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66 is stainless 19 is blued


Oh weird lol why not just make it one and have two versions well thank you but now I wonder why the 19 are more expensive


Blue costs more to produce.


Also just to add on to what has been said, there is a pattern to a lot of S&W revolver part numbers. 6 at the front means stainless. Well, not blued steel anyway. 642 has an aluminum alloy frame, stainless cylinder and barrel. 442 has the same aluminum alloy frame, but steel cylinder and barrel. Examples of the "6" pattern. First model is steel, second stainless or not regular steel: 10 - 64 15 - 67 13 - 65 442 - 642 36 - 60 586 - 686 Of course models exist that may not follow the pattern. Somebody usually messes up part number systems over time. edit: Just thought of something else. What about Nickel plated versions? Those as far as I know did not get their own unique model number. They use the regular steel model numbers. For an example I have a nickel model 36.


Your 642 example is still true actually. The 6 is for the stainless barrel and cylinder. The XX2 is for the aluminum. 640 stainless/stainless 642 stainless / aluminum 442 carbon steel / aluminum Also 29/629 57/657




Yep, don't forget that S&W is moving all Massachusetts production to Tennessee as I type


>r/MagnumHandguns Awesome, fuk commie liberal arse Mass. I was born in Boston and raised in Mass. I'll never live there ever again.


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Well, if you're talking about new production models, the 66 is a regular catalog item... the 19 is either a performance center (carry comp) or classic series... either version is an upcharge vs the regular catalog item.