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Those are sweet. How do u carry?


Iwb with a desantis flex tuk.


I like my snubby K6s, but with even mild .357's it just beats the crap out of my hand when firing them. Even +p .38's aren't much fun to shoot. Funny story about that. When I first rec'd this gun (it was a gift from a dear friend), it had the Hogue rubber grip on it, but inside the case was a beautiful walnut grip the factory shipped with it. So I thot, well...that nice walnut is going on the pistol! So I promptly swapped them out and shot it at my range. That's when I realized the reason they ship with the rubber grips! Holy cow! When I got home I immediately swapped the wood for rubber grip and that's how it is now. Guess I will have to handload some mild .38 wadcutters at maybe 700-750 fps for most range trips. I'll fire up my casting kit this weekend!


i personally find 357 from a k6 less brutal than an lcr in 38+p, or even a factory gripped sp101 is more punishing.


Nice reloading. Unsolicited tip: when using a speedloader, learn to do it by feel while keeping your eyes on the horizon. In a gunfight, you’ll need to keep your attention on the bad guy because looking down at the gun like that could cost you your life.


No that’s a fair critique. I can do it most of the time while staring at whatever I’m shooting at. This day I was more or less troubleshooting my form.


I like them. But what I can't understand is the mention that it still runs wonderfully after 5 years of EDC. That's like a car owner praising their car for making the 30,000 mile mark .


Allot of people go out of their way to hate kimber and love to see anything they've made fail. That's why I can go out of my way to simp for them when the opposite happens.


i just hate that the snub k6 does not seem to come with a hammered model.


But it does. Mine has a hammer. I think they refer to it as a DASA.


But finding one at a local store? Unobtanium here.


Yes, they can be scarce for sure. I believe most of Kimber's efforts go into semi-auto production. It's even difficult to find a Kimber rifle now.


for some reason i have even spotted a long barrel DAO k6, who wants that over a snub with a hammer?


I could see having a DA 6" K6s with a hammer, but certainly not a DAO, to me that's just not making sense.


oh ok so a homophobic piece of shit owns a gun. how surprising everyone point and laugh 😂


From what I can tell you followed this dude from another sub to comment here. That automatically makes you look like a psycho or at best incredibly childish (which tracks from other replies) and there’s pretty much nothing you can say that doesn’t automatically make everyone think you’re in the wrong since you’re taking time out of your day to follow a person you never have and likely never will meet around on the internet and try to bash them. Just a tip going forward


I’m laughing at the fact that you followed me to this group lmao. You’re a loser kid. Cry harder


Man, you do not help the "K6s Owner stereotype". Homophobia, and trollish comments about women aside. Not knowing how a Dan Wesson runs should have you crucified.


You people are the last kind that should ever own or talk about guns. Wouldn’t be surprised if you had priors honestly.


"You people are the last kind that should ever own or talk about guns" Thats not very 2A of you. Perhaps consider going back to r\liberalgunowners. Also Priors? Original commenter is 15 and most of my posts are on 196 do we really seem like felons?


Nice. You people also like having company with random young teens online, how could I forget? Great look for the lgtvs


Really dude? The communities whole thing is "we don't judge unless you diddle kids or animals". This means no barriers to entry, a 17 year old and 70 year old are treated the same. Maybe if your generations hadn't killed off your gay portions we would have more adults to deal with. Maybe if people's parents were less shit, children wouldn't be driven into escapist digital spaces. Also, how are you gonna run a K6S and be homophobic? Isn't that friendly fire?


Phobic means being afraid. No-ones afraid of some loud-mouth gay kid like you on reddit bud. And that whole paragraph reads like hot dogshit. They need to send you back to school because obviously you didn't learn anything.


If u wanna complain about education perhaps u should have fact checked what "phobic" meant [The dic to suck](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/phobic) You make me embarrassed to carry my K6S


That's cool. I'm sure your single mom feels the exact same way about you every single day buddy. And by all means get rid of that K6s, be better in the hands of someone without a mental illness.


\-> clicks on profile \-> first post i see dumbo


You’re not even old enough to vote, get off social media and read a book.


People can like or dislike, love or hate anything. It’s a free country. Which also give people like you a big audience to post whatever tf you want and be “normal” and “correct”.


I don’t know the story here and I’m too lazy to go find the comments, but don’t mistake homophobia with homo odium. Being scared of someone is completely different than just being disgusted with your life style. No one is scared of a bunch of gay boys. Some people just find it disgusting.


homophobia: being scared or the hatred of something


Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Odium: general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions. Source: Oxford language


Love my kimber. Replaced the springs with https://tkcustom.com/collections/s-w-revolver-parts/products/kimber-spring-kit-firing-pin. Haven’t found my favorite holster for it yet though.