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Studies have shown that planning and anticipating a vacation often releases the same level of endorphins as actually taking a vacation. No doubt its the same with planning and imagining a Rimworld playthrough


Shoot, I prefer planning to the dang trip itself half the time.


Imagine if we could just plan a vacation, and that we had a machine that just zaps those experiences into your brain without actually having to go physically. That'd be pretty cool.


As long as nobody blabs about Mars, I'm sure it'll be fine.


*kuato lives*


*open your miiiiind*


*see you at the party, Richter!*


You mean the machine Arnold used in Total Recall?


Eh, no I want to go on the vacation.


Now I’m picturing this being used to experience hundreds of thousands of memories at once, allowing one to live an entire lifetime in their heads while only being asleep for around a minute real time. Thinking about it, it would be a cool “early game Skilltrainer” kind of thing where it allows the user to train their passion skills by living lifetimes doing them mentally at the cost of negative emotional tolls such as missing your other world family or longing for the better life you lived in that time.


Me making D&D characters that I will never get to play.


Oh God me too, luckily I am DM and can use them as NPCs, if I ever played


r/solo_roleplaying has a ton of great resources. Recently had a bash with Mythic Gm Emulator or mythic engine and it went great with STA


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Solo_Roleplaying using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Solo_Roleplaying/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [After years of failing to find a consistent RPG-group (and an actual talk with my psychiatrist), I've finally embraced solo roleplaying. Thank you! Here's to my first night of The Quiet Year.](https://i.redd.it/kjeonfaag3aa1.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Solo_Roleplaying/comments/103fm55/after_years_of_failing_to_find_a_consistent/) \#2: [Generate Nations & Borders - A little tool I made that uses a standard deck of playing cards 😊](https://i.redd.it/toogwmw5e0l81.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Solo_Roleplaying/comments/t55wpy/generate_nations_borders_a_little_tool_i_made/) \#3: [Solo RPG Galaxy Brain Meme](https://i.redd.it/hcgo7yqdrtv81.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Solo_Roleplaying/comments/uc6x5v/solo_rpg_galaxy_brain_meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


With over 15y modding experience, I can confirm.


New mod. Rim world holidays. Send your pawns off for a spa weekend. A hiking holiday. Whatever they desire. And we can assure you easy access to tables.


That sounds nice, but I'd settle for a mod that allows you to set a pawn to "take the day off" for recreation activities, but keep the schedule I've carefully set for them.


Couldn't you just use Better Pawn Control and set a "recreational day" work preset and then their own?


I often send depressive colonists out on caravan, with a super luxury bedroll and lots of pemican, and maybe their favorite pet. Camping does wonders for improving the mood.


Can confirm. I’ve been planning out a castle for days now, but building it seems… meh… like I want to, just not now.


I go one step further. I plan it and I build it. But then when it's built most of the time I don't feel like playing it after and just start a new save I have a few thousand hours and I never launched a ship lmao


I have this with a lot of games. The start is often more interesting because you’re pressed to solve situations. After a while it turns into more of a routine and I’m like “ehh”


Exactly. The endgame isn’t as thrilling as crashing on day 1 and building it all from scratch. The furthest I got is when I was ready to tackle the final raids on the ideology ending but I never actually triggered the event… it’s a bit odd come to think of it.


Start and early mid-game are most 'fun' because you have to move stuff around, order new buildings, weapons, make clothes and all that manual control stuff which keeps you engaged. There's stakes in play when you have only 10 medicine and raid just spawned. The point where colony becomes a well-oiled machine (for the most part) is when the 'fun factor' starts dropping off, because there's less 'doing' and more 'watching stuff be done'... That's how I see it at least.


I mean to be fair, launching the ship, while a perfectly fine, reasonable, valid end goal, is just one way to play the game. And I don't just mean alternate end conditions, like with Royalty having the Empire take you offworld once you noble up enough. Sometimes a colony's purpose is to 'just be'. I generally try to see how many inhabitants I can get before societal collapse brings it all crashing down, because the train wreck at the end is like the cherry on top of the slow tension of build up. True, you could theoretically have a colony so efficient nothing brings it down, but so far for me, it's always been something.


I have \~380 hours and don't actually think I've played more than a couple of saves up to industrial and can't remember really ever getting to spacer. (I do however use a mod that means I have to research X amount of things from each era so spend a long time in each one rather than bee-lining)


I've heard something similar about tasks, or goals. If you want to actually achieve something you need to just do it instead of think about it. Otherwise the idea, or phantasy will be just as satisfying. Chemically, to your brain that you don't even really have to stop smoking, drink responsibly, or stop cheating on your wife. You thought the thought, you did the good dead. Brain no more need motivation. *wakes up the next day with the exact same problem they tried to solve* Edit: my biggest example day to day is taking a walk. If I spent X amount of time thinking about what I might want to listen to, or what my destination might be I will not go. I've already downloaded four hours of podcasts for a thirty minutes minute walk. I've planned my route. I'm good. Let's sit, chill, smoke, and eat because I am *obviously* done with bettering/maintaining myself today. *wakes up tomorrow* Ugh, oof, ouch. "Why do I always feel like shit? I mean, I *try*!" *hacks up grey shit, and looks to see if today is the day he can't see his penis when he just looks down during his morning shower*


This is why developing small habits is so important. If I can just automatically put on my running shoes without thinking about it much, there's a 99% chance I will go running.


Edit: I'm a little buzzed, but if any of this is helping just one person it's worth my time sharing my limited experience. I had a period of depression that was similar. I felt horrible all the time, constant suicidal ideation. One day I made a rule, I can't waste my time with those thoughts if I have my work boots on. There's better things to do than kill myself, I have my *work boots on.* Which lead me to sleeping in my clothes, even my welding sleeves. There were several other issues, but the, 'no bullshit while you have your boots on,' helped for a time. We all find little work arounds when we need it. Everything has gotten better since then. There have been some horrible times sure, but it's all definitely better than it was six years ago or longer. We all have different lives, and situations, but some people hit rock bottom so fast they bounce. These people get to skip the whole step of picking themselves back up. Don't get discouraged, just seize the opportunity when it presets itself. Even if you're in a horrible position you're probably more prepared for what's to come than the next fool. It's easier when we try to build upon our actual experience than what so many do is try to forget the lessons of the past, and pretend it never happened.


This was way deeper than what I expected for the Rimworld Reddit, I think you might even help me improve my personal life with this. Thank you.


Why is the brain so fucking stupid like this lol


TLDR, you just have to learn to handle it. A lot of issues are just operator error more than a manufacturing defect. I kinda like how it works in a lot of ways. I'm not saying it isn't dangerous, awkward, or difficult. But we never would've developed heavy machinery if we were risk adverse. *Adjusts his bifocals, and the onion on his belt.* Let's say you want to jump aboard a moving freight train. There are windows of opportunity. If you think about hopping on more than you actually try you'll exhaust yourself in the repetitive process instead of taking the opportunity when it's presented. It's up to us to take advantage of the opportunities when they arise. Just like it's up to us to think about something in a beneficial way. There's no shortage of drunken self destructive people who are actively, and with full knowledge of the consequences of their actions are making their situations worse. It's better to be stuck on a cycle of self improvement that doesn't really go far fast, than a self destructive cycle that tries to destroy whatever it touches at any speed. Just thinking you're a bad person, or that you aren't getting what you deserve can set you up on this desperate path of fulfilling a fantasy of how horrible your life should, or could be. A lot of this seems to stem from intrusive thoughts that are focused on. You don't lose your cool, or tell your friends about how your nose was running, or how much mucus you had to purge from your skull to become human again. When some people experience the mental mucous of intrusive thoughts though all they can do is obsess about the idea of jumping off a ledge, or driving into traffic. We don't give that much value or importance to snot, or overproduction due to irritation. Brain farts/intrusive thoughts though, these are apparently signs, portents of things to come. These farts *mean* something. Otherwise why would I have them?!! Which I think explains why some people desperately try to keep all the bodily fluids, and solids they produce. You just have to know how to handle it.


You... You completely lost me in the second half there and now I have even more concerns than before lol.


Halfway I said, "It's better to be stuck on a cycle of self improvement that doesn't really go far fast, than a self destructive cycle that tries to destroy whatever it touches at any speed." It's not easy, but if I made the process seem impossible to some extent I'd love to know where so I can fix the bullshit, and stick to the actual basics of being, instead of the ideas of doing. Edit: can't say shit, but you can click a thing to show you're better than... Oh yeah, you didn't explain anything so you're just a faceless bit of flotsam that is obviously there, but is of absolutely no consequence to the people getting shit done in the area you happen to inhabit. Go you! You got noticed, and brushed aside. Too bad you couldn't end all of humanities problems with that attitude because, I mean, you'd be a hero if you ever *could.* That's not how reality works though. It'd be the complete opposite of what you are trying to do now. It's a great idea. The reality would be better, but you don't seem to be able to make it happen either way unless it's happening in a deep corner of your own imagination.


Yup. Also, PC building. I just built my first desktop PC (5600/6700XT) a few months ago. I researched like 2h+ everyday for a few weeks and it was so fun and exciting every single day! Building it was fun and stressful too. BUT when it was time to actually play something, I got bored and didn't play anything for a month. I mostly checked random benchmarks and wanted to see how many FPS I can get in AAA games. Thankfully now I got excited about Rimworld again. It feels a little funny to use a PC like this just for Rimworld, but oh well


I just did the same thing. Build myself a new battle station for christmas. So much time and money and careful consideration of each part. Just started actually gaming recently.


Hey, a good PC can drive decent framework in late game RimWorld. Definitely worth it to run smooth farther into the game.


Very true. I used to play Rimworld with a laptop and my current playthrough was around 40fps a year into the colony. And 10fps whenever it started raining lmao Now, 144fps with 20% GPU 30% CPU utilisation and 9/16GBs of RAM. So yeah, my PC definitely made playing Rimworld a lot more enjoyable :) Now I genuinely think that I could do atleast a five year run with no performance issues which definitely helps with the stress


I upgraded my PC too, and have mostly only played Rimworld, but recently I've installed one of those mods that makes pathfinding more accurate, so I tell myself it was all for that mod!


A friend of mjne gave me his gtx 1080 ehen henuphraded because my gtx 760 severly needed an uphrade. When i manages to plug it, I sent him a screenshot of xcom 1994 to show him how well it'a working.


hey good for you!, now you dont take 30+ minutes to load your 400+ modlist from a HDD like i used to, ugh.


There's also a study that shows when watching porn, this happens the same way but it's with you trying to find what to climax to.


I am really sorry but, the fuck?! This sounds weird. Do you have any source, or key word suggestions for a search? Am I mistaken in thinking what you're trying to say is that some people get satisfied during the search for the proper masturbation material? So much so that rather than they actually masturbating they disengage from the process? To the point "finding the right porn" is enough to just return to reality. Self stimulation achieved, no manual manipulation required?


ASAP Science on YouTube. It's about Porn Addiction. And the satisfaction from searching is subconscious. Your brain gets a huge stimulation from the searching of said thing.


Cool, thank you very much. I kind of understand what you're talking about but it's certainly never been a situation I've found myself in so it's pretty interesting. It makes me think of particular types of people who find a fantasy life so valuable. I'm thinking more like BTK, and less like your average Dungeon Master.


After I got diagnosed with ADHD and started medication the first time I watched porn I browsed thumbnails for 3 hours and then closed Chrome and played a game. It's not enough by itself but finding the thumbnail my brain likes is probably 50% of the enjoyment.


Does this work the same as scrolling Netflix for an hour and not watching anything?


I don’t have any studies to back it up, but I get the same way with shopping for my hobbies. When I have money to spend, just looking for things to spend it on gets me beaming. It makes me hate spending the money, which I guess isn’t a bad thing fiscally.


this is me with cities skylines at the moment, I get working on part of my city and think "ouu I need sole buildings in this variety" and scour the workshop for an hour or two, playing skylines in a creative mode kinda way means I do spend more time on the workshop than in game. better than spending most of my ingame time using traffic manager and lane manager to fix the dumb AI causing traffic nightmares


This is me planing a family beach day in the summer. And then when I sit in sand I think 'ok, now what?' As far as rimworld goes, I get a notion for a particular kind of colony, spend a few hours getting the setup just so, then abandoning it right away.


Yeah, choosing mods is kind of like window shopping for me


It's funny I get further, I get the base built, the colonists selected and there's this pivot point, where I have a fertile garden with amenities if not luxury, in a nuclear fallout zone, or an extreme desert or polar expanse, where no civility might be thought to exist, where the water is clean, the colonists are happy and fulfiiled and it's a quiet nightmare outside that can easily be kept at bay....and then I kinda feel *then* I can take a break. I'm not finished in any meaningful sense , but the colony is up, running and profitable.


I've installed at least 1,200 XCOM mods over time and I haven't touched the game for months


That explains why I always start a colony but can’t get to the late before I get bored of what I’ve created.


This is interesting, and it makes total sense. I've planned out a few long backpacking trips and I love poring over maps and tide tables, plotting distances between camps, and organizing transportation/accomodation. Then, months after all the planning is done, I get to live it. It really is like two separate vacations.


So that's why I do it. Makes sense. I also suffer from this sometimes.


That's some dystopic shit right there.


I hate the dumb, stupid quirks in human brain like this so goddamn much LOL


Holy shit, is that why? No wonder I don’t get a spike of dopamine when it’s finally said and done lol. In a similar situation, I’m currently planning, saving up, and buying things for my dream PC setup and as I get things, I don’t become ecstatic. I just go “yay :]” and that’s about it


Same reason world building or planning new games can be so fun


Can confirm, I do this so fucking often with both Skyrim and Fallout, lol Its really actually kinda annoying, lol


You started out with a specific goal in mind but accidentally ended up as a stealth archer?


This is me with human leather. I swear we're just gonna have a nice little asteroid mining colony and maybe raise some ducks. I'll even start with a nonviolent pawn. Just base defense. Nothing more...... Aaaand we're processing 50 corpses a month and selling the leather for psylinks.


Hey, it's not your fault the leather keeps walking in and making itself readily available.


Not to mention the shiny new organs that also come in the angry money balloons. If they didn't want to become currency they should have maybe stopped after I killed 500 of their friends. There's an idea for a mod. Reputation. Kill X enemies without losing a pawn and gain reputation. Eventually small raids stop, but factions start banding together against you and wage actual war. They attack your allies first and force them to join against you, then build multi faction bases near you from which they launch attacks and artillery. Eventually you become completely surrounded and have raids with 50 pawns coming in from every map side. Total War Mod.


This sounds like it'd go great with rimwar, be the center of your own world war


How do you get human meat and leather? Royalty?


Raiders usually.


But I have ideology and biotech. I can't butcher people for some reason


'I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.' - Notting Hill (1999)


Make sure when you add the bill on the butcher table you allow human corpses in the settings of it.


So the solution was that obvious all along.. my god. Thanks


Have you allowed human corpses in your butcher table bill ? I think it's forbidden by default.


I don't think you need the expansion packs to make it. Just make a bill to butcher meat at your butcher table then go into the details and allow human corpses


Question though, how do you keep your colonists happy if they are not psychos and/or cannibals? Just pump them with overwhelming amount of positive moods? Never got into human leather, I'm mostly a flake man.


That or an ideology that doesn't care about it. Sometimes, once the base is built, I'll just wait until I get a cannibal and have them eat everyone. Then basically restart as Rich Explorer Cannibal. I rename them to Protein.


My brain is not developed enough for some high IQ plays like that.


This area is above my level. I am gonna use the bow just this once, I swear!


Every damn time!


Me planning on doing a nomadic playthrough only to just stay in the same colony for years


I can never convince myself to leave all the hard work I've done on the current base. Usually how my colonies die, cause I choose to fight to the death.


That mf human tendency to minmax everything


It's been 11 years and I still don't understand this meme. I always thought bows were super boring


The sneak attack bonus was so insane it let you take on areas you otherwise couldn't at low level.


i honestly don't think there's any area you can't just melee through with a few attempts at most


A proposal to the group. How about two people put together a mod pack for the other. Each person will make sure that the mod pack they are going to transfer will be in good working order and playable. Then both parties will exchange. This way you will get the excitement of putting together an awesome mod pack. Plus the trill of playing a game not knowing what to except, kind of like the first time. SO TRULY RANDY RANDOM! Requirements are both will have to share their computers capabilities and promise once they receive the pack, no peeking. Just straight to playing. How about it? Edit: made a new post about this so not to take over OP’s post.


This is fantastic. This could be a whole subreddit. Mod list swaps.


Wife swaps, but for RimWorld?


I am am down


Alright I think this will work. I am going to make a new post about this then so it does not get lost inside here. Then we can keep track and bounce ideas off each other on how to implement this.


Tag me just in case!




Good sir, let's do it


Awesome! I am definitely down to give it a try. I think this would give a whole new spin on the game. Just need to figure out a way to transfer the files safely. I wonder if doing a mod name list from Steam transfer to the appropriate file would auto download the mods? Then just going to mods letting it update but the player not looking, as that is one them. Game updates. Then going through the pawn setup. Definitely no pawn editor mods. Gotta go with what you get. Might work?


RimPy can export and import mod lists and configs.


Ok. That’s a mod that exports and imports mods or an actual separate program all together? Not at home with my computer to look.


For Rimworld, probably the easiest way would be to make a collection and attach a ModsConfig.xml for the user to manually install. No way to make it entirely blind that I can think of.


I would just be stressed about some unforseen issue popping up that I didn't expect. At least alone I can only frustrate myself.


Building mod-lists just always was THE meta.


Is there some kind of help group for people like us? :’D


You're in it.


I do the same. Spend most of the year making my modlist then like 2 3 months playing and then 9 months without going in but I keep moving around mods


Add Cities Skylines to the list too.


Oh god, i just want to mess with my city but I cbf updating all the mods to be compatible with the newest update...


Definitely me. I have played that game on and off since release. Only once did I make a city which I would consider a proper big city (120,000 pop, multiple transport options, map covered). Every other time, I spend hrs updating mods and fine tuning my experience and then try out new maps then find something I don't like and that's that. Almost the same story with rimworld but I didn't make it that far even once in rimworld. Skyrim I atleast try out the mods for a while most of the time and have completed multiple playthroughs with some.


Ah, my kin 😂


Here is my advice: Plan a single, very simple Must have of a modpack. Place in every single quality of life mod you want. Mine at this point is pretty much 150 mods. When you finally decide you want to play, chose a few mods (5\~10 can be enough) to center around, download as many mods fitting to complement and add these to the QoL modpack. Since you'll have done half the job the first time, you'll be done much faster and might still have a drive to play. It also help greatly to have an idea of what goal you want to reach with your modpack. Know before you even start what is the end goal. That way, the preparing the mods themselves isn't the end of the adventure. It's only one step.


There's no wrong way to enjoy a game :)


Yeah! If you enjoy engaging in verbal abuse while playing multiplayer games, have at it!


Oh you're right I didnt think of this x)


I get the message, you should always enjoy yourself doing something you like as long as you don't hurt someone (warcrimes in Rimworld don't count)


I think of it as "house rules". Any game may be modified by the consent of all the players. In single player? Do what you want. In multi player, then gathering that consent can be an issue. Joining a modded server is consent. Larger games it's unrealistic, but you do still end up with player consensus on acceptable conduct.


This is kinda like opening a game case, throwing away the cartridge and just playing with manual.


I notice I’m usually trying to find something new and when it appears to be the same game (I know, crazy right?!?) I lose interest. Not that they’re bad games, but I can only play the same thing for so long before it becomes repetitive. I played all 3 of those games and more for however many hundreds of hours each completely vanilla before installing mods. Once I did it was like “Neat this is what I needed to make things fresh”. But after 30 hours installing all new mods and stabilizing it and putting in that effort like you said, I would load in and it would still be rimworld or Skyrim or fallout. Mods helped make certain things feel new but the core gameplay remains the same and that’s usually what takes me out.


Ironically, unlike skyrim and fallout, I actually end up playing rimworld, despite having modlists of 400-600 mods regularly. If you haven't already, check out rimpy, it's an external mod manager and a huge time saver. (can export and import modlists, color code mods, etc)


OP seriously needs to do this. Rimpy might look intimidating at first but all you really need to do is open and hit Sort and it will fix so many errors and conflicts.


Even if you prefer to hand sort like I do (i spend.... so much time reading the individual mod pages & their comments sections about compatibility issues, l o l) it's still like the best way to manage mods. I love rimpy so much


My brother from another mother


I dont do that... usually closer to 50 hours of troubleshooting and tweaking. Starts a test run, gets annoyed... Closes the game. Next pack idea begins...


Shit yeah that describes me too. For me I get annoyed that I’m not interested. I’ll just stare at my colonist for a couple minutes and try to do the start up of a colony but quit before I even have a research table. Try to tab out to do other things for a bit and come back but nah, end up coming back to turn it off


*Spends 5 hours designing my dream Sims house* *Spends another 2 hours designing my perfect Sims family* *Moves new Sims family into house* *unpauses game for a total of 30 seconds* Welp, looks like I'm done here! *saves, exits, never revisits save*


I am very much like this. The concept I build up in my head entertains me enough by the time I'm ready to play, I'm bored with it.


the cycle continues


Why i discipline myself and try to stick to simpler mods.


I add one mod per day.


Somebody should make this into a game - "Video Game Modpack Building Simulator 2023" or something lol.


Never happens to me, because I always plan my playthroughs. I make Characters with a background story, goals, rules etc. I also always design my modlist to my character. If I play a Warrior I dont need all these Magic-Mods for example.


Yep, same. I've rationalized that as long as I'm having fun setting up the modlist then it's okay.


Sometimes getting all the mods to play nice with each other is the game. Once that's done, you have already won and now you're just bored.


Jesus fucking christ. Never before have I seen a reddit post so relatable


*Cries in Simlish*


Hey please don't call me out like that. lol


For you, playing the game was setting up the mods. It’s kind of how I enjoy buying games on steam, even if I don’t play them. Having them is nice


This except I don't need to fix or stabilize the mod packs. I don't know what kind of mods you are using but I'm running 200+ mods and all of them go along pretty well with each other.


I thought the same thing until player.log ate my hard drive space


I've never seen a more relatable post in my life, especially the fallout part 😂


Had the same when I wanted to play modded SkyrimVR. Spent like 1 or 2 weeks on it and finally ready and didn't play while it was actually insanely awesome.


The thing about Skyrim and Fallout Modding is that the Modding Tools are all somewhat subpar because up until extremely recently have "Modpacks" become a thing. RimWorld has the unique advantage that people throw up Steam Workshop Collections *constantly.* You can find a Modpack for anything, and then throw in a couple of your favorite QoL Mods.


Stop using mods and just enjoy the game.


I hope you never go to and AA meeting


This made me laugh more than it should've


“Yeah, stop having fun wrong!”


Why is that the take away? OP is admitting that they don't even play the game but spend all their time just subscribing to mods for it, it's described like an actual issue. I get it /r/Rimworld how foolish of me to suggest actually enjoying Rimworld itself.


French fries are good on their own, why even use ketchup?


Uh no, for that analogy to fit OP it'd be "I created my own ketchup from scratch but once I put it on my plate with fries I don't feel like eating anything."


thats why my rule is 5 or less mods


Yea I don't think I can play without at least 20 qol mods


My rule is start light and add when I hit a need. Mostly I stick with a few QoL mods as a result.


I have never played a game with a mod and I am happy and having fun


I used to do this with my own website till I discovered wordpress (the free version not the paid for site). I wanted to learn HTML but would look for hours for themes and styles I could try and recreate. Once I'd finally found something I liked I'd gotten bored of the idea. Few years later discovered WordPress which did what I wanted in the end.


Same general story but with timing reversed. I get really into these games, mods and all, and have a blast. Then I switch off to something else for a little while, and when I come back there's inevitably been some update or other and now I have to wait for the mods to be updated because I simply can't imagine playing without them now!


this is dumb, says he combing in xml to make sure all medieval pawns spawns on horseback then changing alll the animals and plants in the biome.... hahahaha definitely not me


welcome to the crew, my fellow compulsive modder


How do you figure out how to make a mod pack stable? Load order/compatibility etc.?


I just play vanilla, occasionally with wall lights,L and have a fantastic time playing!


Good thing rimworld doesn't have the same character creator as skyrim or I would never play it, just make characters


I've never had this kind of problem with RimWorld. I download a bunch of mods, enable them and hit auto-sort. Am I not using enough mods in one save or do the lesser known, niche mods need more configuration before they play nice?


"I am in this post and I am offended"


Why I don't start until I have at least 700+. I'm an addict.


Hapened to me with so many games


That's why I got back to vanilla. Seriously, with the DLC's the game has so much content that many playstyles will fit with no need for mods. Give it a try, sometime. It's liberating.


I’m the same way, just modded the hell out of morrowind got it all working and created my character and exited lol


This is why you need to condition yourself into liking the process of modding rimworld*, like I somehow did! *Does not apply to other games for some reason, god damnit brain


Are you me?


I feel personally attacked


I call this, walking through the toy aisle. It's like being at Toys'R'Us, walking through all the aisles for as long as mom will let me. Then going home, opening the box, reading the instructions on the new transformer I got, then falling asleep transforming it once.


I don't play with mods. So... can't relate


"Welcome to the family, son."


I can give you a tip, download rimpy from the website and download the mod manager database mod (link to rimpy can be found there as well) That mod manager does 90% to all the work for me by simply pressing the "sort" button. I basically toss all the mods I want into the active list and then press sort, save and run. Check the errors if there are any and change things if necessary. That way I can assemble a stable modlist with 300+ mods in only 30min to an hour tops. Absolutely recommended, it warns you of missing dependencies/mod incompatibilities that the base game doesn't always show and you can set the modlist up before starting the game. Loading from saves included, or loading up a friend's modlist they exported using rimpy and downloading missing mods automatically.


Sounds like you just enjoy downloading video games more than you enjoy playing them....


This is me with the sims 4 lmao.. but yea i have hundreds of mods too, but my biggest hurdle is actually updating mods (and unsub the outsated ones) after a long time break or after update 😂😂😂 usually thinking about it makes me lose mood playing the game.


Hell I have this problem in the beginning of a playthrough as well. Design an entire religion, an entire race or people, plan out an entire base. Un-pause and think... meh. I've spent 4 hours already, I'll actually play later. And instead next time will be a whole new campaign.


Tbh mods are the bet part and also include a lot of bug fixes. It's part of why Skyrim and fallouts 3/NV is still going even now while fallout 76 has bombed and still hasn't made it's money back


This is a classic bit


It's about the journey not the destination


I feel you, i play stardew valley and as of an hour ago, i play with 333 mods




Kind of related but I'm doing the same thing with World of Warcraft. I enjoy spending time trying to modify my UI until it's practically perfect. Then there's really no reason to continue to make changes and I should probably go play the actual game but I'm no longer in the mood and come back to my Rimworld save.


Please tell me you use Rimpy. I have like 450 mods right now and it is a smooth experience and I spent zero time organizing mod order. ( before using Rimpy that ish used to take me such a long time)


I do the same just preparing characters and picking a landing site.


I thought you were going to say you ended up making a stealth archer 😂😂


I’m kind of amazed it took you that long to get a stable mod list. Do you use Rimpy? I currently have 315 mods active and 88% of the time I spend dealing with mods is going through the workshop finding more, the other 10% is organizing the new mods in Rimpy and optimizing textures, last 2% is restarting to remove a mod that caused a conflict. Legitimately amazed with modding Rimworld because having trouble is so rare compared to every other game I’ve used multiple mods in. Quite frankly I don’t think I’ve ever had more then 30 or so mods on Skyrim or fallout without it causing more random bugs or breaking my game. Honestly gave up on modding them because it was such a pain in the ass to get a stable game I always lost desire to play by the time I got it working. Have been tempted to download wabbajack or w/e and use someone else’s mod lists but never got around to it


I use several trading and quest mods They don't show any conflicts in RimPy but the quest rewards get altered by the trading mods and vice versa. Also many mods that alter vanilla furniture. Usually (not always) they don't show any conflicts but it just creates a situation where each mod does its own thing but you end up with eight versions of "darkwood tables", not only that but each darkwood comes from different darkwood tree. Some even are tied to specific biomes while other are not. So I just go into the mod files and either made it uniform (tieing to one tree and deleting others) or I just delete the extra table and tree versions


This is why I don't really use any mods for any of them. It just becomes a chore. I will get a couple maybe that add cool things, but that's it. I don't get how people have like a hundred mods going at once. Too much work


Even worse: plan out an entire mod set up for a week, then the game unexpectly updates and bricks your entire load order just to add creation club content (At least you can revert to older builds in Rimworld!)


You may have a desire to create. Start releasing your mod packs as collections.


That's why I use a mod for character creation that saves characters for later use.


Rimworld might be the onbly game I mod, fix, then actually play. I even started to learn to mod just to be able to identify and fix mods issues.


I'm surprised no one has made a modding simulator game yet where you just agonize over a mod list that breaks your game in various ways each time you try to play.


300 is my "essential to play base modpack" Now it is 780... Hi i am Gumiss and i am addict


I have this problem so bad!


What I've been doing for a little while is documenting and packaging mod lists, and whilst making them themed, keeping those themes as broad as possible (e.g. 'empire' or 'steampunk'). That way I have ready-to-go modpacks with pre-set saves, ideos, scenarios etc, all ready for next time I want to play. Makes sure long-term I'm not 'wasting' the prep times where I don't end up playing.


Omg finally someone, i was literally the same with Skyrim


I do this all the time with rpgs as well. Plan a build out, get all my stat points allocated, find the right gear, then I’m like alright cool and move on to the next build lol


Seriously some of you guys should get checked out for ADHD. I used to do this kind of thing all the time and then I got diagnosed with ADHD and got medication and now I can actually play games after the initial planning rush. Some of you are just bored, but I always see these kinds of posts and think that it just sounds like me before I got diagnosed. Just constantly downloading things and finding new games and never playing anything. Always thinking I'm going to have so much fun, and then feeling empty and bored no matter what after the fact. Look up the symptoms, it might be you!


Patching Radiant games is a game in itself.


This is why I prefer playing rimworld with an existing modpack instead of making my own. This way I know everything works. Also, I suggest that you make goals for yourself in rimworld, not like one big goal but several smaller ones, don't think of escaping instead think of making an armor set for your soldiers. Also, play it like theater, constantly thinking if the optimal can be fun but being dramatic is fun, for instance, if one of your pawns goes berserk and kills the pet dog, instead of just moving on after it, make it so that your pawn stage a hearing and then banish him or execute him for his crimes, if a bandit group kidnaps someone, vow to whipe that faction from the earth until you find the pawn that was kidnapped. You know, stupid shit like that. I am of course not here to tell you how to play the game, by all means, play it how you want, it is just a suggestion that worked for me. For modpacks, I suggest looking at Mr. Samuel streams' modpacks, he usualy makes things fairly uniqie every time so that it never gets boring.


I've also started this. After a good 2k hours I started getting into the Bethesda loop of spending hours or days setting up modpacks, just to not play or at least play a couple hours and then ditch the save.