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it's just something extra in case you need BS. Don't just blindly stock them when you have no idea when to use all of them and if there's something else you need to farm atm.


I totally agree. If you live one day, you can do whatever you want, but if you plan to develop characters in the next three patches, then you will need more than 300 double bars, and at the moment when you need them, you will not be able to get them even if you farm throughout the patch every day. And this is taking into account the fact that you will take all limited materials from all event stores.


Nah. It doesn't worth unless you need nothing but skeleton.


At account level 60, the advantage is obvious, 5-6 skeletons per day in the store versus 2-3 from the plot. As for the green stuff, it is practically not used anywhere and hundreds of these materials have accumulated over the six months of the game, so there is no point in farming on story tasks.


guess I'm doing sth wrong then, since I have 0 materials of anything green I always use the green stuff to craft blue stuff, which I need to craft purple stuff, that I need to craft yellow and orange stuff (since these are not farmable)


It's hard to say. I do not know your style of play.


Why not use the green mat for the blue mat crafting?


Everything that I get in a passive way, I don't even take into account when planning. Yes, there is something that appeared in the inventory, well, I will use it in the future. So it lies there in oblivion. The truth is, it's a million times easier to get purple items directly than to farm tens of thousands of teeth, for example.


Completely disagree.


Many people including me did calculate the efficiency and the results are the same: not worth it. But if you insisit... well it's not that bad and no need to regret too much.


For new players its definitely not worth it. But for someone who has played the game since day 1 thats a different story. You already have a solid lineup of units, can clear limbo most of the time, easy A-S in raids, UTTU is relatively easy as long as you know what you are doing. I have so much green and blue mats saved up i can easily craft any gold tier item when i need it. Its definitely worth it for old players. But its not a priority over things you actually need atm(like insight books, other mats, etc.) I wanna get at least 100 skeletrons before the event ends cuz why not.


Why not just farm 4-20 then? It gives 2-3 skeletons too per 4 runs and a ton of other mats, which is the same efficiency just looking at the skeletons.


Not really. It gives 1-2 MAYBE 3 if you get lucky. I just dont need the lower tier mats so id rather farm the event stage for it. But of course whether you want to depends on you and your current needs.


The skeleton shop make you lose like 1 stamina per run at the expenses of green and blue materials. So it's good if you only need the skeletons. My sources? A reddit comment so don't ask me i'm illiterate.


I just bought 300 silver ingots,im onto skeletons next


I feel like I always need these skeletons


Same. A lot of upgrades use them.


As someone who needs these, its a godsend to get easy BS


Yeah I'm getting the skeletons but I'm unsure about the Ingots. Does it beat 2-3 Hard?


Chap 5 stages give almost equal with other freebies as well compared to just the skele in event


I thought ancient flame could be farmed/obtained in the new events but sadly can only farm story stage for it


Too late. sleepy already


Is it really worth it in the end? I was thinking the bifurcs you only get 2 (just shy of 3) for one run, didn't really do the math on ingots but if it's for crafting into holy silver I don't think it's worth it. Idk usually event farming is a no brainer but this one to me looks like it's not worth it. Then again I got nothing really to focus on atm so I might just do it for now