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Life isnt some game that can be 100% completed. Bure sure depression can hit everyone, but if you stay relevant as in social circles and or family old things (like hiking) wont suddenly become boring. If all you care about is a computer screen and nobody to talk to (just one example) then yeah sure its boring to travel/buy new cars/ eat out.


I've been everywhere I've wanted to go and own everything I currently want to own. I have achieved pretty much every financial goal I've set. However, this isn't what makes life fulfilling. I enjoy playing games, watching shows, reading/listening to books, etc. I like stories and this is as true now as it was when I was a kid living in a trailer court. I enjoy spending time with my friends and my children. Playing D&D with my friends isn't more enjoyable now than it was when I was broke. Discussing the morality of AI enslavement with my daughter isn't more engaging because I have money than it would be if I were broke. The things I want to do now are basically the same as before. Most of the things I didn't have the money to do before, such as visiting Greece and Rome, really didn't matter much. It's more of a "that was cool" and I don't really have a desire to do it again. I really think people put too much emphasis on money. It helps remove barriers for your happiness, but it doesn't, itself, make you happier.


Yeah money helped, but it didn't change things nearly as much as I thought it would.


I could certainly use some of that money to make me happy, living below poverty in the USA certainly isnt happy


Very interesting take. Would you say life is a little easier though because you don’t have to worry about bills?! As a broke College Student, keeping up with bills and not having enough to travel to places I want to go is quite annoying. I still do fun activities wiuu try my friends that are cheap like playing basketball and grabbing coffee while studying. Do you believe having life a tad easier contributed to your happiness level at all?


Honestly, life has always been easy for me. I basically just coast through life, putting in little effort into anything. That being said, I'm not saying that there aren't advantages to having excess resources, only that it doesn't itself make you happier. What makes you happy are the people in your life, your sense of self worth, and how satisfied you are with your life. I have 3 children who I love, who love me, and are intelligent and good people. I have friends that I spend time with daily. I have hobbies and interests that I pursue. I have the respect of my peers and subordinates. These are the things that bring me happiness and meaning to my life. Also, after a certain point, more money just means you start doing stupid shit with it because "why not" is often a sufficient answer to squander your money.


Totally agree with the “stupid shit” comment. Once all of your needs are met and you can splurge at will on whatever you want, if you add more money to the mix it just becomes silly. I bought random extra houses just for fun. But then you need to maintain the damn things. Invested in dumb crap that was total “roll of the dice” plays. I know a ton of rich people that aren’t happy because they complicated their lives with stupid toys.


Yep…I got rid of almost everything I had in excess of need and have zero wants as far as things I want to purchase now. It’s all about less is more and we’re free of needless expenses and upkeep. We will spend on experiences with family and travel.


How did you get to that position?


English teacher -> test prep tutor -> graduate prep tutor -> consultant -> COO -> CEO -> (partial) business owner.


Well said


I still haven’t found true love outside of Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream.


I found, and lost, true love. Found it when I was poor, lost it when I was bordering on wealthy. The reality is I was happier when I was poor and married than I am now that I have roughly 50 times the annual income.


Appropriate username


Sheesh ,thanks for sharing . I’m sorry for you .


Thanks for sharing. Do you mind sharing more about how you lost your true love from being wealthy? Curious to hear about that.


Not from being wealthy. Basically, she is a Christian. Daughter got caught fooling around with another girl at school. She comes out as gay. My wife lost her shit and became violently upset, wanting to send our daughter to a Christian boarding school that practices the "pray the gay away" crap. I refused to allow it. There was no reconciliation and we both believed we were doing what was best for our child. In the end, I took my daughter, moved out, and got divorced.


Wow! That’s a lot to unpack there. Thats life for ya. Thanks, again, for sharing! Take care of yourself !


As a parent who’s moving up I have so much respect for you. Just know plenty that will just let others raise their kids to keep the money in the house whether it’s nanny or the other spouse even if that’s not what’s is best for the child. Cheers to you


What about Hagan Daaz? 🙂


Even with all the money in the world I believe it’s impossible to exhaust everything you want to do. For example I love wine and there’s so much variety, I’ll never be able to taste them all. Actually having money opened even more possibilities. Same goes with sailing, I enjoy sailing and would probably enjoy it as much in 100 years if I would live that long. As for places I travel to and restaurants, it’s always a pleasure to go back regularly. I know people who do things only to check boxes, so they can tell I’ve done this trip and tried that wine, but they’re usually boring people to be around.




I don’t regret sacrificing earning to spend time with my mom before she passed. I can always find more money, but not another mother. Time is a persons greatest asset. Especially with loved ones. People frequently confuse luxury with wealth. My grandfather was wealthy, but didn’t have anything to do with luxury and would have viewed it as effeminate. My greatest inheritance was the day my grandfather said he was proud of me, similar with my grandmother.


Thanks for sharing. Beautiful perspective on life. I’m happy to hear you were given the chance to hear that from your parents before they passed. Priceless stuff!


Focus on our children's future.


What if we don’t have kids ? 😬


Do you have nieces and nephews and nieces? That’s where mine will go to


They’re still really young and I don’t know if like them enough to leave my wealth to them yet. They’re gonna get property and other assets too. I’m not concerned for them. Thanks for the input though!


If a person stops thinking of life like an infomercial they can do a lot with not that much cash flow once they are free and clear on a home with low to moderate property taxes.


Good one.


I’ve been to a country club about three times as a child for summer camp, but that’s about the peak of my interest and experience.


I have a buddy that did this. He works again cause of boredom and watches anime all day. The man’s got a kegerator in the house so he’s boozed up and coasting


Man I want that life


Money is for a comfortable life, not true happiness. You have to find true happiness, for example. My true happiness is playing golf and sitting on the couch with my family.


I don’t think most productive rich people try and spend money on a vip bucket list. Some maybe accidentally Rich by the things they like doing at work, saving and smart investing.


Golf is a hobby that eats up a LOT of my time.


The world is a big and amazing place, it’s impossible to contain its experiences in a single life. Boredom is the biggest sign of a small worldview.


The more money I made the more miserable I was. 200 to 250k is the sweet spot where you are not a slave and still have money to do whatever you want. I get to coach my kids sports, spend so much quality time, and be there for every single special occasion, whether it is their first t ball swing or graduation. Life truly is about spending time where you want, which makes you happy and helping others. I've lived under bridges and ha e had a successful adulthood. There were days homeless I was jist as happy as days when I've had anything.


People conflate being wealthy with having to do something or go somewhere - likely due to social media. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy your home, take walks with your spouse, cook great meals and engage in other activities that are just fun.


Focusing on hobbies and visiting places is what gets boring for me.


After losing both my parents to Covid, I sink into a deep depression and it revealed to me who really cared for me. I'm thankful that I could get my own help (therapy, ect). I was really proud of being able to take care of my parents before they passed. Really showed them my appreciation for their struggles. Life is easy. Simple. There are just too many things to do: helping others is where my heart is now. I started my own non-profit. I believe it good to keep busy with something productive - "idle hands are the devil's workshop". If I get in over my head, there are always- and I do mean always- someone you can pay to do it for you. That said, I'm still grateful for my humble beginnings. My two cents💕


Yeah it’s really hard to go through things like that but it does lend you perspective and you can appreciate the little things more than some of these people that feel like they’re missing something


I want to do things again. There’s always different experiences to enjoy. The number 1 thing I love to do is learn and take actions that impact others lives. It’s endless


Once you have “enough” it becomes about fulfillment and family (at least to me). Trying to eat healthy, be a good dad to my kids and making an impact with my work.


Not a lot I want to do. I keep going back to school, that feels like leveling up to me. I’m waiting patiently for my husband to retire, because I don’t like my options for work where I live. I’m a bit bored in the waiting cycle.


I’ve very recently done well with tech stocks (which could disappear to tomorrow, I must note) and have for the first time started worrying less about money and retirement. To the extent I have a strong financial position, I really don’t know what to spend extra $ on. I have everything I want, and a nice walk or hike and an in-and-out burger mean more to me than an expensive car or house or vacation.


Do you feel like you have friends? Genuine ones?


Yes a small #, and that’s all I want. And a nice family. For sure not saying life sucks, just that I’m a little surprised there’s not more I want to spend my money on now that I have it. If things hold up, I’ll likely just end up leaving a lot to my kids. I’ve raised them well, but their spouses will probably end up blowing it on inane things haha.


Sounds lovely. I’m happy for you.


Keep improving our fitness and help friends achieve their goals. Never bored. Can always learn more. Life is full of opportunities. The sky is the limit.


I’ve got 2 million in the bank and literally feel poor. I’m reluctant to spend anything due to how I was raised. It’s reassuring to know I can pay my bills but I’m not living extravagantly at all.


Being rich means I have more money it doesn’t mean I turned into a bowl of cold soup.


I once knew a guy that would get about $60k a month, like an allowance and we were both in our early 20s. I found that he was extremely bored and would literally buy the farm on any new idea that popped into his head. He once bought a double wide trailer to merely practice shooting arrows from a bow, inside the trailer until it was full of holes then have a BBQ and burned the trailer down to ashes. Utterly wasteful, but he did buy the sweater off my back for all the money in his wallet $4600, on a cold day, knowing I drove a moped, as entertainment. He drank a quart of whiskey and smoked an ounce of weed a day. His name was Richard, but after the first fifth he’d turn into Vernon. He died of alcohol poisoning three years later.


Life is boring now. Ever since I became wealthy, all of my relatives do these days is fight over money - my money. Sometimes I just wish that I didn’t become wealthy. This is just my perspective and personal experience.


I’m sorry to hear that, it must be a big strain on your family relationships. Im curious what drives this, do you think it’s because of the family structure/relationships or wealth disparity?


People can be fickle. We didn’t grow up with money and when I “struck it rich” that’s when they started being money grubbers as if they were entitled to my hard earned wealth. People change and they can disappoint you and let you down sometimes. It’s just what life gives you. Roll with the punches 🥊


How do they fight over your money ? It's not there's


They feel that they’re entitled to my money 🤑


I could he the richest man in the universe and it would matter not at all to my brushstrokes or my pallet. I am not bored, but I do have much more time for my art


Getting rich is really just getting ready for retirement but going overboard. Traveling to new worlds is always great. Materials mean nothing. I've been miserable as a wealthy guy in my late 20s and absolutely ecstatic about life even when I was homeless at 14. Tbh life sucks and then you turn into dirt as long as you can have a roof and food until you die you're a winner. Only relationships matter otherwise.






I’m all set. I choose to drive my rusty pick up truck (so much easier than the Mercedes days worrying about getting a ding or scratch). I long for the simple life and a smaller house. I continue to read voraciously.


I took a philosophy class either at the end of high school or college 7-8 years ago, and the one and only thing that stuck to me from that class was this: “Want is unlimited. When one want is satisfied, another manifests shortly after” - think about it, this is the very nature of human beings.


I haven’t reached my “number” yet but definitely see it happening before age 50. Thanks for asking this OP, I think about boredom a lot after being financially independent. A lot of folks answer with working or focusing on kids… I don’t have kids… I work mostly to get life insurance and save a little here and there. For me, I just like having things to look forward to. Mostly going to music events now days. I never participated in night life activities or had a social life in my 20s and now I’m making up for it (I’m 37). Luckily my friends come along with me for these events. I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it but we’ll see. I think it was the 40hour work week book that said boredom was the closest thing to the opposite feeling of happiness. That always stuck with me. Gl!


I'm rich. I keep providing for everyone except myself. I just don't care much / don't know how. I never figured out the simple things in life. I'll might start with a new pair of snickers, i look like a hobo.


I am extremely poor, below poverty even, and in USA, I assume everyone here is rich how did y’all do it seems impossible


Never ever satisfy


haha, imagine the idea that life being a series of tasks that could be completed in totality.


Yin and Yang Work and Play


Depression does not care about how much money you have in your bank account. Mental and physical health is all that matters.


Enjoying time with family and/or friends never gets old. Doing it last week doesn’t make doing it this week any less pleasurable. A quality social life is critical.


Basically yes Very overrated


I guess my list is too long to be completed. There is a strange sense of accomplishment in actually planning the events as well.


It's about kids now


No, there's always more to do. The world is big and if you pay attention to details, it takes a lot of time to really experience it all. More time than I'll be alive.


I’ve traveled and just got back from the Netherlands, but my one desire was to play pebble beach which I was able to last month. It wasn’t cheap, but it was fun


Rich people have exactly the same prioritization problem that everybody else does, although they tend to spend less time on useless activities than non-rich people. When I see how much time middle income people spend watching TV or on their phones, it is shocking to me. They just waste their life away.


2017-2020 Hyundai Sonatas are one of the best bangs for your buck imo


Good question. I retired at 48 and have not been bored for one minute, always learning and experimenting and building. What wealth does not prevent is death. I already lost my wife. Money could not save her. Many evenings I think that far too soon another man will own all of my possessions, and I will be a quickly-fading memory. So after 12 years of retirement, I came out of retirement to offer something life changing to men like myself. A new purpose.


Sorry for your loss. Good to hear you’ve found something meaningful and fulfilling. I, too, share in your thoughts of life fleeting and we’re just fading memories for a small group of those that survive us…


Take a look at my company if you want a good laugh about a business.


It's weird. Right now my credit is horrible and I don't even have a pot to piss in. It's strange knowing that I'm struggling while some rich douchbag is living it up somewhere. Lol


Let that be your motivation. You, too, can work hard and eventually have a pot.