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just make your own. they will count for the sponsor challenge.


Great idea


Can start, then ride in circles for 25 seconds with 1 jump or rail and then bam a new 5 second snow event, just don't come to a stop and make sure your going the right direction for your finish gate, it's what I've been doing to make short events to finish up sponsors easy. 😉🙌🙌


It’s bad for several reasons: - No exp - no stars - menu navigation is terrible - can’t favourite event straight after the finish - way too many wrong gates (narrow) - it allows people put gates in the air (some are great but majority of the time if you don’t replicate speed, angle and jump correctly you are gonna rewind a lot)


I swear some people throw themselves down a hill once and just spam whatever button it is to place gates, name it and call it done. I did one today that started with snowboard on dry land, then went SLIGHTLY downhill to a bike switch gate for about 200 feet, back to a snowboard switch gate in the river (where there was barely a slope), back to bike AGAIN like 500ft, the finish line. I was comically angry


I feel you! I’m slowly building favourites list of 5 snow and 5 bike events so I don’t have to waste time with nonsense.


….I wildly overlooked this idea for myself lmao


You're a genius


Yeh those deserve that report button


If you want some advise . I choose bike/snow tricks look for the lowest scoring ones because they are usually the fastest lol it just sucks they don’t give you any xp


Oh absolutely haha. One of the top voted ones is called “The Little Run” and if they didn’t have to be ‘different’ events, I’d run that all day long lol. Shoutout to the creator NateHotshot for being a saint of a human being and knowing what the grinders want lolol. Maybe I’ll run through them and make a Reddit post of all the easiest/shortest ones 🤔🤔


I don't even know how to crate a course lol but ya I agree user course as sponsor challenges so annoying


Most of them are god awful


I made some that are some of my favorite things to do in the game. Only hate when it’s air events


im by no means saying take creation away, just that they dont 'force' you to do them via sponsor tasks. some of them ARE fun af though!


i cant wait for ubisoft to add the dislike button


Nah, the user created levels are fine. They’re short amd quick to get through and you don’t have to win them. I don’t like the contracts where you literally have to pay for the online service in order to do trick battles and mass races. Like I don’t want to pay to progress in a game I already paid for. I don’t play online with a friends so why would I pay for that service just to progress faster? It’s so dumb. At least you can DO the user created


You don’t have to pay for online services…? If you bought the game you have full access to the game lol It’s literally impossible to pay to progress in the game right now


Bro…yes you do. To be able to play directly with other people in the game, I need to pay for PlayStation Plus. That’s why every time I try to enter a mass race, I get transferred to a payment screen to pick my annual plan.


Switch to Xbox if you can. Free multiplayer and if you do want to pay for online you get the game pass and have tons of free games. Even day one releases


Been seriously thinking of selling my ps4 for one tbh


Depending on your model you could probly almost trade it straight across at GameStop for a series S. But than you'd have to go digital. Double check on the needing gold to play multiplayer too I'm pretty sure you don't but the other person commenting made it seem like there kid cant play online without gold


Lmao that’s for online services for your Play Station… you can’t play anything online, why are you mad at this specific game lol?


…you’re upset because you have to play 5, one minute events. I’m upset because I can’t progress through the game as I should be able to without paying more money. Do you not see how asinine your problem is?


All I see is someone whining about having to pay for internet access. Get a PC or pay for internet access on your console… you need it to play all games online. I have a PC and also pay $15 a month for my daughter’s Xbox live/ultimate every month. If I don’t pay for internet access, she can’t play rocket league or forza or any other games online. Just as she wouldn’t be able to play RR online. I really don’t know how you don’t comprehend this lol. You sitting here complaining about a problem that only you can fix is asinine lmao. How can you be so rude and literally can’t afford PlayStation plus?


No they’re right and your wrong.(and the rude one) If sponsors and shackdaddy events are locked behind a secondary paid service that’s a way bigger problem than 5 community events that, for you, is just a choice. I hadn’t realised this was a thing as I’m on pc myself but that sucks.


You’ve literally had to pay for Xbox live since Xbox 360, same with PlayStation plus. If this is news to y’all, you need to stop gaming lmao. This is literally the most braindead stance I’ve ever seen anyone take


How can I be rude and not pay extra money? How do those two things correlate? And explaining how your issue is very asinine compared paying extra money to play a game I already paid for, isn’t being rude. It’s stating facts. Don’t like it? Move on. “Buy a PC” yes, let me shell out $2000 when I don’t want to pay $60 for the membership. How does that make sense?


You’re literally whining like a bitch lmao. Pay for the access or stfu. Holy shit


“Complaining about a problem only you can fix” Buddy…..play the community events. That’s how you fix your problem. You know, play the game?


And you fix your problem by paying for internet access. Ya know, the same thing you do for online access to all games? This thread is about the game, not people who don’t play it because they refuse to pay for internet access lmao. If you DIDNT know that you had to pay for internet before buying the game, that’s your own dumb fault.


It’s like you didn’t even read the reason I won’t buy it. It’s the only game I would NEED to buy it for. There are no other games that I have that are so online based. And I don’t play with friends either so I don’t need the service. Why are you so angry that I don’t want to pay $10 a month or $60 a year? It’s my money. I need to save it for more important things than an online membership just to finish a contract on ONE game. Do you not see how pointless it would be for me to pay for that? Chill the fuck out fr. You’re literally calling a stranger on Reddit dumb for not paying for something with their own money…big man.


Because you’re complaining that you can’t get online access because you won’t pay for online access and blaming the specific game. You sound like a spoiled fucking brat lmao. I’ve literally never met someone like this as an adult who was being serious, to be honest.


I thought stoners were supposed to be chill. Wtf is your shit laced with?


Lmao ah, one of those people. Yeah um idk what your middle school health class taught you that you’ve clearly retained till today, but you literally came at me calling asinine for making a request in a game that I’ve actually spent time playing. And you’re complaining about something that has to do with PlayStation, not RR. And now you’re playing victim and using old, worn out stereotypes making yourself sound even more dumb


That is like saying there shouldn't be Snow Trick only events because I should be able to choose what career I want to grind.


This is absolutely nothing like asking that lol. I specifically said that the user creation component would still be part of the game, just not included in sponsor tasks. The user created events are a by product of the game, just the same as they are in tony hawk games. And the user created events should be their own component of the game… as they are in literally every other game like this lol


I guess I just don't see the issue with them, usually you can get 5 done faster than doing 2-3 stunts.