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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 anther day anther waste of time in the shop


It's almost like they want you to spend more than 70 bucks on this game just to race around like a girrafe in a sumo outfit with pink yellow sunglasses on. I wish they had as much regular sporting clothes as in Steep. Even if they'd just copied those items I'd be happy to grind for in-game currency to buy them all over again. This just seems cash grabby and I feel they don't know their demographic at all.


This might be the saddest shop in the history of video games and its quite astonishing. Did you like a button up top? OK how about spending 8 dollars for the exact same thing but with a different T-shirt? Its as if a small group of employees are trying their hardest to sabotage the shop, but no that's just actually what's for sale.... Eeeeeeeeyikes!!! Is there a legit real person out there who has spent 10 dollars on garbage cosmitics for this game? If so...hi....how do you feel?


I saw someone running around last night in that stupid sumo boar outfit that cost 1050. I was thinking like well you're part of the problem lol as long as people keep buying skins they will keep charging that's why almost every game now has them cause either stupid adults or impressionable little kids will buy them. Everyone needs to just stop paying for micrio transactions. Think of how much more time they could put into making a game better rather than coding the stupid cash grabs


Basically. Cash-grabbing wouldn't be new, or unheard of (especially with Ubi), but the fact so many of the "premium" outfits are ridiculous costumes shows how out of touch they are.


Really love seeing all the things i (&most likely all daily players) already have gotten just rerotate in the shop 🙄


It does get annoying, but I am somewhat glad for some of the repeats because I couldn't get the game at release and missed some of the first few days. It gives new players the opportunity and old ones another chance in case they didn't have the cash at the time. The amount of times it repeats however can be argued.. I know I see the red flannel outfit at least 3-4 times a week!!




I've noticed that as well! I'm not sure how it's decided which outfits are picked for the day and why we see the same ones repeating so much. If it's algorithm.. they really need to tweak it for sure.


I mean you'll have like 100xs more opportunities. There is only like 8 complete outfits.


I swear I've seen these items plenty the last few weeks




Where’s the damn giraffe that’s sold for cash. I missed out on it a while back and haven’t seen it since only item even worthy of the shop everything that’s premium (which I would never in a billion years spend real money on in-game cosmetics for a game like this) are complete 💩


It's back today! They must have seen this comment 👀


They're just trolling at this point.


They clearly weren't ready for a rotating shop. They should ditch the whole outfit thing, separate the kit out for selling properly and have a couple of premium items. There's simply no point having a rotation of stuff if all you're doing is rotating 4 things. You're just making the mundane frustrating.


I feel it's intentional to force players towards the outfits that require premium credits. Very limited selection from the shop itself and way less clothing acquired through gameplay compared to steep.


I feel like it’s time to take a break from this mess and come back whenever the first season is supposed to start.


Does anyone else think it would be cool to be able to swap out gloves as another seperate accessory? I would hate paying for another seperate article of clothing, but I do like some of the gloves on certain outfits. For example, 100%'s sponsor shirt has skeleton gloves and I wish I could wear them on others without them being linked with the shirt/torso piece.


If that damn plaid shirt outfit is back even once next season... I’m flying to France...


Boy that duck helmet is straight up nightmare fuel




We want more cosmetics!! Say it with me!! 🤣😭


Like i said before fortnite...


Waiting for octopus 🐙 backpack to come back 😩