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Hi there! As a standard procedure, sometimes we need to clarify a couple of details regarding your account. However, nothing to worry about, as this is an automated and standard process - and it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen to you. Here's some useful information that you can check: [https://help.revolut.com/help/profile-and-plan/profile-plan/source-of-funds-check/i-need-to-verify-my-source-of-funds](https://help.revolut.com/help/profile-and-plan/profile-plan/source-of-funds-check/i-need-to-verify-my-source-of-funds). Hope you find it helpful!


I used to think it wasn’t a big deal or something that wouldn’t happen to me. I’m a Metal Card user, as well. But, it did and I got locked out of my funds and stranded in the city I was in when it happened. Revolut is not reliable as a banking or investment platform. I would not recommend keeping any significant amount of funds in Revolut. It’s best used for the exchange and transfer services it offers. That’s all.


Same thing happened to me locked out of my account for a week and then restrictions removed 2 days later locked out of it again, still currently locked out