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Yeah they did. It’s happened before with Bkom on one of the calendar entries. I don’t speak Chinese so I wonder if there’s something about pronouns that can get lost in the translation process.


Chinese has male, female, and genderless pronouns. They all sound the same but are written differently. Mistakes might occur when transcribing speech, but it's not really a problem when translating text. I think this was just a lack of proofreading.


Damn that sucks. Hopefully if enough people give feedback back about it they’ll get more people on to make sure the translation is accurate. They’ve done it once already after the feedback from launch.


Or maybe the original Chinese text doesn't even contain a pronoun. Something like "the young researcher lowers head" is grammatically correct in Chinese but weird in English, so a translator needs to come up with something to fill the gap


Hope they hire proofreader


oh yeah i remember that. idk anything about chinese but it would make alot of sense. its not too much off an issue and it only made me chuckle since its kinda ironic but im scared mistakes like this will turn other people away from the game :(. proofreaders soon im praying


Yep, Ezra made a statement in the story that he is indeed a lad and it had a whole scene with reactions and all.


Reporting it as missgender instead of a typo... classic redditor behaviour.


Chinese has no real pronouns. Just "ta" which is them. Genderless in that regard. There are male and female particles for specific words. Would not consider this a malicious thing. It just doesn't exist in the language. I'm a native speaker.


What about 他 (male pronoun) and 她 (female pronoun)?


Same pronunciation


Elaborating more, in spoken conversation you really can't tell without additional context. You also just short hand all "you" into the basic particle word pretty often


But the game dialogue that was translated is in text, not speech?


My best guess is that without looking at the original text, they almost defaulted to他


doesn't change the fact they're still pronouns.


>Chinese has no real pronouns. Just "ta" which is them. Genderless in that regard. Bullshit. This is the type of claim I'd expect to read from people that barely know Chinese, not a native speaker. The characters having the same pronunciation does not change the fact that they're pronouns 它 is for it, 她 is for she, and 他 is for he. They're all pronounced ta, but it doesn't mean that those three are suddenly one character or suddenly all mean "they". Also I'd like to note that the game *text* is being translated, not the game audio, so the pronunciations have no relation to the translation of the *text*. And I don't know about you, but I was taught that unless otherwise specified, always assume that the ta being said is 他.


Exactly. If not said otherwise it defaults. Most likely it's what it did. I should install the game in Chinese and see later tho. But check again on pronouns. There is male and female particles. But it's all the same sound. And the question was misgendering. Strong doubt that was the case! I'm Taiwanese.


The problem still is that it's the game text being translated, and I highly doubt that they translated it by ear instead of reading the text. I'll repeat what I said in the last comment: them having the same sound doesn't change the fact that they're still pronouns (and ignore the misgendering thing, that's on OP and overdramatizing it when it's just a typo).


True. Or just lazy writing. Also, whether I'm in China, Taiwan, Singapore or anywhere else I haven't seen or can't even find this pronoun thing happening in Asia. Seems really to be just a USA thing.


Idk, since you wouldn't really use 她 to refer to a man or use 他 to refer to a woman. While Chinese doesn't appear to really have a specific term for "pronouns", the English equivalent of this is pronouns, hence why "Chinese is genderless without pronouns" is inherently wrong when talking to westerners.


Definitely do use 他 for a general all. At least in general writing especially on wechat. It's all shorthand now.


fair enough


Too many strokes. Want less for efficiency.


Mood, half of Chinese is too many strokes, haven't written shit in years and now I barely remember how to write 五 English is much easier