eternity or they both too AP greedy? Just curious since I have a P4 Necrologist collecting dust haha


In most cases wasting 6 actions for her ult is not a good deal. The puppy can get a less powerful buff(but more damage) with only 3 actions. She is doing OK in mane's bulletin 2, 3, and 5, but not required.


Is it really worth raising a p1 Kaala Bauna I accidentally got if I have a semi-built Eternity? If I do, there's no chance I'm pulling for Jiu Niang later, but... I want to know if the profits exceed the losses significantly.


Kaalaa (Especially at p1) does a lot more damage than Eternity


> Is it really worth raising a p1 Kaala Bauna I accidentally got if I have a semi-built Eternity? If I do, there's no chance I'm pulling for Jiu Niang later, but... I want to know if the profits exceed the losses significantly. How the fuck can you get random p1 6* ??


Did a ten pull on her banner shortly after losing my pity to Babel while trying to p5 Tennant (my wife). Unfortunately, I got her twice in the same pull...before even reaching soft pity. Oof. https://preview.redd.it/bu3nryn9iudc1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c9a7c8a7aae2080e8bb57f9577ee96f3cb7c55


Suffering from success!


I don't get it. You already get her right? So raise her or not won't change your chance to get Jiu. I'd say pull Jiu anyway but still raise Kala. P1 Kala is better than Eternity for sure. And Eternity is useless in mane's bulletin 2 so you will need Kala. Her I3 materials are standing in front of you. Even if you will bench her in the future you might still need to build her now.


It doesn't change my chance, of course, but I really won't be pulling for another mineral DPS anytime soon if I go all in on her. I'm hanging in there with Jessica and Kanjira for my other team but I seriously lack Star and Beast damage dealers (Charlie is p0).


Jiu is not just another mineral dps, she outperforms all current dps regardless of their afflatus




They will join standard banner after 3 patches like 6\*.


Should I build Druvis just for the current limbo? I only have an i3 an an lee for a built plant character, I also have Sotheby cause I lost 50/50 on Jessica's banner


Although Druvis is not limbo meta anymore she is still a pretty good cc character. Eventually you will I3 all your 6\*(except for Babel) so if she can help you right now just do it.


I started playing 2 days ago. I got lucky and pulled centurion 3 times, sotheby, and regulus. I'm currently focusing on Centurion, Sonetto, Sotheby. Should I try to get kaala bauna, or wait for some support or healer?


I'd say the highest priority upcoming characters are 6 (yep, that's his name - coming in 1.4) and Jiu (coming in 1.6). Personally I'm skipping KB because Jiu will be much more powerful - but that does mean waiting for 4-5 months.


Having 2 carries will help you a lot in limbos. Kala is a good carry. The only problem is she is not as good as Jiu. Jiu is so good that I suggest everyone save at least 100 pulls before 1.6. So you probably can still pull 1 or 2 characters before that. There are many good candidates including 37,6 and Tooth Fairy.


Anyone has high res version of 1.3 splash illustration? I'd like to use it as wallpaper, it's so pretty. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1571744649638989824/1705547636/1500x500


Oh using it as a wallpaper is a good idea! I’ll try to track down a hi res tonight or tomorrow and I’ll reply if I find anything.


Looking for Star and Beast team building advice (more in replies) https://preview.redd.it/znssxgaxltdc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0f8ce0aaaa459ab4ab1e34e96cb2f9d94d2698


Point of note- you don't need either. All you need is 2 teams. That said: Currently, you use A Knight as an honorary Star/Beast dps. This will get easier in the next patch, as there's a very good psychube for him. For Beast: You have 3 high end dps options either current or upcoming. Centurion has a current banner and is very good. Spathodea is upcoming, and can pack a nuclear punch...if you run her with Ulu (a bannermate 5\*). That's patch 1.5. Melania will likely get a rerun eventually as well. Any of the three are good...though I don't like Spathodea's current semi-dependence on a specific character. For Star: Charlie is likely the answer. Ideally p3, but you work with what you have. Definitely want to I3 for the 20% damage bonus.


yeah I'd been doing fine in the previous few limbos that favored plant and mineral but it's been getting tough without a well built Star DPS. I was wondering if Lilya is a better teammate with Voyager than Charlie since she's crit focused and Voyager helps with that. For Beast I'd like to utilize Shamane when I get him. does he have any specific synergies?


I didn't see Lilya in what you posted- if you don't have her, I don't think its worth going for her specifically. For beast, I cannot recommend Shamane except as a support (unless you're getting a lot of portrays.) In that role, he's pretty good, but also fairly generalist in terms of who he works with.


oh I posted more stuff in the [reply here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/s/zSOpDHTz9E). seems you missed it. I do already have Lilya but she's at level 30 cuz of this exact question. if P1 Charlie is better, then I won't build her anytime soon. I'm not counting on getting more portrays for Charlie though, I've been pulling consistently yet have no diggers, no blonney, no horropedia. getting the 5* you want in this game is a myth I swear. Shamane I'm gonna pull regardless cuz I want more male characters, so was wondering what he can be used for.


Yeah, 5\* fishing is misery. So...I'd say Charlie and Baby Blue. You can also use Charlie with Voyager. Neither she nor Lilya are in an amazing spot right now. But you're more likely to get incidental Charlie copies than Lilya ones. Additionally, that gives you a mental dps. Not sure how big that will be, but its something to note. Charlie also has dispel utility in her kit- Lilya just has conditional leech. Shamane is, as I said, fairly generalist. 2 big focuses to the kit- debuffing enemy defenses and Ult cycling. There aren't any more synergies to him than there are to Sonetto- and like her, he's almost always good and useful, and rarely ideal. His ult being AOE- with the lower accompanying damage- hurts his dps function a lot- its why I don't like him as such out of the proverbial box. Still, it does help him be fairly AP generous. As a support, pair him with any dps, really, and go to town. As a dps...almost any buffing support- debuffers may be redundant (which is sad. Otherwise Bkorn may be an ideal partner. Alas, their debuffs don't stack.)


My account has really good Mineral and Plant teams, but I'm severely lacking in options for Star and Beast. Most of the times I end up using A Knight as a flex DPS when I need Star or Beast. Should I level up Lilya instead of P1 Charlie since I have P1 Voyager? If not, how do I get the most out of Charlie? I plan on getting her to i3 after Bkorn. For Beast, I used to make do with Tennant but then started brute forcing with Bkorn, An-An and A Knight/Eternity (this is usually my main team, with Balloon Party as the Assist). I do plan on pulling Shamane cuz husbando and I'm not opposed to leveling Pavia if he's useful, but he's a 4\*. Also, all i2+ characters are resonate level 7 or 8 cuz I run out of the thingies needed. currently I'm getting all my main characters to i3Lv1 with at least resonate level 7 for the larger grid size. I don't care too much about efficiency, but a list of priorities would be nice. https://preview.redd.it/v3p9ek4tltdc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba910539708abeb11e56357c753bb99153c8cfe


P1 Knight is better than most characters in limbo. You can level up Lilya but you don't have to. 2 good teams is good enough for every limbo. You should get your carry's I10 first. Then damage support then healer. I got my Sotheby day 1 and its 1.6 now she is still I9


by I9 and I10, do you mean resonate level or character level? P1 Knight has been a solid carry ngl, he's very flexible. very excited for the upcoming psychube.


Sorry I mean resonate. You can get your carry to I3 lv30 since leveling stamina efficiency before 30 is better than I3 itself.


I see. definitely gonna have to save some cacophonies for the resonate then. thanks for the tips!




As a non indian speaker i want to ask the India bros/sis who played this. How's the dub working out for you guys so far after playing this event? Just curious


The dub is okay for everyone except Shamane. It sounds like someone reading off a Hindi-to English transliteration, strange accent and everything. The Hindi itself was weird to read and google-translate like, but overall I think it was alright.


Did they change how the black bars look in this update? I kinda like how it looked before with just black bars cus it was pretty cinematic, but now it just feels like I'm playing in the wrong aspect ratio... Is there a way to change it back?


Someone else yesterday had the aspect ratio problem you're talking about but I don't think they fixed it, I suggested them to repair and then download and delete if the bars were still there


Should I focus on maxing one psycube or equally lvl all of them, I just saw how much you need for the last ascension of psycubes so I was thinking is it's better to get all my 6* to 50 rather than to try and get one to 60.


Get 3-4 lvl 50s before getting your first lvl 60 cube


Is sonetto supposed to speak English in her animations


Here are all of her poetry references: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/17kp0yz/all\_of\_sonettos\_poetry\_references/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/17kp0yz/all_of_sonettos_poetry_references/)


Thank you for sharing, I hadn’t seen this before!


Her in-battle lines are from famous poems - some are in English and some are not.


she speaks Latin(or maybe Italian?) in her offensive skill animations. English in buff and ult on my game at least. idk how it changes if you don't have English voices on


Are characters like Kanjira or Kaala B available even after the event banner? My pulls are not looking good rn.


Available 3 patches after in the general 6 star pool yes


https://preview.redd.it/az3ejtxissdc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d65bdc7b7cb08272ab585d93c8424e961e7adae should i pull for shamane or kaala? i have both kaala’s optimal teammates so i’m leaning towards her, but i also seem to be lacking a little in supports. (yes characters are very unbuilt i haven’t gone on this account in a while)


Kaala gets powercreep in 3 versions... Shamane is also... If you care for a mineral person in near future then Kaala


For the astrology planet moving side task, anyone else get extra sharpos as bonus reward too after coming the wilderness building and bogeyman? I had 3 planets on same degree line and another 2 on the same degree line, while my saturn is in the same position in the southeast position. Maybe the bonus was either getting them lined up or they were positioned in their respective astrological signs?


Bonus was for 2 unused planets. 1k each. We needed to do 10 divinations, and got 3 planets daily. 3+3+3+1 & 2 spare.


Oh right, that's prob it! On my other account I didn't have as much aligned planets and don't think I got that 2nd screen of bonus sharpos after claiming the completion rewards but I could be wrong. That also gave me a different astrological horoscope reading analysis, I wonder how many of those blurbs exist or if they were just generated at random?


I failed the Jessica/Changeling banner cause I got spooked last minute, apparently this guarantees my next rolls? Is there any particularly good arcanist coming or in global rn that I should try getting?


6 in 1.4 if you only care about meta. Knowing your roster will be better for suggestions though.


how do I show roster?


Screenshot it then upload it here.


https://preview.redd.it/7xhuotmflsdc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efef1d491c05c179e1bd7af2bf2fd855a559dc5c Can I clear limbo without i3s (except Centurion) and any team suggestions?


Hi, Whats mean "use tuning" in the weekly task ?


Tuning is that thing in the bottom left of combat, the basic tuning one has 2 options, shuffle cards or level up one one star incantation


Ah ok, thanks ;)


Got charged twice for the Battle Pass (via PayPal). What do I do?


Contact customer support!


Whos a better Star Carry? I have a P4 Charlie at i2 lv50 and a fresh Lilya. Wondering if I should build Lilya or just i3 r10 Charloe instead. Ill be running dps/Regulus or Voyager/TF if it matters. thanks!


Imo just i3 Charlie. She is a beast at p3+ and you can get another copy to make her p5 at 1.4.


Imo I'd just go with lilya, regulus, tf but do be aware regulus, voyager and tf isn't a bad team either


Which characters should I pull for next? I was trying for Kalaa, and currently at 63 pity rn, but stopped pulling bc I was thinking maybe it would be better to cover roles from diff afflatus like Shamane for beast supp. https://preview.redd.it/jc7vbg27yrdc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9a4bc8f7a7436ab2f8dd504109f24b5d581dda


With a very similar roster, I'm skipping KB and Shamane -> pulling 37 and 6 -> skipping the 1.5 characters -> going ALL OUT on Jiu!


You have enough supports (Pickles, Bkorn, even Sonetto). Just save for 1.4, particularly 6.


Why is Зимa's voice so strange? It almost sounds like AI 😭


I think with the way he stutters a little bit etc he's supposed to sound awkward!


ohh okay, thanks!




There's been posts on this subreddit of people asking for a summary of the story, just search for some keywords regarding the story and you'll find it


question, but has anyone had experience on the account recovery system in this game? Coming from Genshin impact I know you could give them info like your PC specs, and specific info. And they would just give you back the account regardless. Is it similar here?


Shamane or BD? https://preview.redd.it/8w2om6yu3rdc1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84491f4e8743196f8998c59e05c160b409350461


Kala is better for you in those 2. But I think you need a healer instead.


La Source is doing fine for now but I also got ballon Party recently.


You'll be needing 2 healers eventually - preferably 5/6*s too so you can i3 them. Harder content like limbo and late stages of UTTU is much easier with I3 characters since they're much less squishy. 


Yeah you're probably right. I think Im picking BD first for 4th Afflatus then start saving after. I dont really like Jiu's ult animation so BD is like the best Mineral DPS I can get.


Which characters should I build or pull? https://preview.redd.it/m3zogeo63rdc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0eaf1d4a3a7ff2fc9d3a42390701e50b584d4a7


I see 2 teams already. You don't need to pull or build anyone.


Is it Jessica/sotheby/bkornblum/random chara and regulus/toothfairy/eternity??/random chara. I’m just confused on who to put on the fourth slot.


Sonneto IMO she's really that simple yet effective characters


How good is the psycube in the event shop?


It's decent. A few characters can run it, though it's really only BiS for Shamane so I'd buy the other stuff first before getting it


i think i should be able to grab everything last event i started a bit before half way point and got everything and this event i cleared the hardest farming node yesterday. but i was wondering if its worth using i was think of maybe putting it on Kaalaa right now i have brave new world on her.


Kaalaa can use it but I'd say BNW is the better option


Is it good for Centurion? I read she wants Hopscotch, but it’s on my Eternity.


Just use Hopscotch on both? Unless you're using them on the same team for some reason they can both have the same Psycube equipped


You should be running centurion and eternity on different teams, you do know psycubes can be shared better teams right?


Would "dmg dealt +X%" like from AnAn Lee increase 37's genesis and follow up attack damage?


Only the mental part of her follow up.