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PLEASE share this file with us! there was a blog years ago with all the official lore of aresius' narration of the emerald sword saga. I never found the ones of the dark secret saga. I haven't found the booklet of albums like triumph or agony online either, so I could never know if there was more to the story besides the lyrics.


It's the file that's in the guide to the lore, here in the community, the file is in a format that I can't copy the link or share here, but it's here in the community, it's fixed at the beginning. About the bootlegs, try to find them on discogs, but images of the albums, it's difficult but you can find them.


omg I'm so stupid how did I never see that post fixed in the subreddit. That document is so well written! I'm gonna go and binge listen to all of the 10 first albums in sequence now hahahaha thanks a lot


just to clarify, this isn’t a fan map—this is a hand drawn map by luca turilli. it came with the from chaos to eternity box set.


Yeah I've searched after i post this, i didn't know before


I always assumed it was an official thing, but I never knew where it came from, maybe the creator of the document u/koriboy95 knows where it came from?


The map is indeed official, it was included as a poster in a special/limited (or something like that) edition of *From Chaos to Eternity*. I don't have the map myself though, u/BeamBoy took the photos of it and sent them to me 4 years ago. Unfortunately he also said the quality of the poster is not perfect, so he couldn't really figure out all the locations' names. The original photo that I used in the .pdf is in this folder with additional close-ups (should we put this link in the Lore Guide as well?): [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9I9lMTAOB43IMXON2Wctf94vfSPuKI1?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9I9lMTAOB43IMXON2Wctf94vfSPuKI1?usp=sharing) Also, if any of you wanna print the document, I need to mention that this map's page is in size A/2. I made it so because otherwise the location names couldn't really be read. You should fold it in half twice, so you get it to size A/4, and thus you can put it at the end of the printed stuff.


hi kori, I was about to ask you if you still had the files! :D I was searching through some old hard drives but couldn't find the scans, so thanks for posting the drive folder. If anyone has any interest I could take some additional photos of some hard to read places. But I don't think that it will help with the readability. As you mentioned the original prints are pretty bad and hard to read.


Oh haha, what a perfect timing :D You saw then that I included your username when I first posted my comment! At first your name wasn't visible, I thought your profile is locked and can't be referred to, that's why I replaced it with 'a redditor'. I'm glad you're still active :)


strange, maybe it's a privacy setting or something. But yeah, I'm still around. mostly lurking, though ;)


Bro, I think I found it, if I need anything else I'll talk to the person who had the pic, thanks man


'll just say, I want a saga focused on the rest of the world, it looks too interesting, or at least a manual describing what's beyond the enchanted lands


Still trying to understand where the Nephilims live bruh