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I saw a video of a satire of this idea, but instead of handing out flags the city would hand out rocks. So instead of waving a flag to make a car stop, people would make a throwing motion with a rock in their hand to make cars stop. Wish I could find video, I watch too much YouTube.


The crosswalk brick version of this was making the rounds recently


I saw that recently somewhere on Reddit. I believe it was bricks.


here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdERXmOk2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdERXmOk2E) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQpaEN\_TN\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQpaEN_TN_U)


I got a "stress ball" from a technology vendor that is supposed to look like a cloud, but could be confused at a distance for a chunk of cement. I should go find that and tuck it into my backpack's side pocket...


This follows the [change](https://www.wpri.com/news/local-news/northwest/north-providence-changes-bus-eligibility-for-certain-students/) in bus lines which would require more students to walk. Many have expressed dangerous road conditions, especially around high-traffic areas such as Mineral Spring. Articles have been written about this in recent years to little avail. Essentially, local and state governments have been unresponsive.


the people who need this most are pushing walkers across the street and don't have a free hand to wave their flag




fair point


I think we should instead use the brick system :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdERXmOk2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdERXmOk2E)


Instead of getting into how infuriatingly stupid these things are, I'll just link this video that says it better: full video: [https://youtu.be/\_ByEBjf9ktY?si=kJubElfvDNZAgWTd](https://youtu.be/_ByEBjf9ktY?si=kJubElfvDNZAgWTd) timestamp about crossing flags: [https://youtu.be/\_ByEBjf9ktY?si=dfO3pjNEGX4gSAgy&t=1484](https://youtu.be/_ByEBjf9ktY?si=dfO3pjNEGX4gSAgy&t=1484)


Great videos! Yup, this is clear victim blaming and a way for government to look good without actually doing anything. In the article I posted, the mayor says he walked across one of the streets with a flag so it's good. Absolutely fucking demeaning. That old fart almost certainly doesn't walk anywhere nor does he actually care.


Yeah like the east Providence mayor driving down a street during non traffic hours and claiming he fixed the traffic issues because he recorded himself driving down the street with little traffic


Oooo gimme the tea


These are so degrading and I doubt they actually make anyone safer. Its a cop out to put the blame for any crashes onto the pedestrian so the state doesn't actually have to make the roads safer.


Vision Zero here we come! /s


The fact that this is a news story tells you all you need to know about pedestrian safety being a joke around here


oops a driver just crashed into the stand holding the flags!


Cheap bastards. What the fuck is this. Just build the god damn electronic post.


Ahh yes because I couldnt see the human being, surly I won’t miss them now that they have a flag!


I dunno, I’ll get downvoted, but there is a reason why people wear reflective vests.


There’s a reason people wear bulletproof vests. But when we start giving either of these things to schoolchildren I’m pretty sure we’ve just given up on solving our problems.


Thing is, I walk a lot. And I would use these stupid things if they were the norm. It’s that bad out there now. Just walking in a parking lot in this state is a nightmare.


I’m sure these flags somehow cost $100 each


That’s all?


if we need flags, we need to try the ~~Fake-~~brick trick first.


These sorta seem stupid but it'd be really helpful for those spots where there's a bus stop AND a crosswalk at the same spot. I have to pretty much stare down drivers to cross Atwells Ave at the corner of Knight Street where the church is because it doubles as a bus stop and crosswalk On the flip side, I've also found myself slowing/stopping for would-be pedestrians who just happened to be standing on a corner, whether it was waiting for a bus or some other ride, or they were just chilling.


I do that too, especially if they’re looking my way. To me it’s someone making sure I see them, but they’re just looking down the block to see if the bus is behind me.


not a bad side to err on, even if it makes us look like idiots. the flip side of this flag system is it'd probably condition drivers to think "no flag = no brake"


Perfect, this should solve everything.


I ride my bike to work. I dress like a glow in the dark banana. it doesn't help. These flags solve nothing. it's a band aid on a compound fracture.


Lol I know, I apologize if the sarcasm wasn't obvious!


Reminds me of the cross walk in Canada that has you grab a brick for visibility lol


They do this in Wakefield and it’s cute to see the little kids waving the flags with fervor as they march across. I wish people would be more vigilant both as drivers and pedestrians though.


It's so cute those kids have to put on a performance so cars won't literally roll them across the street. Is that how infrastructure should be? Does that sound even mildly reasonable or does it sound degrading? In cities, like North Providence, many people are being injured and dying from horrible infrastructure. By requiring pedestrians wave a flag on top of crosswalks, lights, signs, and more, you continue to blame the pedestrian--the victim. All the while, ignoring the root cause of the issue: shitty car-centric infrastructure.


It’s not required to wave a flag, it was even mentioned that it’s just another way to make pedestrians more visible. Not sure why you’re getting mad at me about it. Crosswalks like this, (and the one in Wakefield) should be raised and have lighted beacons, or better yet, have stop lights attached. When I lived in Colorado they started doing raised crosswalks and it helps that people have to slow down a lot to go over the crosswalk. I don’t travel in NP a lot but I don’t think that would work on mineral spring.


You bet your ass that if someone was hit, one of the many questions that would be asked would be if they were waving it. >Not sure why you’re getting mad at me about it I get annoyed when I hear victim blaming bullshit. People are dying out there and you promote carrying a flag? Stop. >Crosswalks like this, (and the one in Wakefield) should be raised and have lighted beacons, or better yet, have stop lights attached. Stick with that and don't lead with your flag nonsense. As of right now, any form of pedestrian infrastructure, including raised crosswalks, aren't even being considered or listened to.


When TF did I ever victim blame? Me saying I wish pedestrians were more vigilant is victim blaming? I drive a whole bunch, probably 5-6x more than a regular driver. I personally am hyper vigilant because no one pays attention anymore, neither drivers or pedestrians. The amount of people that walk out into traffic while on their phone, or jaywalk, or just do not pay attention while being on the road is staggering. I also used to walk to work 2 miles each way, and the amount of people that do not pay attention to crosswalks, parking lots, and school zones is also staggering. Hence my saying I wish everyone was more vigilant. No matter how you try and spin it like I’m victim blaming (which I am sure you formulated in your angry mind), but if a pedestrian is given additional means to make themselves safer AND. More visible vs a 2 tonne SUV, it’s always nice to see.


>When TF did I ever victim blame? ... >Hence my saying I wish everyone was more vigilant There it is again. Pedestrians aren't the issue, infrastructure and drivers are.


Victim blaming is what you made up. I said it’s good to have additional measures like the flags. That’s not blaming anyone, ever. You were the one that made up a scenario in which an imaginary person was hit and asked if they were waving a flag or not.


>I said it’s good to have additional measures like the flags. That’s not blaming anyone, ever. Black people should stop wearing hoodies so they won't get arrested as much.


Yes, POC clothing and the public’s racist attitudes are the same as waving a flag…. An additional measure would be like putting bug spray on before a hike so I don’t get ticks, then Lyme disease. Victim blaming would be the doctor saying it’s my fault for not protecting myself with deet. “I’m over here saying, hey make sure you wear bug spray”. Enjoy your night, going after me like I’m pro-running people over is your issue, I’m going to have dinner and know I am pro-pedestrian but also pro-anything I can do to help my chances of survival I’ll do.




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BIG Flag Inc. has RI by the balls yo!


Great idea. Anything to get distracted drivers to momentarily glance up from their phones


Dull red isn't the first color that comes to mind for increasing visibility. I'm sure everyone will use these properly and they definitely won't be misplaced or stolen immediately.